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Would banning cellphones from schools help kids? A study in Norway says yes.

From The Epoch Times. Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper found.

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Girls benefited the most from the policies.

“Banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls,” Sara Sofie Abrahamsson, a postdoctoral researcher and the paper’s sole author, wrote in the abstract. Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases.”

The paper followed data from recent decades, mainly focusing on 2010 to 2018. …

Major Findings

There are no national guidelines on smartphone use in Norway. Instead, schools make their own decisions on whether to allow smartphones.

Therefore, Ms. Abrahamsson used a survey to collect data from Norwegian middle schools on smartphone use and whether and when they had introduced any smartphone regulations.

These data were then matched to a school’s data. …

Ms. Abrahamsson’s four major findings were as follows:

  1. The number of psychological consultations was reduced by 60 percent in female students.
  2. The incidence of bullying for both girls and boys lowered.
  3. Girls made gains in GPA and externally graded mathematics tests.
  4. Girls were more likely to attend an academic high school track.

The author found that the stricter the smartphone policy, the greater the improvement among female students. …

Girls from low socioeconomic backgrounds showed the most improvement. …

Smartphone Bans in the United States

Several school districts have introduced more stringent phone policies that have received growing support from teachers, students, and parents alike.

Bill Wilson, the superintendent of Brush School District in Colorado, who has a doctorate in education, introduced a change to the district’s cellphone policy in 2021.

While the district always had a policy prohibiting cellphone use during school hours, there were no consequences for violating this policy. So in 2021, a policy was implemented: Unexempted students caught using phones would have to get their parents to come to the school to remove the phone. …

The school policy was later amended so students could have their phones, but they had to be in their backpacks. Furthermore, students with medical conditions or certain obligations that required smartphone monitoring could check their phones in the school office. …

Mr. Wilson said teachers and students were among the first groups to appreciate such a policy.

“[Students] were thankful to not have that distraction, and that pressure and that worry about whether somebody was going to make a comment about their clothes or take a picture of them or multiple pictures of them while they’re talking, and wait until they get a silly one and make a meme out of it,” Mr. Wilson said.

In schools that have implemented cellphone restrictions, teachers have also begun reporting that their students are more engaged in and out of class. Students have become more social and interact with each other, and disciplinary actions have been reduced. …

In 2023, Florida became the first state to enact a statewide ban on phones and social media during class time. …

Ohio, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Kansas have since passed bills to control phone use in schools. Several school districts, including those in Maryland, California, Virginia, and Connecticut, have also implemented phone bans. …

What do you think of cellphone bans? Share your thoughts in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: ClarkandCompany/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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Darlene Estlow
May 14, 2024

Thank you Father that this thought is gaining popularity. It is so important to our children. Protect our children. May we as adults have this as a priority because that is what you desire. Give our nation a love for our children that will stop the transgender movement in children, that will stop abortion, that will stop the escalating problem of sexual assault in our schools. Bring people to school boards that will speak truth and allow truth to be shown. We praise your name.

Dottie Kraemer
May 14, 2024

It’s the best idea ever- it’s time the adults in the room became adults and placed “guardrails” around our children – one being eliminate cell phones in the schools – please- protection of our children for their good is up to the adults – thank you


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