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Lord, You've said hate the death of people. Restrain the Saudi government, and put a stop to all self-seeking abuse of power.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The government of Saudi Arabia, which has been building a utopian desert city called Neom and a related project called the Line, has authorized lethal force since 2020 to clear land for the construction. One local tribesman has already been fatally shot for protesting, according to a Saudi colonel who has escaped to the U.K. and spoke out recently.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


The Howeitat tribe has indicated unwillingness to relocate to accommodate the futuristic plans. The Line is a pair of mirrored walls 650 feet apart and spanning 106 miles. The strange founding vision is to locate 9 million inhabitants inside this “smart city,” with no cars, only rail and foot traffic being allowed. It is an extreme embodiment of the “15-minute city” touted by the World Economic Forum. The long, unbroken span cuts people off from north-south travel and has been predicted to damage the natural environment. The grandiose plans may be scaling down, due to the arrogant unrealism of the design.

Last year the UN Human Rights Council denounced a criminal conviction and death sentence for three Howeitat protesters. But the court process has apparently been waived in favor of enforcement by military on the spot. About 40 people are now in detention, with five on death row, some for publicly mourning the shooting victim.

Pray that city planners everywhere will not become ruthless or blind in their attempts to improve cities, but rather count costs before starting and exhibit humility at all stages of urban development.

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Leah Farish (LeahFarish.com), B.A., Duke; M.A., Vanderbilt; J.D., Baylor, is a civil-rights attorney. She is also host of the Conversation Balloons podcast. Photo Credit: aboodi vesakaran on Unsplash.

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May 13, 2024

Unfortunately this is not a new endeavor. Utopia has been planned since before the 1970’s where the undesirables would be eliminated or put to perpetual forced labor. The beneficiaries would be animals on unpopulated acres and the elite. In short, they are moving backward to the times of Nimrod.
God is showing us what He wants us to pray for and against. He never acts without letting us know what He’s planning.
Father, no name, no power, no fame is greater than Yours. Bare Your victorious right arm to bring these plans to a catastrophic end before they begin so many can be spared eternity without You.
For Your glory, for Your fame, for Your Name. It is so.

    Darlene Estlow
    May 13, 2024

    Amen. I pray in agreement wit you! Man has plans of utopia but God knows that man’s utopia never turns out as they planned!

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