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Lord, we pray that You would protect us in this time of war. Give our leaders wisdom as they seek to keep us safe. Bring an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, God!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are stepping up our arming of Ukraine, Zelensky is pushing for even more help, and Putin is saying that lines have been crossed. The only way out of this situation is through God and prayer.

From Daily Mail. The Biden administration is sending an entire battalion of 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, yielding to President Volodymyr Zelensky‘s push for heavy armor to counter Russia’s nearly yearlong invasion.

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President Joe Biden announced the latest tranche of lethal military aide at the White House, after a complicated diplomatic dance that has seen Germany announce its own decision to send 14 tanks to Kiev, with more on the way.

The US is also providing 500 armored vehicles as part of the package. …

The president … cautioned that the move was ‘going to take time’ – a reference to the complex training involved with the weapons system, which he described as ‘extremely complex to operate and maintain.’

And he thanked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the German government’s contribution.

‘Germany has really stepped up,’ he said. …

Biden responded to a question about whether Germany forced him to change his mind on sending the tanks.

‘Germany didn’t force me to change my mind. We wanted to make sure we were all together. That’s what we were going to do all along, and that’s what we’re doing right now,’ the president said. …

Brigadier General Pat Ryer, the press secretary for the Pentagon, told CNN when asked if fighter jets will be made available to Zelensky, he said that nothing is off the table. …

The president spoke with President Macron of France, Chancellor Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Meloni of Italy, and Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom ‘as part of our close coordination on support for Ukraine,’ according to the White House. …

But the decision would close a rift between the U.S., Germany and other European nations in how far to go in arming Ukraine ahead of what it is believed to be a key phase of the war, as Vladimir Putin plans major spring offensive. …

Ukraine says tanks are crucial for the next phase of the war, giving its ground troops the protection and firepower to move ahead.

‘We need tanks – not 10-20, but several hundred,’ President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff Andriy Yermak wrote on Telegram.

From Daily Mail. Ukrainian officials last night said they expect Western allies to provide their armed forces with long-range missiles after the UK, US, Germany and several other nations agreed to send battalions of tanks long-sought by Kyiv.

Presidential advisor Mikhailo Podolyak told The Daily Telegraph: ‘Right now we are seeing a sharp change in sentiment among the political elites of European countries… we will reach, I am sure, no doubt, an agreement on long-range missiles.’

In a devastating blow to the Kremlin, nine countries joined Britain yesterday in agreeing to send tanks to destroy Russia’s forces in eastern Ukraine. The coalition came together just 48 hours after Boris Johnson’s rallying cry in the Daily Mail, imploring the UK’s allies to end their dithering.

Germany will initially send 14 Leopard 2s to Ukraine, and aims to provide 80 tanks overall. On what Zelensky hailed as a ‘historic day’, the United States confirmed it will supply 31 Abrams M1 tanks. The UK has already said it will send 14 Challenger 2 tanks.

Podolyak’s bold claim came hours after his boss Volodymyr Zelensky openly urged NATO allies to send long-range missiles and jets to his war-torn country to help repel Russian troops.

In a nighttime address, Zelensky said: ‘I’ve spoken with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg today… We must also open deliveries of long-range missiles to Ukraine, it is important – we must expand our cooperation in artillery. This is a dream. And this is a task.’ …

Russia’s ambassador to Germany, Sergey Nechayev, called Berlin’s decision ‘extremely dangerous,’ saying it ‘shifts the conflict to a new level of confrontation and contradicts the statements of German politicians about their reluctance to get involved in it’. …

Russia branded the West’s provision of dozens of tanks to Ukraine a ‘blatant provocation’ and warned the new NATO supplies will ‘burn like all the rest’. …


From CNBC. Russia expressed mounting fury at the prospect of modern Western tanks being sent to Ukraine, calling it “extremely dangerous” and saying previous “red lines” were now a thing of the past.

Germany announced earlier Wednesday that it was ready to send 14 Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, and to allow other countries to send their own German-made tanks to Kyiv. The U.S. is also expected to announce its own intention to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine imminently.

The use of modern Western tanks by Ukraine is likely to add momentum to its efforts to push Russian forces out of occupied areas of the country, particularly the eastern Donbas region, but Russia sees the gift of tanks as further evidence that the West is fighting what it sees as a proxy war against it in Ukraine.

‘Extremely dangerous’

The Russian Embassy in Berlin called the German government’s decision “extremely dangerous” and said it “takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation.” …

The embassy said it was now convinced that Germany and its closest allies were “not interested in a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis” but were “set up for its permanent escalation and unlimited pumping of the Kyiv regime with more and more deadly weapons.”

Lastly, it warned that “red lines,” or limits, for both sides were now “a thing of the past,” echoing similar comments from Russia’s Foreign Ministry earlier Wednesday as it reacted to the prospect of U.S. Abrams tanks being sent to Ukraine, claiming Washington “has unequivocally stated its desire to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.” …

‘Absurd’ and a ‘failure’

Russia has repeatedly warned the West against sending tanks to Ukraine, saying they would be a legitimate target for Russia’s armed forces, like other NATO weaponry, and would make any prospect for talks to end the war an even more distant possibility.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov commented at a media briefing Wednesday that “now we can only state that there are currently no prospects for entering the diplomatic path.” …

How are you praying for peace and protection? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpts from Daily Mail, Daily Mail, and CNBC. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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January 29, 2023

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Please, Lord God Almighty bring a spiritual awakening to the world so that we understand that no weapons of man can fix the chaos the devil inflicts on us. Cover the earth with your peace. In Jesus name, amen.

Priscilla Meyenburg
January 29, 2023

1-Peter:5-8-9- Be sober minded; be watchful. “Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” God warns us to be on alert, because this is a spiritual war used by Satan to cause Chaos that is prevalent between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the money that has been spent upon Ukraine, while America borders are in great trouble.. I pray that Biden does not send any more monies or equipment to another country, he needs to take care of America first. Father God my spirit tells me the swagger of Zelensky and his push on Biden -we should be praying that the bondage hold of money should be broken giving to Ukraine. Besides there has been no accountability where the money has gone or who is in control of it. Father I feel a great darkness over Zelensky and his power to keep a push on Biden and his co- harts. Father I ask God to keep his hand of protection over America. Father God I ask for your warrior Angels to cover America in their godly protection. God you know what the next move is I trust you to save America and all of your promises are secured from Prayers from many Intercessor that have prayed for strongholds to fall. Father God this crisis placed in your hands, you are the only one that can expos and stop all of the Evil in America. I pray that the same defense that happened in Exodus will be greater, because the evil seems deeper and wider., my trust is in our Father as we keep praying and standing for the beginnings of the great revival and souls to return back to Gods open arms. 🧎‍♀️

    January 31, 2023

    Pray for a revival of repentance throughout the church.2Chronicles 7:14.Worldwide repentance.

caren linden
January 28, 2023

Please ask our Heavenly Father for His Wisdom & discernment even in what information you post here to direct our prayers. From what I have learned Zelensky is every bit as much a puppet of the Deep State as is our own persons acting as officials/Biden etc & all of NATO countries. None of them want anything aligned with freedom or the ways of God. They are pushing Putin/Russia into war for their lone world agenda.

Robert L. Kahlcke
January 28, 2023

Zelenskyy, Joseph, Robert, perfect together.


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