It’s been eight months since the election and fallout. It has been overwhelming, frustrating, and heartbreaking to see the direction of our nation turn around in favor of a progressive, anti-Christian agenda. Recently, a glimmer of hope has emerged from Maricopa County in Arizona. This is a beautiful testimony of one woman who decided it was time to take action.
Cheri Tuttle is 72 years young. She lives in Arizona with her husband Joe. She is a mother of three adult children and eight grandchildren. She moved to Arizona in 1977 from Wisconsin. Cheri confessed that although she grew up in a Christian home, it was legalistic. It wasn’t until much later that she would encounter the grace, faithfulness, and unconditional love of God and be delivered from religion. Cherri said she always prayed; however, her prayers were more self-focused at times. She prayed for family and needs that came before her, but never actively prayed for our government or nation until she became familiar with Intercessors for America.
2020 Was the Catalyst
2020 will be a year that no one will forget. It brought death, fear, pressure; but for many it brought about desperation to be closer to God. Cheri says that during Covid when the churches were shut down it awakened something within her and Joe. As they listened to online sermons, she says she felt as if their eyes were opened. They diligently pursued the Lord and had a renewed sense of passion and perspective.
Cheri and Joe, along with two other couples, began meeting every week and praying together in their homes about what was going on in the nation. They still continue this prayer time, using the prayer guides that IFA provides. Cheri is thankful for the prayer guides that keep the intercessors well informed of how they can pray. As they continued to pray for the nation and contacted state leaders and legislators making their feelings known, Cheri sought the Lord. She wanted to do more. She felt pressed to take action.
Knock and the Door Will be Opened
Cheri heard of a meeting taking place in her town. It was held by the NorthWest Valley Christian Conservatives. She remembered being greatly impressed by the speakers. They spoke of a forensic audit that would happen in March. An open invitation was given to the attendants to be a part of the audit to uncover election fraud. Cheri and Joe signed up fully believing that this was God’s answer to her prayer to take action. Everything else after this point was a series of confirmations that the Lord was responding to her and many others who have been praying for Arizona.
The Hand of God Over the Audit
Cheri believes that God’s hand has been over the audit from the very beginning.
She shared some beautiful stories of how she and her husband, along with others, have been sustained through it all.
The Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum was known for hosting NBA games, rodeos, circus attractions, and more. It eventually earned the nickname, “The Madhouse on McDowell.” Nowadays it is still used for county fairs and random events. The Coliseum that usually holds nearly 14,000 people would soon hold 350 people who came together for a greater purpose.
It wasn’t about politics or people. Cheri says, ” it was a group of people who love America; all we wanted was to pursue the truth.”
Cheri’s first confirmation from God came when she met Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas. He offered the small groups words of wisdom about living above reproach and repenting as individuals and as a nation. She believes that every person involved in the audit and every speaker was handpicked by God for this moment.
The Prayer Wall
One day a large white king sized sheet was placed on the wall. It had the words prayer wall written on it. People were encouraged to write their prayers, and they did. It became so full that poster boards had to be added onto the sides. The wall was covered with prayer and scriptures. Cheri later said that this was one of Doug Logan’s requirements. There had to be a prayer wall somewhere.
Where God Guides, He Provides
When I asked Cheri how she saw the hand of God with her through the audit process she replied, “there was no way we could’ve ever done this if it weren’t for God.” During the audit Cheri, Joe, and all the volunteers had been warned that threats were being made. Some groups gathered in downtown Phoenix and had been threatening to show up at the audit and make a scene and dox the volunteers. Cheri said, “I’m not a brave person. I’ve never thought of myself that way, but there was such a positive atmosphere, the peace of God was there. I knew the building was protected, and as for all those threats, the group never even showed up. I definitely felt God’s strength.”
Cheri also credits the Lord for supernaturally sustaining her and Joe.
They are in their 70’s and already retired. “The audit process has been lengthy and tedious. Joe and I took double shifts, working in two five-hour shifts counting ballots. We left our home at 6:40 a.m and returned at 9:00 p.m. I was counting an average of 5,000 ballots per day.
Joe was placed in the ‘ballot corral’ within the first week due to his excellent leadership and organizational skills. It was very hectic. It required a constant awareness of the whereabouts of 2.1 million ballots at all times, but God blessed us with fresh strength and peace each morning that sustained us throughout the day.”
What Scriptures have you been Praying? Here are some words of wisdom Cheri has to offer intercessors:
He says, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10)
She states that in Hebrew the word “be still” can also be translated as “let go.”
She offers this word of encouragement:
“Don’t dread, He already knows the details. God is not at all caught off guard by what is going on in our nation right now.”
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim. 1:7)
As Cheri mentioned earlier, she never considered herself to be a brave person. Because she partnered with God through the audit, she said she never once felt fear. She knew that God was with her as He promises in His word. He will never forsake us.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD. (Isaiah 54:17)
Cheri believes Isaiah 54:17 is a great reminder when we armor up daily. No weapon formed against us will prosper.
I asked, “How would you encourage intercessors to step out in faith?”
- “If you feel a call from God to take action, then he will give you the opportunity to do it. Step out in faith and He will give you exactly what you need. God will let you know where He wants you.”
- “Make yourself available. This is cooperating with God. When we pray on earth as it is in heaven, I don’t think people realize that God wants us to be His vessels here on earth. How can we touch other people if we won’t cooperate?“
“How can intercessors be praying for Arizona?”
“Pray for the subpoenas coming. Whoever is in charge is refusing to release all the information to complete the audit. We need those subpoenas, otherwise the audit will be incomplete. They are being so secretive. Please pray they will be cooperative, and pray for all the truth to be revealed.”
“How are you praying for the nation?”
“I am praying for Christians to be faithful to the call of God and that they would honor the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Revival begins in His Body. We must repent for turning our backs to Him. We must repent personally and then as a nation.”
“I am praying for those who call themselves Christians to get up.
Get up! Speak up! Stand up!
We must get rid of our flippant attitudes.
We need to vote, pray, and take action.
We need to educate ourselves on what is happening in this nation, the policies, the leaders and what they stand for.”
Final words for the intercessors
“We are in the midst of a war right now. This is not about Biden vs. Trump; this is God’s Kingdom vs. Satan’s kingdom. This is about light and darkness. Ephesians 6 talks about the armor of God we take up daily. What good does armor do laying on the ground? You must pick it up and put it on. If you choose to put it on, remember why. Why do we need armor? To be protected in battle.”
“This nation was God’s idea. He brought a group of people over here and founded a nation on His biblical principles. I have repented for how we have let this go over the years. But I know that even now it is not too late. God has not brought us here and turned His back on us. We are not done yet! When God’s people choose to speak up, stand up, and call on the Lord He shows up. I know that just as Arizona is A to Z what God began in this nation he will finish! The fight is not over. God is still in control here!”
Cheri Tuttle is living proof of the awakening that has already begun in America. Everyday people like you and me are raising up and making their voice heard, and God is responding. I pray that whoever reads this knows that the kingdom of God needs you. People need your voice. Your courage may be what helps someone else make their decision to rise up. She is a mature woman of faith, who had a God-given desire to take action. I pray this would inspire every reader. It is never too late to take a stand. Despite your age, occupation, or gender, you are needed.
Will you accept the call?
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Mt 7:7,8)
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Thank you God for this information about the Arizona Audit. Please release and provide the subpoenas that are needed to complete the audit, especially after all the work that was done. Let Arizona be the leading state in breaking through all the fraud of the 2020 election! Let them be a star!!! A beacon of hope!!!
Thank you Cheri and Joe for your participation in the audit! Thank you Lord !!! For answered prayer!!!☝🏽💛🙏
Oh God, how we need you to intervene in this desperate time in our nation. Thank you for raising up this group of auditors and for strengthening them. Thank you for the encouragement that comes from this story of your working in AZ. Please continue to protect these people who have given so much of their time to uncover truth. I pray that you will continue to expose the truth of what happened, and that the courts and our elected officials will have courage to stand for truth as well.
What a wonderful word of encouragement to step out of our comfort zone, and be willing to put our hand to the plowshare as the Lord puts it on our heart. I, too, am of a certain age, and have been questioning my strength to step in any deeper, so I appreciate Cheri’s testimony of God’s enabling strength and wisdom, where ours may be lacking.
Deborah and all who want to get involved, i felt a similar compelling nudge from the Lord but with a 10 hour work day (including commute) i barely have had time for much else in the evening And i rarely ever waste my time on social media but I did log on one evening recently andmy attention was drawn to a group who had organized petition signing events in my state with volunteer notaries who are notarizing each signature. The closest one was over an hour drive, but i drove there after work tired and hungry but on a mission to get
involved! Be on the look out for these events in your state, show up and add your signature. The group organizing these event were Republicans who had organized Trump rallies during his campaigns. Father in the name of Jesus connect every willing heart in every state with aN opportunity to get involved and help them follow through, we thank you that prayer and faith moves mountains and in Ancient days wars were won divinely yet there were wars that required personal physical involvement as well. May your people be open to your call to get involved as Cherie and her husband, please continue to raise up enough who are gifted to organize these events and enough who are willing to Serve with them consistently in the battle for our nation. We receive it, Amen!
God will have His way in this (and other) election audits across the nation. Many behind-the-scenes intercessors are quietly and decisively praying out His will and there is no way to censor them.
“Draw near to God, that He will draw near to you”, Place a hunger and thirsting in our hearts for righteousness that we will hear the voice and calling of the Father, as He leads us into battle. It will be an intimate relationship with the Father and His Holy Spirit who will lead us put one foot before the other. He is the Lord, God Sabaoth captain of the armies. We look to you Lord and we will follow.
Amen to all the above!! God is in control, this IS God’s country and yes, this country WAS God’s idea!! Forgive us Father, for taking America and our freedoms, our blessings, You have given us for granted! I repent and ask your forgiveness. It is NOT too late, God’s Word says, call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things you don’t know about!! All He asked of us is to humble ourselves, call on Him, repent, turn from our wicked ways and HE will hear from heaven and heal our land!! And….yes, this is the time for God’s people to speak up, stand up and watch, as the Lord shows up!! Praise His name!!!
I agree wholeheartedly with Victoria Z!
Yes: wake up, grow up, stand up, speak up and look up–and God will show up!
Father provide the all the cooperation and necessary subpoenas, everything necessary, Father even as in 1 Samuel 30, after David and his men were plundered in Ziklag and their families and all they owned taken captive, David sought the ephod and asked if he should pursue and you said pursue, that he would recover all, Father we humbly seek your ephod and such confirming assurance from you, David strengthened himself in your word and found an Egyptian who had been part of the Ziklag raid who ratted out the enemy that abandoned him, please raise up betrayers from the election fraud camp who will rat out the corruptors and lead us to them to overcome all that was taken, In Jesus name we ask and receive it according to your word. Thank you
Father in the name of Jesus i ask for and receive the prayer assistance of the Holy Spirit which the bible promises, i ask you endow me and everyone else who is interceding for our nation, Father Isaiah 49:25: this is what the LORD says: “Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.“Thank you! We receive spiritual freedom, economic freedom, and freedom from shut downs freedom from evil communistic satanic regimes, freedom from their evil medical and educational mandates and curriculums for our children and our nation!
Father we are weak in our own strength alone but together in your strength and promises we are all more than conquering warriors for our nation! Complete overcomers! Nothing failing nothing missed you will see to it that we retrieve all even as David and his men recovered all in in Ziklag! Father Your word records that many of David’s men were bitter in spirit and even 200 too weak to continue the pursuit yet David and THIS band of imperfect men OVERCAME! Father we are likened unto those men! Many tired, Many bitter, Many have as revelatiin says “a little strength” yet we know you are faithful to your word, faithful to answer prayer, and that you are angry with the satanic wicked who seek to dominate and enslave your people, and we trust you to intervene now as you fid in ancient days. Father as David strengthened himself in you so strengthen every prayer warrior and lead our nation into great victory over all communism, satanism, hedonism, lawlessness and every type of spiritual bondage and blasphemy in Jesus name!
Zechariah “In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David, and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them.
The story of Ziklag:
1 Samuel 30: David and his men reached Ziklag on the third day. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it, 2 and had taken captive the women and everyone else in it, both young and old. They killed none of them, but carried them off as they went on their way. 3 When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. 4 So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. 5 David’s two wives had been captured—Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel. 6 David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. 7 Then David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelek, “Bring me the ephod.” Abiathar brought it to him, 8 and David inquired of the LORD, “Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?” “Pursue them,” he answered. “You will certainly overtake them and succeed in the rescue.” 9 David and the six hundred men with him came to the Besor Valley, where some stayed behind. 10 Two hundred of them were too exhausted to cross the valley, but David and the other four hundred continued the pursuit. 11 They found an Egyptian in a field and brought him to David. They gave him water to drink and food to eat— 12 part of a cake of pressed figs and two cakes of raisins. He ate and was revived, for he had not eaten any food or drunk any water for three days and three nights. 13 David asked him, “Who do you belong to? Where do you come from?” He said, “I am an Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite. My master abandoned me when I became ill three days ago. 14 We raided the Negev of the Kerethites, some territory belonging to Judah and the Negev of Caleb. And we burned Ziklag.” 15 David asked him, “Can you lead me down to this raiding party?” He answered, “Swear to me before God that you will not kill me or hand me over to my master, and I will take you down to them.” 16 He led David down, and there they were, scattered over the countryside, eating, drinking and reveling because of the great amount of plunder they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from Judah. 17 David fought them from dusk until the evening of the next day, and none of them got away, except four hundred young men who rode off on camels and fled. 18 David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. 19 Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back.
Father, Thank you for your word!your faithfulness, your righteousness and holiness! And unfailing love to answer these prayers for the glory of Jesus Christ our Savior. Psalms says The nations are HIS inheritance! USA belongs to Jesus alone, we declare it together. Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. I also feel we are at a ziklag moment as well. I take this comment as confirmation.
Thank you, Cherie for your testimony and your words of encouragement. I am also awakening and slowly becoming
involved by speaking up, intercessory prayer and get more active on local issues and politics.
GOD is in His throne. I decree that America will be saved from tyranny and that all the wicked politicians will be replaced with those who revere and love The Lord, by His mighty hand. In the mighty Name of Yahshua (Jesus), The Name above all names. Amen.
Thank you for not only praying but acting! I am in C12 with Doug Logan! He is a good and godly brother!
ps 37:1 Fret not yourself because of evil people!
Thank you so much Cheri & Joe! “These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.” Revelation 3:7 NKJV I love the prayer wall. It’s a good reminder of what Jesus says, no house divided can stand. We must stand with all our brothers & sisters throughout the world and pray without ceasing. LORD, O’ mighty & awesome God I humble myself before You and pray for America. I pray that more of us are given opportunities like Cheri & Joe & that we step out in faith knowing we are under the shadow of Your wings. That we live by faith and know that we are covered in the blood of Jesus and nothing can penetrate Your armor that we wear. LORD, I pray that my brothers & sisters keep
their gaze on You and go when they are “sent” and not went. I pray that Your will flow through me today and Your will be done on earth, even as it is heaven! I give You all the worship, honor & praise and I seek to glorify You today. I pray all this in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen! Bless the LORD! Praise the LORD! Hallelujah!
Thank you Cheri and Joe! Thank you for reminding us about “faithful obedience”.
Revelation 12:11 “They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”
Thank You for the encouragement Cheri and Joe’s obedience brings to us. Give us courage and boldness to step out and stand for truth and integrity. Lord, help us to be diligent in our prayers confident that the Holy Spirit enables us to pray Your perfect will. Unite us in our love for Jesus Christ and one another. Let us not grow weary of well doing, for in due time we will reap, if we do not grow weary. (Gal. 6:9). In Jesus Name we pray!
Great article! This is a powerful example of how to conduct ourselves as Christians for such a time as this. Please, Lord, give us guidance and direction from Holy Spirit as to what we are to be doing. We need to be Your hands and feet, Lord!
Lord, we know there are people who want the truth about the fraud and cheating that occurred in Arizona to be hidden behind locked doors. I know that You open doors no man can close, so I pray that you would open the door to the documents and evidence that reveal truth about the election no matter how hard some people are trying to suppress it. May news media, social media, and all forms of communication honestly report the truth. May the entire nation recognize that You love justice, even while offering mercy through Jesus, and offer You praise.
Thank you to Cheri, Joe and all the others that are investing their time, energy and prayers in this spiritual battle.
Dear Lord please expose the corruption, deception, and lies that have taken place in this election. Father, please bring the desire and pursuit of justice and truth into the halls of our government. Please give our leaders integrity and courage as they represent us in the legislative process. And Father, please bring a revival to your church and our nation. Amen
Thank-you Cheri and Joe, for praying diligently.
We see you have walked in faith and been obedient to serve our country with helping with the Audits.
May God multiply and bring increase to this work of restoring election integrity!
This is encouraging, keep encouraging those around you!
Indeed His light shall dispel darkness, in His light we shall see miracle after miracle!
We all need to keep pressing on in His precious and powerful name Jesus.
Lord God, thank you for your hand in the Arizona audits. Thank you for the Cheri and Joe and all the people volunteering their time and also interceding for the outcome of the audit and the integrity of our elections. Let the subpoenas needed to complete the audit be released now. Please reveal truth. Open the eyes of Your people, Lord. May we awaken to the reality of our need for repentance, prayer and let us take action steps when You ask us to. Amen