I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we lift our government and fellow citizens up to You. Halt totalitarianism in this country, Father, and preserve our freedoms.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our government is becoming increasingly more authoritarian. How did we get here, and where will this all end up?

From The Stream. Do you have friends and family members who think that youā€™re an alarmist? Who wave you off when you warn about the CIA and FBI cooperating with social media giants to censor medical information and free political speech? Who ā€œdonā€™t see a problemā€ with the FBI designating almost half of America as potential ā€œextremistsā€? ā€¦

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The Last Red Pill You Might Ever Be Offered

Well now I have the tool you need to offer those people a lifeline. Thereā€™s no guarantee it will rescue them, of course. Some of these people might really be in need of your prayer and fasting, because theyā€™ve given over their free will and intellect to the principalities and powers that are taking control of our country. ā€¦

But for those who are simply ignorant, or indolent, or sunk in pastel denial in their gated neighborhoods, Dinesh Dā€™Souzaā€™s brilliant new filmĀ Police State might turn them around. ā€¦

We Gave Our Freedom Away With Both Hands

The film covers the rapid, inexorable surrender of our God-given freedoms that began in the early 90s, when most of us shrugged or winked at violent government raids against ā€œoddballsā€ and ā€œextremistsā€ such as Randy Weaver and David Koresh. The filmmakers show how well-intentioned anti-terrorist measures such as the FISA law and Patriot Act demolished crucial protections against the abuse of government power. ā€¦

Your Local RINO Is Effectively a Fed

Do the local self-styled Republicans and conservatives whom you vote for collaborate with these tyrants? Are they just as happy to see lawless Democrat prosecutors try to imprison their populist rivals? If you donā€™t know the answer to that, you need to find out, and fast. Witness theĀ chaos on Capitol Hill, as opponents of the Police State within the House GOP are undermined by sellouts, turncoats, and wannabe federal informants. Remember that Kevin McCarthy promised to release the January 6 footage, which contains exculpatory evidence of Americans unjustly imprisoned. One of the main reasons we turfed him out as Speaker was for flagrantly breaking that promise.

Police StateĀ interviews the victims of our burgeoningĀ Anarcho-Tyranny, which lets leftist mobs run riot, and targets PTA moms as ā€œdomestic extremists.ā€ ā€¦ Youā€™ll hear from FBI and Big Tech whistleblowers about the insidious high-tech tracking of Americans who dare to exercise their rights. Courageous reporters Darren Beattie and Julie Kelly weigh in with the facts they exposed. ā€¦

This is the most important conservative film ever made in America. And if we donā€™t wake up and fight, it really might be the last one. For tickets and other information,Ā go here.

Do you plan on viewing Police State?

(Excerpt from The Stream. Photo Credit:Ā Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

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October 31, 2023

Deeply felt thanks toGod for the election of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. His election is a beautiful miracle of the Lord brought about by our sincere prayers. Mike Johnson is exactly the man that was needed to lead us forward and enable us to get back to true American values. Psalm 102:17ā€ But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting On those who fear Him, and His righteousness to childrenā€™s children, 18. To such as keep His covenant, And to those who remember His commandments to do them. ā€œ So full of Godā€™s love and encouragement by this!!!

Grant Windholz
October 31, 2023

Ohhh Lord, help us get back to the truth of what this country was founded. That’s Jesus Christ our Savior! Prayer, faith and trust in you IS PARAMOUNT!!! AMEN šŸ™!

October 31, 2023

Proverbs 18:17 says “The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward to question him.” As Christians we need to be careful to hear both sides. In the case of Sherronna Bishop, the FBI says that their search was related to a unlawful breach of voting machines. Since her home was searched the same day as a county clerk who was being investigated for that reason, there appears to be merit to their claim. Since some people believe passionately that the election was tampered with, I need to point out that if a parent broke into a school and went through the personal files belonging to students and copied their records to prove a point that grades were tampered with, most would agree that this is wrong because that person was breaking and entering and validating the privacy of the students. It would be the same with voting machines. That person does not have permission to be there and is violating the privacy of voters. There are other ways of proving things. But that said, I am not saying that Sherronna Bishop is guilty or expressing hostility toward her at all. I just want to point out that good journalism should present both sides.

    Rich Swingle
    November 1, 2023

    Itā€™s challenging in two hours to show every side of every story.

    When the FBI broke down Sherronna Bishopā€™s unlocked door as if she was an armed drug dealer they did not present a warrant or tell her what the raid was for. Sounds more like she was targeted as a domestic terrorist after helping flip nine school districts conservative, especially since it was shortly after Merrick Garland labeled parents as such who were concerned with the indoctrination of their children.

    For more on Clerk Tina Peters doing her job ā€” one she was asked by her superiors to do ā€” backing up voting records to find 29,000 deleted watch [S]Election Code: https://ifapray.org/blog/new-film-details-personal-cost-to-real-people-outing-election-fraud

    I also encourage any siding with the FBI on this to watch the panel of retired FBI agents Bishop told me about in our first interview: https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/four-distinguished-and-retired-fbi-agents-warn-about-marxist-revolution-america-and-within

    The nature of their raids on Bishop and Peters was not the way things used to be done.

      November 1, 2023

      In order to get a search warrant, the FBI has to provide evidence of probable cause to a judge who has a check list he has to go down and make sure each item is met. So, there is some protection in place for unlawful searches. They break down doors so that someone does not have time to get a weapon. It is my understanding that the FBI does not have to have the search warrant when they do the search. To me, it seems a reasonable thing but there might be reasons for it. Your saying that it ‘sounds like’ is not proof but rather speculation.

      The same would be true for the clerk whose home was also searched. There would be no legal grounds if that person was following their job description. Just showing her job description to a judge, assuming that what she was accused of doing was included, should have had the case thrown out.

      Granted there have been some overstepping by authorities but there have also been individuals who have overstepped the law and I have found that far too many claims made by people have turned out to be false.

      I am not for or against the FBI. From time to time, some law enforcement does need to be reined in and realize that President Biden has tried to use law enforcement for political means, so I am open minded about this.

Elizabeth A.
October 31, 2023

Starting with facts is helpful in gaining prospective. There are approximately 10,000 special agents in the FBI and 20,000 staff. In 2021, the FBI made 1,310,000 arrests. Of those, 708,000 were related to drugs, 11,137 were related in Kidnapping, 378 to trafficking, 15,499 to counterfeiting, 29,000 to robbery… How many arrests had a proven political connotation? I say proven because we are, after all, dealing with criminals who will use any and all means to avoid getting charged with a crime.

October 31, 2023

The film has a lot of drama and little facts.

    October 31, 2023

    The movie aside., do you pay attention to the news??? Are you ok with parents being arrested at school board meetings and being labeled as terrorists??? Are you ok with the FBI raiding peoples homes because theyā€™re pro life??? Much morbid going on then what he brought out in the movie

      November 1, 2023

      I do understand where you are coming from as I homeschooled my child because I was the only parent (according to the principle) who, after noticing what was in the assigned reading, asked for another selection for my child and also asked for her not being requirement to take a certain class about modern issues. And I also took my request to the school board. But not having witnessed the events you refer to, I cannot pass judgment because I don’t know if the parent crossed a line such as threatened a member of the board. I believe that in order to honor God, we need to be the ones who are to have self-controlled and be respectful in the face of opposition. We need to be the ones who change the atmosphere.

Rich Swingle
October 31, 2023

Joyce and I thought this was a powerful, well-produced film.

Here’s a link to the articles and interviews we’ve done with Sherronna Bishop, who is featured in the film: https://ifapray.org/?s=Sherronna+Bishop

Lord, protect us from the police state that is already rising. May we exercise our liberties without fear. Dismantle the evil underpinnings that are being built up more boldly as the days grow dark. Shine Your Light into their lives, and bring them to conviction, salvation, and sanctification.

October 31, 2023

During the Bush administration, the FBI was reorganized. Before it was more localized which made it less vulnerable to politics at the top. That and a culture being in place which regarded the blending of politics with justices and law as an uncrossable line. So, many presidents were disciplined enough to not cross it. The FBI was reorganized because of criticism that it missed clues that 9/11 was coming but being organized from the top down is not working because anytime there is a change of party with the president, he appoints his own person and, which has happened even more of late, tries to impose his political policies on an organization which is supposed to focus on crime. Part of what needs to be done is a reimaging of the structure of the FBI and a return to a culture which sees the interfering of justice and law by politics as a uncrossable line. We need a federal police force who can focus on federal issues. Trump’s grudge against the FBI and defunding it, is unwise and his vision is to force them to comply with his directives which will do the opposite of removing law and justice from politics. His approach will mean that the next change of party will give that president the leave to do the same.


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