Are Christians Targeted by Banks?
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Are Christians Targeted by Banks?
Is our banking system biased against believers? We need God’s truth and justice here!
From CBN News. Christian author, preacher, and podcaster Lance Wallnau is reporting that Bank of America recently froze his ministry’s account.
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In an Instagram post on Friday, Wallnau wrote: “You won’t believe what just happened to me! My own bank account got frozen by Bank of America (BofA) for no reason other than being a conservative podcaster. They were investigating conservative bloggers and Christian ministries for ‘money laundering’ while ignoring the real threats in America.”
He said what he went through was “outrageous and illegal,” and now he’s aiming to “expose the corruption in our banking system.” …
“This is the kind of dumbness that worries me,” Wallnau said. “I got my accounts frozen. I had to go through a complete marketing audit explaining every dollar of our ministry’s budget.” …
As CBN News has reported over the last couple of years, multiple conservatives have been targeted by financial institutions.
Back in October, it happened to former U.S. Senator and Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback. When the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) needed a bank account, they went to JP Morgan Chase. After only a few weeks they learned their account had been closed. …
Brownback said he received an apology letter but still doesn’t know why the bank made the decision. …
As CBN News reported in July of 2022, evangelist and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic said he was working on plans to start a bank that supports pro-life efforts after learning that many financial institutions donate to organizations that endorse abortions.
Vujicic’s efforts were the result of an interview published in March 2019 where he spoke out against the innocent killing of unborn babies.
“Within 16 weeks of doing that, he revealed, ‘We had a grenade at our house, a false magazine article published against me, a lawsuit threat, a spying drone, and a bank kicked me out’.”
“I got kicked out of a bank with no warning. They froze my credit cards, froze my debit cards,” he said. “They gave me a letter to say that they did a review of me as a client and they don’t want anything to do with me,” he told The Epoch Times.
So Vujicic decided to found his own bank with the help of his good friend Betsy Gray who has an extensive financial background.
The proposed name for the venture is the ProLifeBank (PLB) and is slated to be a full-service financial institution headquartered in Dallas, TX, and available around the globe.
According to the latest update from Vujicic and Gray posted on the PLB’s website dated last December, the bank is still in the process of raising capital to purchase an “identified bank.”
“Once we raise all the capital to purchase the bank, we are looking at 3 to 6 months to make ProLifeBank* a reality. We’ll never stop working!” the two co-founders wrote.
How are you praying over the banking system? Share this article to encourage others to pray!
(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Absolutely! Please protect ALL of our freedoms that only comes from you 🙏! Please expose the TRUTH of all corrupt American banking systems! As believers in Christ we stand for you and your protection that comes straight out of the Bible!
As for an example of a Christian business there’s building a parallel economy.. look at the platform Gab.. that was started by Andrew Torba-,..he has successfully built an internet system and servers.. that cannot be touched by Google..or harmed in any way- and is working on whatever else is necessary towards the ends of a parallel economy-, so that Christians can have a place to gather the troops like headquarters,.. to rest -, to then go back out to the battle.
Thank you Lord for Visionaries like Andrew torba and although some may be questionable in their motives like Elon Musk we know you can use all humans effort for your good to help us Lord help us to stay the course and not go worry as we know you will never leave us never forsake us, -,in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Lord, as we have seen actions being taken -as Nick Vujisic is- I know that I am grateful for one, that Patriots are rising up and that Christians are rising up we are supposed to take care of ourselves- as Luke 17 says to occupy.. I Will Not Waste energy in deciding about the sin of the world- as that has already been well documented in God’s word.. but we definitely need to protect ourselves- as we are in the process of witnessing to the lost and praying for the lost-, and I thank God for Nick Vujisics effort, conviction, and determined effort to stand for righteousness and put himself out there as an example.. and to take action as necessary -,using the blessing that God has given him in finances,..and the connections he has with people-,Lord.. let us be in prayer about protecting our troops.. that are out in front.. not only praying for the lost.. and doing Ministry-, but building businesses so that Believers can survive- in these times -,that we warned ..would grow more and more difficult.. to the point where we would not be able to function.
thank you so much Lord.. in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
I have banked for 40 years with a local bank that has been a Christian owned company… I think it would be in our best interest to pray for our local banks to use God given wisdom and to get or stay focused on Godly principles.
Father God, I as You to remind all of Your Children that You promised to supply ALL of our needs according to Your riches in Glory.
Help us remember to go into “praise mode” when we are tempted to worry or get into a panic…
You knew this was coming, You have a plan. Help us listen to Holy Spirit and follow instructions as we navigate through life these next time few days and weeks.
In Yeshua’s Holy name.
Yes and Amen.
I agree with Lance that the Chase banking system is anti-Christian because of my experience with Chase in Florida when I was trying to set up a credit card account for our Gidion Camp then.
Father, in the name of Jesus, prosper Nick Vujicic’s plans as I believe they are of you to separate the sheep from the goats to further cleanse and distance the church and our money from all sources of corruption.
Father the who’s who apparently want to monitor our money and control and intimidate believers for choices and beliefs which are our constitutional rights to have and express. Our founding fathers who signed our constitution would be as appalled as we are.
Father raise up Christian banks and prosper them. I am not going to pray that any bank fails even that of the wicked, but I will leave that to your will and wisdom. The word says Babylon is fallen and perhaps falling and failing in the business and financial sector and watching the church prosper finally in those realms is part of your plan for the end time revival. It sounds good to our ears and minds, yet we acknowledge you alone are all wise and all good, so let your will be done as it is in heaven, not ours, only protect your people from all corruption and preserve our constitutional rights in America. In Jesus name we pray. Thank you.
Father God and your word it says vengeance’s mind says the Lord father God your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven father God shake these people to the core of their soul in Jesus name I pray
Brothers and sisters, let’s wake up before it is too late!
Time for Believers to build their own banks!
Ben Carson, David Barton, and a few other strong Christian leaders have started Old Glory Bank in OKLAHOMA… IT’S A electronic system but is CHRISTIAN, and God has been at the forefront of creating it.
As I understand it, you can bank with them from anywhere.
After being with our “local”
bank for 8 years (First Horizon) we had some questions and learned that our bank had expanded to
an interstate conglomerate with future plans to go global. The new owners were Canadian from Toronto. Not what we wanted. We searched, found a local bank with good history. Worth the effort.
Local really means – state chartered bank/credit union. Search the term for your state and you will find a list. These bank are regulated by your state not by the corrupt fed (office of currency). Still FDIC insured, but less risky practices.
So much of this I reminiscent of the Lehman disaster. We’re they targeted by those who thought the Jews were getting to big a share of the pie.
Of course new regulations were to keep it from happening again unless you know how like Bankman-Frie isn’t. In jail for fraud
He just got billions transfered…from whom
When we need to dig deep for living water
Brothers and Sisters, please look into AdelFi Credit Union, formerly known as Evangelical Christian CU. It’s a Christ-honoring CU that tithes to Christ-following Missions around the world.
The name change was not due to an issue of wokeness, but of protection for the many persecuted Christians around the world that use their services. AdelFi will NOT share account information with any government without a court order from an appointed US District judge.
Father God, let Your kingdom be established here on earth as it is in heaven. Give Your people Your understanding to do things Your way. We surrender to Your way and say have Your way in us. We need You, we need Your presence to be with us here on earth as it is in heaven. Revive us once again. In Jesus name.
Father God, I thank You for the bravery of Nick Vujicic and Betsy Gray. I pray that it would be Your will to build a prolifebank. I pray that You will bless them with every spiritual and physical blessing that it will take to get it done. Thank You for all whom You call to get on board with this vision. We ask for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done in this oppritunity to build something on this earth that will bring You glory, honour and praise. Also, to bring Your people assurane and relief during these difficult times. In Yeshua’s name I pray.
if You are calling them to build it, that You would bring every provisen that it take for it to be accomplieshed.
Checkout AdelFi Credit Union. It’s a Christian CU that has been around for 50+ years, and tithes 10% of all profits to Christ-following missions around the world.
I was not aware of the dangers we as Christians are in just doing the everyday things like banking. I’m not in the position these person’s are but it could trickle down to all of us. I’ll certainly keep my focus on praying for those standing for God’s ways and the Christians way of life
I thank your and praise you Father that your mercy endures forever. Thank you that you ARE our Ford and our refuge. You cover us with your feathers and under your wins we shall trust. No evil shall befall thee neither shall any plaque come high my dwelling. Thank your Lord for your love for your children! In Jesus name, Amen.
Amen! Thank GOD for Nick and Betsy! Christians in every area must begin our own banks and schools and businesses, etc. FATHER GOD bless this bank and its founders and let it grow exponentially in JESUS NAME! Amen!
Please checkout AdelFi Credit Union. It’s a Christian CU that has been around for 50+ years, and tithes 10% of all profits to Christ-following missions around the world.
To Our Lord God be all Glory, Honor and Praise!
That is exciting! Fund your own bank and come out with credit cards so people can have access to cards that are not related to China. Most of all the credit cards are tied into the Communist country. Thin what needs to be done all across the country. We need our own media, banking system and more affordable private schools. We need to be stronger and independent of our secular society.
Amen, Father open doors, raise up gifted and able leaders who have the God given vision, funds, and support in these sectors to make it happen according to your will, so that the church will have cleaner choices in every sector instead of being forced to do business with giants who are involved in spiritual corruption. Thank you Father fir hearing and answering our prayers.