“Let’s Roll!” What comes to your mind when you read these words? Most people remember they were the last words of Todd Beamer, a heroic passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93. His actions, as well as many others, thwarted the plans of four evil hijackers on September 11, 2001.
Todd Beamer and the other passengers and crew had no idea what awaited them aboard Flight 93. Tom McMillan, the author of Flight 93: The Story, the Aftermath, and the Legacy of American Courage on 9/11, describes it this way: “They were forty people traveling on a Tuesday morning, just living their lives.”
These forty passengers and crew came from all walks of life and were traveling for different reasons. But they were about to experience an unbelievable time of testing. The test would begin at 9:28 a.m. when the terrorists jumped out of their seats, rushing to the cockpit with unhindered force. It would end with their plane violently crashing upside down into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The plane plummeted at a forty-degree angle, traveling at a speed of approximately 560 miles per hour. None of the passengers and crew could have imagined this scenario or outcome.
The passengers didn’t know they would face this earth-shattering test. But God knew this test was coming, even when they were in their mothers’ wombs. He also knew when the time came, they would be “ready to roll.”
When we look at the outcome, it seems like the battle was lost. After all, every passenger and crew member lost their life. But if we look more closely, we see it from a different perspective. Mark 8:35 says, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”
The plane went down, but the terrorists were not able to accomplish their mission. Their goal was to hit the White House or Capitol Building. They did not hit their intended target because these forty passengers and crew were willing to lose their lives.
By the way, the number forty symbolizes testing in the Bible. Examples tied to the number forty and testing can be seen in the story of Noah’s Ark, where it rained for forty days and forty nights. In addition, the prophet Jonah went to Nineveh and told the nation they had forty days to repent. Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all fasted for forty days. Saul, David, and Solomon each reigned for forty years. The Israelites wandered through the desert for forty long years. Goliath harassed and bullied Israel for forty days before David defeated him. The number forty is quite relevant to our times right now because we are in a time of testing as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. Interestingly enough, the word quarantine comes from the Latin quadraginta, which means forty.
God knew this time of testing was coming for the passengers of Flight 93, just like he foreknew the details of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the time of civil and political unrest in our nation. But he gives us the skills we need to overcome, as you will see in the story of Flight 93.
In the midst of their crisis, many passengers were able to make calls to loved ones using Verizon Airfones that were on the plane. Passenger Todd Beamer was able to connect to a GTE-Verizon call center in Chicago, where his call was transferred to supervisor Lisa Jefferson. He tells her the details of the hijacking, as well as the plan to take down the terrorists. Though Lisa is a complete stranger to Todd, they form a powerful connection through something God had lined up from the very beginning. They both knew the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Knowing he would need Jesus’ strength and guidance, Todd asked Lisa to recite the Lord’s Prayer with him. Lisa faithfully recited this prayer with Todd.
“Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.” (The Lord’s Prayer comes from Luke 11:2-4 and Matthew 6:9-13)
Todd and Lisa also prayed the 23rd Psalm together, which describes Jesus being our shepherd through times of crisis. Here are a few lines from Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me.”
If you examine the Lord’s Prayer carefully, you will notice it says, “THY WILL BE DONE.” What this means is that we accept what Jesus’ will is for us at that moment. This doesn’t guarantee our lives will be spared. What it means is that THE WILL OF THE LORD WILL COME TO PASS–NOT OUR WILL. Sometimes, this means death in the midst of trial. This will be the case for all of the forty passengers, and the four hijackers aboard Flight 93. But, the will of God will do something quite extraordinary, and the effect will have far reaching consequences for America.
The fact that Todd and Lisa accepted the Lord’s will shows they were dwelling with the Savior as Psalm 91 describes. They did not let fear overcome them. They rested in the shelter of Jesus’ wings, even as the wings of Flight 93 became unsteady.
When Jesus died on the cross the enemy thought he had won. What the enemy didn’t know is that Jesus’ death would blow Satan’s plans to smithereens. His death would save all who receive him as Savior. Keep in mind when Jesus prayed in the garden before his crucifixion he said, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
Notice he says, “NOT MY WILL, BUT YOURS.”
The fact that Todd and Lisa called out to the Lord through prayer is a grand lesson to us all. May we call upon Jesus during our times of need and accept his will, whatever it may be.
In the midst of the ensuing crisis, a plan was being forged by the passengers, which included Todd Beamer. Several of the passengers had been alerted through Airfone calls that the Pentagon and World Trade Center towers had been hit. Suddenly, there was the realization that THEIR PLANE–FLIGHT 93–could be used to hit another target.
Passenger Tom Burnett said to his wife Deena, “We’ve got to do something.” His wife asked who would help him. He said, “Different people. Several people. There’s a group of us.”
Passenger Jeremy Glick was talking to his wife and said, “There’s three guys as big as me and we’re thinking of attacking the guy with the bomb.”
Todd Beamer, still speaking to Lisa Jefferson, said, “A few of us passengers are getting together. I think we’re going to jump the guy with the bomb.”
Lisa Jefferson asked Todd if he was sure that’s what he wanted to do.
Todd said, “Yes, I’m going to have to go out on faith. At this point, I don’t have much of a choice.”
Did you notice what Todd said? He said he would have to go out on FAITH. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Psalm 91 says, “his faithfulness shall be thy shield and buckler.”
Todd had to act on faith, even though he didn’t know what would happen. He couldn’t see the future. But he knew Jesus could. It is the faithfulness of Jesus who would endure in this situation. Todd had to trust the outcome was in Jesus’ hands.
Did Todd and the other passengers know if their plan would work? Did they know how the hijackers would react? Did they know they could perish? The truth is they did not know. But God knew. He set them apart for “such a time as this.”
Whatever you are going through right now, you must remember God knew this was coming before you ever set foot on the ground. He is the Alpha and the Omega–he knows your beginning and end. He also knew exactly what our nation would be facing right here and now. Psalm 31:15 reminds us that our times are in His hands.
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this,” Esther 4:14.
This verse is referring to Queen Esther, who was in a position to save her people, the Jews. But she had to act. She couldn’t sit back and let fear rule her life. She had to do something. Realizing her actions were risky, she later said, “IF I PERISH, THEN I PERISH.” She would act, even if it led to her death. She was accepting the will of God and not her own will.
Todd Beamer and the rest of the passengers had to act as well. It was their “such a time as this” moment. They knew they could perish, but they accepted that fate. They acted on faith–no matter what it would bring.
Even though the crash was horrifying, violent, and devastating, the actions of the heroic passengers and crew were life-saving. The plane was destined to hit the Capitol building or the White House. It did not hit either. Also, this plane went down in an open field. It just so happened there was a school and houses nearby, but the plane did not land in any populated area. It landed in the safest spot for a crash landing. If the passengers had not acted in their time of testing, the story would have been much different. They acted as a team to take down evil. The enemy’s plans were thwarted.
I can’t help but think of the Lord’s Prayer that Todd and Lisa recited where they said, “Deliver us from evil.” I can’t help but realize these passengers dwelled in the secret place of the Most High while they were flying high in the air.
These passengers took down evil. It fell right from the sky. They acted in their time of testing and lives were saved, even though they lost their own lives in the process. The plane bore the mark of this time of testing because it crashed at a forty-degree angle with forty heroes on board.
Ephesians 6:14 says: “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.” The King James Version actually says, “Stand therefore, having your loins gird about with truth.”
“Girding your loins” is what a soldier would do when he was preparing to fight. During biblical times, men wore long tunics. Around the tunic they would wear a belt. When it came time to fight, they had to tuck the hem of the tunic into their belt/girdle so they wouldn’t trip, and so they wouldn’t be hindered while fighting.
The passengers fought and took down the terrorists. They tucked their tunics into their belts and they got to work! As believers, we will face battles on a regular basis. Some days the enemy is treacherous and frightening. But we have what it takes in Christ to pass the test before us. We have the belt of truth which says he is with us in every trial and test. That should be enough for us to have the courage to fight and not be fearful. We have the promises of Psalm 91 that tell us, “we are covered under his wings.”
Lisa Jefferson, the operator who spoke with Todd Beamer, had this to say in an interview.
“I wasn’t prepared for my test on September 11. I went on faith and made myself available. God is not concerned about your ability, but your availability.”
Wow! Isn’t that powerful? Lisa Jefferson encouraged Todd Beamer from a phone, helping him feel confident enough to act on what God wanted him to do. God wanted him to stop the terrorists. Yes, the plane went down, but think of the thousands of lives that were saved because Lisa, Todd and all the other passengers acted on FAITH. They didn’t know how it would turn out, but they acted anyway. They made themselves available to do what God needed them to do. But they could not do this without reminding themselves that Jesus is their shelter in times of crisis. The terrorists did not know who they were dealing with! Evil cannot stand against the faithfulness of those who trust in Jesus’ divine wings. The enemy lost this battle the moment these passengers took up their shield.
Right now, people need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are dealing with a pandemic that’s creating tension and despair in many lives. At times, we are subjected to social distancing, but that doesn’t mean we need to distance ourselves from how Jesus can use us. In fact, Jesus’ power goes beyond any social distancing. He can use you through a phone call, just like he used Lisa Jefferson. He can use you through a text. He can use you through a card, or on FaceTime. Like Lisa Jefferson said, just be available.
In John 19:11, Jesus says to Pilate, “You would have no power if it were not given to you from above.”
Jesus is declaring that God is in charge of everything. Man does not have control. In the case of the attacks on 9-11, God was in control of all the events. This doesn’t always mean we escape trials and tests, but it does mean we know he is in it with us, and his perfect will unfolds in the middle of it. Ultimately, enemies have no power over us, but God can choose what he allows in our lives. We can be sure he will provide us with a way to stand through the power of the Holy Spirit.
As we continue to face pandemics, political unrest, censorship, corruption, and times of testing, let us be like Todd Beamer and the passengers and crew of Flight 93. When it’s time to take action, LET’S ROLL with faith, love and courage. By the way, Jesus did most of his preaching in an area known as Galilee, which means “rolling.” Galilee comes from the verb galal, which means to roll or encircle. Now is certainly the time to roll out the gospel and encircle our nation with the truth that God is in control and his perfect will shall be done.
(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
Share your prayers that the Gospel would be spread in the comments below!
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Praying God would draw many to himself during this difficult time in our nation; prayers that the ears and eyes of the politicians will be opened to the truth
This was a wonderful reminder. Thanks so much. I pray for those who are deceived and believe a lie from the “pit” to undermine the truth of the evil that is abroad in our land.
Shanksville did not happen. 911 was initiated and carried out by our own government. There were no terrorists. Check out
Rebecca Roth, Flight Attendant sheds new light , on 9/11 on Utube. A 2nd utube video is. “The REAL story/fraud of 9/11 told by a flight atendant: Rebekah Roth!”
All scripture you shared is truth! Thanks for encouraging people!
This Godly message is a reminder for us who are called sons and daughters of the Most High to realize they must connect with The Father as His Son did as a man here on this earth. Jesus said, “i only do the will of My Father”. Likewise, his seed are to be following in the footsteps of His will for us. We are, like Todd Bradley and others on Flight 93, all here for God’s purposes not our own. Our Heavenly Father for knows what will be required of us to prove ourselves worthy to be used by Him and gain eternal life.
Jesus, God’s Son, was obedient unto death. We too as heirs of God’s kingdom must be willing to die to self as did Todd Bradley and others on the Flight 93.
We are to “put on the full armour of God” and take a stand-I pray for Christian’s worldwide and Bible-believing Churches to take a firm stance on what God says is right and what He says is wrong.
… and here’s one more scripture verse to comfort you regarding your children: ” Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
This piece is an amazing reminder of Who God is and who He desires to be in our lives. It also reminds us that God has plans for us (Jer. 29:11). (I have never noticed this before, but “_9:11” is the scripture reference. Coincidence? Maybe). If He knows the plans He has for us, and He cares enough to know the “days ordained for us” (Psalm 139:16) and “the number of hairs on our heads” (Matt. 10:30), then surely He can be trusted to bring forth His plans for each of us if we will just trust Him.
The verse God has given me through most of my 84 years is: I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!
God bless you. We do pray that God’s kingdom come and will be done we pray God cancel the plans of the devil. God bless America and bring on world wide revival with a billion new christuans.
So powerful! Thank you for all of that perspective. It will help me put my struggles in perspective…God’s perspective
Lord please give us the same unction that Todd Beamer and other passengers had that day in Washington. We MUST stand together against the forces of evil and corruption, NO MATTER the cost.
Please pray for my girls and their families. I raised them as Christians. Both girls accepted Jesus as their savior! But now they are totally against all that President Trump stands for or will not stand up for what is right and good, like the good people on flight 93. my oldest grandchildren believe what there being fed in public school. My youngest daughter had twins during the worst of Covid-19. Had totally told me off and didn’t speak to me for over 1 month and half. Didn’t see or hear about the babies.She lives in another state. The last time I talked to her, she stated that biden was her President and that she is going to support him and Harris too! Broke my heart. Also with my older grandchildren, totally believe what teachers and news media are feeding them. I am scared for them. That God has harden their hearts. And that they will not go to heaven. My oldest daughter husband will not speak to me, and I am babysitting my oldest grandchildren and taking them to school, mason only goes to school for 3 hrs. And Lauren only goes to school two days a week. The teachers are Cramming down their own political views.
Never stop praying for your family! Feed your faith on the Word of God and pray in faith that your children will be saved by Our Almighty Godwho has the last say in all things. Pray scriptures over your children, like Isaiah 59:21, Hebrews 7:25, Proverbs 11:21. If you will look to God and keep your focus on Him and His Omnipotence, your faith willincrease. If you focus on your problems and worry about your children, you will tie God’s hands.
Read Psalms 18 aloud as God wants to help you and rescue your children.
Thank you Lynn, 🙏 for your advise and encouragement! God bless!
Cindy, I replied to your request for prayer, and I’m not sure if it posted as a reply to you or not, but I listed some scriptures to reassure you regarding your children. The one I wanted to add to the list is Prov. 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Nancy M. Got them thank you 🙏
Cindy, I agree with Lynn. I heard this said in a sermon many years ago….”IF you take care of your relationship with the Lord, He will take care of your family.” I believe this. Do not talk politics, show love. I am praying for you.
Thank you Susan, GOD bless you for caring! Satan knows are weakest things in our lives. My girls and now grandchildren our in GOD’s hands! Need to trust in GOD that he will take care of them!
Cindy, you asked for prayer. Father, we enter Your presence in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Praise and glory to You for the immeasurable love You have for Cindy and every member of her family. You know exactly how it feels when Your children do not see truth, or when they turn their backs on You. Father remove the smoke screen that is blinding their eyes, ears, hearts and minds, so Your light can break through with truth that will draw them back to You. Father, show the anti-God agendas that will check their spirits. Let them see clearly the importance of forgiveness and family. Cover Cindy with a new anointing of faith to trust You to be God for her children and grandchildren. Give her divine patience to wait for her miracle. Truth is Your desire. And You said if we ask according to Your will, You hear us and we have the things we ask for. Let Your joy be Cindy’s strength, and let her grandchildren see the joy and love of You in her life. We thank You for the answers You will give in Cindy’s time of testing. Like Noah’s family who entered the ark with him, place them all in Your ark of safety. To You be all the glory. AMEN!!!
Dianna B. Thank you so much, for that prayer it strengthen so much!! God Bless you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lord please help us turn towards You. We need You and Your help. Too many too often are acting too inappropriately. So many are obviously not Your will. Guide us Lord, so many are lost. Amen.
The link for “When God Doesn’t Meet Your Expectations” is as follow
It includes how you can prepare your children for persecution. Surely it will come upon them in the future. There are steps you can take.
“Father, help us to do all we can to encourage eternal perspective in our children. We want them to never walk away from you when trials come. Amen
Thank you for the link.
Amen I am all in!
Please see us as Your humble servants as Christian leaders who are reaching out to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let the Biblical Words go put throughout Country. Allow TBE Power of God’s Holy Word teach out through us. In Jesus Christ Holy Name. Amen
Dear Father God, I lift up prayers for my beleaguered nation and its people. I pray that we, as believers, will stand together, stand firm, and stand for that which is right. As Socialism rears its ugly head over our nation, I feel the need for You more and more every day. I pray that we will immerse ourselves in the Word so as to be able to speak with those who don’t yet know His freedom. I pray, Abba, for our leaders as they make difficult decisions. I pray for those who are directly affected by Covid 19. I pray for those who are suffering financial hardship. I pray for those struggling through this horrific winter storm. Father, I pray Your will over my beloved America. Oh, come Lord Jesus! In His Name I pray. Amen.
Father God, Our Sovereign Creator and Ruler of everything You created , we bless You and thank You for allowing us to be living in such as a time as this and to be used as instruments of Your calling to bring Light and Salt into a dark world that has no Hope except forYou. Give us the mind of CHRIST through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to accomplish “ Your will on earth as it is in Heaven”. Thank You that You will provide for our daily needs as Jesus, who is our Shield about us and the lifter of our heads…..continues to guide and directs our steps. Thank You that we never pray alone, but we have the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ interceding for and with us 24/7/465 days a year. Open our eyes and ears to the opportunities around us to share Jesus Christ with others and to serve others in His name and by Your power. Thank you for the privilege of knowing You and serving You. We do love You Father God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Thank You tor loving us as Your own, Amen.
Our 911 is Psalm 91:1
He who dwells in THE SECRET PLACE……..
Father God, By the power of your Spirit, I pray you move every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to be a living epistle of the Gospel. Help us to shed your love, light and life wherever we go. Bring lost souls before our path that we may share the precious Good News of God’s mercy and grace purchased for us with the Blood of the Lamb at Calvary. Your Word says You’re not willing that any should perish; let your Love and Resurrection Power be evident to all with who hear of Jesus sacrifice and love. Amen.
Favor and blessing upon our nation today and always.
Father God,
I know not why; I cannot guess why Thou, O God of Righteousness, would stoop to such a one as me, and call me out to follow Thee. I only know that from this minute, I will share Your Word and all that’s in it. I thank You Lord and hope to be everything You need from me. Amen
Father, forgive us when we become self-centered instead of keeping our focus upon You. Help us to realize the energy and compassion that You have given us to reach out to others who may feel isolated and discouraged. Thank you for the blessings of family, and for those who encourage us through their words. Please guide the hearts of those in power in this country, and help to open their hearts to Truth and Justice.
I pray this in the precious Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
This was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes as I read and relived that day. When I heard that a plane heading for the white house or capital had crashed in a field far from its mark, I said to myself “the passengers did something to thwart that attack. I was so right. I pray that we all will be able to stand in faith when our time of testing comes and come it will. Thank you for this thoughtful meditation.
Thank you for the well written and encouraging article. I remember that day which also brought back memories of Pearl Harbor. Todd’s wife had their baby daughter not too long after the crash. They had two sons. I have a copy of the Lisa Beamer/Ken Abraham book “Let’s Roll” and a church paper “Power for Living” 12-2-2007 “A Legacy to cherish. I am going to file this for repeated readings and forward it for the benefit of others.
If you want definite steps to prepare your children to face persecution, see under features: “When God doesn’t Meet You Expectations.”
Lord, it’s our heartfelt desire to have our children in heaven with us. Help us to prepare them for what they will surely face and to stand strong on your Word. Amen
That’s a great prayer, thank you!
However, did not appear to be the correct website, and I didn’t see the article you were referring to. Would you mind checking the link again? Thank you!
Misty, Here is the link. It’s under “Spiritual Growth.” Thank you so much for calling my attention to this. Will continue to repost. Pamela Brunson
God alone will save us. I pray that when you wrote, “Trump is God,” you were referring to God trumping all others, and not our 45th POTUS, because that would easily be blasphemous and idolatry. While I am Trump supporter, he was NOT God, though many have made him to be. He doesn’t fit any of the biblically-prophetic profiles of how Jesus would return. Jesus’ return will be unlike anything any of us have ever seen.
I believe this is a typo!!
Please correct it ASAP!
thank you !
What? I sure hope not. I agree with Bec: read your Bible!
Nancy says:
February 16, 2021 at 4:12 PM
I believe this is a typo!!
Please correct it ASAP!
thank you !
Read your bible.
Our intercession is good! “and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Tim 2:3
We have to stand together with Christ- there are still those lost. I have noticed a profound discouragement in the Body. Shake it off that is the enemy’s oldest trick.
Instead be strong and courageous dear ones this is THE DAY that the Lord has made and He choses us to be His faithful servants.
Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.
1 John 15:13 NASB
We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16 NASB
For one will hardly die for a righteous person; though perhaps for the good person someone would even dare to die. Romans 5:7 NASB
Thanks to those who died that others may live.
Almighty! Victorious! Thy great Name we praise!
Amen… very inspiring!
The book of Scripture and the book of Nature reveal that human life is finite because we live in a finite Universe. Christ heroically chose to leave an infinite existence to enter this finite world to redeem His Creation from the spiritually-fallen world that He knew would destroy Him (along with His Creation) for a short period of time.
His resurrection points to the eternal, infinite Kingdom that awaits all who have Faith in His Redemption Plan. In this present finite world we know not what the future holds but we do know Who holds the Future that God has planned for those who follow Jesus, By Faith, into His Eternal Kingdom. Let not your heart be troubled.
Even the significance of the words, ROLL from the root word of Galilee and 40 being paralleled with important biblical events, is in my understanding, God’s sovereignty! He is Alpha snd Omega, All in All!
wow!! what a word of encouragement, need this for the times we are in. Lets roll!!1
God will use us if we stand firm even when we don t know what to do! Our eyes ate on Him to do His will. Are we up to the task? Can we say with Esther: IF I PERISH, I PERISH! to hear the Master say:WELL DONE, GOOD&FAITHFUL SERVANT.
Thank you, Angela. Good word. May God help us be faithful in times of testing.
This is one of the most uplifting articles I have read. Yes, God uses believers to do courageous acts. We do know He is in our trials with us and He allows us to go through trials as the conformation of our faith in Him. God loved those 40 passengers who gave their lives that dreadful day and they now abide with Him in Heaven.
“Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not my will but Yours be done.” Luke 22:42
I find myself repeating this verse frequently. I find it appearing in many things that I read and in discussions I have had with other believers.
Lord, help us to yield to Your will. Holy Spirit breathe new life over America. Revive us, fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Father soften our hearts; help us to examine our ways; to repent and turn from attitudes, thoughts and actions that hinder a right relation with You.
Perfect! Amen.
The timing of this message means a lot to me. Last Friday I read the book of Esther during my daily devotions. When I cam to the chapter where Mordecai heard what Haman set up to exterminate the Jews I saw the parallel to what is happening in the USA. The FBI direcor did something for me in 1962 that got me started investigating communism as a private investigator. By 1973 I discovered the link communism has to satanism. By 1999 I knew the location of 70 concentration camps that were built by Carter, Reagan, & Clinton. By 2010 I knew there were 129 more that were built by Bush and Obama. Thus, the communists and the satanists, who control them, have the Christians in the same positin as Haman did to the Jews. As I kept reading that chapter in Esther on Friday, I waa moved to tears when Esther called for a 3-day fast. The more I prayed about it, the more I felt God wanted me to fast for 3 days. Because of several health problems, I need to take supplements with food to keep my health under control. I knew I was putting my life on the line to do this. My blood pressure reading last night was 171/95/66, but God enabled me to complete the fast in fairly good shape. I believe He will do the same for others, who are willing to sacrifice for God’s intervention at this time. God used the Bosing Day tsunami to kill over 1/2 million Indonesian soldiers. The media lied when they reported only 350,000 deaths. The true death toll was over 650,000. 80% of them were military men. God killed them because the Indonesian government was planning to exterminate all of the Christians living on Sumatra starting New Year’s Day. They didn’t have the manpower to get away with it and the help of the media. I learned about this from a man, who used to be a Muslim in the secret police, while doing missionary work in the South Pacific at that time. God did this for the Jews at the Red Sea, the Jews in the time of Esther, and the Christians in Indonesia. He can do it for us too. You can read more details about this in my book – Ambassador Undercover
David, thank you so much for sharing this. I enjoyed reading this. I knew about the concentration camps but not who all was responsible. I appreciate the title of your book. Actually your entire paragraph is Great!
Thank you for your encouraging reply. I wrote that to not only encourage others to sacrifice for God’s intervention, but also to inform others of how serious this is. Jimmy Carter arranged for the Russians to build the first 4 in Alaska. Then Carter put the area off limits under environmental protection. Congressman Bob Dornan tried to expose this, but lost his seat in the House by vote fraud. Reagan did nothing to undo what the cheaters did to him because he really wasn’t a Christian or a conservative either. He consulted astrologers the same as his wife. It wasn’t just her. Reagan built the next 10 in army bases. Because of what I did to try to stop him from getting the nomination, he built 1 of those 10 at Fort Dix about 1-5 miles from my house, depending upon where on Fort Dix it is located. Clinton built another 28 that I knew about. I found out about 28 more from Jim Keith, who wrote Black Helicopters II. After returning to the USA from missions work in 2010, I heard there are 195 altogether, but that source didn’t know about the 4 built by the Russians in Alaska. That makes 199. I knew someone during the 1990’s, who was present at a meeting in the 1980’s where the globalists discussed whether to exterminate the Christians using electrocution or poison gas. They decided upon gas because it is more difficult to sabotage. After moving where I am now, I know about a former special ops soldier, who used his skills to get into the interment center in Eureka Springs and saw gas chambers and crematoriums. Jim Keith reported in his book that he got into the once in Indianapolis and saw gas chambers and crematoriums there too. Considering what God did to reverse the curse upon Haman and the conspirators, who framed Daniel, it is fitting for God to put the communists and satanists into the camps they built for us.
There are two other related things you should know about. When we were looking at real estate for sale, we met some Christian home owners in MO, whose son was in the army. Their son told them that Obama tried to get all the soldiers in the army to swear an oath of allegiance to him that would cancel their oath to uphold the Constitution and protect America from its enemies both foreign and domestic. Their son and all of his friends refused to take that oath. After we found a place in AR, we met another Christian couple, who had a child in the army, who participated in Obama’s Jade Helm military exercise. That child informed them their group of soldiers were taken to an army base in TX that had a concentration camp in the middle. It was divided into 2 sections – one for Christians and the other for patriots, who are not Christians. They were trained to restrain the Christians in certain ways and the patriots in other ways. Thus, that base commander is just as much of a swamp rat as the politicians and bureaucrats.
Wow! May God continue to protect you, in His secret place, under His Almighty shadow!
Great post; Jesus’ words to pilot-the only power you have over me is given you of My Father. The body of Christ awake/equipped to work out God’s purposes for such a time as this. If I could share an example of a FL-patriot: Happy Happy Happy giving God praise. You would think EmanWacaGator won the big guns!just happy his/family’ name is found in the LAMB’book of life! At the end of post he mentioned, pray for his daughter’s & mother’s needs, etc. So not to make light of dire real needs today. May our light so shine in this darkness, light afflictions are not to be compared to God’s reward
Very uplifting! God is good and I know we have to wake up and God uses tragedy to bring us to him
What an encouragement this writing was to me! It reminds me that we must stand our ground in the midst of difficult times and believe and trust in the God who has gone before us to make a way where there seems to be no way. May we stay ever faithful to the One who loves us, knows us, cares for us and is continually guiding us by His unseen hand. All glory to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; they are our help in times like these.
This comment is very wrong. There is ONE GOD and ONE SAVIOR who rule and reign with the HOLY SPIRIT.
Right on🙏
I love every word of this message and agree in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, who was the first to “let it roll!” It was in Him that these individuals were powered for such mighty action. I am humbled. Thank you Father for these lives and those You are working through in these days. Amen
To God be all the glory as His will is done!! You are Sovereign most High God
We trust you in Jesus name! Let’s roll! And get more names on the roll card of heaven, brining many sins to glory! Amen
This is the most powerful thing I’ve readf in a long time. Glory be to God!
This was great read with great truths to ponder
Wonderful perspective.
Lord, You have called us to be your hands and feet in a world that seems to be so fraught with sin and people turning away from the witness we give of your Word. Help us to walk worth of the calling that we have received and show forth love, patience, gentleness, kindness, humility and honesty to a world that needs you. In Jesus Name, Amen
Father thank you for reminding me You are always in control knowing the end from the beginning. Help us as Your children to walk and live in faith with spiritual eyes for needs around us. Let’s us be a light and salt in these dark times always praying and pointing people to You. Help us to be bold and faithful. Amen
Amen. It is time to pray and witness. The courts can still present the evidence of fraud. If they will not do the right thing, there will never be another free election.
Lord help us to be bold for such a time as this. Amen!
Thank you for your wonderful article. It is so uplifting to anyone who believes but are frustrated by events going on around them. I pray that many will read this and come to a higher understanding.
I believe that we are alive in this time for a great reason. I believe that all who are reading articles like this are destined to remember what they have read when it is their time for action.
These things have also happened in my life. I have been thrusted into action when I least expected it. I am thankful that I acted and didn’t run away in fear. There were also times when I failed to act. I regret those times. We all are important to God. We would not be here reading articles like this, if we were not important.
Everyone, have a blessed day. Thank God and prepare with joy, for what God has in store for each and everyone of you.
I wonder, if 40 is the number of testing in the Bible, the U.S. has already been in this “time of testing” for more than a year, so we know it’s not 40 weeks and we’re done. Could it be 40 months? That’s almost 3 1/2 years. Woe to the US! Just wondering how much longer. At least it gives me hope that maybe we’re one-third of the way through this horrible time of testing. Before I read this article, I had no idea.
The only way through this is total surrender to the Lord and His purpose and plan. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed the most powerful prayer of surrender “Not my will but your will be done.” On the cross Jesus prayed the most powerful prayer of trust after He had endured the full brunt of His Father’s wrath…”Into your hands I commit my spirit.”
We watch how Jesus lived and we follow. “Let’s roll!”
Dear Heavenly Father, May we all be ready and willing to do Your work when the time comes. Let us have the wisdom, clarity, and courage to act when confronted with evil. Let those who have gone before us in this great struggle serve as an inspiration. Your will be done. In Jesus precious name I pray Oa’ Lord, Amen.
Thank you for putting these words so profound and true.
Being from around Pittsburgh I can remember droves of people filled the street silently walking past our as they were being evacuated from the cities tallest building because flight 93 was to fly over or near. Quiet Fear.
But I can also remember a retreat weekend for the youth group from church in Feb 2002. When rain spoiled the Skiing plans, these kids choose to go to the flight 93 memorial site (at that time a small shack) instead of a movies.
Some of the adults leaders were shocked by their choice. It was freezing cold rain and wind on top of a hill in an open field.
But as they quietly gave quiet reflection and offered prayers, Another woman approached me and inquired who they were.
I came to learn she had a family member that perished on that flight. And she said her spirit was filled by witnessing those 14-16 year olds offering pray.
God is the maker and worker of all times. We must quiet ourselves to hear his voice and walk where he leads us.
Jesus may we take you hand and follow. Amen
What a lovely story! I’m heartened to read about this Flight 93 tribute from these wise-for-their age 14-16 year olds. Their story gives us real hope for their generation, that they can counter the antifa, cancel-culture, tech censorship deceits so many of their peers have fallen victim to.
Thank you for posting this, Kathy. God bless!
A moving story of hope for our young people
Thank you for sharing it
God bless and keep you Kathy !
Thank You Father God that we can rest in the fact that You are in charge of all going on in our world. You are Mighty and we can trust You to lead us on the path You have planned for us. Praise Your Name! In Jesus’Name Amen
Powerful anointed reminder that it is not our ability…,but our availability that God is looking for. When we make ourselves available… He will use us. Sometimes He just wants to know, “Are you ready? OK… well just sit this one out.” Other times… He’ll say, “Ready?… OK… then roll!!”
Lord give us the strength needed to live in the days we are in.
Cause Your children to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Let us rest in the peace of knowing You are Sovereign over all things and that for such a time as this we are here.
Teach us to live lives of holiness and godly conduct as You have called on us to do that we should not defame Your Holy Name.
And that we should neither fear man or depend on man (his leaders or science) but to lean wholly on You with all fear and trembling.
May we ever worship you in spirit and in truth.
Yes, it certainly is time for us, as Christians, to “roll”. Whatever Holy Spirit puts upon our hearts, we need to do faithfully, not worrying about the outcome. This is a good, powerful word that you have provided to us, Angela. We all have roles to perform in His kingdom. Please, let him find us faithful.
Thank you, Angela, for your inspiring message!
Let’s Roll!
God bless you, IFA, and my brothers & sisters in Christ!
Thank you for pointing out the number 40 in this incident, as it once again shows that God’s use of numbers are His fingerprints….and they are all over the events of 9/11. I’ve been studying the 9/11 numbers for years but hadn’t made this connection!
Lord we know You are not slack concerning Your promise, as some count slackness, but are long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Give us Your courage, wisdom and boldness to follow Your leading no matter what it costs us. We thank You Jesus for the ultimate price You paid for our sins and May we be found worthy of our calling. In the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen ✝️🙏🏻🔥🙌🏻
Reading this 1st thing in the morning is the true vaccination of encouragement, hope and courage. Thank you so much for sharing this message with us all. Isaiah 55:6-8 is clear, “For your thoughts are not My thoughts and your ways are not My ways. For as high as the heavens are above the earth so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Thank you Father in heaven, knowing your eyes search throughout the whole earth to strongly support those whose hearts belong to you. And we rest knowing that You’ll be there in the good times and the bad, fulfilling Your purpose and Your plans in our lives, to God be the glory!
O God, help the body of Christ to stand fast in one Spirit, in one Faith, with one mind and to strive together for the faith of the Gospel. Help us Lord, to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling; for You O Lord, is the one who works in us both to will and to do for Your good pleasure. We ask Lord that Your Kingdom would come and Your will would be done here in our nation as it is in Heaven. We trust Lord that You will be in complete control of everything that is going on with our nation right now … the pandemic, political unrest, corruption, censorship, our wicked political leaders. It is so overwhelming Lord, but You are powerful, mightier, and bigger than all those concerns. You are still our King who is seated on the throne. Help us Lord to keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
Awesome reminder that we need to stay strong and steadfast. Thank you.
Christians must rise up and unite putting on the full armor though we might be small in number who can stand against us with God as the King. So open our spiritual eyes and ears. Increase our decernment and lead us in battle Lord. We pray your kingdom come your will be done Amen
Such a powerful reminder about being crucified with Christ….nevertheless it is not I but Christ living in me and the life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of Man who gave His life for me….So many heroes gave up their lives that day so that others may live. What an admonition to the church and believers to take a stand for what is right and pure and not what the world would lead us into. God Bless all of the families left behind. Such selfless acts….we will see Todd Beamer again in Heaven!
It is time, Father, for us to remember You in all. We should have been, but in Your mercy, help us to be Your people more faithfully now.
Heavenly Father, courage, commitment, and care are lacking in the church today. There is room for improvement in every Christian. We must take the initiative, we must carry out Your will, and we must step up in faith and take part in the battle! Lead us in the pathway of Your will to accomplish great things in Your name, in Jesus’ name, Amen
And who knows that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this,” Esther 4:14.
This is our Queen Esther moment. The feast of Purim begins at sundown on Thursday, February 25 – Friday, February 26; The holy-day(holiday) is a time people remember how Esther went boldly before the king to reveal Haman’s evil plan for the annihilation of the Jewish people. Like Todd Beamer et al., Esther risked her life to properly position the Jews and their nation to be saved.
In Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher challenges Americans to take action. Rather than living for one’s own comfort, survival, convenience, and pleasure, Dreher exhorts us to “Think about what you see. Get together with others to talk about what you are all seeing. Analyze the facts and discern how your faith and moral convictions should be applied concretely to the situation. Then act – while there is still time.” pg 213.
How fortunate we are to have historical examples (Jesus Christ, Queen Esther) and contemporary examples (Todd Beamer et al), and resources to equip and encourage us. Habakkuk 2:4 states “the righteous shall live by his faith”; our faith in God not only sustains and empowers us in this life, but in return for our faith in God, grants us eternal life.
Thank you Angela for an encouraging word. Let’s roll!!
Lord, please help us understand that how important it is that we still stand even when we become discouraged and that Government is appointed by You and for Your purposes. Even we might not like who is in some Gov’t positions help us to respect their positions which is what we are called to do. Give our leaders a desire to come to know You and to become obedient to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Amen and Amen!! Thankyou!
Praise Yehovah for this revelation!
Dear Lord, please give me the faith, strength and courage to always choose the right thing in all my decisions!
In the name of Jesus,
Blessings to the author of this powerful reminder of God’s plans. Let’s ROLL is powerful.
I love ‘prophetic’ words nowadays. They’re so… reliable.
BTW, there was no ‘prophetic word’ here. It was just an article expressing an opinion.
I’m wondering about this site and this organization.
From To prophesy is simply to speak prophecy. Prophecy is the noun, and prophesy is the verb. Prophecy at its most basic definition is “a message from God.” So, to prophesy is to proclaim a message from God. The one who does this is, therefore, a prophet. Although foretelling is often associated with prophecy, revealing the future is not a necessary element of prophecy; however, since only God knows the future, any authoritative word about the future must of necessity be a prophecy, that is, a message from God.
From 1 Corinthians 14:3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.
This message was one of encouragement to strengthen believers in our time of trial.
I responded to you, accidentally, under O’s comment. Sorry.
Unless the Holy Spirit has appeared or touched your life no this article will not make any sense
Harods heart was hard also…
Ears to hear you must have first
Thank you for trying to explain. But, by that definition, anyone who reads the Bible aloud is prophesying. I’m not sure this is what God means when He uses the term. Of course, I could be wrong, but then why use such a confusing term to describe simple encouragement or Scripture-reading?
Anyway, I’m very cynical about prophesy in today’s American church, so anything calling itself that is likely to draw a less-than-welcome response from me.
Thanks…be well.
Actually, this was intended for Deborah Turcotte. I have a different response for the cryptic-sounding “O”.
My we sure have a lot of judgmental Christians around here don’t we? I don’t get passionately behind an article written by a self-described believer, and all of a sudden I’m akin to Herod. And 13 Christians on this site agreed with this.
Just what kind of people are comprising this site, anyway?
Fortunately, I can say that all here are not like “O” and his/her/its disciples. I’ve come across some very classy, loving brothers and sisters here, and to those of you who’ve encouraged me in my discouragement, I want to again thank you.
As for O, my faith orders me to hold back my tongue and overlook offenses.
I completely understand where you are coming from. All the “prophetic words” before the election was STOLEN said DJT would be in office now. But really, I guess they weren’t wrong because DJT DID win the election. But no one “foresaw” this mess but God. I especially remember a wonderful dream that someone here printed on I think November 2 that talked about the ballot box and a wild ride down rapids with many sharp turns and dangers but in the end the ballot box ended up in DJTs hands and he gave a thumbs up, pointed towards heaven and flew away in a helicopter. Whoever had that dream… it was very vivid and gave me a lot of hope through the last few months. But apparently, it seems that it too was wrong. So I learned a lesson: there is no hope but in God’s Word (which really I already knew). Regarding your last sentence, I do believe the people here and especially the ones running the organization, mean very well and have prayed for MANY years for this country. It’s sad though because it does seem that God has not responded to the prayers… at least how I personally would have wanted Him to respond. I am reminded of a scripture “though they shout in my ears I will not hear them.” If this is true I have a feeling it’s about the 68 million aborted babies. Maybe there’s no coming back for this country because of
That great sin. We were too silent too long on that one. The Church (especially me) better wake up.
I have been following Mark Taylor, he is on McFiles on Monday nights and with Paul Oeobel on Thursdays.
We are at a Red Sea moment, God will be getting everyones attention. Praise Him.
Hello Patty. Thank you for your heart-felt response. You echoed my heart.
Bear in mind, though, that we do not know for certain that the election was actually stolen. There is a lot of smoke, and that smoke deserved an investigation by Barr. But, he dropped the ball and now we’ll never know if the fraud that was in play was enough to flip the result. That being said, there was at least SOME fraud.
I wonder too sometimes if God has given us over the judgment. Tens of millions of children sacrificed… millions of people voting Left despite what the Left caused to happen last year… despite rising crime rates… despite all the weirdness coming from them today…
But, I’m just not there yet. I have more than one speculative thought about what’s happening, but speculation is just that. Only time will reveal the truth. In the meantime, we’re called to pray for our country, vote in the right people, and influence our social circles. Oh… and… NEVER KNEEL (except before God) OR BACK DOWN OR CHANT ANYONE’S NAMES.
Thank you Lord for your perfect will, May we be available, ready to serve you, at all times!
Wonderful article! Great reminder that it is HIS WILL to be done, not ours! FATHER GOD thank YOU for ordering our steps and directing our paths daily as we submit ourselves to YOU, and put our FAITH and TRUST solely in YOU in JESUS Name! THY WILL be done in earth (and in America) as it is in Heaven in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Amen!
” The will of God will do something quite extraordinary, and the effect will have far reaching consequences for America.” This is profoundly simple. The Word of God is living and active…when we release it, it will accomplish His will, we are assured of that. Thy will be done, Abba, on earth as it is in heaven! Amen!
Woah! WOW WOW WOW. I learned a lot and how encouraging this is— my shields up, armor on ,sword ready !!! Thank you. Your will God I’m rolling with it
This was a really good article and so glad you posted it. I have yet to read
Tom McMillan’s book, “Flight 93: The Story, the Aftermath, and the Legacy of American Courage on 9/11.”
They took their eyes off themselves they weren’t thinking about what they wanted. And so we need to do the same now take our eyes off our own wants or hopes and fulfill what our Lord Jesus has told us to do. For it is ultimately the increase of the love of Christ in us that will take over in us, to walk in the same power of compassion of Christ. Struggling with our emotions and fears and what might be can be real to each of us, but we truly need the power of the Holy Spirit to put our focus where the Lord would have it to be, and that is to see people come into the kingdom of God to know of His love,and demonstrate it.
Those 40 people carried out this act of love. Lord, let our love for You increase more and more, and that we would stop at nothing to reach those who have yet to hear and receive Your truth, the Good News, and be set free from the hands of the enemy. Give us a deeper passion as Yours is. Help us to let You truly be that Greater One in us than he that is in the world.
What an incredible reminder that we are to be available to the Lord for the assignment we may not fully understand but embrace it according to His call. This was truly an encouragement and an exhortation to be ready, willing… for He will make us able.
Thank you Angela for your obedience!! This word is spot on for the season we are living in. Every minute counts, so many around us are perishing. What are we doing as believers in Jesus Christ? “Let’s Roll”.
Move out of your comfort zone, stop complaining, use every opportunity to share the GOOD NEWS that was freely given to you. The hours count right NOW!!! I ask the question how many have died of Covid 19 vs the number of suicides??? I have not seen any statistics. Many youth have taken their lives from isolation, PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE and
PEOPLE NEED THE LORD. We must do our part. Ask the Holy Spirit for HIS POWER to go out and win the lost. Act 1:8