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Lord, we pray that you would give us leaders that we can trust. Put a stop to our leaders' lies and allow only the truth to remain. We also lift up the Ukrainian People, God. Protect them in this dangerous time. Serve as their refuge and cover them with your love.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our government has lied to us about having biolabs in Ukraine. Nevertheless, those biolabs are currently at risk due to the Russian invasion. As Christians, we must pray both for the accountable and trustworthy leaders, as well as the safety off all people.

From The National Pulse. A deleted web article recovered by The National Pulse reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine….

Originally posted on June 18th, 2010, the article “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa….

2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory “is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens….”

“The updated laboratory serves as Interim Central Reference Laboratory with a depozitarium (pathogen collection). According to Ukrainian regulations, it has a permit to work with both bacteria and viruses of the first and second pathogenic groups,” explains the report….

Among the viruses the lab studied were Ebola and “viruses of pathogencity group II by using of virology, molecular, serologica and express methods.”

Additionally, the lab provided “special training for specialists on biosafety and biosecurity issues during handling of dangerous biological pathogenic agents.”

The unearthed biolab facility follows intense scrutiny over the U.S. government’s decision to fund risky, “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan at a Chinese Communist Partyrun lab with military ties.

Share your prayers for the Ukrainian people below.

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: CDC on Unsplash)

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Terri Nealy
March 15, 2022

Daddy God save us in Jesus name I pray

Bobbie Taylor
March 14, 2022

Father God i pray the people in Ukraine who do not know Jesus as their Savior will invite Him into their hearts knowing their lives are in danger, so they can know if they are killed, they have a beautiful Home in heaven where there will never be death, sorrow , or crying, and no more pain. Revelation 21:4-5

March 14, 2022

The bio lab in Odessa might be the reason Putin has not attacked Odessa.
I’m Steve, I spent the last nine months there. Wonderful people.

Darlene Estlow
March 14, 2022

Father, in all that is going on and the threats to our nation and world, we can only come humbly before you, acknowledging that you can change it all. We speak victory over our nation and we ask for angel armies to defeat the enemy in the heavenlies.

Allena Jordan
March 14, 2022

Father, research is necessary and good. Protect these labs. Do not let a leak occur. But, Father, nefarious research such as “gain of function” needs to be exposed for what it is. Chane peoples hearts and minds. Deliver us from evil. Protect the Ukrainian people from harm. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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