Affirmative Action Hurts America and the Church
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Affirmative Action Hurts America and the Church
Affirmative-action concepts are damaging American society.
In a recent Imprimis publication from Hillsdale College, the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald exposes the harmful results that ethnicity-obsessed, disparate-impact conceptions specifically have on Western civilization.
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Here are a few examples of how disparate-impact criteria creates unnecessary problems. Mac Donald writes: “If a cancer research lab, for example, does not have 13 percent black oncologists — the Black share of the national population — it is by definition a racist lab that discriminates against competitively qualified black oncologists; if an airline company doesn’t have thirteen-percent Black pilots, it is by definition a racist airline company that discriminates against competitively qualified black pilots; and if a prison population contains more than thirteen-percent black prisoners, our law enforcement system is racist.”
Thus, we see that little consideration is given to the reality that, for many reasons, there may not be an adequate pool of qualified black cancer researchers and airline pilots from which to hire the requisite number. Consider the reality that if only 13% of the population is black, it’s almost numerically impossible for every Department of Labor category to have enough qualified individuals from which 13% of every organization’s total staff can be drawn.
Mac Donald specifies the repercussions of these punitive cultural ideologies. Behavioral standards are now thrown away in favor of “reparations,” and objective measurements of academic and professional skill are replaced by “equity.” This doctrine of “disparate impact” applies especially to the realms of medicine and academia. “Consider Medicine,” she writes. “Step One of the medical licensing exam, taken during or after the second year of medical school, tests medical students’ knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.” It is a known fact that black students tend to score lower on these exams. In the minds of those who believe in disparate impact, this is not because of any evident skills gap, but because the test is simply racist. The solution? Lower all standards of admission.
“What is at stake in these changes?” Mac Donald asks. “Future medical progress and, ultimately, lives.” Laws should be in place to block dangerous practices like these, but according to Mac Donald, law and order is itself affected by this ideology — which is ironic, because the modern legal apparatus is also responsible for the inception of the disparate-impact concept.
The Church is called and should be equipped to lead by example when affording equal access and opportunity. This call is particularly true for believers with authority within the marketplace and industry. When we take up our mantles in this area from the inside out, we will see society transformed.
Is there any one thing you believe the Church can do to make a godly difference in this area? Please leave a comment.
(Photo Credit: MART PRODUCTION/Pexels via Canva Pro)
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We, EACH OF US, need to take our seat of authority in Christ, be praying from this seat of authority, and REMANI in our seat, KNOWING that we have the authority to be binding the spirits activities in perpetuating these evil plans that they bring forth no fruit, and loose the holy angels to be working on our behalf for the institution and fulfilling of laws for the carrying out of God’s plans in these situations!!@
I believe it is wrong to put a percentage on anything. In California, they put a law in place which said “the percentage of employees in your establishment had to be the same as the percentage of people in your community. So if the establishment was in an 80% Mexican community, 80% of your employees had to be Mexican. So when you walked into these stores and all you spoke was American English they had to find someone to translate for you if you had a question. Black kids couldn’t get these minimum skilled jobs as a starting job after high school. But the ones that were working at these places were illegals, and they could not work other places because other establishments checked their id’s and were penalized if they hired people that didn’t have their green cards or weren’t born here. But the illegals had to have employment, so the companies bought into a pact with the government to hire them. But this just limits these illegals to where they can work, and how much they can make. And eventually where they can live, which in California is nowhere unless you live with 10 other working age people, who share rent long enough to buy your own home or apartment complex. The government should not be making laws like this. They should be enforcing the laws already on the books and let businesses run their businesses the way they know works
Another example: We had in our area a Chinese restaurant that was family owned. They had to hire Black and Mexican employees. When the elder of the family died, the kids decided they wanted to sell the restaurant. They did, and the new owner decided to hire more Mexicans, to run the restaurant. The restaurant failed and closed after about 1 year.
The solution is to close the borders, and give all here a quality education from day 1, so all ethnicities will have an equal chance of succeeding in whatever field they choose to get into. The 3 million people that came across our borders illegally have to be dealt with, for their sakes and ours. The dreamers that came across before 2020 should be allowed to educate themselves as they please. But as soon as they finish their education, they should be given the choice of going back to their own country or staying here. But those that came across after Jan 1, 2020 should not. They should be deported back to their respective countries, so they can make their countries better. All the illegal activity at the borders should be stopped, human trafficking, illegal drugs, all of it. Stop incentivizing it. Stop incentivizing medical care.
The ultimate answer to all our human problems is always the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we would yield to the Holy Spirit’s work of transformation & guidance in our lives, with the goal of doing our part to carry out Jesus’s Great Commission wherever we are, in whatever capacity we are called, God would work through us to bring about His perfect solution to all our problems. I pray that God would send us a mighty spiritual revival – to burn away the dross and refine the gold of our lives, to be our “utmost for His highest,” our best for His glory!