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Father, we pray that you would keep these pills out of the hands of the public. Protect the unborn, God, and protect vulnerable women from these dangerous pills.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As pro-life intercessors prepare for the overturn of Roe, they must also be prepared to address the danger of abortion pills.

From CBN News. Both sides agree that the next frontier in the abortion fight is the abortion pill, also known as RU-486 or chemical abortion. The pills are becoming less regulated and easier to find. And, more women are using them. They accounted for 54% of all US abortions in 2020, compared to 39% in 2017, according to the Guttmacher Institute….

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“We’re seeing these articles pop up over and over again with how to do-it-yourself abortions,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “These are dangerous.”

They’re also easy to purchase. Last month in Wyoming, Hawkins said she ordered them online in minutes. That’s thanks, in part, to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which recently lifted the requirement for an in-person exam.


“It’s presented as if it’s just taking a pill. It’s no big deal,” said Toni McFadden, a pro-life activist who took the pills in high school. She said her provider minimized the risks and initially, she didn’t experience any symptoms other than spotting.

“But then, over a month, close to two months later, while I was in school, I began to feel excruciating pains throughout my entire body,” she said. McFadden began severely hemorrhaging but went home and kept it a secret….

Today, she’s sharing her story and warning young women of the risks.

FDA reporting shows abortion pills have led to the deaths of 24 women and severe reactions for more than 4,000. Those numbers are likely low because when complications happen, abortion providers urge women to present them as miscarriages in an ER setting….

How are you praying for the removal and destruction of these pills? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Nancy Cunningham
June 16, 2022

I volunteer at a pregnancy center and we had our first abortion pill reversal client last week. I pray that the message that it is possible, within the first 24-48 hours, to reverse the effects of the pill and have a successful pregnancy. Many feel forced to do something but then regret it when they realize what they have done. I also pray that high schools would let pro-life nurses or others present information in the schools for students to understand the risks of abortion in any form and the resources that are available to parent or make an adoption plan.

    June 17, 2022

    Wonderful prayer point Nancy !! I’m with you in prayer for our teens especially…in our Saviors name we pray !!!

Diane Patterson
June 16, 2022

It is so hard to understand why a woman and a nation would rather kill a child that take precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancies,

Deborah Harris
June 16, 2022

Father we pray against the abortion pill. stop the enemy from killing our babies.

Allena Jordan
June 16, 2022

Oh, Father, life itself is precious and sacred because people were created in Your mage, in the image of God You created mankind. Lord, help Your people to demonstrate and express this Truth to those who do not know You and Your ways. Give us such a great love for people, a forgiving heart and spirit, and hope that You alone can save people. Use us, Father, to demonstrate what a great love You have for mankind. It is only when we are born again that people can walk in Your ways and Your Truth. Lord, deliver all of us from evil. Show men and women alike how precious a human being’s life is. Help us to preserve sex for marriage for it is sacred. Lord, show us how to make a lasting impact on men and women who have given themselves over to licentiousness. Forgive us for being judgmental for we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in this particular matter about which we pray. Amen.


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