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Jesus, we pray that You would open the eyes, minds, and hearts of Nebraskans in preparation for this incoming ballot measure. Show them the value of the unborn and help them to see through the lies of abortion activists.
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After the passing of Issue 1, pro-abortion activists are once again seeking to mislead voters, this time in Nebraska.

From The Christian Post. Pro-life groups have voiced their opposition to a proposed ballot measure that would establish a constitutional right to abortion in Nebraska, calling it a “dishonest” source of “confusion” that “endangers pregnant women.”

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On Wednesday, language for a proposed constitutional amendment that would establish a right to abortion in Nebraska became public.

The amendment would create “a fundamental right to abortion until fetal viability,” a point it defines as “the point in pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the patient’s treating health care practitioner, there is a significant likelihood of the fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures.”

The Nebraska-based pro-choice coalition Protect Our Rights is working to collect the required signatures for the proposed amendment to make the ballot in time for next year’s general election.

Coalition members include the ACLU of Nebraska, I Be Black Girl, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska, the Women’s Fund of Omaha and Nebraska Appleseed.

The proposal would enable women to obtain abortions after the point of viability “when needed to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient, without interference from the state or its political subdivisions.” If approved, it would have the effect of nullifying the current Nebraska abortion law, which bans abortions after 12 weeks gestation.

“There are many reasons why someone may make the deeply personal decision to have an abortion,” the coalition insists on its webpage. “Most Nebraskans agree that the government should not be involved in personal decisions that are better left to patients, their faith, and their health care providers. Nebraskans deserve the right to make their own decisions about pregnancy and abortion.”

The pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America contends the developments in Nebraska are part of a “nationally coordinated effort by the abortion industry and their allies to remove all rights from the unborn, health protections for women and parental rights.”

“Nebraska’s law currently allows abortion throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but that isn’t enough for the abortion industry and activists who are trying to write second- and third-trimester abortions into our constitution. This amendment would allow for abortion until the moment of birth,” warned Nebraska Right to Life Executive Director Sandy Danek.

“This ballot measure is not pro-choice, it’s pro-abortion, and it does not reflect the values of Nebraskans.”

Adam Schwend, western regional director for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, pushed back on some assertions made by the proposed amendment’s biggest proponents.

“Right out of the gate, those behind this ballot measure are parroting the lies told by pro-abortion activists in Ohio by saying women are dying without this amendment,” Schwend said. “Their claim that Nebraska does not have an adequate life of the mother provision is completely dishonest.”

“The confusion they’re sowing does not just deceive voters but endangers pregnant women in Nebraska who need to know that state law unequivocally allows for them to receive emergency care,” he added.

Paige Brown, spokeswoman for the Nebraska Catholic Conference, said, “the lie Planned Parenthood is selling that it is in a mother’s best interest to end her baby’s life at 12 weeks and beyond is appalling and goes against the science, which shows women are increasingly at risk for complications with abortions beyond the first trimester.”

Brown noted how, in addition to having the ability to determine the sex of the baby and whether or not the unborn child looks more like their mother or father at 12 weeks gestation, “a baby’s major organs have formed and his or her heart has beat over 10 million times.”

Nebraska Family Alliance Executive Director Karen Browning claims the proposed amendment would lead to the “evisceration of parental rights” and should be “something that will concern every mom and dad in Nebraska.”

“Under this extreme amendment, a girl who is not old enough to get her ears pierced or get a tattoo on her own will be able to obtain an abortion without a parent ever knowing,” she said. “Women and children deserve real compassionate care, not lies from the abortion industry.”

Last week, Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment establishing a right to abortion in the state constitution. Ohio voters approved Issue 1 in a 57%-43% vote last week, making it the first state that supported Republican Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election to enact a right to abortion.

If approved, Nebraska would become the most Republican-leaning state to have a constitutional right to abortion. While neighboring Kansas voted against a “Value Them Both” amendment that would have removed the right to abortion from the state constitution, voters never approved establishing a right to abortion in the first place. The Kansas Supreme Court determined that the state constitution contains a right to abortion in a 2019 decision.

Other states where voters have approved amending the constitution to include a right to abortion voted for President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election: California, Michigan and Vermont.

Pro-abortion advocates have a long way to go until they find out if proposed amendment will make it onto Nebraska’s general election ballot in the 2024 election.

According to Ballotpedia, which keeps track of requirements for citizen-initiated referendums in the states that allow them, the number of required signatures in Nebraska is “tied to the number of registered voters in the state as of the deadline for filing signatures.”

This means petitioners won’t know how many signatures are required until signatures are submitted for verification.

Advocates have until July 5 to submit the required number of supporting signatures, which must add up to at least 10% of the state’s total number of registered voters.

The Lincoln Journal Star estimates it will take at least 122,000 signatures to ensure that the pro-abortion ballot measure can appear before voters next year. The outlet clarified that state law requires those spearheading ballot measures to collect signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in at least 38 of Nebraska’s 93 counties.

Nebraska is one of 25 states that have implemented pro-life protections in some form since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which determined that the U.S. Constitution does not contain a right to abortion.

In a phone call with members of the media last month, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America identified Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota as other states where pro-abortion advocates are working to put ballot questions that would establish a right to abortion before voters.

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(Used with permission. By Ryan Foley from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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George Leaf
November 26, 2023

Father God, Let the glare of your divine light shine upon Nebraska. Let no deceptive wordings go unseen in issues brought to vote in public, grand, or regular jury rooms. Let the public clearly see the fraud in any deception. Let these people of Nebraska no longer be a political pawn in the butchery of the most innocent for baby parts sold for profit. Amen

November 20, 2023

Heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace in humble adoration and thanksgiving. And as we present our petitions we acknowledge that You are the God of the impossible. You are the God of first, second, third…. chances. Lord, there is a great deception and lies being promoted by the coalition in order to gain ground on the abortion issue. We pray for Your Devine intervention. That You may open the eyes of the people in Nebraska so they can see the truth behind what is being presented to them as the only choice.
Father, please remind that cloak of lies and deception and let Your spirit of truth shine through, give them wisdom when reading this proposal submitted by the coalition so they may discern the true nature of what is being presented to them under the guise of “protecting the rights/health of the mother”. These people are being openly dishonest in wording this proposal and their intent is to create confusion and chaos.
We rebuke them in the name of Jesus, the name above all names. We pray for Your will to be done and we give You the praise and the glory. Amen

November 20, 2023

Heavenly Father, in the mighty name of JESUS we thank You in advance for YOUR word and the power in using it against evil. We exercise our authority against the enemy commanding all powers to cease from your plans and operations again babies in the womb. We command LIGHT to shine upon these lies that are being proposed to the people in Nebraska. All lies must be uncovered and laid bare for all to see. Open the eyes of the people who are confused about the wording in this proposal. Give them wisdom and understanding, enlighten their hearts to the truth, YOUR truth. Send laborers to cross paths of those still in confusion over this proposal so they can help and explain Your will and YOUR deep love for the babies still in the womb. Prepare their hearts for what they are about to receive; a blessing from You, my Lord, our Savior, our Love, our everything.
Again, Father, thank You in advance for this opportunity to grow our faith and improve our action being doers of YOUR word. Our love for you is perfected as we walk in obedience to YOU and YOUR miraculous and powerful word. We ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Susan CC
November 20, 2023

Psalm 75 “God Judges the Wicked” https://biblehub.com/nlt/psalms/75.htm
God says, “At the time I have planned, I will bring justice against the wicked. When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I AM the One who keeps its foundations firm.”

Proverbs 19:21 Many plans are in a person’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail.

Coalition members include: as listed on “Protect Our Rights” https://protectourrights.com
ACLU of Nebraska
I Be Black Girl
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska
the Women’s Fund of Omaha
Nebraska Appleseed
NE Civic Engagement Table
NE Abortion Resources
Second House Collaborative

You are The Triune God, The Eternal, The God of Justice and thanks to Jesus, You are our Abba Father. Your plans and decisions cannot be reversed. You close and open, bind and loose, and in a time of Your choosing, You will bring justice. I am praying that time is now….for the babies Lord, the most innocent among us. I ask for death in every plan against life. For each one of these groups, I pray it is Your Purpose to Prevail and in all their efforts, Your plan is for total destruction. I ask this and so much more in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

November 20, 2023

Father God, I pray for my state! We do NOT want to go against You, Your ways, and what You value!
I pray that at this very moment, the evil forces that are working to deceive and destroy are bound by You where they are unable to make any headway against harming those innocents that You love and treasure so dearly. Let the people of Nebraska see through these lies…do not let ANYONE sign these petition drives across our state. Let all these evil efforts be an absolute waste of their holder’s time and a waste of the money that is being pushed behind it.

God, please strengthen our state’s people to stand and do what is right in Your eyes. Help us to protect those innocent children and to support the moms & dads that would even consider abortion…help us to be Your hands and feet to them.

Praying in the victorious and mighty name of Jesus!

Betty Betty
November 20, 2023

Dear God
we need to defend life and destroy the evil in this abortion law . Parents they are destroying your children. no more abortions


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