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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You that we can trust You in the darkness. Be our light! Show us how we can be used in this precarious time--for Your glory!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

An IFA intercessor received this word from the Lord–read it and pray–does it resonate with you?  Share below if you are hearing something similar. She shares it as an encouragement from her personal prayer time:

In my prayer time with the Lord, He spoke and said, “Look what happens when times of darkness cover the earth.” I knew this was an invitation to dig in the word and study. Two verses stuck out to me.

The first was Genesis 1:2.

“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface if the waters.”

The earth was in darkness, but the Spirit of God was hovering. Some translations say ‘moving’, but the definition is actually ‘brooding.’ He was  moving–brooding, bringing life. Though social media and the news are promoting fear, I am moved seeing nurses and doctors praying together, seeing nations making bold declarations, and worshipping the Lord passionately. I would say I see God at work even through COVID.

The second verse the Lord gave me was Isaiah 60:1-6.

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

“Lift up your eyes and look about you:
    All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar,
    and your daughters are carried on the hip.
Then you will look and be radiant,
    your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,
    to you the riches of the nations will come.
Herds of camels will cover your land,
    young camels of Midian and Ephah.
And all from Sheba will come,
    bearing gold and incense
    and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.

The Lord spoke through this verse about what I believe is coming. The time is coming for us (Christians) to arise and shine. Verse 2 says darkness covers the earth and the people, but the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 

It’s time to rise up. It’s not time to hide–it’s time to shine because the glory of God is on us. I believe this verse is sharing what can happen when God begins to move and it gives us a prayer strategy as well.

Verse 3–nations will come to Your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Nations and leaders coming to Christ.)

Verse 4–your sons and daughters are coming home from afar (prodigals returning)

Verse 5–you will look and be radiant , your heart will throb and swell with joy (joy being restored, beauty for ashes)

Verse 6–herd of camels will come bearing gold and incense (supernatural provision)

This is not a time to cower in fear, it’s time to rise up! People keep saying things will never be the same after COVID and I agree. I believe that things will speed up because there will be so many needs because of everything that was put on hold. Where there are great needs, there is a great opportunity for us believers to shine and be the light of  Jesus to those in need. Let’s not waste this season, let us be a people prepared and ready to show Jesus to a hurting world. Let us be the light in these times of darkness.

How are you feeling God is using believers in this dark time? Share with us in the comments below!

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Adewunmi Adegoju
May 23, 2020

Gloria robles, do you have email address please?

May 4, 2020

Gloria, thank you, excellent message written with simple grounded clarity. Amen, God is speaking to me very much the same. Your reference to Isaiah 60:1-6 really good. I LOVE that passage. You may also find interesting the message Pastor Jim Cymbala’s gave this past Sunday, May 3. (Brooklyn Tabernacle) He refers to the ninth plague in Exodus, the plague of darkness. Ex. 10:21-23 …the final part of this passage being: “Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”

Truly a tough time for the world, and the church is shining and shall shine, because Christ is in the Midst of us! Rev. 1:13 … and in the middle of the lampstands (the churches) I saw one like a son of man, …. and yes: “moving:brooding bringing life.” Bringing LiFE! Yes! There is SO much Life and Light in Jesus Christ, and He is purifying his army, leading us, one step at a time through this, our great Champion, our very great Father, One Who reaches down into the deepest darkest places of the earth– and of the heart, with love.

AMEN, Arise Shine! and Gloria, Amen to your prayer: “Father, we thank You that we can trust You in the darkness. Be our light! Show us how we can be used in this precarious time–for Your glory!” Surely, and without at doubt, God is at work. and let me echo your words again here:

“Let’s not waste this season, let us be a people prepared and ready to show Jesus to a hurting world. Let us be the light in these times of darkness.” A people prepared. amen.

Catherine S Green
May 2, 2020

I agree with Gloria Robles. I also sensed that we should also be sending praises to God into the atmosphere. Ps22He is enthroned on the praises of His people.
The picture that came to my mind was the destruction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge due to harmonic resonance. Please look that up. Our praises not only enthrone lthe Lord, it reveals to others a place of refuge.

Julie Michalski
May 2, 2020

Yes, and Philippianss 2:14-16 for me says it all
“Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blam eless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the mist of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life , so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. ”
We are to shine as stars in the darkness and to speak words of life.

Heather Peterson
May 2, 2020

Yes, Father, Hear our prayer. For many are deceived and unprepared to face tribulation. The Church has been full of false teaching that has left many vulnerable to face suffering and persecution. How will they stand on so poor of a foundation? And many have been complacent and have remained ignorant of Your word and now they are afraid. You are merciful to care for the weak and the fearful. Help us to strengthen our brothers and sisters and to come along side those who are fearful and wanting to hide. Father, grant us boldness, zeal and compassion to stand firm in our faith, immovable in any circumstances,always abounding in the work You have given us to do. Let it be so, in Jesus’ Name we ask it. Amen.

Patricia Humphrey
May 2, 2020

In agreement with the word from Gloria Robles. Amen and Amen!!! It is time for the Church to rise up and bring God’s kingdom from heaven to earth. If not thru us who will do it. We are the light of the world and we stand as a beacon for all the world to see. So Shine Church, for His honor and glory.

Karen Secrest
May 2, 2020

Lets take a word from he opposition, ” never waste a good crisis”, and go forth sounding the trumpet of the Lord letting All know the King is coming. The King is coming..The King is coming TODAY.

Darlene Estlow
May 2, 2020

Thank you. It is so good to see God working in our country to bring people to Himself. It is good to see Christians getting together to feed the hungry and help in ways they can. In the darkness, God works! Praise God.

May 2, 2020

God’s goodness is ALWAYS! And he has a plan for each one of us. We must remember that this is about the kingdom of God, His kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus gave us a simple prayer, the disciples asked him how do we pray and he gave us this prayer. Acknowledge who God is – our Father in heaven (and everywhere) – He is holy, holy, holy as the cherubim speak over the throne of God, so we speak and acknowledge that he is HOLY! Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread (He is the Bread of Life), Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. (we must be forgiving toward one another and ourselves, loving others as he loves us.) Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Amen!!

May 2, 2020

I had the privilege to be on a conference prayer call on Passover, which President Trump presided over. He shared Isaiah 60:2 on the prayer call. Since then I have shared Isaiah 60 -62 with many friends, family & coworkers. I also have a dear friend who is a pastor/Intercessor, who 5 years ago shared a prophetic word with me that the Lord had given her to stand on. It was “The camels are coming.” Father has all of this covered. Supernatural provision has been one of His calling cards throughout the scriptures. Our expectations need to remain high, in what He is doing & will do!

May 2, 2020

I am so encouraged to note large numbers of people online, world wide audiences praising and worshiping and taking communion together! It is being called a worldwide communion revival! People are putting down differences and seeking right standing with God, rather than seeking to be right!

    Darlene Estlow
    May 2, 2020

    Isaiah 45 tells how God anointed Cryus to lead. I am blessed that God accomplishes His will. We watch Him work as we faithfully prepare the way through prayer.

Lisa Plummer
May 2, 2020

I’m encouraged, going deeper still, and seeing more of Him and who He is in a scripture.
Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus was born!
“ And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left.” Isaiah 11:11

He has had a plan since the beginning of time to care for us, to rescue us, and to bring us to be with Him forever!

Tamara G. Battice
May 2, 2020

HalleluYAH!!! To G-D be all of the glory, all of the honor and all of the praise!!! Yes, this is a “kairos” time that our awesome Heavenly Father has afforded us!!! Many of us as believers were being prepared for “such a time as well this!!!” Truly it is time to “Arise and shine!!!” It will not be by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of The Most High G-D in us!!! As the hymn so aptly states: “Soldiers of Moshiach/Messiah/Christ arise, and put your armor on! Strong in the strength which G-D supplies, through His eternal Son! Strong in the L-RD of Hosts, and in His mighty pow’r. Who wants n the strength of Yeshua/Jesus trusts is more than conqueror!!!”

Lawrence Unger
May 2, 2020

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Know if with Christ, WE ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, BUT IN HIS LIGHT, HIS LIGHT SHINES THROUGH US, if we remain as His followers.

Thank You Lord!

May 2, 2020

Thank you so much for this word! It is really an encouragement to me, as I was feeling depressed.


    May 2, 2020

    Keep your eyes on Jesus through it all, He will keep you in perfect peace! There’s nothing like His perfect peace. 🙂 Isaiah 26:3-4

      May 2, 2020

      Mary and Lori,
      Thanks, I do know to keep my eyes on Jesus. That why I read this devotional and received encouragement from Gods word. I have not been sleeping well which affects my mood. Jesus will be my healer and I am more than a conqueror through him.
      GodBless you both!

    May 2, 2020

    Yes!! We truly need to keep our eyes on things above! When we take our eyes of of Jesus, we sink—like Peter on the waves! But when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can overcome all things!

Ken Budz
May 2, 2020

Lord thank You for Your Light. You Lord have taken out of physical darkness and out of spiritual darkness. You show us You are Guide and we can see because of You. I praise You in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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