I Prayed have prayed
Lord, raise up Your Esthers and Mordecais for such a time as this so that America may be saved!
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children recently gathered in person on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., with at least ten million more online at AMillionWomen.org to battle for America.

At least 50 nations hosted partner events.

On October 12th, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), those hungry to see the Lord move in America interceded and worshipped for 10 hours, in what organizers called “a last stand moment for America.”

People from around the world and nation answered this call to raise up Esthers and Mordecais.

My husband Rich, also an IFA contributing writer, and I know of folks who attended from at least seven nations, including three separate groups from Australia, and 12 states.

Key Christian leaders, including Lou Engle and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, introduced each segment of prayer. They shared many stories of how the Lord birthed the gathering.

Prayer topics centered on returning to our first love in worship, repenting of personal and national sin, reclaiming America into revival through powerful decrees, praying for reformation, and remembering the Lord’s goodness while entering His presence through communion.

Though only some people introduced themselves or others, we recognized many key prayer movement leaders, including Michele Bachmann, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau, Bill Johnson, Matt Lockett, and Will Ford.

IFA lent its resources to the event.

IFA CEO and President Dave Kubal and Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal joined the prayer leaders on the stage.

Dave and Kris Kubal on the event stage.

Last week, IFA ran a story about the gathering, and Kris Kubal showed a clip of Lou Engle’s comments to the National Prayer Assembly.

We asked the Lord to render a merciful verdict for America.

The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is when the Lord called the Jewish people to fast and pray for mercy for themselves and their nation. The humility was to entreat the Lord to acquit the nation of its sins.

For those who missed the event, organizers intend to post the broadcast once it has been processed.

View of the crowd of more than 350,000.

We remembered Jesus and His birth nation.

In the longest segment — an hour — of the day, we cried out for Israel and called upon heaven for the return of the hostages who have been Hamas captives for more than a year.

Shofars sounded repeatedly throughout the day.

To stand in the battle, we got to our knees.

To work with the spiritual authority needed, Cahn and other leaders led us to repent of personal sin and tear down demonic altars in our lives.

We then repented of national sin, such as witchcraft and sexual sin.

While some leaders spoke, a number of others took the microphone to testify to deliverance and healing from abortion, pornography, and homosexuality.

Because of the prevalence of gender confusion and the inroads being made in schools, leaders devoted significant time to repenting and praying about the LGTBQIA+ movement.

IFA intercessors praying.

Testimony again proved powerful.

According to one speaker, such testimonies are to these issues as the ultrasound is to the pro-life movement.

One speaker posed the compelling question: “When will the church wake up?”

The answer: “When they come for your children.”

They’re coming.

One speaker estimated one in three Christian young people identify as LGBTQIA+. Several parents shared their stories of children led astray by wicked adults.

In one case, a child remains in foster care because her parents refuse to affirm the gender transition the child is in the midst of making.

Success strategies are emerging.

The persistence and secrecy with which government and school officials pursue children for transgendering has birthed strong and successful resistance.

Christian Rosas, responsible for the Peruvian Don’t Mess with Our Kids movement, detailed how parents ousted the Education Minister, the Prime Minister, and the President. Rosas and the group succeeded in repealing nine laws that had opened the floodgates to sexual sin perpetrated upon children.

The movement is rolling across America, as well.

Additional testimonies are at ChangedMovement.com/stories.

IFA’s state coordinator Amy Sabat.

We’re contending with ruthless demonic forces.

Cahn shed light upon those forces which have been released into America because of the nation’s idolatry and increasing paganism.

Much of the grotesque sexual activity and mutilation stems from ancient worship rituals demanded by the demonic forces Cahn describes in The Return of the Gods.

We prayed with the intent of evicting one of these forces —Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality — from America at the end of the evening.

Hundreds of IFA intercessors took part in the event.

For America, it’s “revival or bust.”

The gathering moved into revival prayer in late afternoon, with an urgent call to engage in Scripture reading and discipleship.

Dutch Sheets led the group in renewing our covenant with the Lord.

Sadly, the church may be blocking revival. One speaker faulted American pastors for failing to clarify what constitutes sin; one study showed that only 10% of pastors reported they would name a specific sin from the pulpit.

Two major events marked the ending of the extraordinary worship and prayer event. The first was a communion service that lasted almost an hour, with speakers such as Bethel pastor Bill Johnson, Cahn, and Engle.

Engle called for American Christians to embrace a revival of this sacrament, envisioning true encounters with the Lord more than once a month.

We smashed the altar of Ishtar.

Cahn and team wheeled onto the stage a literal concrete altar of Ishtar and took sledgehammers to it, to symbolize the smashing of this demonic force’s influence in America. He called it a “mass deliverance.”

Even as the event closed, people continued to crush the altar.

The work is not finished, however.

Mona Colwell (CT), Kris Kubal, Amy Sabat, Lisa Townsend (LA), and Jina Sanders (TN)

We must enforce the gains.

Esther, who wed the Persian king, risked her life to enter the king’s throne room to intercede for her people — the Jews.

She opened her mouth and spoke.

While discussing this article with Rich, I sensed the Lord speak the word “chador” into my spirit.

When I looked this up, I confirmed it is the Persian name of a voluminous garment worn by Muslim women in the Middle East.

I believe the Lord showed me — and us a— demonic force that wants to stifle the voices of the Esthers who have arisen.

For such a time as this, we need to silence the enemy instead.

Lord, we thank You for what You accomplished through Your church on Yom Kippur. We decree Ishtar and Marxism have fallen in America. Witchcraft will not thrive over a people born free. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we bind, gag, cripple, and disable the demonic force whose name is “chador” or whose function is to stifle, silence, and swaddle the voices of the Esthers and Mordecais. We ask You to dispose of this evil force according to Your Will. Please fill all emptied places with Your Holy Spirit. We decree America shall be saved!

Here’s a time lapse image of one side of the crowd:

How is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray for America?

New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. www.Richdrama.com.

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Darlene Estlow
October 17, 2024

Father, you have blessed our nation with repentance and revival. I ask that you would continue and restore our nation. I pray that abortion would be gone and life you give would once more be respected and loved. May we, your ekklesia, serve you in humililty and love. Use us to turn our nation to you.

October 17, 2024

Precious, all powerful and Holy God, We come together in repentence for the evil that has been allowed to thrive in USA and agree in the destruction and driving out of the gods of Ishtar, Molech and Mammon from our land!
Lord, purify your church! Be our refining fire, reviving us, our congregations, our cities, our states and our nation. Bring a compelling heart wrenching, to knees dropping godly sorrow that brings repentance and leads to salvation and a humble, holy walk with you in spirit and truth.
We lament and repent for the spilling of innocent blood of tens of millions of precious unborn children. We lament and repent for turning a blind eye to the estimated 50,000 women and children forced into sexual slavery yearly. We lament and repent for embracing no fault divorce which has broken untold homes and families without so much as a cry from the church. Beyond that we repent for our arrogance in deciding marriage has no value, embracing the “live-in” lie instead and now even completely redefining marriage as any two people who love each other, all the while living in denial that there will be deadly and destructive consequences. We repent for abdicating the training of our children, giving them to government schools that brazenly indoctrinate with lies. Lies which steal the identity that You created for them, even pushing bodily mutilation and permanent sterilization upon our children.
We repent for the myriad of ways we have rebelled unwilling to accept any limitations on our desires and cravings. Thus we have sinned greatly in worshiping god’s of money, convenience, entitlement, entertainment, pride, unrestrained appetites, thinking we can have it all and do it all while rationalizing it as somehow good and acceptable. We repent for the church’s non confronting stance toward evil, giving ground to the enemy, allowing souls to go merrily on their way to hell rather than being willing to suffer rejection for the sake of Christ.
Help us to humble ourselves under your mighty hand, turn decisively from evil, do good, seek your peace, your face, your healing for our souls and land. Draw us to take our place in the realm of the spirit in prayer and no longer abdicate it. Teach us to use all the weapons mighty in God for pulling down demonic strongholds, imaginations, and everything that sets itself against the experience and knowledge of God. Give us pastors and church leaders who will preach and stand on the full counsel and Word of God, that we may worship you in spirit and in truth. Cause us to revel in your amazing love and grace that it naturally unstoppably flows as living water from our innermost being to bring living water to other thirsty souls. Give us boldness to labor powerfully promoting the gospel, realizing that if God put all things under Christ’s feet (Eph 1:22) and we are his body then “all things” are under us as we submit to him. Make us people of integrity who walk in true holiness to the praise of your glory!

October 17, 2024


October 17, 2024

Correction: read Leviticus 23, the Day of Atonement is not called “the Jewish” Day of Atonement, as your article states. The true words of the Bible state that this day is the Lord’s: “These are My appointed times, the appointed times of the Lord.”
For those looking to the Kingdom, the plan is one new man, and this includes the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb.

October 17, 2024

I was there! An amazing event. But encountered much warfare since I’ve been back home in my marriage and family,😞😮‍💨😭 please pray!!!

Wilma Springer
October 17, 2024

Pray for America. God will hear us.

Toni Kushner
October 17, 2024

Putting aside who will be the next president , the call to the Church is REPENTANCE ” let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven, and say we have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven. You have covered yourself with anger and pursued us: You have slain without pity. You have covered Yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can get through.” Lamentation 3;40-44. Lord help Your Church to See, help me to SEE those things within that keep me from the call to Holiness. I want to see You with fresh eyes. As a Church let us seek God and return to His ways.

Dan P Moylan
October 17, 2024

seriously? you first need to understand that Trump is the most pro-life President this country has ever had just look at the facts of his 4 years
Trump also knows that a nationwide abortion ban would never have the votes to be passed through the house or senate and get to his desk for signature, so he is wise not to say he would sign a abortion ban to give the baby killing democrat party a sound bite.
Then you need to understand that a vote against him is a vote for the baby killing democrat machine.

October 17, 2024

“I am the father of IVF.”

    October 17, 2024

    She will federally make abortion legal in all states up to moment of birth

    October 17, 2024

    Whoa! OK, so vote for Harris instead ???? Someone who completely is against any kind of pro life law of any kind or don’t vote at all and chance her being in and let the country be trashed?? Yes I feel he’s mistaken on the IVF point but my goodness what a statement you’ve just made! After all that he’s done with putting in the right Supreme Court justices AND his outspokenness on pro life issues! Perhaps he’s not as strict as we would like but my gosh, he’s the one that got things done and that’s more than all the rest of the Republicans put together and they promise they would and nothing moved until Trump! I think he is at least like Reagan was and many seem to be supportive him.
    These are the kind of statements that drive me nuts frankly, with certain Christians, and I frankly have absolutely no time for it. That’s right just let everything go to heck because he doesn’t do exactly what you think. Never mind all the goodies done and all these went through. Let’s just let the country be trash and all the rotten this happen because of this one statement? Goodness sakes folks-really!

      October 17, 2024

      I’m sorry there was typos that the Voice dictation made. I wanted to say at the end “never mind all the good he has done. And all that he went through. Let’s just let the country be trashed and all the rottenness happen even more than it is now because of this one statement by him?

      I’m going to add here that I was against diarrhea long before it was cool to be against Ivy. I understand about the frozen embryos. I’m not sure it’s worse than abortion but it’s still is not right to let them just be in limbo forever I agree. However, there’s several others that need educating on this not just Trump, but it is no reason to vote for the evilness that is on the other side or not vote and chance letting them in that would be a bad sin as well .

        October 17, 2024

        OK, I’m not trying to be humorous, but certainly did not mean to write diarrhea! Of course I mean IVF-I think everyone here’s getting my point. I apologize for my phone’s ignorance.:)

Mary Jo Coleman
October 17, 2024

Thank you Joyce for the insight of the prayer gathering on Sat, which is a defining moment in the history of Christianity in the US. As repentance went forth on that day, God’s heart was and continues to be moved to turn back the evil forces that have been unleashed on this nation. As an encouragement, this is only the beginning of this mass REPENTANCE that will reveal God’s perfect plan to draw all people to Himself. May we not back down from being involved in this end time revival and awakening in our nation, and the world!

October 17, 2024

Please Christians-VOTE!!!! And vote for the one who has stood up for our MORALS! We lose America if we don’t-period.

I went to a Believers for Trump Summit in Pittsburgh this weekend and was astonished to learn the amount of Christian that don’t vote-unbelievable and INEXCUSABLE!

    Harvey L.
    October 17, 2024

    Do you mean Trump…who is the father of IVF?
    Are you pro life? Seems not so much.

      October 17, 2024

      Are you telling people then to not vote I guess? Or vote for the other one who is an absolute monster? And again in case it didn’t get posted in one of the above replies , I corrected and apologized for the word that was accidentally written in one of the above repllies-I did not mean to write that-I was using my phone dictation and it changed it (obviously). I meant IVF of course. I was against it before other people were probably even thinking about it.

      AND to address your assumption/insult, I’m the most pro life person you’ll ever meet, not that I owe you an explanation-only God.

Christine Solomon
October 17, 2024

such a marvelous event! The power of the Holy Spirit, motivated people as we interceded in so many areas thrilled me to my toes! And it is continuing through the election and through the remainder of this chaotic year! Lord, let us do our duty and leave the result to you!!

Virginia Roberson
October 17, 2024

I praise God for these spiritual leaders including the Swingles. I was unable to be in DC due to a Prayer Walk/Run for Life in my city where we pray for abortion to become unthinkable in America. But I was so grateful to be able to connect on line. Praise God!!!

October 17, 2024

Amen!! Send revival Dear Lord, to America, Israel, and the entire world!! Bless and protect all who were at this wonderful event!

Cynthia Renee Wetherbee
October 17, 2024

Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name. We praise You for all that You are doing in raising up Your Esthers and Mordicais, as well as Daniels and Joshuas, who are standing up to this evil that has taken Your and our land. Please protect all of the little lions who are standing for America in our congress and Senate against these forces and protect each and every one of them and their families and protect their seats this coming election, that they will return to their position. Praise You, for each person who went to Washington DC for this event and for all who joined online. Thank You for all the revivals that have started in the colleges. We ask that the Spirit continues to move in our young people and spread Nationwide as well as in other countries. Father, Abraham asked for saving Sodom and Gomorroh if 10 righteous were found. We have proven that we have many more in America that are standing and interceding for our country. Please heed our prayers and run out and bind the enemy. May every plot of the enemy be thwarted, dismantled, disrupted, intercepted and turned to dust and for the enemies of this country have it turned upon their own heads. In Your Word oft times the enemy destroyed themselves, we ask that that be so now in this hour. Arise, O LORD and scatter Your, our and Israel’s enemies. Please protect our children from the clutches of the enemy. Be with the Pastors that are going around the nation who are combating this ideology in our schools, and raise up more of Your children to join them and help to rid the schools of this demonic agenda. Please set free those that have been caught up in it. Many parents, including myself, have children who are affected by this LGBT… agenda. Please break the chains and set the captives free. Give victory to all those who are battling for their children as the state is trying to control them. Please protect the children in foster care that have been taken and give wisdom to the lawyers who are fighting to reunite them with their parents. You said to ask and it will be given to you, so we are asking for our nation back, for it to turn back to You. Watch over this election that is upon us and protect it against the ploys of the enemy. Do not allow foreign nations or illegal people to have access to it and move Your people to go out and vote. These things we ask, in Jesus Name. Amen

    October 17, 2024

    Wonderful prayer Cynthia. I stand in agreement with you petitioning our Father to once again save us.

Robert Laney
October 17, 2024

We can’t just say “America Wake Up” , We have to fight the evil spirits that are trying to control America. You are so right when saying “we fight against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Let’s not let this fight go by the way side but keep it up daily.

Susan Eddlemon
October 17, 2024

Thanks for your report on this event, Joyce!
Please give my regards to Rich.
We continue to stand against the enemy interfering, especially with our children both young ones and up through University years.

Melissa C Sugden
October 17, 2024

My husband and I and another lady from my church attended this event. We were honored to be there to fast and pray. Our church and pastor has been continuously praying and interceding for this nation and speaking out from the pulpit. We are decreeing that America is saved!

Cary Garris
October 17, 2024

Almighty and gracious God, it is not just the White House that needs cleansing in this election. I pray Lord
Jesus that you move in voter’s hearts to cleanse the Congress and Senate. Lord remove the barriers Satan has placed in our government and replace them with people who want to please you and do your will. Lord Jesus place people in these positions that will heed Your voice and pass laws to end all these demonic rules
and laws that have been embraced. Lord, I plead with You to move powerfully in November across this land to replace those who reject you in all state offices that the United States will return to the nation YOU founded.

Beverly J Gadbois
October 17, 2024

I sensed God’s mighty right arm came down cleansing each of the areas of prayer. It’s now a mission for each of us to join Him in finishing off the ravages which the enemy has inflicted on this beautiful Nation.

Jan W Howe
October 17, 2024

I am praying for the peace of Israel .

October 17, 2024

Pride, arrogance and neglect of God in America will not work out in her best interests.

Floyd Easterman
October 17, 2024

Oh My!!! In the mighty name of our Lord, JESUS of Nazareth and in the Love Peace & Power of the Holy Spirit, the rescue of our nation is at hand!!! As we are informed of God’s goodness, by reason of his WORD the Bible, the darkness will flee, the mess in Washington, will fall away in defeat, the Light will be far to strong to bear. President Trump and Vance have been prepared for such a time as this, the election will be a landslide in their favor!!! Praise God!!!

October 17, 2024

Praise God. So encouraging. We continue to pray. This is clearly a spiritual battle. But the battle is already won in Christ Jesus.

Michelle Boyle
October 17, 2024

There was a minister with a healing ministry named Dr Henry Wright who said that in order to fully have lasting physical healing each of us must “Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12), which he interpreted as “WALK” out your salvation.
I think now that to have revival in the land, I must walk out my Christian walk daily, and develop my Christian Kingdom ethnicity inside and out. The Katie Souza teaching on tearing down personal altars in my mind and lifestyle really resonates with me.

Mary Beth
October 17, 2024

We weren’t able to attend, but joined by livestream most of the day. It was a powerful time of intercession, repentance and hearing testimonies.
Lord, we do not want to lose the momentum gained. Just as we will not rest, and will give You no rest until You make Jerusalem a praise in all the earth, by Your command – so we will continue to cry out for the nations, including our own, for their divine destinies to be fulfilled. We are thankful for Your redemptive plan that began in the garden of Eden – a woman’s seed would crush the head of the serpent – then continued through Noah’s ark, the calling of Abraham to father a nation through Isaac and Jacob, etc. climaxing in the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth through Yeshua’s birth, life, death and resurrection. But it’s culmination will be when YHVH’s feet touch down in Jerusalem – the epicenter of Your redemptive plan. May the USA bless Israel, and in so doing bless ourselves!

October 17, 2024

Thank you for sharing this and without compromise. I stand with all of you against this wickedness. Please also join me in prayer and fasting for England. It is a ire situation over in the battle with Islam and we need God to move in a powerful way. We need nothing short of a miracle. thank you!!

    October 17, 2024

    As you agree with our nation, we in turn agree with you over England! Dutch Sheets reiterated what Robert Hunt declared when he planted the cross on our soil, and in it England was also part of the declaration. As follows: Robert Hunt planted a Cross on the beach at Cape Henry in 1607 and declared, “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work, that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.” After the prayer, he and the company read Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord’s, and he ruleth among the nations:
    We agree in Jesus’ most holy and powerful Name!!

    October 17, 2024

    As a person married to someone from the UK (and who is a Christian) and also having lived there for a time I join you in prayer! Please also pray for my husband‘s family to come to know the Lord. (And those in my own here in the States). Thank you. Amen!

dave crown
October 17, 2024

The Jewish People Are Extremely Greatful To The IFA As Well As All The Many Righteous Nations Of The World For Standing With Us During Our Most Recent Moment Of Great Personal And National Peril.

May All Those Who Help The Jewish People As Well As Comfort Distressed Pregnant Women And Help Save Their At-Risk PreBorn Babies Be Protected Themselves And Greatly Rewarded For Their Courageous Righteousness.

May The Messiah Please Come Speedily In All Our Days!!!!!+++++

Shellie Maheu
October 17, 2024

Praise you JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth of the Holy Bible!!!!!!!


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