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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, forgive us for the sin of abortion that our country is so engrossed in. May Your truth and justice rule over our hearts and this land.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Joe Biden, if he wins the presidency, is considering a radical pro-abortion politician to run the U.S. Health and Human Services Department.

USA Today reports New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a pro-abortion Democrat, is a top contender for HHS secretary. under a theoretical Biden administration.

Like Biden, Grisham claims to be a Catholic, but she supports legislation allowing unborn babies to be killed in abortions for basically any reason up to birth. In 2019, she expressed astonishment when the New Mexico state legislature rejected a bill that would have kept late-term abortions legal in the event that Roe v. Wade would be overturned. . . .

Grisham also promised to recruit abortionists to her state to do more abortions and to fight for them if killing unborn babies in abortions becomes illegal someday.

“And I have every intention of recruiting additional medical professionals to New Mexico and retaining the excellent providers we already have, and I want them to know: I will fight to oppose any move to make you into a criminal for simply doing your work,” she said in 2019. . . .

In April, Biden called abortion an “essential medical service” during the coronavirus pandemic. His national health care plan also would expand abortions by forcing insurance companies to cover abortions as “essential” health care under Obamacare.

Under President Donald Trump, HHS Secretary Alex Azar and Vice President Mike Pence led the department in recommitting to basic human rights and health care for all Americans, born and unborn.

According to Politico, “For the past four years, Vice President Mike Pence has put his fingerprints on HHS … he supported efforts like the creation of a conscience and religious freedom division inside the civil rights office; and he worked to restrict funding for Planned Parenthood.”

A Biden administration would be a complete reversal of those life-saving policies. Biden has promised to restore funding to Planned Parenthood, which does more than 345,000 abortions annually, and end the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for elective abortions through Medicaid and other programs.

The livelihoods of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who believe it is wrong to kill an unborn baby also may be in jeopardy.

According to Politico, Biden also is considering former Obama adviser Ezekiel Emanuel as HHS secretary. Emanuel, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote an article in 2017 arguing that conscience protection laws are “unethical” and “unjustifiable,” and doctors who refuse to do procedures they believe are wrong – such as abortions — should “leave the profession.”

These radical, anti-life positions are vastly out of touch with most Americans. National polling consistently shows Americans — including people who are “pro-choice” on abortion — oppose late-term abortions.

(Excerpt from Life Site News. Article by Micaiah Bilger. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Stella (TX)
November 11, 2020

To agree & proclaim in the light of day; Sodom/Gomorrah to Egypt killing babies at time of birth is good is demonic/pure-evil. We look to you Father turn back these evils of our day. Who have we in HEAVEN but YOU FATHER, save/delivery babies from further infanticide, abuse, evil.

Mary Olson
November 11, 2020

Father God, may the prayers of your people be heard in heaven to stop the slaughtering of innocent children. May the scales be taken off the eyes and hearts of those who support this killing. May they repent and come to the knowledge of you as their Lord and Savior. We ask this in the holy name of Jesus.

Caroline Eagan
November 11, 2020

Oh Lord, I pray as we lay this “baby holocaust” at Your feet and deliver us from this evil, in Jesus name.

Rose Rocha
November 11, 2020

God Almighty have mercy. Help us Lord! In Jesus’ Mighty name.

November 11, 2020

Father, we honor You as Creator and Life Giver, we thank You for the gift of life and the opportunity to share in reproducing Your image as parents, and as a community of Christian believers to share in the bringing up of the children in the knowledge of You, Lord, so that they can fulfill the destinies You have planned for them.

We pray for the sanctity of life in our nation. The overthrow of Roe vs Wade. We thank You for the progress we’ve made in the courts with stopping late term abortions and blocking public funding through the Hyde Law. We have more to do to and we can’t stop now. The innocent blood of the unborn victims cry out for vengeance day and night without ceasing before Your throne.

We have a man, our President Donald J. Trump, possibly the most pro life president our nation has ever had, and he is tearing down the altars of Baal. For the sake of Your vengeance and the cleansing of this nation from this stain, through the precious blood shed of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us Your favor, Your Holy Spirit, Your mighty angles, President Trump’s legitimate second term reelection win, and Your righteous boots on the ground to expose all election fraud so that we will fully defeat this evil sin of abortion from which we repent for our lack of action against it.

We now take our stance, forgiven and enlightened, confident that You hear our prayers that are decreed according to Your will in alignment with Your written and spoken prophetic Words. We declare that “as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My word that goes out of My mouth: it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).

We declare Your word, Your promises as true. We therefore bind the the spiritual principalities, rulers, and authorities, the dark powers of evil in the heavenly realms and loosened Your holy powers of light and life, truth and righteousness to reign over our nation, over every state and city, over every election precinct, over every legitimate ballot cast. We empower righteous boots on the ground to seek and find all illegitimate ballots, to expose all schemes and plans, and to punish all treasonous participants from the bottom up, and identify and bring down in judgement all the evil leaders who planned and funded these schemes against our nation, our unborn children, and our beloved President Donald J Trump, and other righteous leaders whose votes were also stolen.

We declare and decree justice and judgement upon these evil doers, and blessing and vindication for Your appointed righteous leaders to do Your will here in the United States of America, and abroad as a light to the World, and friend of Israel. We seal this prayer in faith in blood of Jesus. Amen!

    Sharon S
    November 11, 2020

    Wonderful prayer! May God have the Glory and Honor in all corruption that is being exposed in our elections and our whole entire nation.

      November 11, 2020

      Thank you Sharon. Yes, may our God be glorified for exposing all the corruption and may He be justified for punishing the wicked. And may many souls repent, be set free from deception, and receive His forgiveness.

    November 11, 2020

    Bless you Alma, whose name means “soul” in Spanish! What a powerful & complete prayer. I came from Mexico legally with my mother & later became citizens of this Godly Promise Land. My whole family loves America & are grateful for what she stands for since the beginning. We want the US preserved & dedicated to God in the Holy Name of Jesus! One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. True Godly conversion & salvation in the Lord Jesus is the utmost importance for our nation to be a “cit on a hill” for more salvation through the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

      November 11, 2020

      Lovely post, Marylou. My husband was born in Hungary and is a naturalized U.S. Citizen, and we love America and all its naturalized citizens such as yourself and your mother. We are especially proud of Melania Trump, who is from the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia, and who demonstrates a real heart for her adopted Country when she publicly prays for America. She is a terrific First Lady. Like you, I too, am praying the Lord will hear His faithful and answer our prayers to expose the corruption in this election and keep America a free nation under God.

      November 11, 2020

      Thank you Marylou. Yes, my name is soul in Spanish, young maiden or virgin in Hebrew. I too am of Hispanic decent, and my parents immigrated from Mexico and became American Citizens. We love our nation and our President. Yes, we pray for God to preserve our nation, one nation united under God with liberty and justice for all. We pray for America to fulfill her destiny and be a light to the world with the spreading of the gospel.

    November 11, 2020

    Amen! What a wonderful and thorough prayer. I read and prayed it twice.

      November 11, 2020

      Thank you Angela. I too, love reading others prayers, and pray them over more than once. I am always encouraged to pray with others, and we know that where two or three gather in His name, He hears us.

November 11, 2020

LORD, we are 71 days away from Inauguration Day..and the Electoral College convenes in December.

In this time, as it becomes even more visible what the agenda of the enemy is for this country. May we not think for a moment that this is the time to cave and spiritually let up on our prayers.

We continue to plead and beseech You for an *epic* miracle in our land. To reverse the course of the hovering darkness in these precious weeks ahead.

Please reverse the false election results. Please soften hardened hearts and open blind eyes to the sheer scale of the corruption set before them. To the agenda that awaits them and their children and future generations.

Please bring to completion the Pro-Life progress set in motion by the current administration, not just domestically but internationally as well.

In Jesus’ name.

November 11, 2020

We pray for Michelle Lujan Grisham that you will release satan’s stronghold on her. Open her eyes to you, Jesus, your love and mercy. May she fall, like Saul, off her horse and see you and repent and change her evil position. We continue to repent that we let abortions happen in this nation.

Laura K
November 11, 2020

Oh Lord this must break your heart as it breaks the hearts of Your people.
This is an abomination Your sight and I pray that the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v Wade… and soon.
Thank you for those who are very vocal in showing outrage at Planned Parenthood and others like them. I am just thankful to know that the enemy’s time is limited and victory is Yours.

Ronald Wolfe
November 11, 2020

Dear Lord,
Have mercy on us. Have mercy on all the innocent lives that will be taken at the loosening of restrictions on abortion.
Dear Lord, Hear our prayer and prevent this change from taking place.
God, we cry out to you. Have mercy on us.

    November 11, 2020

    Regarding the innocent lives, “not will be taken”, but “would” be taken, if we do not rise up in prayer battle. We pray for God to prevent Biden from usurping power, we rebuke him and all his culprits of cheaters, liars, and murderers.

Dorothy Cameron
November 11, 2020

Father God,
For far too long our nation has shed the blood of innocent lives. We are guilty, LORD, forgive us, have mercy on us and help us.
We thank You that the weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful for the taking down of strongholds. Jesus, by Your life poured out on the cross, by the power of Your life giving resurrection and by the power of Your Word, which is like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces, break the walls, we pray, of the stronghold of abortion in the land and cause it to fall to the ground so the mockers and scoffers, the ones quick to shed innocent blood can no longer hide behind their deception and lies.
Your Word also tells us that You take no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather they repent and live. Please raise up Your laborers into their field of harvest and may they hear the good news of the Gospel of Christ and in godly sorrow and repentance may they call upon the name of the Lord and be saved and come out of the darkness, into Your marvelous light. Holy Spirit, breathe Your breath of life on Your church in this nation. May an awakening and revival sweep this land and may we take back the ground the enemy has stolen. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen


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