Two Senate races in Georgia are heading to runoff elections in January, and the results of those races will determine party control of the Senate.
Republicans currently have a 53-47 majority in the Senate. Democrats have gained one net seat as a result of Tuesday’s election.
Incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue and Democrat Jon Ossoff, the head of an investigative television production company, will face each other in a runoff election.
“Change has come to Georgia. Change is coming to America. And retirement is coming for Sen. David Perdue,” Ossoff tweeted on Friday.
“We will unite this country, defeat COVID-19, and build a stronger, more prosperous, more just America,” he wrote on Saturday.
Perdue said the GOP needs to win both Georgia Senate races to stop Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, from being majority leader. . . .
Incumbent Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock will also have a runoff election in January. Warnock picked up an endorsement from former President Barack Obama in September.
Votes are still being counted in the Alaska Senate race between incumbent Sen. Dan Sullivan and Democrat Al Gross. About 50% of precincts have reported results, and Sullivan is leading by a wide margin.
Incumbent Sen. Thom Tillis has declared victory in his race against Democrat Cal Cunningham, a former state senator. With almost all precincts reporting, Tillis is up by almost two points.
(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Nicholas Ballasy. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Lord I pray that you would give favor to Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Purdue of Georgia. I pray they would win re-election as Senators in our Congress. Give them wise strategies and spiritual maneuvers to pull ahead of their opponents. Don’t let results be even close. Bless them and protect them from the enemy, so they will have victory. I also pray for Sen. Dan Sullivan to run into victory in Alaska. Thank you that Sen. Thom Tillis has won his senate again.
I ask that the US Senate will remain in Republican control.
Father God, You are the one who places men and women in their positions of authority. We need people of integrity and wisdom in the Senate. We trust You to place the ones which You have chosen to bring glory to Your name and good for our Nation. Move your men and women to vote Biblical values in the run-off elections. We thank and praise You for Your goodness, grace and mercy. Thank You in Jesus name. Amen
Is there voter fraud? Are we bringing prayers to God based on assumptions? God honors truth. Let’s pray that His will and the truth prevail.
Hi Darla and TY for post. I’ve been afraid and reluctant to voice an impression I had in wee hours of morning after election. It made complete sense to me that Trump was winning in most swing states at night because the news made it clear that the tallies so far were without the mail-in votes counted AND that it was expected that most of the mail-in ballots would be leaning blue and not be for Republicans. So, when next day, more mail in votes were tallied, it was understandable to me for the spike in few days following election day. There are, however, many other suspicions about the vote counting, especially the mail-in votes, that I think are valid potential fraud so I’m supporting all the Trump campaign is doing to pursue legal grounds, forensic audits, etc.
Secondly, I cringed when Pres Trump came on night of election and claimed “win” as well as accused the election was being stolen without any statements to back that up. I thought he was behaving presumptuously and arrogantly. A few months ago, I started praying specifically for the Pres Trump in impressions I questioned if from God or not, that he needed to become more humble. He actually has grown more in this, IMO, but has a ways to go. Perhaps this current dynamic, with lie that Biden is now President-elect, is contributing to more humility…I pray it is and whatever else occurs will continue to move him in further direction of humble character development. And that his heart will soften and open more to Jesus Christ as his Savior, again truly getting it with humility, that he, Donald Trump, is not the savior or false god that some attribute to him. I know he came out and said he’s not the greatest but Jesus is which was good to hear but I’m not sure he has this deeply grounded in his heart and soul. This I pray for!!
That being expressed, and thanks for opportunity to get this all out in writing, I absolutely believe there has been voter fraud in this election (and those in past). More and more examples continue to present themselves. And, Georgia has decided, not been sued, to voluntarily do a manual recount. Is it enough that it will reverse the final results?? The odds are not as likely but, IMO, it’s worth pursuing. I personally believe, with research over the years, in the “conspiracy theories” which many are factual now…many books and resources out there to prove it. There is a deep state, shadow government, at play in both Democratic and Republican parties, in big Pharma, educational and legal institutions, etc. They are “the enenmy,” and I’m certain God does not, will not, let them win in the end. I voted for Pres Trump and continue to believe he is the best choice for getting us out of the swamp and supporting policies that I believe are in alignment with God’s will. Mr. Biden, and all the dark forces that are controlling him as a puppet, IMO, I believe, would lead us further into the swamp and policies leading to communism and one-world government so far that we might not ever recover or get out of it.
So, that leads me to say almost 100%, I’m not bringing prayers to God based on assumptions but they are based on what I believe is God’s will. We may need to go through more of the shadow government takeover before God wills to save us but, in the end, the enemy is defeated. God rules!!!
Have you read the article in this newsletter that gives valid examples of voter fraud in states throughout our country?
Just as Jesus commands us to love our enemies, He also says I am the Truth, as well as the Way, and the Life (John 14.6)
I am praying for the truth to be brought to light. I am asking this in the name of Jesus.
Lord, Send out your holy angels to block the enemy and inspire voters to choose our Republican candidates for the the US House, that our nation may carry out your will of righteousness in government and o
in the land. May all Heaven intercede with us for our freedoms to be protected and the Gospel to go forward and many souls won!
Lord we pray & declare in the powerful Name of Jesus and we petition the courts of Heaven that Sen David Perdue & Sen Kelly Loeffer, & Sen Dan Sullivan will win the election so the Republicans will have majority votes. Lord u see how difficult it has been with Sen Schumer,Pelousi. Ps37 says you will uproot the evil doers from the land. Please uproot Sen Schumer, Pelousi (and i add George Soros too who has been a trouble maker too as he has instigated & funded violence & protests in the streets) So when President Trump takes over it will be smooth running for the country. In the mighty name of Jesus AMEN!
Lord we thank you for Victory for Kelly Loeffler in Georgia for Dan Sullivan in Alaska and Thom Tillis !! We pray your mighty favor mercy and grace!!
Thank you for the blood of Jesus that paid it all !!
1Samuel 18:14 “ in everything he did he had great success because the Lord was with him”