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Father, continue to protect our nation and help us to call on Your name.
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The news that Pfizer’s vaccine is 90 percent effective has rocked the world (a tad too late to help Donald Trump). The company will be applying for an emergency FDA approval. From the Wall Street Journal story:

A vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc., PFE0.03% and partner BioNTech SE proved better than expected at protecting people from Covid-19 in a pivotal study, a milestone in the hunt for shots that can stop the global pandemic.

The vaccine proved to be more than 90% effective in the first 94 subjects who were infected by the new coronavirus and developed at least one symptom, the companies said Monday.

The positive, though incomplete, results bring the vaccine a big step closer to getting cleared for widespread use.

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Pfizer said it is on track to ask health regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month, if pending data indicate the vaccine is safe.

The timetable suggests the vaccine could go into distribution this month or next, though U.S. health regulators have indicated they will take some time to conduct their review. . . .

Many pro-lifers have resisted taking any COVID vaccine if fetal cells taken from aborted fetuses were used in its development.

So, I checked. Pfizer’s vaccine was developed using genetic sequencing on computers without using fetal cells. As a consequence, the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute listed the vaccine as “ethically uncontroversial.”

That news may materially increase the number of people willing to be inoculated when the vaccine becomes generally available, perhaps avoiding a potentially explosive controversy over mandates that has been brewing in recent months.

(Excerpt from Life Site News. Article by Wesley Smith. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

This is a HUGE answer to prayer! Comment your prayers of praise below!

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December 15, 2020

Still not taking it. Vaccines are not of God. The Word, Jesus, is my vaccine. Only believe. Will resist any mandates. So should all Christians. No one should be forced against their will to be injected with anything. I do not trust godless scientists and the science of atheists. Lord that Your people wake up and stop being passive and going with the wide path of destruction’s flow.

Tom Rodgers
November 12, 2020

Did you know that this vaccine contains RNA modifiers (with intent to modify human DNA overtime)?

Globalists are planning “the great reset” substantially connected to forced vaccinations.

Strongly opposed to taking such a vaccine until it is proven safe and without serious side affect. Listen to Robert F Kennedy Jr who presents objective facts and do not be deceived.

November 12, 2020

I’m still Leary due to Bill Gates’ idea to put “chip” in vaccine. Could this be “mark of the beast”?

    Tom Rodgers
    November 12, 2020

    Did you know that this vaccine contains RNA modifiers (with intent to modify human DNA overtime)?

    Globalists are planning “the great reset” substantially connected to forced vaccinations.

    Strongly opposed to taking such a vaccine until it is proven safe and without serious side affect. Listen to Robert F Kennedy Jr who presents objective facts and do not be deceived.

November 12, 2020

If you know anything about the end times, which we are in, then you know we as true Christians will not be taking it. This is the mark of the Beast (system) in Revelation 13. In Yeshua’s name I urge all true Christians to wake up!

Vikki Covington
November 12, 2020

Can anyone confirm that there will be no RNA changing ingredients or heavy metals in this vaccine?

Stella (TX)
November 11, 2020

(We say yes and AMEN-Psalms 105:37 He brought [Israel] forth also with silver and gold, and there was not one feeble person among their tribes) Father we pray all GLORY, HONOR, POWER, AWE, GIVING OF THANKS to YOU ALONE. Manifest the might of your strong right hand, so that the nations watching will see, believe and FALL BENEATH YOUR GREAT TRUTH. Your most HOLY WILL, we pray; come forth only. AMEN, MARANATHA LORD JESUS

Spirit of Elijah
November 11, 2020

I would encourage to consider the docu-series “Truth About Vaccines” and prayerfully consider about the information present before taking this vaccine.

November 11, 2020

Everyone needs to know EVERY INGREDIENT that is in the vaccine, as well as any RNA modifying components!!

All vaccines actually!!

    November 11, 2020

    ingredients including any that allow tracing, control, etc also need to be known

      November 11, 2020

      Sorry I missed this but I’m grateful you picked up on it and added this info also.

      Am I going to take the vaccine? NO !!!

      ?? What happens to God’s creation when the DNA is manipulated by man ??

        November 12, 2020

        Yes, I do not believe vaccines, conceived in love of money, are anything God’s children need. Research I’ve seen shows many diseases were already declining when vaccines were introduced for them (or are completely unnecessary for the populations required to submit to them), and as a pediatric occupational therapist, I most definitely saw a SEA CHANGE in the types of children referred for my help, between children born in the 60’s (when I began working) and 70’s, compared with children born in the 80’s and thereafter, including several who were perfectly normal until they received probably the MMR (I am not a parent myself, so was not really paying attention to specific vaccines at the time), and subsequently were diagnosed as autistic. This is a fact even the vaccine manufacturers acknowledge in their boardrooms, just not out in public. Another confirmation that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil is that both the Vaccine Industry, and the Telecom Industry (possibly others, as well) have, unfortunately been deemed by our federal legislature as immune from prosecution for harm or death. Which is why the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was passed, funded by a small surcharge on each vaccine, and has, to date, grudgingly awarded over $4 billion to victims severely harmed by vaccines. In addition, ALL vaccines contain toxic levels of such adjuvants as mercury, above FDA safety levels, and we see our poor children, and adults suffering from levels of chronic disease unknown to previous generations. Seems like just another face of our current culture of death. We need to be wise.

          November 12, 2020

          You are so right. As a registered nurse, mother of 4, grandmother of 17 and great grandmother of 1, I have seen what is happening to our children and it’s not good and even for the older population. My patients were in long term care facilities as well as hospice. The devil is still doing everything he can to be like God, but he never will. His attempts, in working through man, are only and always destructive to God’s creation.
          NO ONE can do what our Creator God has done or improve on it.
          EVERYTHING we will ever need is found in Him. Jesus paid the ultimate price. I pray we begin to seek the Lord first, for His direction, in everything but especially now, vaccines.
          Several months ago, there were several episodes on Table Talk, that specifically dealt with vaccines. Del Bigtree and Robert Kennedy, Jr were the guests. I imagine they are archived. There’s also a movie, “Vaxxed 1” came out in 2016 and “Vaxxed 2” came out in 2019. I believe every parent must see these. And hopefully, every medical professional, as well. For the sake of our children, for everyone who are given vaccines; It is URGENT that we educate ourselves and learn the truth about vaccines.
          My people perish for a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. …you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free………
          I pray for wisdom and discernment for all God’s children and all who work to do what is right.

November 11, 2020

Ethical Vaccines: Pfizer is partnering with Biontech, Novovax is standalone, and so is Sorrento. Please help the last two companies as well since the FDA favors big money / big pharma. The last two are U.S. and we need all three. Also, Vaxart from San Francisco has an oral vaccine that needs no refrigeration that also makes one immune from the virus which originated in Wuhan, China. Thank you in the Name of Jesus.

    Cynthia Taylor Curtis
    November 11, 2020

    Don’t get too excited about helping Big Pharma get not only more of our money, but also, thereby, the ability to control even more of the news we get.
    As Louis Pasteur said, near the end of his life, “The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything.” Jesus sent us into the world, where we certainly have trouble, and viruses, but He promised that He had overcome the world. I believe this gives His children not only the power to mount up on wings as eagles in prayer, but also the wisdom to employ wise food choices and lifestyle habits, so that our bodies can slough these viruses off. He told us “Fear not”!

    November 12, 2020

    I just read the covid vaccines were never meant to prevent getting sick, only to lessen symptoms, which we can already do, by trusting our Creator to instruct us in wisely caring for the temple He has given each of us. Plus, this warp speed thing is being handled by the military and intelligence communities, nothing to do w health, with a goal, apparently, of making vaccine recipients the actual guinea pigs for safety testing, and using a chip inside the recipient to monitor bodily effects. Absolutely NO THANK YOU! “I AM the LORD your God”, He has told us, “You shall have no other gods before Me.”

November 11, 2020

Praying for integrity about the safety of this pharmaceutical. Protect children vulnerable to reactions from the heavy metals, formaldehyde, and pathogens they may have difficulty processing.

November 11, 2020

Thank you,Lord!

November 11, 2020

LORD, we praise You and ask for You to bring complete healing, and an end to this pandemic. We pray this vaccine be safe, administered to those most at risk, and righteously distributed among the population in an ethical fashion.

We also pray:

– Please reveal the necessary details surrounding the origins and initial outbreak of the virus in Wuhan. Please divinely open the doors of transparency into the crucial information the Chinese government continues to cover up – even from their own people and scientists. May no such virus ever spread again. And may no abuses of power be justified in the name of said virus. In any nation.

– Please help Your people separate fact from lie. Precaution versus overreach on the part of the authorities.

– We pray against the politicization of science.

– We pray against the ungodly forces guiding the pharmaceutical industry — which for all its healing work — has also wrought extraordinary widespread pain via the opioid epidemic etc…We pray for accountability and for godly men and women to rise up the leadership ranks of big-pharma companies.

– Please deliver us from the tyranny of medical technocracy and “experts” who are not always driven by godly values. Forgive our societal idolatry of science. We declare that Science does not have the ultimate authority of our lives and societies: YOU do. We declare that our faith and our allegiance is to YOU and Your unchanging laws.

– We pray a covering of protection and favor for any in the medical and science community, who seek to honor You first and foremost. We pray especially for any dissenters of established ideologies. Please equip them as they challenge the prevailing wisdom regarding topics ranging from climate change to this virus.

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