I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask for safety, order, and unity for the Republican National Convection in Charlotte.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Brenda Jackson is an IFA Intercessor who urges us to pray for three specific requests for the upcoming Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina:

“We need to be praying for safety for the event, for the city, for the residents, and for the property. We also need to be in prayer for order; that there would be no chaos and that there would be a peaceful acceptance process. Lastly, let us pray for unity among the delegates and among the leadership.”

The Republican National Committee will be conducting the official business of the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte from August 21ā€“ 24. During this time, delegates will meet to officially nominate their candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. The Convention Committee on Credentials and the publication of proceedings will also take place in the Queen City. The specific location of these activities and the anticipated total number of attendees have yet to be finalized. Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles says the city is committed to hosting a significantly scaled-down Republican National Convention in August and has no intention to expand the event. . . .

ā€œThe city does not intend to and will not incur any costs in support of the convention beyond the reduced budget, which was approved by the Department of Justice,ā€ Mayor Lyles tweeted Friday evening.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump announced that he was canceling the Jacksonville, Florida portion of the convention due in part to the ā€œflare upā€ of coronavirus cases in the state. . . .

Florida was to have hosted four nights of programming and parties that Trump had hoped would be a ā€œfour-night infomercialā€ for his reelection.

ā€œItā€™s a different world, and it will be for a little while,ā€ Trump said, explaining his decision. ā€œTo have a big convention is not the right time,ā€ Trump added.

The Charlotte portion of the RNC is going on as planned, which is significantly scaled down. . . .

ā€œAt the RNCā€™s request we have been preparing and planning for a scaled-down RNC event. We have committed to hosting a scaled down event and that is what we are going to do,ā€ Mayor Vi Lyles tweeted.

ā€œWe have an agreement in place with the Republican National Committee to host a substantially scaled-down business meeting and that is what we are planning to do,ā€ the City of Charlotte said in a statement. ā€œWe have not received any notice from the Republican National Committee of any plans to cancel any portion of the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville.ā€

Trump says he will still do a convention speech, just in a different form.

He also says his administration will do some other things, mentioning the possibility of ā€œteleralliesā€ and online events during the week.

(Excerpt from WBTV and CharlottesGotAlot. Article by Andrew Barnett. Photo from Wikimedia.)

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Lois Taritas
August 12, 2020

Father God
We call forth your Devine order in Charlotte for this convention!
We thankyou for the full armor of God over President Trump and Vice President Pence! We honor these Men of God you have chosen to lead this Nation!
I pray an Spiritual Annointing over every person at this convention, and I ask for a wall of your fire around this building that no breech can penetrate this wall!
Thankyou Jesus in your mighty name!

Ronda Orchard
August 11, 2020

Lord as with Trump rallies around the country we step up our intercession on behalf of the Republican National Convention. We ask You to go before our prayers and secure the perimeter of the meeting place. Put your finest warriors in places of strategic protection over the attendees and our President.

Place detractors at a considerable distance from the Convention and provide the type of security that Charlotte can be proud of. Going forward cause our President to be the example of your grace when delivering the truth.

We thank you for the mantle of blessing you have placed over him and the work he is getting done in spite of distractions.

Thank you Lord for Donald Trump st such a time as this.


Barbara Smith
August 11, 2020

Lord, I pray that all Your plans will be established for the RNC and the enemy will not succeed with any of his plans. Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let Your people be sensitive to how the Holy Spirit is leading and quick to completely obey. Glorify Yourself in this!

Joan Bartruff
August 11, 2020

In Jesus’ Name, Heavenly Father, I enter Your presence because as a Christian I am wearing Christ’s robe of righteousness. “I have no plea for my own righteousness” only Jesus’ precious blood cleanses me and allows me to come into Your perfectly Holy Presence. Thank You, Heavenly Father. My request to You is that Your Heavenly Armies will surround Charlotte August 21-24. I pray any individuals, or group of individuals that
would desire to cause destruction, interference, harm, riots, anarchy will be held in bay. I pray any protests will be orderly and peaceful. I pray Your protection of Charlotte will show forth Your glory, Lord. “All things are possible with You Lord. You calm the raging sea. I pray a covering of peace and protection over the City of Charlotte, and over all cities across Your America, Lord. God bless America. Amen.

August 11, 2020

Lord, thank You for Your Sovereign Power and Your Perfect Plan. Even in this chaos, You are working all things together for our good and for Your glory. Lord, protect the citizens of Charlotte. Grant them peace and stability during the convention. Lord, please implore Your children to vote for the platform that best supports Your position. One that is pro life and respects the institution of marriage and Your design of the family. One that wants to restore the rule of law and the sovereignty of the United States. One that protects religious liberty and the right to bare arms. Lord, please forgive us for shutting You out of the public square. Help us to repent and seek You! Bring revival to our nation as we return to You! In Jesus Name

Penni Bulten
August 11, 2020

Heavenly Father, You say in Your word that “If My people who are called by My name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from Heaven,forgive their sins, and heal their land.” I ask that your people, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, would heed this advice. We pray that Republicans would turn to righteousness and that they would honor their pro-life platform at the national convention. We also pray that the convention would be lead by those who honor Your word, respect your principles and uphold righteousness, as well as see their own need for righteousness.

August 11, 2020

Thank you God that you are the God of order, peace and righteousness. We ask for your angels to surround that area in Charlotte when the convention takes place. We ask for many intercessors to come to that area with their armor on standing in the authority that you have given to them. That they would have great boldness, strategy and courage as they come against the giants and subdue them by Your mighty power in them. Be glorified Oh Lord!!


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