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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, awaken Your church to a renewed focus on the fear of the Lord. We ask that the fear of the Lord would overtake any fear of circumstances.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

. . .The March 24th poll finds that 35% of the 120 million individuals in the region seeking to leave their country are keen on living in the U.S.:

“There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them if they would like to move to another country permanently if they could. A whopping 27% said “yes.” This means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere. Gallup then asked them where they would like to move. Of those who want to leave their country permanently, 35% — or 42 million — said they want to go to the United States.”

The number doesn’t appear to include children or family members that could be brought to the U.S. via chain migration. As The National Pulse noted in September 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden’s proposed amnesty of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. would lead to 77,000,000 foreign nationals being added to the U.S. population. . . .

Share your prayers for our nation in the midst of this immigration crisis. . .

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article by Natalie Winters. Photo by Milo Espinoza/Getty Images)

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Ellen H
April 11, 2021

This whole thread has made me sad. This is such a hard issue. I do not believe those coming in on the border right now are finding their haven. It us a mess. My heart breaks for these children. My heart breaks for people who are living in poverty. The US is no longer a beacon, our education standards are coming down dramatically. We have lost our moral anchor. I saw the President of El Salvadore say he wants his good people to stay. To believe their is enough wealth in this country to bring every one up is foolish. It is not money that is key. It is the attitudes and hearts of the people. We Christians need to be the living Word. To many we sound selfish. I know you can’t save a drowning man if you cannot swim. There are problems with expecting something for nothing. But I can say many migrants I have seen have worked very hard for their wages, which I’m sad to say my own children would not do these jobs. I’m not saying open the floodgates. But I am saying God is the answer! My daughter went to the Ivory Coast as a young teen on a work and witness trip. While the other kids were horrified, her comment was they were happy. They didn’t know what they didn’t have. Materialism is at the heart of much of this. Not Godly at all. It’s what we do with it that matters. God cares about our hearts.

Vashti Monica FORD
April 9, 2021

I have noticed in my area that an abundance of Spanish speaking churches (evangelical)are being raised up. They have large nice buildings and are located in poor areas where people who live there can find Jesus even if they have no transportation

ming miley
April 9, 2021

Democrate’s doing this to allow whole bunch immigrants come in to prepare them to win in the election years from now.

Linda Miller
April 9, 2021

I believe Donald Trump had the right approach with his border policies. We can’t handle so many at one time. It will tank our economy and cause huge stresses on our citizens. These people don’t care about the hardships they are imposing on this country. I am for making them return to their own countries and fight for themselves there instead of looking for an easy way out. That does not exist. The citizens of this country are struggling as is and especially our senior citizens. Our politicians seem to have lost common sense once they are ensconced in our congress. We need to put our borders under strict enforcement and tell these people they are being completely unrealistic. I assume they have brains big enough to understand that they cannot keep coming here. Can they read? Put out documents for them that outline our requirements for entry.

Skye Alison
April 8, 2021

What kind of people are we Lord to say the kinds of things we say to one another? To make assumptions about the inner motives of those bringing their concerns to you. God forgive us for presumptuous sins and for operating like our common enemy, the ‘Accuser of the brethren’. Forgive us for our paltry and sometimes foolish prayers. Your word says “You ask and receive not because you ask amiss.” Teach us Lord to wait before you so we may know what to pray – and how you want us to pray! Father, strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees. My flesh is willing but my spirit is often weak. God may we recognize YOU are Sovereign over the nations AND over individuals. You determine when and where we are born and where we live and you said “What does the Lord require of you but to DO justly, love MERCY and walk HUMBLY with your God. Thank you Father for making this plain; and for the concern Christians have toward the less fortunate. But now save us from the sinful pride that refuses to acknowledge that YOU are Almighty God and only YOU have unlimited resources to meet the needs of all people. I pray that ungodly leaders in every nation will be convinced of a day of wrath and coming Judgement and so administer honestly and wisely the affairs for which they are responsible. I pray your Word continues going forth as Habakkuk prophesied “The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!” and that more and more people will embrace your promise “I love those that love me and those that seek me find me; Whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord; whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.” Amen

April 8, 2021

This is fearmongering plain and simple. Why are we concerned about people who “might want to move to America in the future”. I’m concerned why republicans aren’t introducing any new legislation and why conservative states aren’t opening up! This is a distraction tactic and I’m concerned that more Christians are not outraged by this! It is deceptive, dishonest, and of the Devil. God, please help us. Show us your will and help expose those within the Church body that seem so desperate to do us harm!

Yvonne Pendleton
April 8, 2021

Father, give discernment whom to allow in the USA. Th e battle is great to keep unjust people out of our country. We know the battle is Yours, yet show what is in Your heart.

    April 8, 2021

    Wow, unjust people? Next time just start by saying your racist I guess since you aren’t even trying to hide it.

      Linda Miller
      April 9, 2021

      It is not racist to want to have a country to live in without free loaders. Most of these people just want what we have without working for it. Most other countries have laws and are very strict about immigration. Yet every time we try to protect ourselves, there is someone out their yelling “racist” in our faces. Stop misjudging people. We are Americans and we have a country that we established. Now we are faced with millions of people who are putting a huge burden on us and we cannot keep this up. I have lived over seas and we went there prepared to take care of ourselves without putting a burden on others. These people do nothing but complain instead of thanking us for being here in case they have a legitimate reason to come here. Your use of the word your is inaccurate. The word you want is you’re (you are) your is singular. Perhaps you’re an illegal?

April 8, 2021

My heart breaks for the innocent children who are coming without parents. I cannot imagine ever letting anyone take my children to another country without me with them!!
Having borders is biblical! Unfortunately, some of these people are coming in for nefarious reasons, to do us harm! If we continue to allow this, we could very well turn into the countries they came from! Only God can stop this, because this administration will not! Can you imagine 77 million new people in this country?? This is wrong, for numerous reasons!
Father, in the name of Jesus, let all the plots and plans of our enemies boomerang on them! What the enemy means for evil, turn it for our good! We need and ask for your mercy, Lord.

April 8, 2021

Father God, I pray for this administration to recognize and accept responsibility for what has been allowed to happen at the southern border. Encouraging migrants to come to the United States without a definitive and logical program is abuse for all involved. I pray, Lord, for the Border Patrol officers, the workers who are trying to manage this crisis and the states who are being overwhelmed with a crisis that should never have been allow to happen. I pray protection for all involved and I pray your spirit will guide and direct all officials making decisions on this issue. I ask for your blessings, Father. In Jesus name.

    April 8, 2021

    Ahh yes, Trump’s border crisis amazingly becomes Biden’s fault. Amazing how quickly you forget! They were 4x this many people trying to pour into the country while Trump was in office but evidently extremist Christians only care about it when they lose. Hmmmm

April 8, 2021

This, and all of Biden’s agenda, is seriously wrong. I heard recently that the Biden Administration is considering to continue to build the border wall. We just cannot be allowing all of these people into our country. As far in debt as this nation is, we simply cannot afford to allow this immigration to continue. We have difficult enough time trying to take care of our own citizens. It’s too bad that all of these people have it so bad that they want to come here to live, but, we have all that we can handle right now in this nation. Lord Jesus, please give the misguided, satan-infuenced Biden Administration Your wisdom. Give each of them a spiritual awakening- a Jericho road experience. Give us wisdom of how to pray about these issues. In Jesus’ name we pray.

    April 8, 2021

    Absolutely right. My Prayer is that The Biden Administration will seriously consider to continue building the wall. It is very much needed.

    April 8, 2021

    I think you and God have different ideas about who is Satan-influenced, friend. Consider reading His Holy Word.

      April 9, 2021

      It appears that we have differing opinions politically, my friend, and the best thing that you and I can do is to agree to disagree!

Sharon Manifold
April 8, 2021

Father God give wisdom to our leaders and for what the enemy has meant for harm turn that to your good Father. I pray for the children, healing for their health and Holy Spirit move among them and bring salvation to their souls in the name of Jesus, we ask this.

April 8, 2021

Lord I pray, Please awaken Your church to a renewed focus on the fear of the Lord. Strengthen us to a renewed faith, commitment, and spirit to You during this raging spiritual battle. In Jesus name I pray, amen!


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