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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would help the children in Canada who are being victimized by this man. Save our children here in America from ever having to experience anything like this, Lord.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The following video from Fox News’ Tucker Carlson covers Stephen Hanna, a Canadian teacher who started wearing enormous fake breasts to class. While the school has defended this “gender expression,” Carlson calls it what it is: perversion and a sexual fantasy.

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Canadian children are being used as pawns in an adult’s sick sexual game. This is a tragedy and, if we don’t stand up, it will happen to American kids as well. Let’s make sure we are praying for the protection of our children.

Watch Carlson’s commentary below:

What do you think of Carlson’s words? Share your own thoughts and prayers in the comments below.

(Video from Fox News/The Post Millennial. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Nancy Perrault
September 25, 2022

Father! We all should be incensed over this behavior! Please, Father, help us here on earth! This is horrible. We know in Your word You said it was going to be like this, because of sin. Protect those who love You and serve You everywhere here on earth, especially the youngest and most innocent among us, our children. Deal with the perversion and please give us a reprieve from this insanity and moral decay! In Jesus Name amen.

Darlene Estlow
September 23, 2022

Father, deliver us from this evil. I pray for this teacher. Remove him from this position and protect our children. I pray for Canada and for us. May we follow you Father than Satan’s paths.

Rose Rocha
September 23, 2022

Lord, I pray that if Tucker is not a born again believer that he has encounter with you Jesus and becomes born again. When he does, he will be an on fire believer that you would use him and his influences in the Media, mightily. In Jesus name I pray.

LauraLee Aguilar
September 23, 2022

We speak of our cherished history, all the glowing and dark parts that built our nation, and how valuable it is as we seek to build our future on it’s layers of wisdom and knowledge, yet the Bible has a history that few ever elude to – it’s called the Old Testament. And while I do believe in the New Covenant we have in Christ, I have not noticed in my reading of the Bible cover to cover, that the men and women changed from the Old Testament, and we know that God did not change (and never will) – so why do we ignore the wrath and punishment of our Holy God when we consider the sinner. Yes, there is always grace, but when an individual is preying upon children right in front of the eyes of their parents and nothing is being done about it, we must seek to go back to the wisdom of history; in this case, the Old Testament. God speaks of stoning those for certain sins as, if we do not, their sin will grow like a cancer in their society. This is the harvest we are reaping now. We sow grace for all sins, and prayer to save the sinner, but what about the innocent children they are committing these vile actions towards? How this vision of a man with insanely large breasts is corrupting their little minds and souls, skewing them toward perversion (which is the point, right?) This demon possessed man should be behind bars at the very least. Why are we allowing (lack of action against IS allowing) such perversion in the light of day to go unpunished. The evil has crossed over, it is no longer seeking to hide. As we sit by and let it be, we will reap a new generation of broken children, their innocence stolen. This is one of the worst sins imaginable. My prayer is that these parents take their children from this school in droves in a show of unity against this sick establishment. My prayer is that God remove this man from being around children ever again, let His Will be done! I pray that all who seek to harm children and steal their innocence and their God-given right to a childhood free from sex and violence and the corrupting lies of gender confusion are spiritually bound, the demons that possess them are forever cast down into the pit of hell, and that God deals with each of them here on Earth as well. Amen.
Our righteous anger must cause us to ACT in defense of the children, not the pedophile. During the Civil War, family men and women acted in defense of the slaves against their own countrymen to free the innocent. In the end, they didn’t sit idly by and continue to watch the horrendous abuse, they rose up against it with God on their side!

Janet Wereski
September 23, 2022

Oh God hear the groanings of our hearts for the children and what they are being subjected to. With tears we cry out to you to shelter them from this demonic perversion. We come before you with righteous anger and implore you to remove this evil in Jesus mighty name. We stand in the gap and lay the ax to the root of this perversion that has taken hold of this person and cut it down. Your will is that none should perish, and all have eternal life. Lord, open the eyes of this person to truth. You are Truth. Shelter our children from all evil Lord. Holy Spirit hover over them. Protect them, guide them, hold them in the palm of your hand and open their eyes to you and all you have for them. In Jesus name we pray.

Judy Brooks
September 22, 2022

Lord Jesus, we implore you to hear our prayer in this situation. Believing this individual has been bitten by satan and infected with this perverted evil we know you are the antidote to this venom . We stand in the gap bringing Steve Hanna before you imploring mercy on him according to your loving kindness. According to the kindness of your tender mercies blot out his transgressions wash him thoroughly from his iniquity and cleanse him from his sin. For we stand in the gap for Steve Hanna and acknowledge his transgressions and his sin is ever before him. Against you and you only has he done evil in your sight, that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge. Behold he was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did his mother conceived him. Behold you desire truth in the inward part and in the hidden part you will make him to know wisdom. purge him with hyssop and he shall be clean, wash him and he shall be whiter than snow. Make Steve Hanna to hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken may rejoice. Hide your face from his sins and bolt out all his iniquities. Create in Steve Hanna a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within him . Don’t cast him away from your presence and don’t take your holy spirit from him. Restore to Steve Hanna the joy of his salvation . ( We call things as forth as they will be) Uphold him with your generous spirit and then he will teach transgressors Your ways and sinners will be converted to You. Deliver Steve Hanna from the guilt of bloodshed , Oh God
the God of his salvation. And his tongue shall sing aloud of His righteousness! Oh Lord open Steve Hanna’s lips and his mouth shall show forth Your praise. … The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart that you will not despise!! Cover our prayers with your precious blood. We pray all this in the mighty name of Jesus!

September 22, 2022

Dear God, please protect all the kids in all the schools from all this sexual sin that is happening in their schools. We need You, our children need You! Dear Lord , I can’t even find the words to express the gut wrenching ache inside of me for what is happening in our world right now to our kids. So I am humbly crying out for Your help, as You are the only one that can stop this madness. I lift up the children to You. In Jesus’s name I ask this. Amen🙏

September 22, 2022

Matthew 18:6 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

This man is sick with a degenerated mind…he is passed the age of accountability where the children are not. May the demonic platform this sick man is standing on be obliterated and bring this man to repentance quickly and remove him from this position. Father God, we ask you to protect these children from this filthy immoral conduct and may Canada stand strong in the Lord against this kind of foolishness.

Anna Van Elswyk
September 22, 2022

We have definitely lost our moral compass. No administrator with the ability to think logically would support this abuse of young people.

September 22, 2022

If you saw more of Carlson’s report you would have seen young children watching perversion on stage. You had a prayer article a bit ago on the gay bar, Mr Mister, Dallas, that had children involved. Arlington, TX has sexually explicit content available to children and teens. One example is the book, gender queer. So when you say “If we’re not careful this will happen in this country” that makes no sense.

    Carol A.
    September 22, 2022

    Yes, it is already happening here in this country, with people bringing their children to Drag Queen story hour and Drag Queen night at gay bars! It breaks my heart to see adults trying to normalize such behaviors!

Annette Kotsay-Osen
September 22, 2022

Lord Jesus we put a stop to this in the spirit and pray for all the followers of Jesus in the school district stand up and speak out. We pray for the students and that they use their voice and listen to your voice on how to deal with their teacher. Let your light shine on this situation Jesus.


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