I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would open the eyes of the public to the horrors of abortion. Show this nation, God, that abortion is murder, not healthcare.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Analysis. How does America, once known as a Christian nation, find itself with blood-stained hands of over 60 million children denied the right to take their first breath?

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade the battle returns to each state to decide, it is imperative we remove the deceptive strategic shift which allowed it to be addressed as a  healthcare debate rather than what it is—the right-to-life.

Abortion has never been about healthcare.

Abortion is not a “treatment.” Pregnancy isn’t a disease. It doesn’t “treat” anything.

It isn’t a “fetus,” it is a baby with life that feels pain. Abortion takes the life of a baby in a horrifically painful and monstrous fashion.

If you try to look up a bill regarding abortion at either the federal or state level, you have to look under the topic of “health.” But contrary to the claims, abortion has never been about health for the mom and certainly not for the baby.

“Abortion is not consistent with the medical profession,” stated Susan Arnall, Vice President of Legal Affairs for the Right to Life League—America’s first pro-life organization. “It is contrary to the Hippocratic Oath and is demeaning to the entire medical profession. Doctors are supposed to save lives, not take them.

“No one wants a woman to die, but it is only 1% of abortion cases in which the mother’s life is in danger. Consider an ectopic pregnancy, even in such cases, why is the baby torn apart or poisoned in the womb to save the mother? Even if the pregnancy is so early that the chance for survival is low shouldn’t the baby be given a fighting chance?” Arnall continued.

New legislation in Ohio does just that.

HB 413 requires a doctor to re-implant an egg from an ectopic pregnancy to allow the baby a chance at survival even as it protects the mother’s life. However pro-abortionists have been outraged at this bill. “Bills like the one in Ohio are meant to give fetuses and even fertilized eggs the same legal rights as pregnant people themselves,” state Mary Alice Carter, a senior adviser at the reproductive-rights group Equity Forward.

She’s right, because babies are people.

The bill is intended to treat the baby with the same rights as the mother, because as a person they do have the same legal rights. Remember this is an issue about the right to life vs murder not healthcare. And the Constitution has already made that issue very clear.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

If abortion were actually about health, as has been claimed, then consider that the abortion pill, which is now used in at least half of all abortions, doesn’t provide safety for the health of either mother or baby.

In 2021, restrictions for obtaining a chemical abortion pill were lifted so that women would not have to see a health care provider. Instead, they could request a pill online and receive it in the mail. The two-pill process first starves the baby and then causes contractions to expel the baby—sometimes still alive. It can be very dangerous for women already past the early stages of pregnancy. And now no one is checking.

In a letter to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in April 2020, acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock said the agency found “that allowing patients to receive chemical abortion pills via telemedicine and in the mail would not increase risks and would help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.”

The truth is that in the state of Ohio alone there have been 128 reported injuries submitted to the State Medical Board by abortion facilities statewide. The documents detail complications from chemical abortions that were reported by all eight Ohio abortion facilities from January 2021 through April 2022. Even before lifting restrictions to make access easier, the pill had resulted in the deaths of at least 22 women with serious injuries for thousands more.

In anticipation of the new ruling, New York and California have crafted numerous new pro-abortion bills vying for top position as the most abortion-friendly state. What about your state? While pro-abortionists scream that women deserve the right to a “safe” abortion, abortion isn’t safe. It always ends in the death of one if not both of the participants.

As this battle for life advances, we must require our state legislators to remove the deceptive narrative which cloaks the issue as a “health right” and return it to what it actually is–the infringement of the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the most vulnerable in society—the pre-born.

Abortion is clearly not a health issue.


We rejoice that Roe v Wade has finally been overturned. Yet Lord, we repent for the millions of babies who have already been killed and their destinies unfulfilled. We repent that we have stood by and remained silent, or have been okay with simply restricting abortion rather than stopping it.

We pray for protection over our land and pro-life centers as pro-abortion activists threaten a “night of rage” with the overturning of this law. May their violent agenda be stopped. We plead the blood of Jesus over every pro-life center, maternity center, Catholic agency, etc. that has dedicated their efforts to saving the lives of the unborn and helping pregnant women who have made the courageous decision to carry the baby to term.

Lord we ask for your help. We pray that the spirit of deception would be removed so that this is clearly seen for what it is. And may the spirit of rage that is on the verge of release be checked in its tracks and stopped.

We pray regarding U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland that he will either do his job and take a stand to stop the domestic terrorism against pro-life groups or that he will immediately be removed from his position and replaced with one who will follow the Constitution rather than a two-tiered justice system.

Father we pray for revival in our land that would bring holiness and the fear of the Lord so that the hearts of mothers would be to protect their unborn child rather than protecting their right to decide if their child lives or dies.

Forgive us that we have allowed monetary gain to be the driving force behind this ongoing sin. Open our eyes to truth and to see and recognize those who are truly fighting to stop abortion and those who are using it as a paycheck.

Forgive us for our inability to grasp that simply restricting abortion still accepts it. Lord break our hearts for what breaks yours. Change our hearts so that we can work to change our laws and see a change in our nation.

How are you praying against the lies of the enemy regarding abortion? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Karen Hardin is a literary agent and writer. She is the author of “Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” and “God’s Justice after Injustice.” Her work has been published in USA Today, Western Journal, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, CBN.com and more. To receive her free weekly scriptural prayer targets for our nation click here. Or you can sign up for her governmental and prophetic insights at karenhardin.com. Photo Credit: Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash.

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June 29, 2022

This is so accurate accept for the ectopic pregnancy. My husband and I have a precious 2 year old boy and we have been working on expanding our family over this past year. I unfortunately ended up with an ectopic pregnancy in may. I thought I was pregnant finally and so overjoyed until the worst pain in my life happened along with bleeding. It turned out I had an ectopic pregnancy of 8 weeks in my fallopian tube. Without treatment my tubes would have rupture and emergency surgery would have had to happen. There was no heartbeat. I wish there was a way to have been able to revive my pregnancy but that scientifically isn’t an option. If my tubes ruptured my chances of another pregnancy could be very complicated. To say I was devastated is an understatement. And now all these uniformed people are lumping my situation in with abortion. I DID NOT HAVE AN ABORTION! Abortion is a choice and I didn’t have a choice. Abortion is about unwanted pregnancies and I wanted nothing more than this baby! Pregnancies and babies live in your uterus. This pregnancy was in my fallopian tube . I’ve prayed and asked god why he did this to me. I think he saved me because this baby wasn’t meant for us. I believe our baby is out there and god is waiting for the right time to bless us. I wish everyone would leave out ectopic pregnancies from the abortion conversation.

    Karen Hardin
    July 1, 2022

    Hi Kendall, Thank you for responding as ectopic pregnancy is certainly rare and different. The point in bringing that issue into the conversation is that now, at least in Ohio, they are working to discover if there is a way to reimplant these eggs so that the baby can survive. It had never been tried before, so honestly the doctors don’t know. In an ectopic pregnancy, as you described, there is no choice but to remove the baby. But we are now entering a new stage in medicine in which they are seeking insight to see if any of these babies can, in fact, be saved. I think it is amazing and perhaps will be successful in some cases. I am so sorry for you and all you endured during that loss and pray for you and your husband that you will have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a full-term perfect baby.

Susan CC
June 29, 2022

Elizabeth, I prayed for you this morning. Our God is the Author of Truth and Compassion. His sent His Son and our Savior to die for our sins. If we will believe in Him and repent of our sins, they are forgiven. If we read His Word, we know one of the 6 things He hates are “hands that shed innocent blood.” We cannot call evil good. Abortion is evil. I pray if your heart is burdened, You will take time with the Lord to learn from Him. May His Truth set you free. BTW, there are countless organizations and agencies who serve women with love and compassion, as well as their unborn children. Do not believe the lies of the enemy…Jesus said it best, ““Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well.” Peace to you.

Proverbs 6:16There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
17haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that run swiftly to evil,
19a false witness who gives false testimony,
and one who stirs up discord among brothers.

Isaiah 5
20Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who turn darkness to light
and light to darkness,
who replace bitter with sweet
and sweet with bitter.
21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.

Matthew 11
28 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well.

Elizabeth Hinesley
June 28, 2022

it is not helpful when you use the word murder. when you say murder you’re implying that someone needs to be indicted charged with a crime, put in prison. You’re talking about the treatment of women. ; this is how The Right turns many people off on this issue – saying those who are Pro- Life
have no compassion for women.

    June 29, 2022

    What is it when a child is suctioned out of a womb in pieces? What is it when a child about to be born is pulled out of the womb, all but the head and then stabbed to death at the base of the skull? Elizabeth what is your word for just two of these heinous crimes? If someone kills a pregnant woman and the child in the womb dies, the perpetrator is charged with two murders! But if an abortionist kills the same age baby in the womb, somehow it’s not murder? Some people call it “women’s health” but GOD calls it “murder!” Again, what do you call the taking of an innocent life? If it’s not an accident, it is murder! FATHER GOD please wake up people to the truth! Let them know it isn’t about “right” or “left”, but GOOD and EVIL! I ask for salvation and YOUR Love FATHER and deliverance and education in truth for those that are ignorant of satan’s devices in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Susan CC
June 28, 2022

Amen, amen, amen! I am in total agreement with Karen’s prayer and add:

Dear Father God, may we continue to be led into passionate prayer for these who rage. May the stronghold gripping them be demolished. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen

Zoe Ella
June 28, 2022

I agree with the article. Abortion is not healthcare; it is convenience care, mostly so the mother (and also the father, who often runs off anyway) can engage in sexual activity at will without responsibility. In VERY rare cases, it is self defense, just as killing an aggressor who is trying to kill you is self defense. Abortion is also a tool of those who would tyrannize the population of the world to rid the world of many humans who would use resources. Acclaim for abortion has been building for many years, facilitated by splitting the union of sexual pleasure and reproduction, which are naturally tied together. It is most definitely not healthcare.
On the other hand, the Constitution does not outlaw abortion. In fact, it does not mention it. It does NOT make abortion a right (and pro-abortion people may, if they abandon their violence, attempt to amend the Constitution in that direction) nor does it outlaw it. It does NOT give the issue of regulating abortion to the Federal government, reserving that issue for the States.
If we wish to outlaw abortion, we will need to pass a Life at Conception act, stipulating in the act that not only does human life begin at conception, but that willingly killing it is murder, illegal.
Therefore, we still need be alert because the two (amendment and Life at Conception act) are opposites and either will be vigorously contended. Our work continues.

June 28, 2022

Although we rejoice over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, our prayers must focus on the critical need for the fresh opportunity for churches and pregnancy centers to ramp up and reach out to expectant mothers in providing critical resources and compassion necessary to meet their needs. Our prayer emphasis should include available information for adoption where some mothers are unable to care for their newborn child. Yes, it is tragic that America allowed some 63+ million babies to be killed since 1973. But, praise God, that through intensive prayer, we can make the necessary changes and preparations that will touch the lives of so many! May God’s presence instill wisdom, discernment, encouragement, protection, sensitivity to His Spirit and GREAT JOY as we minister to those in need!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

Nancy Berkey
June 28, 2022

My prayer is for abortion to end in all states and not be a choice. Dear Lord, please convict the hearts of these women who want abortions to consider adoption or even keeping their child.

    June 29, 2022

    Not just convict the women, so many don’t want to end the life they carry, they have bought into the lie they have no other good choice. And please Lord, forgive us, Your people, for speaking truth without love. Help our love for You, great M &M (Maker and Master❤️‍🔥) show through our words and actions, so pro death people will see truth and repent with us, to love You with all they are too❣️

Rosemary Castronovo
June 28, 2022

Lord Jesus bless those mother’s who have been victims of lies that a fetus was just a cell and tissue who went ahead with abortion and are now suffering guilt and unforgivness of self.

    Roxanne Rice
    June 28, 2022

    Yes, let them find peace and forgiveness, Lord. But beyond that, grant them the courage to speak about the mental and emotional anguish they experienced, to help others considering abortion to understand there are more consequences than abortion providers will tell them.

Roseann Davis
June 28, 2022

As Rose says, an unborn or even a born baby is not your body but the body of a little baby who God knit together marvelously in its mother’s womb. Take away the blinders from these deceived women and show them the truth of these little ones. Amen and amen

Rose Mary Mews
June 28, 2022

How did so many come to embrace the culture of death? I’ll continue to pray for the lives taken unmercifically and those responsible for these acts of violence May God have mercy on this nation🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

JoAnn Jernigan
June 28, 2022

Another thing that is absolutely SHOCKING to me ~ that some Christians are PRO-ABORTION.
They ARE NOT rejoicing with us in the over-turning of Roe.
Certainly now we are in the midst of the APOSTACY of the last days.

    June 29, 2022

    Amen Joann, though this RN is not so shocked as deeply sad, that just as many Christian men and women abort but more that they are not hearing truth spoken in love in the church, that they are not seeing love and feeling real, authentic love enough to run to churches for help instead of death traps.

Christie Zulim
June 28, 2022

I plead the blood of Jesus over America. I repent on behalf of my country for it horrific sin of abortion. I cry out for mercy from above because we do deserve judgement. But I PRAISE THE FATHER OF LOVE AND MERCY, because He has said in His Word that mercy TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT. I thank you Father for your great mercy that is new evaery morningl I lose the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation over every person involved in the abortion industry and over every mother carrying a child in her womb. I decree, Mothers shall love their babies! Their desire will be to protect and nurture the gift that was placed inside of her by our LIFE-GIVING God!

June 28, 2022

Father, you have reversed a curse off our nation. We thank you as this is a move of God. Help us to see this as a spiritual answer to 50 years of intercessory prayer and not focus on what our natural eyes are seeing. I stand on the word you gave me “I stopped this blood flow of death and I will clean up the mess it created.” Father, there is a mess right now, but we know you are faithful and full of compassion. You turned the heart of Saul and we ask you to do it again. There are many young woman who think they are fighting a good fight. Let us as intercessors stand in the gap for those who lack discernment. Father, we pray for an outpouring of your Spirit.
In Jesus’ name

    June 29, 2022

    AMEN!!! All praise and thanks to You Lord of Life and Light of the world! Messiah Jesus we see you moving and ask for Your Holy Spirit help to not only lead us, help us follow!!!

June 28, 2022

All states need to have this resource that our governor implemented. The biggest complaint I’m getting is that “so-called pro-life Christians”, their words, won’t take care of the baby or the mother after they are no longer able to get an abortion. They also go so far to say that pro-lifers only care about saving the baby but they don’t care about children getting shot in schools. Absolutely ridiculous! Life.sd.gov

June 28, 2022

I am appalled that people on Facebook are posting Scriptures that they claim justify abortion! Misusing the Holy Word of God to justify killing His creation, created in His very image. Satan is once again deceiving people who claim to be Christians but who think that they can use the Word to justify this evil. Open their eyes, Father, to these lies which perpetuate the evil of abortion.

CM Brown
June 28, 2022

Abortion IS NOT healthcare – it is the taking of another human life. No other explanation. NONE!
Praise God that SCOTUS has overturned Roe vs Wade! PRAISE GOD!!! May God PLEASE forgive the USA for the millions of babies that have been aborted.


June 28, 2022

RE: “New legislation in Ohio …. HB 413 requires a doctor to re-implant an egg from an ectopic pregnancy to allow the baby a chance at survival even as it protects the mother’s life. ”
FINALLY!!! Lord, bless the people who have come up with this legislation. Grant wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to medical professionals to be able to successfully perform these procedures. Grant comfort to the families of babies who might still die after such a procedure, and peace in knowing that they honored You in doing what they can to preserve the precious life that You created within them.
May the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on how to do these procedures spread throughout the nation. And may similar legislation requiring doctors to reimplant an ectopic embryo into the womb be spread and passed throughout the nation.
L’Chaim. Life, Lord. WE choose love. We choose LIFE and blessings so that we AND our children may LIVE.
In the precious name of Yeshua, our Messiah, Amen.

June 28, 2022

John 10:11-13 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.”
Father, I pray for every child who has felt abandoned emotionally /physically as a child by a parent who wasn’t there to protect, nurture and meet their needs. They are now adults who search for love in all the wrong places. They lack discernment as to who their good shepherd is and they don’t know who truly cares about them. Please take away their anger and their hurt. I ask for a supernatural outpouring of your spirit Lord. Bring revival.
In Jesus’ name

    Susan CC
    June 28, 2022

    Yours is an awesome prayer Chris. I often look at these individuals creating such havoc and wonder what their lives were like when they were innocent and dependent. My prayers continue for life, that being abundant life in each of these people. Abundant life for the glory of God and their good…our good. We must remember how sweet salvation is and pray for these to enjoy that peace.

Jacquelyn Miller
June 28, 2022

My prayer to Almighty God is that He will forgive America for standing against Him and His statutes, and still claim that we are ‘One Nation Under God.’ There was a time in America when the Bible was freely taught and accepted in Public Schools. Look at where we are now: as if we no longer need the Lord. Oh, Father, have mercy on us! We have forsaken the Only One who can help us. How can abortion be a constitutional right? America, we are imploding at an alarming rate. We no longer stand for truth which is found in God’s Word alone. We have gotten so attached to charismatic preachers and leaders that God means nothing. I pray for those who have had abortions in ignorance and their hearts are hurting. God is forgiving. Hallelujah! Don’t put your trust in man: he will fail you every time. Our hope is in Jesus and Him alone. Bless His Holy Name!

JoAnn Jernigan
June 28, 2022

WHY has abortion seemed to have become the ONLY (almost) form of birth control?
Please comment if you know.
What happened to birth control pills?
Woman on the news are crying as if they’ve lost their future, just because of Roe.
Is it only because our enemy loves to shed innocent blood?
Is it because Planned Parenthood is pushing this false narrative?
Also, it is NOT THEIR BODY that is the issue – it is the BABY’S BODY that is the issue.
Such BRAINWASHING of American women!
Now on the news, just last night on NBC Nightly News, they VICIOUSLY attacked crisis pregnancy centers! This will be, it appears, the new target.

    June 28, 2022

    birth control pills are actually a form of abortion if you study it will see does similar to what the ella, and morning after as it blocks the egg from attaching so that is not the answer

    Carol B
    June 28, 2022

    Yes. That NBC story was so full of lies that my blood was boiling! Already in NY our pregnancy resource centers are coming under attack, by the Health Department! Please pray for these centers that truly offer a CHOICE other than abortion. 🙏

    June 29, 2022

    Bless your heart Joann. Sadly, pregnancy centers have been a target of violence for at least a year now but since the leak, I have noticed more violent talk and many in positions of power encourage it rather than denounce the violence.
    As an RN, it doesn’t surprise me, abortion is violence against women. Risky, even when performed by a trained medical professional, with different levels of risk to the woman per procedure. And I won’t talk about ‘risk’ to the babe since it is designed to stop that life.
    The other forms of birth control are still used, but now abortion is so ‘accessible’…but also, fear and ‘self centeredness’, in men, women and children is at an all time high, at least in my lifetime, that some states have made it legal to kill a babe at 28 days old…
    Yes, evil is more brazen and Jesus warned it would be the closer His return gets.
    I don’t mean to say we sit in our church meetings and lament, though a lamenting can be called for when evil abounds! No, we can take comfort in His Word, gird our loins to stand where He says and go when and where He sends…and Church He has a plan to grow through this summer of rage, no doubt to crash the gates of hell and see captives redeemed. His love redeemed us and will do the same for the captives raging now. Take heart, stand in courage and be kind, for Jesus Name sake! Maranatha Lord Jesus❣️❣️❣️

June 28, 2022

As a physician, I would object to HR413. There is no medical procedure to re-implant an ectopic pregnancy. It is not an egg. It has already implanted in the wrong place, formed a placenta and a fetus has started to form. There is no way that I know of to re-implant the the palcenta embryo complex. Doctors should not be forced by law to do something that is probably impossible, has never been done and has never been studied. Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnacy fetus cannot be saved.

    JoAnn Jernigan
    June 28, 2022

    Thank you for that information.

    June 29, 2022

    Amen. Thank you Dr Helen. This RN was surprised to hear of this law and procedure. I can see considering reimplantation IF the doctor can do it and the implant is intact. But she and dad would have to know the risks of birth defects too. Often these ectopic pregnancies have anomalies. While we do always value life, we must move with humility and compassion too. For years, way before Roe vs Wade, abortion has been controversial and often reason has been thrown to the wind. I am praying this time we actual listen to God for His wisdom, not just give lip service to loving Him and go do our own ‘well intended’ thing.

June 28, 2022

My daughter took the abortion pill and she had a tubal pregnancy and it almost killed her!

Brian Lynch
June 28, 2022

As I had suspected, overturning Roe v. Wade is just the beginning of this issue. Lord, we repent of this nation’s sin of allowing abortion to happen in our nation. Cause people to have their eyes truly opened, and to clearly see that abortion IS NOT healtcare, but to see it for what it is- MURDER. I pray for all the abortion industry participants with the blood of innocent, unborn children on their hands. I pray for the battle that will be taking place at the state level as to whether abortion will be allowed. I pray for Your will to prevail. In Jesus’ holy name.

Karen Secrest
June 28, 2022

I wonder more why women aren’t practicing birth control and safe sex. Birth control meds are available through public health so money isn’t an issue and condoms are available in public bathrooms. So we are remis then in years of neglect in teaching our children about the sanctity of sex which God gave for pleasure and procreation. It’s to be contained within marriage and commitment for both men and women. This has never been a female issue since it still takes two. Can we pray our churches step up and bring people back to the saving grace of Jesus. Are we going to continue ignoring a whole generation that has been conditioned by lifestyles that say you can do anything you want with no consequences.
Those angry people protesting responsibility have no foundation. Very little hope and are being consumed by deception.
We lift up this entire society in t o the hands of Jesus and the power of His shed blood.
Psalm 91. Psalm 103. Psalm 136

June 28, 2022

It appears that SCOTUS is no longer weakened and compromised. They have rendered 6-3 decisions for life and freedom, with the dissenters falling along predictable Demtard party lines. It’s time to hit them hard. Push the 2,000 Mules narrative; expose election fraud everywhere it is found. Push it hard enough and this too can end up in the highest court in the land.

Tom M
June 28, 2022

Those, including Biden and his regime desiring abortion are clamoring for legalized genocide.

    Carol B
    June 28, 2022

    When I see them on TV now, I picture them with mill stones around their necks.

Carole Rithaler
June 28, 2022

I was shocked the other day when I read a story about a women who was so upset by the overturning of Roe vs Wade that she wanted to get pregnant in order to have an abortion.
“Why”, I thought. Then I understood … for some unknowingly abortion is their worship of the false god of Baal. It is a part of Baal worship. That’s why so many have gone insane over their inability to kill their baby.
May God reveal what and who is really behind abortion. It is from and to the devil. May God set this nation free and pour out His love, mercy, forgiveness and revival over America. God WILL save America!!!

Virginia in Tennessee
June 28, 2022

Oh Father, thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers all our sins. As Your word says “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭CSB‬‬
Help us to show mercy when needed and hold the evil in our government to account for the blood on our hands. We are in a sorry state of affairs when people accept killing babies to make a profit and calling it health care!
Open the eyes of the “pro choice “ crowd and let them be appalled by their own foolishness and arrogance in their actions.
This was a great article and I loved the prayer at the end.

June 28, 2022

Pay for your own mistakes it`s where you women blew it.


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