Threats against Clarence Thomas
Threats against Clarence Thomas
Among the protests and outbursts erupting across the country, some have called for the assassination of Clarence Thomas. We must pray that these threats remain empty and do not continue.
From Just the News. Individuals have been calling on social media for the assassination of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after he issued a separate concurring opinion on Friday in a ruling that struck down Roe v. Wade.
Who is praying on the wall?
Abortion activists have also published his home address, and others have called to burn down the Supreme Court.
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned two landmark abortion cases, Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, returning the legality of abortion to the states. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority and Justice Thomas wrote a solo concurring opinion in which he argued that the Supreme Court should also reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships and marriage.
Since then, individuals on social media have called for Thomas to be assassinated. This comes after one California man who attempted to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh was arrested and charged.
It also comes after other groups have called for violence to be committed against pro-life groups, individuals and churches. In response, the FBI announced it was investigating such threats and Congress passed a bill that President Joe Biden signed into law extending protections to members of the justices families….
Several of the threats posted on Twitter have been taken down; some have not. The Center Square obtained screen shots of the ones listed below; there are others.
One person tweeted, “I’m going to assassinate supreme court justice Clarence Thomas.”
Another tweeted, “Today is a great day to assassinate Clarence Thomas.”
Still another wrote, “Someone assassinate Clarence Thomas already ffs.”
Glasgow writer, Neil Mackay, with a blue check mark, tweeted, “If I was a woman in America I’d burn the Supreme Court to the ground.”
Andrew Tarantola, a senior reporter for Endgadget, also called for violence, writing, “Burn down the Supreme Court.”
Chairman of Maricopa County Young Republicans Luke Mosiman posted video of abortion activists handing out the personal address of Justice Thomas in Washington, D.C., with the intent to threaten him. In response, Mosiman said, “I hope you all get arrested tonight.”
Those making threats of violence against anyone, including a sitting Supreme Court justice, using a range of media, can face felony charges….
How are you praying for Clarence Thomas? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Go suck a dick and hoplfully retire at young age
Justice Clarence Thomas will live and not die, but all those who want him dead will die, and dogs will lick their blood! That’s my prayer!!
I’m praying Psalm 91 over he and rest of court…especially last few verses. Because they have set their love on You Father and have known Your name. Therefore You will deliver them and comfort them and show them long life and Your salvation.
Father , we as you send your angel armies for protection for each justice, whether in their home or work . And their entire family. We ask you to bless them and fill them and their families with your joy and peace please continue to give them boldness and wisdom in their opinions from the court. We pray you would soften the hearts of justice sotomayer, Elena kagan and Steven Breyer , remove the veil off their spiritsual eyes , draw them to your heat. Let them see truth and light. May our court have righteous constitutional judges. Lord , you deserve the honor and glory
Holy Spirit, we ask You to come to us in extraordinary ways. Come in power, revelation, salvation, and deliverance. You are our advantage; You make the difference. May the next three months mark a distinct shift in Your activity in and across this nation. Shake what must be shaken; strengthen that which remains.
Refresh the leadership of Your Ekklesia, especially those who lead us prophetically. We ask for them to be fine-tuned, more so than ever before. We ask that they be convicted by You to weigh their words very carefully, to listen until they are confident they are releasing only Your words. And we ask that all of us are reminded to be alert. Enable us to recognize the attacks and strategies of the enemy meant to distract us. We declare now that by Your grace and strength we will not be distracted in this season. We pray all of these things in Christ’s name, As we pray for continuing prayers from many Intercessor that we can help make Gods words speak to hearts and minds of. MEN and women so that they get empowered by the Holy Spirit to want to shake off any evil spirits that attack many. Of our leaders that deserve our thanks for what they do. We need to pray for Clarence Thomas that God keeps him safe and sheltered. Father God we also lift up the other justices as well and their families. Father God they stood for breaking a 50 year Sin of killing babies. Jesus we are asking that you send your Warriors of Angels to keep them safe and all of Amy Barrett Children will have no fear knowing we are praying. For them. Give them a presence of peace as well as Clarence Thomas, Amy B., and the other justices.. We pray that the cleansing from this sin will cause a heightened level of revelation, opening the eyes of people to the evil of abortion. We pray that it will cause the hold of the spirit of death to be broken off of our nation, resulting in fewer murders and suicides. We pray that as the cups of iniquity continue to fill for unrighteous government officials, You will remove them from their positions and free the people from their unrighteous rule. Send revival to liberal, leftist strongholds!. God thank you for listening to my words of Faith, Hope that all will be exposed and we will have Freedom to Worship, in any place to honor God. Abortion is sin, murder which we decree in Jesus name that all (50) states will ban any form of killing these babies. #2 that a sinful nature of having sex without marriage will cease to exist, Planned Parenthood will all be closed. It’s up to US in what we really want in our America. Powerful prayer, constantly as we call upon our Father. Thank u Supreme Court for A Godly move to save Children. And mothers. Let God’s Glory shine.
Father God, I pray for Your holy angels to surround Clarence Thomas and his family and deliver them from any trouble and harm. I pray that no weapon formed against Him shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against him he shall condemn. Hide him in the cover of Your presence and keep him from any evil planned against him, let Your favor surround him, and give him the courage to speak the truth and do Your will continually! In Jesus’ name, amen!
FATHER GOD please protect Justice Thomas and his family from these demonized nuts in JESUS NAME! I pray that every trap set against Justice Thomas, the perpetrators will fall into the traps themselves! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect Justice Thomas and his family, and all of the Justices and their families from now on in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
“I Pray daily that all of the Supreme Court Justices and the clerks be protected and the Blood of Jesus is upon
them all keep and protect them Father from all hurt harm, and danger” in JESUS NAME.
God we trust You and will continue to honor You through this our country USA
Pray for the angels to come around him and protect him.
We’re praying for Clarence Thomas and. His entire family.
I am praying for God’s protection and peace over Justice Thomas. May the Lord shelter him under the shadow of His wings.
I am praying for Justice Clarence Thomas’ safety. His views do coincide with mine.
Father, Your word says no weapon formed against us will prosper. I plead the blood of Jesus over Justice Thomas, his family and extended family. We bind every form of darkness and declare all assignments against him are broken and are of no affect. We speak confusion into the enemy’s camp. No evil will prosper against him or any of our Supreme Court Justices in Jesus name.
I pray that the SCOTUS, including all justices, will fully consider the ramifications of their actions. My children were the result of God-given reproductive science, and now those processes are soon to be illegal. I pray that Americans who supposedly care about unborn children will care about all living children, especially all ethnicities and even those who live in lower-socioeconomic levels. I pray that our government leaders will be help accountable for the horrific actions to overturn our election, and I pray for our current President and all that he faces…..
To Blue Christian: You do understand that 49 years ago the federal government UNLAWFULLY declared abortion a federally protected constitutional right that could also be funded by tax dollars. So my tax dollars went to pay for abortions that I believe to be murder! Our Justices sent the abortion decision back to the states because IT IS NOT A CONSTITUTIONALLY Protected right! Never has been! If you trust GOD, then trust GOD with reproductive health! Better still just trust GOD! And search the scriptures to make sure what you desire is in there! FATHER GOD I pray that YOU direct Blue Christian to all of your desire in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
We bind and forbid any and all attacks on our Justices and their families and declare the Blood of Jesus to surround and protect them. IJN
These threats are coming from spiritual forces of evil. We pray that these strongholds are pulled down and destroyed in the name of Jesus.
Father God, I come to you and ask in this hour You would protect Justice Clarence Thomas and hide him under the shelter of Your wings. Put your hedge of protection around him. Fill him with your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding. Strengthen him and hold him by Your righteous right hand. Continue his courage and boldness. That he would not be afraid for You are with him and for him. I plead the blood of Jesus over him and his family…we say no to the enemy.. greater is He who is in Clarence than he that is in the world.
I the mighty name of Jesus AMEN and AMEN
Have been praying for Clarence Thomas along with all the justices and their families. How are these individuals still on Twitter? I thought hate speech and inciting violence were banned? But as we see here, it is those that speak truth who are banned, silenced and attacked. Justice Thomas stands for God’s truth and does so at a personal cost. I am privileged to pray for him and his family, for their safety and protection, as he stands firm in God’s calling on his life. He has great courage and I thank God for him and those like him who stand for truth in this culture which exalts the lie and silences the truth. May God protect them all as they serve Him and not man in their current positions where God has placed them “for such a time as this.”
In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!
It is fascinating that pro-life people have not threatened the three justices who voted to keep Roe v Wade. I have not heard of anyone giving out their addresses. Are there reasonable people on the left who are horrified at these threats, and if there are, why are they not speaking out?
Only sick evil minds wish harm on others. God is in control and may he keep all Supreme court judges safe from danger and harm. IT’s been a long time coming but they need to be lauded for following the Constitution and ruling for life. That is utter bravery on their parts due to all the threats coming their way. Way too many sick and evil people out there. They need our prayers. God Bless.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Matthew 5:10-12
Jesus, thank you for righteous men like Justice Thomas and others on ScOTUS who are willing to be persecuted for the principles of Your Word and for protecting life! We stand in agreement and proclaim blessings and protection from evil. Bring encouragement to them in the midst of the battle. Let them not get weary in well-doing. We bring a sacrifice of praise in the misdt of the storm.
Praise the Lord for a wonderful man of God who has the God given power to tell us truth
Lord I join in prayer for the protection of this wonderful justice who is upholding righteousness in his Supreme Court rulings. Thank you for him, please protect him and his family and keep them safe in their comings and goings at all times with your armies of angels. And disarm the perpetrators of evil. Open their evil eyes and hearts to the terrible deception that has overtaken them. Bring them to their knees. Thank you Lord.
Your kingdom come Father God, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Ministering Angels deliver our prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Please Lord God…keep Clarence Thomas and his family in Your loving arms and clothe him in the blood of Jesus Christ so no harm comes to him or his family. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Father in Jesus name, I thank you that you are Clarence Thomas’ shield in times of trouble as Psalm 18 vs 2 declares, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Lord thank you for protecting not just Clarence but all of the Justices as they carry out their work whether it is at their home or at the office. Protect them as they travel to and from work in Jesus name. For the Lord has in Col 2:13-15 declared this “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the [handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Thank you Lord for the triumph because of Jesus, amen
Saints of The Most High God, lift your voices in fervent prayer, declarations & intercessions on behalf of our Nation for the demise of ‘every weapon formed against our Nation’ by the demonic realm.
We declare God’s merciful & mighty protection of each Supreme Court judge, their families & neighborhoods; every pro-life group & church & the entire nation.
Let us declare together Our Lord’s promise that “no weapon meant to hurt you (this nation) will succeed, and you will refute every accusing word spoken against you. This promise is the inheritance of Yahweh’s servants, and their vindication is from Me,” says Yahweh.
Thank You, Lord for giving us this mighty man of God. He has stood strong in the mist of great evil. He has been a blessing and example to America.
May You bless him beyond anything thing that he has ever had. May he walk in the respect and honor that is due him and may his voice be sought out and listened to by the leaders of this nation.
Breath new life and hope within him and may you keep him safe and healthy as he continues to be a light in the darkness.
Thank you Lord for Clarence Thomas and thank you that he and his family are in the palm of your hand and the enemy cannot snatch them out before their time
Let Andrew Tarantola be arrested for inciting violance, and arrested by Jesus for the salvation of his eternal soul.
In Jesus name the angels of the Lord encamp around Mr. Thomas and his family. The wicked plans of the enemy be destroyed and the eyes of the ones who wants him harm or dead be open and in Repentance. Amen
What a beautifully written prayer,
Have Twitter deleted these comments? If not, why not?
Im releasing the angels of the Lord to be encamped around Justice Clarence Thomas and his family. Every plot plan and scheme of the evil is NOW CANCEL AND OVETURNED IN JESUS NAME!!!
So now the true colours of the so-called pro-choice movement are clear, to say nothing of the witches’ coven harassing Christian worshippers while the hearing was going on. There’s a spiritual battle going on here.
Dear Lord- I pray for a hedge of protection to be around Justice Thomas and his family. May your angels guard them from any violence against them. I pray this in Jesus NAME, Amen