I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that you would give out leaders and politicians wisdom regarding the Build Back Better agenda. Empower them to make the right decisions, God, to help us and not to hurt us.
Reading Time: 1 minute

Sen. Joe Manchin has taken a hard stance against Biden’s Build Back Better plan. Nevertheless, he may be willing reconsider if a few changes are made.

From Fox News. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told a group of climate activists and energy executives that he is open to supporting a new version of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, with some tweaks, according to a report.

Manchin said that he is open to supporting revised Build Back Better legislation narrowly tailored to address three issues: climate change, prescription drug prices and deficit reduction, Axios reported….

Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., had long expressed reservations about Biden’s legislation, but the West Virginia senator effectively killed the bill in December 2021 by announcing on “Fox News Sunday” that he would be a definitive “no” on the legislation.

Axios’ sources say that Manchin has outlined a deal including roughly $500 billion for climate and $1 trillion in new revenue during informal talks. He has not indicated any support for universal preschool or any of the other care-economy proposals included in Biden’s initial “human infrastructure” package.

Manchin is also reportedly insisting on reducing the deficit with at least half of the revenue from new corporate taxes, as well as the estimated savings from allowing Medicare to directly negotiate the cost of prescription drugs….

What do you think of Manchin’s ideas for revision? Share your thought and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 28, 2022

Sorry, Joe You fail to mention restoring our fossil fuel production. There is a way of slowing down our use in them and not destroying our economy. I still pray for you all.

Herb Johnston
March 26, 2022

To all my brothers and sisters in these columns-
.. my prayer request today is that we would all focus on praying about and talking about the need to buy American.. and even see about starting our own companies.. somehow,in whatever field we are in ..to generate American Products. I was challenged by an activist friend to stop talking about i..and she put it on me-,and said “you go do it”..
but I don’t know-,how so at least if we can pray about.. it that might be a beginning.
I know there are American companies out there- because when I was looking on Brigitte Gabriel’s website- multiple times since 2017 and 18 ..which is “Act for America”.. she is a former Muslim that converted to Christianity after she survived as a little girl ..in a third-world Muslim country and escaped tyranny..
.. If any of you have heard of her.
On her website she had a list of about 30 American companies that mfg/create all kinds of goods. We also need to start using our own oil
. as it has been debated in the media in the last year.
None of this is really new news ..but so many things get buried ..that we must continue to surface these things

Herb Johnston
March 26, 2022

Lord I Thank you for raising up legislators that are beginning to allow courage to manifest in them.. and to stand firm-,thank you Lord that the conscience you give all of us ..has grown stronger in some legislators ..even if they originally appeared to not be of that cloth- but are now allowing their conscience..to be guided by You.. thank You Lord for Senator Manchin.
I pray you would continue to give him strength and courage..and the same for Kyrsten Sinema.. Lord continue to gird their loins with truth and strength.. and let your Holy Spirit and your breath fill their lungs- and bodies and minds..in Jesus Name..Amen

Herb Johnston
March 26, 2022

The foundations of these destructive policies were being built into our system since at least the 1960s..the great society..they hyde amendment- LBJ..whatever the precursor to the term ..”globalist” ..was- the Rothschilds and. Bilderbergers- remember those days.. when talk of that circulated in many places.
however it was face-to-face person-to-person in those days.. Then in the 80s I started hearing the term “Shadow” government, remember that?.. so what has happened is that unfortunately much of it lies at the feet of the church .. somehow leadership, pastors..and the like..have decided that the 7 mountains of civil structure no longer needed our influence- when nothing could be further from the truth. When Satan took over all of the institutions or country.. which is government, religion, entertainment, education, medicine.. and the rest -I cannot think of them right now-,but if you look up Lance Walnau.. he teaches on that- on his show on YouTube..that is when we really started losing ground- and just think of all the Christians and all those churches that I used to be in…the “no no no.. we have to mind her own business ” churches..I even had a pastor one time at church on the way, in Van Nuys.. say- “unless somebody asks you about your Christianity at the workplace.. do not say anything” he actually said that -,and that is the most overt manifestation of that type of errant thinking- that I heard..personally.

I understand that evangelism in the workplace on an individual basis- is a different topic from Christianity being an influence , in institutions- the institutions that govern our country.. but the roots of that influence..are the same in their effect, eventually.
What I pray, is that, as we have all learned and grown,-at least I have, in the last two-plus years.. there in the furnace of oppression in our country ..as the dross has risen to the top-,for all of us ..revealing things about ourselves ..and causing us -,and I know for sure causing me- to have a better prayer life ..and be more aware of Your presence, Lord-,I pray that You would honor that -and have mercy on us.. as we continue to bend our knee-, change our ways.. seek Your Face- Lord.. that you would have mercy on our country- and on our land.. and to work in the minds of the evil legislators.. that they would be changed, Lord let them be changed ..for you are El- roi..the God who sees us-,work your Miracle work from your throne, Lord, let us not be forsaken, Lord- let it be true what all the prophets are now saying-, that America will be saved.
We need your Lord , desperately… in the mighty Name of Jesus- Amen

March 26, 2022

I agree with everything Barbara Janicki said in her comment. One other thing I didn’t see her mention, as the Ukraine situation keeps us looking in that direction, is what the WHO is currently working on. They are trying to put in place a global pandemic treaty that would allow them to take complete control in the decision making processes when another pandemic happens. And they will decide what constitutes a “pandemic”. This treaty would supersede the authority of the laws/sovereignty/constitutions of any of the member nations. Basically we would have in place a Global Health authority that would make all our health decisions and mandate them. This is one step further down the road to the New/One World Order. GreenMed Info has an excellent article on it written by Dr. Joseph Mercola and a petition to sign after you read the article, if you are so inclined. I am trusting that God is exposing bit by bit the corruption that is happening in our country and around the world-His timing is always perfect! I also believe we need to educate ourselves and ask for discernment in what we read and see. I think it has become obvious that we are living in a time when “good is called evil” and “evil is called good”. I don’t pretend to second guess how this will all play out in our visible world, but I do know the end of the story-God has already won the war with Jesus’ death and resurrection. I am praying that God will use this evil and turn it for good by bringing a harvest of unbelievers into his kingdom at this time.

    Barbara Janicki
    March 26, 2022

    yes, thank you, that is huge – another back door taking away of our freedoms while we aren’t looking – something interesting about what you said is that the treaty would apply to “member nations” which of course we were, then Trump took us out and we stopped paying them, (I thought?) but of course Biden put us right back in and our money too – but it seems to me that would be a way out of their control, if we weren’t a member, and maybe other nations would follow suite? not under this administration – but there is always hope for the future – Trump took us out of the Paris Accord, the Iran deal, the WHO, renegotiated NAFTA and reinstated the Mexico City Policy so that U.S. dollars were not funding abortions around the world. If only someone with courage and conviction were in the White House now! Praying for our leaders and for God to raise up Godly leaders to lead our nation.

Barbara Janicki
March 26, 2022

I am grateful for anyone brave enough to stand against something that is not good for our country or for us, its citizens, in the face of such opposition. Manchin needs our prayers as does anyone who does not go along with the preapproved agenda and narrative, both designed to take away our freedoms and destroy this country. Do we want to end up like Venezuela? We should be producing our own energy like we were under Trump, not making deals with the devil, and by that, I mean Iran. This war is a Biden administration created distraction – they are hoping we are no longer noticing the horror at our southern border, gas prices (which mean we are no longer energy independent) inflation, supply chain issues, Americans still left behind in Afghanistan, (why doesn’t the news talk about them anymore, not that they ever did) mounting evidence about adverse vaccine effects, new evidence about two years of false CDC covid case and death numbers, mounting evidence of election fraud in numerous states, – yet all we hear on the news is only about Ukraine and evil Russia – they don’t want us to focus on what is actually happening to us and for us to blame any negative things in our daily lives, like inflation, on the war, when that is just not true. Biden policies are directly responsible for all our worsened circumstances in our daily lives and that would also include increased crime, less peace and safety in our cities, and the ruining of our wonderful law enforcement people all across our country. and now I hear ICE agents won’t be able to do their jobs either. Praying we all become courageous and do our part to speak up against all the evil that is being done in the name of something good, like the evil of CRT, and the evil done under the guise of “diversity, equity and inclusion.” The wolves may be wearing sheep’s clothing, but they are still behaving like wolves. Why are we fooled? Lord help us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    March 26, 2022

    Well said and so very True!

    Mary Key
    March 26, 2022

    Very well said!!! Thank you for putting all of this together! Praying.

    Herb Johnston
    March 26, 2022

    And..we need to become the self governing nation that Krisanne Hall admonished us to be- and taught about so incredibly- in her documentary- The Non Compliant Movie

Sunny Stapelman
March 26, 2022

Dearest Lord God, we pray for Senator Manchin and others who have taken a bold stand against the leftist agenda in our government. Please protect him/them, give them boldness in their stance, give them powerfully persuasive words to convince others of the seriously evil changes this administration is attempting to make. Praying for this in Jesus’ name. Amen

March 26, 2022

I believe Manchin is on the side of God. Biden is evil puppet for the One World Order. Manchin doesn’t know better & is trying to appease & make things right when in reality the criminals need to be taken down.
My generations social security will not be in effect by the time I retire.
The corruption in government is out of control. The Bush family, Clinton family & Obama’s have taken us down a long evil road of tyranny.

March 26, 2022

Let’s Praise God that there are at least a few “flys in the ointment “ that would slow down these absurd actions by Biden.
Don’t forget to pray for their diligence even though they are on th wrong side of the aisle…. Perhaps they are an effective tool in Gods plan


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