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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Virginia Thomas and for the attacks that she and Justice Thomas are coming under. We ask that You uphold them with Your strength and grace.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On Monday, the Supreme Court decided not to hear an appeal from the Pennsylvania GOP regarding the extension of mail-in ballot deadlines in the state during the November election.

Justice Clarence Thomas issued a dissenting opinion with concerns he had based on the Constitution.

As a result, the left decided to attack his wife and suggest that the entire family was too radical. . . .

He conceded that the laws in Pennsylvania probably did not change the outcome of the presidential election, but he raised concerns that similar election fraud could have more dire consequences in the future. . . .

. . .The U.S. Constitution explicitly gives the power to determine election laws to state legislatures.

As such, Thomas was justified in his concern that the state court effectively defied the Constitution.

In addition, he was correct that refusing to hear the case might lead to other state courts overstepping their power in the same way.

Instead of addressing these valid concerns, leftists have decided to paint Thomas as a radical in order to distract from the real issues. They have used Facebook posts from his wife, Ginni, to make this argument.

The Washington Post reported that Ginni Thomas backed supporters of then-President Donald Trump who rallied in Washington on the morning of Jan. 6. . . .

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, Christine Pelosi, suggested that Thomas’ dissent must be based on his wife’s politics.

“I’m concerned that #SCOTUS Justice Thomas dissented – we will have to learn more about the role his wife Gini Thomas played in raising money for Trump’s deadly #Jan6 ‘Insurrection Day,’” she tweeted Monday. . . .

This is pure insanity on multiple fronts.

First of all, it represents the false leftist idea that anyone who supported investigations into fraud during the November election also supported the Jan. 6 incursion.

It is quite possible that Ginni Thomas supported Trump voters gathering peacefully to protest without hoping for those protests to turn violent. . . .

Second, the fact that she posted something on Facebook does not mean her husband agreed with it. The suggestion that Thomas not only agrees with his wife’s post but also relied on such a view in his decision is a pretty big leap.

Third, Pelosi’s reference to her “raising money” for the rallygoers has been debunked by The New York Times.

Finally, this argument suggests that Supreme Court justices should have to be concerned about investigations into their family members if they do not decided cases in a way that the left agrees with. This undermines the ability of the court to do its job. . . .

There are countless examples of celebrities being bullied into apologizing after making any kind of statement that does not reflect radical left ideas. Now, liberals are trying to use the same tactic against Supreme Court justices.

It is extremely important for Thomas to stand his ground and not succumb to the bully tactics of the left. The integrity of the Supreme Court depends on it.

Will you share your prayers for Justice Thomas and his wife in the comments below?

(Excerpt from Western Journal. Article by Grant Atkinson. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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verma givhan
March 12, 2021

Job 23:10 “But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Father we pray for Justice Thomas, we ask that You Almighty God would cause him to stand firm on truth, fill him with courage, boldness and Confidence in the God who see’s him and knows how he is being tried. Cause him to come forth as gold. Psa. 3:3, Be a shield around him and his family, his glory and the one who lift up his head, in the Might Name of Jesus we pray Amen.

March 11, 2021

Father God I just declare Psalm 91 over Justice Thomas and his family. I thank You that they recognize with even greater revelation by Your Spirit, of the authority that You have enabled them to walk in, and to carry out Your perfect will and plans and purposes in the roles that You have given them for such a time as this. That they will continue to go forth in the power of Your Holy Spirit and walk in Your grace with the power of Your Holy Spirit demonstrating the love of Christ in every endeavor. That they will not take their hands from the plow, but will continue Lord to pursue the Kingdom of God and Your righteousness on all fronts, carrying out Your justice, Your will, , and bring forth Father all that you have desired and the desires that you have placed in their hearts for the kingdom of God to be established here on this Earth in Jesus name amen

March 10, 2021

Justice Thomas and Ginni Thomas,
I am praying for you. I want you to know how much we appreciate the stand you have made. You have always been a champion for the Constitution and for righteousness. I regret that you have had to stand almost alone in this fight. May God bless and protect you.

March 10, 2021

Father God, be with Justice Thomas and his wife Ginni, give them strength and peace as they endure the words of those who do not know you. You have given Justice Thomas and Ginni clear minds and hearts as they follow you. Protect them from any harm. We know they are chosen by you, and they listen to your guidance. Father, help them know that “We the People” love them and pray for them.
In Jesus’ holy name. Amen

March 9, 2021

Father God,
Yours is the power and the glory for ever and you are the fountain and source of all wisdom and knowledge. You also see the attacks that your children endure for their stand for your truth and righteousness and even promised we might endure them just as your Son Jesus did while here on earth. Lord you also said that you would be our deliverer and our protection and keeper of the shade on our right hand. You also say that you are our light and our salvation whom shall we fear, if you be for us who can be against us.
Lord I ask that this God fearing man Justice Thomas and his wife and family be tucked safely under the shadow of your wings and know in this time of trial just how encompassing your protection is you keep them from all harm and cause every fiery dart to extinguish as their faith as a shield deepens and widens and grows through every onslaught.
Thank-you Father for your great deliverance and purpose to enlarge their borders and increase their field of influence and shower mercy and favour upon them and cause them to flourish while they wait upon you for your great salvation and keep them growing in grace through each trial, for your glory and honour and praise. In the mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

March 9, 2021

Lord, your word says that if we do not deny you, that you will not deny us, that we can ask anything and you will do these things that we ask. We come to you, knowing that you will do what we ask. We ask that you protect Justice Thomas and his family against the attack of the enemy. We ask that any weapon formed against him for speaking truth will fail, that you will cover him in your righteousness and protection. You will continue to give him and his family the courage to speak against the enemy and his agenda. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

Susan Perez
March 8, 2021

Justice Thomas,
Thank you for taking an honest stand on election integrity and the Constitution. I am praying for you and your wife, for your safety and health. I pray a special blessing over you for serving our country with wisdom and integrity.

Renee Bohanon
March 6, 2021

We are standing with you, Justice Clarence Thomas, and your family, in prayer for your protection, provision, and comfort from Almighty God! Thank you for standing up for righteousness!! May God bless you and your family!


Sharon W
March 6, 2021

Dear Lord, thank you for those you’ve appointed to speak truth in these tough times. Thank you for Justice Thomas, his wife and others like them. Let them continue to be strong when facing the angry dissension of some of radical left who are out to destroy America. Give us all strength to do our part to speak truth with love. Speaking up for the Lord and His values are the only way that America can be great again – fairness, kindness, anti-discrimination, respect for life – reborn & born alike, respect for ALL lives – “Red & yellow black & white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world”. Let’s strive to look at what we all have in common & stop focusing on our differences. God created us all!

March 5, 2021

Jesus, we know You see the thoughts and intents of our hearts so that Justice Clarence Thomas and Mrs. Ginni Thomas are not identified by their opponents view. Give them peace and remove the taint being portrayed by lies and venomous opposition. They have a right to freedom of speech and those who ridicule have no regard for how they are seen by You. We extend forgiveness to them that the atmosphere is not “charged” by any curse. A curse without a cause cannot alight therefore we bless Justice Thomas and Ginni trusting You hold them in the palm of Your hand.

March 4, 2021

I’m praying for Justice Thomas and his wife to stand strong in the power of the Holy Spirit to face the criticism against them. This is so wrong. God they need you presence in their lives.

March 4, 2021

Father thank you for the few bright lights on the Supreme Court. We pray you would convict the other judges to be light in this dying world. Praise you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

March 4, 2021

I stand with you on your decision. God I pray Psalm 91 over Justice Thomas and his wife. God will Bless you for standing for truth, righteousness and justice.

Katherine Harms
March 4, 2021

Father God, please protect Justice Thomas and his wife from evil assaults. They trust in you and we trust in you. These two Christians are under assault by people who are willing to say whatever will scare people enough to back down and comply with their agenda. Father, build the faith of Justice Thomas and his wife in order that they may be shielded from Satan’s fiery darts.

Veronica Waller
March 4, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas and Ginni Thomas,

Thank you for standing up for the constitution and for what is right. God has placed you in your position for such as time as this. The American people are behind you and thank you for allowing our voices to be heard and having the courage to do the right thing when no one else will do it. I ask God to cover and protect you and your family from any harm, seen or unseen, and to give you divine wisdom and courage to continue to speak the truth. For those that try to persecute you or plot in doing evil against you, may they themselves fall into the very ploy or trap they have set for you. I pray God’s blessing and anointing upon you as you go about doing your good work for this country, all Americans’s and for God!

God Bless You Both,
Veronica Waller

Kathy Ewertz
March 3, 2021

The Thomas family needs to continue to stand for truth, justice and integrity regardless of the insults and opposition from those who wish to undermine the very will of God. The constitution is the founding document of this republic and must be understood and protected by all justices and lawmakers. Justice Thomas was not wrong in his prediction about future elections and should be praised for his bold comment. I say a heartfelt thank you. Let them be covered in prayer.

Mary Messimer
March 2, 2021

Justice Thomas, continue to stand for the constitution of this Republic of the United States of America.Thousands are praying for you , your family, protection for your family and all your generations. We pray for all justices and their families, even those who have succumbed to the pressure and committed crimes against the United States, because of feared retribution from hired criminals. Stand firm, brother. You are not alone. Your God and millions of believers stand with you.

Karen Sholar
March 2, 2021

We do not need another Pelosi! God please remove these ungodly people from office.

Marilynne B Pippin
March 1, 2021

Prayers that you and your family will be protected under the blood of jesus and that angels will watch over you and give ou wisdom in these great matters.

Renee Hyght
March 1, 2021

Praying for Justice Thomas and his wife; may God bless and protect them; may they find strength and peace in Him. We declare that NO weapon (political, physical, spiritual, etc) formed against them shall prosper, in Jesus’ Name, and we thank God for Judge Thomas’ righteous leadership under such a corrupt and evil current administration. May God stir up the other members of SCOTUS to do His Will and to stand UP for what is RIGHT. Amen and amen!

March 1, 2021

Lord, stregthen Justice Thomas and his family with strength in their inner man. Help them to having done all to stand with Your spiritual armor. We bind all spirits behind these attacks and thank You Jesus for victory. In Jesus name amen

Mary Ann Canfijn
March 1, 2021

Father, thank you for Justice Thomas! Thank you for his integrity, his sharp mind, and his determination to uphold the U.S. Constitution and judge cases by it.
I pray a hedge of protection around him and his wife and family, and all that concerns them. You are their Defense! May they walk in the peace that You give through Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen!!

Sandy Barrantes
March 1, 2021

We know you are right Justice Thomas. Thank you for standing up for all of us true Americans. Sorry to hear your wife has also been attacked. We pray for your family and to bring the United States back to God!

March 1, 2021

Lord, I pray that You will protect Justice Thomas, his wife, and the independent judiciary. Please continue to give Justice Thomas wisdon, discernment, and strength. Give them courage also. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Erica Elie Prass
March 1, 2021

In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the Almighty, let boldness from on high be granted to Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni. I decree that they will be bold and strong, for the Lord their God is with them. They will not be silent in the face of bullying and threats from the evil ones. I decree they will be, in our generation, as Mordecai and Queen Hadassah of Persia was in their generation. AMEN!

Kathy Seaman
March 1, 2021

I pray that you give Justice Thomas and his wife the strength they need to withstand the attacks of the enemy. May you instill wisdom and determination in Justice Thomas to render decisions that uphold the Constitution that our Founding Fathers prayed over, meditated upon, and vigorously debated to get it right for all generations of Americans.
In Jesus Name,

Lynice Francis
March 1, 2021

Dear Lord – we praise and thank you for giving us Justice Thomas and ask that you continue to give him wisdom and courage to stand for what is good and right for our country. We pray for protection – physically, mentally and spiritually for him and his family. We pray this for all the SCJ. We also pray that power, celebrity status, pride, or greed will NOT affect the decisions they are required to make, but their minds and hearts be focused on our constitution and what is good for America and its people. Amen

Jennifer King
March 1, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas, I will be praying for you and your wife Gini. I thank God for you

Deborah L Brister
March 1, 2021

My heart goes out to Gina Thomas as well as Judge Thomas. This must and will end Because GOD is on our side.

Strength to you BOTH!

Barbara wildner
March 1, 2021

All conservatives leave facebook and utube

Donna Liput
March 1, 2021

I hope justice Thomas decides to ignore all this and continues being the voice of reason. I hope he doesn’t cave. He’s a good man and a good role model especially for the younger justices that seem to be confused about who they are and what they are supposed to stand for….. especially John Roberts. Lord, please protect justice Thomas and his family. In Jesus name amen

February 28, 2021

Father in heaven,
Thank you for Justice Thomas! He has exhibited both intelligence and rare courage in defending our Constitution. I pray more American jurists will exhibit the strength of character Clarence Thomas has consistently modeled over the years.
Please protect Justice Thomas and his wife and all the family members of our patriots who stand firm, whatever the cost.
In Jesus’ Name,

Linda Baker
February 28, 2021

Praying for the safety of you and your family. Also for you to stay strong in your Constitutional beliefs as you make decisions that affect our entire nation. Thank you!

Marlene Santefort
February 28, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas, Thank You for standing up for the truth and the constitution. I am sorry for the Left Bullies that you are having to deal with. May God cover you with His Protection angels. Praying the blood of Jesus’ covenant over you and yours. Stand firm my Brother. God is with you.

Carrie Funk
February 28, 2021

Oh, Dear God, I pray that You will rescue the Thomas family from these attacks that bear no truth. You are the One that we trust. We know that You love all of Your children. Your love surrounds and protects the Justice Thomas family and keeps them from danger physically, socially, mentally, emotionally, and politically. Father, I pray that You will order Your will to be done. You are good, and You guide, guard, and govern us all. Bless the Thomas family now and always.

Jerry Barnes
February 28, 2021

Our entire Judicial System has been compromised by the Democrats. They do whatever they want to without regard to the Constitution anymore. They protect the real criminals and Traitors in our government now! We no longer have a Department of Justice that follows the Constitution or even legal procedures that they took an oath to uphold and protect.

Jodi Klein
February 28, 2021

Justice Thomas and Gini: Thank you for your courage in speaking out on what is right in the midst of forces wanting to destroy freedom and the foundations on which America was built. This is an obvious attack from those don’t play fair (an understatement). May God continue to use your powerful influence for good in our country.

David Love
February 28, 2021

Lord God Almighty, please place a hedge of protection around the Thomas family and others with similar views. We look to you Father, for our protection and strength.

February 28, 2021

Let’s contact Justice Thomas directly instead of on this website where he may never see our gratitude. It’s time we put real time and effort into supporting those who are doing what is right in God’s eyes.

Here’s the contact info from his site:

[email protected]

February 28, 2021

Father, I ask for Your protection for Justice Thomas and Mrs.Thomas as they face the onslaught of the enemy for standing for the Constitution. Give them strength and courage to continue to stand strong for what is right. I

February 28, 2021

Father- We cry out to you for a holy boldness. We cry out to you for strength to say we will not back down to false accusations. Lord- make us able to stand in the truth by your power. Let us put on the the whole armor of God so we can stand firm against all the strategies of the evil one. We are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in heavenly places. Help us and those in positions of decision making to stand their ground. So that we will continue to stand and not back down. We serve you the living God. You are the One who helped David to stand against Goliath. You were with the three Hebrew children when they stood in the crowd and ultimately in the furnace. You were with Daniel in the lions den. You were with Esther when she went before the king. These people did not know the outcome beforehand they just knew their God and weren’t willing to compromise. Jesus- you have been given all authority in Heaven and on earth. Let us be in you so that we may stand no matter the outcome to us. Grant us a holy boldness!

February 28, 2021

Justice Thomas, thank you for your courage in an era when our country is under siege by evil forces wanting to distort and destroy our American way of life. I pray for you and your family not to be swayed by criticism and attack, but to stand firm and speak on behalf of our constitutional rights. God bless and keep you.

February 28, 2021

Stay the course Justice Thomas and Ginny. Your courage gives the brethren courage.

February 28, 2021

The other day Chuck Shumer commented on TV why he supports the Equal Equality Act citing that, ….now my gay daughter and her wife will ..”. How hypocritical for the radical left to point fingers at Judge Thomas and his wife, especially Nancy Pelosi’s daughter.

Father God, we call out that spirit of Jezebel that worketh iniquity not only in those in our Congress but is evidenced in their children. We pray that each would humble themselves under your mighty hand and allow your love to change their hearts. Foul spirit, leave them and let them go. Break the generational curse that keeps them in darkness to carry out the assignments of satan. We will continue to love them because Father you command us to love your enemy. In Jesus might Name.

Rebecca Eshelman
February 28, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas and Mrs. Thomas,

Thank you for your courageous stand, We are praying for your protection and Blessing. Hang in there….God knows the truth and it will ALL be revealed some day.


Rebecca Eshelman

Lorraine Casanelli
February 28, 2021

Justice Thomas, I pray you will have the courage and fortitude to withstand the attacks of those who disagree with your viewpoint. We, as a country, cannot afford to allow this to become a nation where only one side, one view, one voice is heard. No apology is needed from you for having an opinion that differs from others. It is your right to express yourself freely, without reprimand or bullying from others. I applaud your stand and agree with your view. You have my support and my prayers, and the last time I looked, our constitution allowed that. Please, God, that that never changes in the United States of America.

Betty Chapman
February 28, 2021

Justice Thomas, I am praying for you and your precious wife, Ginny. I am trusting God to be your shield and your exceeding great reward. I know that you and your wife are people of faith. Ephesians 6:10-18 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet filled with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

I am so grateful that you serve our country in the Supreme Court, because I know that you make your decisions based on the Constitution of the United States of America. It says what it means, and it means what it says. May God continue to protect you and your family and bless the work of your hands as you continue to serve our country that we both love. I will continue to pray for you. Thank you for your service.

Betty Chapman
Fort Worth, Texas

Barbara Jeffcoat
February 27, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas,
I am so grateful to you for your faithful focus on our Constitution in evaluating every case that comes before you. I believe that the Founders did not make amending our Constitution a difficult process for the people only to have it amended by an 11% margin by judges or Justices. The S.C. has done great harm to this country by deciding cases too often on personal beliefs and disregarding the limited function the court should have. There is nothing wrong with saying “I agree with you, but the Constitution does not. Amend it if you can.” You are an inspiration and are 100% right to note that future elections are at risk because the Court did not make clear the role of state legislatures as defined and declared in the Constitution. I am left wondering when the Court when clearly and emphatically defend the 2nd Amendment, the Free Exercise of Religion in Am.1, protections of states and individuals of Am 10 and other rights put at risk by rulings that have no basis in the Constitution, in law, or in fact such as homosexual marriage and now the threats to parental rights, science and plain old common sense in the rules being made for so-called transgender children as well as adults. Life is becoming chaos and our freedom and liberty are deeply at risk and under assault.
You have courage, conviction, and the profound respect of a grateful nation(at least half of us!) for standing up for us, (for me), and for taking the slings and arrows that too often come your way.
You and Mrs. Thomas are in my prayers. Keep up the good fight!

Cecelia Fisher
February 27, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas: Thank you for your service to our country. I pray the Lord will sustain you and your family at a time when the very fabric of our country’s existence is being attacked from within and without. May the Lord grant you His perfect peace, wisdom, discernment and courage for this hour. No weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that accuses you and family will be condemned. This is your heritage from the Lord and He will vindicate you. Fight on, brave warrior. We and our prayers are with you. Cecelia Fisher

Larry McCay
February 27, 2021

I ask to God surround this family with his protection. In the name of Jesus we bind Satan and his demonic angels from any further attack on Justice Thomas and his family. I pray that the deep left wing will hear the Gospel of Jesus and come to know him personally as their Savour before it is to late. I thank you Father that You are in control and we are trusting in your powerful name

Elaine Delafield
February 27, 2021


February 27, 2021

Lord God, You are the Supreme Justice of the universe, Thank you for Ginni and Justice Clarence Thomas and their unwavering trust in You, O Lord. Continue to uphold them with the power of your might and protect them, their home, their vehicles with Your holy angels on assignment. Cover them with the blood of Jesus and deflect every fiery dart of the wicked. Let every false accusation and taunt return to the sender and vindicate this precious couple. Father, vindicate them

Rhonda Burnett
February 27, 2021

God Bless Justice Thomas and wife, Ginni. We pray for ALL of our Justice’s to stand for our constitution and truth. Having done all, STAND!

Isaiah 1:26 “I will restore your judges as at the first, And your counselors as at the beginning. Afterward, you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

February 27, 2021

Praying for the Thomas family as they endure these trying times. Praying they will remain courageous and firm in their convictions and turn to the Lord for guidance, enjoying His peace and strength as they do.

Lisa Garon
February 27, 2021

The Lord will bless you and keep you: HE will guard over ALL that is yours. Take your place hidden under His wings and you will see the deliverance of the Lord. I am very proud of you! Ask the Holy Spirit what HE is praying! So proud of you! Fear Not! You will see the salvation of the Lord!

Dolores C
February 27, 2021

We need Trump to take control and eliminate the other branches of government, the radical left will do anything to control the house and the courts through blackmail. With Trump as King where He belongs, the radical left is finished.

February 27, 2021

I think his wife should sue Christine Pelosi, who is as wicked as her mother, so she can learn a hard lesson, like keep your mouth shut. You shouldn’t be able to just accuse someone of something so agregious and get away with it just because your mother is in gov’t. But then, her mother got away w/ unjust accusations against Trump.

Patricia M Tryal
February 27, 2021

Thank you Justice Thomas. You are a true patriot. And thank you, Gini Thomas, for behind every good man there is a good woman. May the Lord bless and keep you, and be gracious to you and give you both peace.

February 27, 2021

I recently watched a documentary regarding Justice Thomas as he was literally being crucified by the then Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy and that day knew I could never support this president who is now in office. My heart goes out to Justice Thomas and his wife, Ginni. They have been in my prayers since that day. God is in control. I am now 91 years old and have seen so much injustice and my purpose is to pray, and pray is what I do…not my will but God’s will. Blessings on you both.

    Barbara Jeffcoat
    February 27, 2021

    I, too, well remember the despicable treatment of Justice Thomas by the Senate Democrats, lead by Joe Biden. It has become routine for them to viciously attack every Republican nominee and it started with Mr Robert Bork being vilely attacked by Ted Kennedy.
    I admire greatly and deeply appreciate Justice Thomas for his courage in doing his job well. And, you are a gracious lady and I appreciate you as a Christian and as a patriot. God bless you and God bless the USA!

Dorothy Ter Horst
February 27, 2021

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking Justice Thomas and his wife and family. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sharon Kaufman
February 27, 2021

Justice Thomas’ courageous dissent is factual, reasoned, and well documented. He is certainly an example to all Americans. It is time for integrity and common sense to prevail. My prayers go out to Justice Thomas and his family. May we all have the courage to step up and be counted. There are more of us than you think.

Vashti Monica FORD
February 27, 2021

Heavenly Father, we implore the Soverign of the universe to shield Virginia Thomas life,freedoms and home with guardian Angels. May Justice Clarence Thomas be empowered with courage to stand tall and firm on the constitution of the United States.

February 27, 2021

We love you, Justice Thomas and wife Ginni, and are completely on your side. We are heart-broken for the outrageous and completely unfair attacks you are suffering. Millions of Americans are thankful for you and supportive of you. You will be rewarded in heaven for your good work and eternity is a long time! “Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do. . . ” Ephesians 6:8a

Stephen Poole
February 27, 2021

Sometimes it seems as if Thomas is the lone voice of reason for strict constitutionalism in our Republic For this he has been under fire ever since he became a justice on our Supreme Court. May God continue to bless this man and his family. And we speak protection and grace over him and family. Keep them safe and give him strength and wisdom to fulfill his destiny and complete his journey

Kenneth James Van Daalwyk
February 27, 2021

We pray for justice Thomas and his family that these Predators hiding as politicians be contained in their immoral practice

David Scott
February 27, 2021

Considering the evidence that Chief Justice Roberts is a pedophile, who visited Epstein’s island, it doesn’t surprise me at all that he would oppose exposing the truth about massive vote fraud in 2020. I also know an eye witness to the fact that the Justice from the ACLU is a communist traitor. This is because the whole ACLU is a communist front organization intending to subvert the Constitution and its Bill of Rights by perverting their intended meaning. To understand the true meaning of the Constitution, one only needs to read the Federalist Papers, which were written to explain it in detail. Any interpretation other than that explained in the Federalist Papers is subversive. Because the FBI director got me started investigating communist traitors in the federal government in 1962, I could say much more. Suffice it to say that the justices, who refused to hear this case are all traitors. There is nothing honorable about them at all. May God’s justice catch up with them sooner than Judgment Day.

    February 28, 2021

    Amen! The Supreme Justice of the universe, is a righteous judge and “soon” will validate those justices who align with Him and expose those who align with the enemy of our soul.
    Our God, Lord of the heavenly host, always prevails

Robert Righter
February 27, 2021

Justice Thomas has never shown any favoritism or evidence of being politically active. Other than to be constitutionally consistent. It’s unlikely that he is any different from this at home.

Linda Coletta
February 27, 2021

Justice and Mrs. Thomas, I pray that you will stand firm in your positions despite attacks from the radical left. Our country is under siege, and we are all being attacked unless we violate our beliefs and agree with their craziness. But the Lord does not give us a spirit of fear. He gives us a Spirit of courage to stand up for what is right and true. God forbid that we should do otherwise. I pray that He gives you strength and courage to withstand the attacks of the enemy. We support you and agree with the dissenting opinion written by Justice Thomas. We cannot understand why the entire Court didn’t see it that way, and we are praying for wisdom and courage for them as well. Please don’t give up fighting for right and justice. There are so few who will, but we are praying for you daily. We need warriors to defend our Constitutional rights against those who would take them away so that they can promote their evil agenda. That is not what our forefathers fought and died to protect. Any sacrifice we make will be no more than many who came before us. Bless you!

Carol Yonkman
February 27, 2021

I am praying that the Supreme Court can stand up to the unfair intimidation’s the left is currently putting on this constitutionally based institution we have had since the beginning of America and pray they can remain impartial arbitrators and not cowards in their beliefs to protect we the people.

Curtis Guhl
February 27, 2021

The battle is the Lord’s, thank you for taking Clarence Thomas and Ginni through the fire before, please strengthen them again and let the nation rally around them.

February 27, 2021

Father God,
I implore You to send your mighty angels to protect Justice Thomas & his wife, Ginni. Please place a hedge around them, keeping them from satans attacks & the evilness of those who differ with their opinions.
Lord, God, we desperately need Your intercession into our world that has become so hostile.
We thank You & praise You for Your continuous mercy & love. We give You glory for sending Your precious Son to us, & it is in His name we ask these things. Amen.

February 27, 2021

My Lord, I pray for Justice Thomas and his dear wife Ginni. I pray that you place your angels around them to protect them. I pray the Holy Spirit will envelop them and empower them to continue to speak out for what is right and true! I thank you that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Turn every evil word and plan back on the head of the one speaking it. Lift the Thomas’s above the battle and remind them that they are seated in heavenly places with you! Close the mouth of the enemy in Jesus’ Might and Powerful Name!

    February 27, 2021


    February 27, 2021

    Amen!! We are lifting you up in the spiritual realm and pleading God’s favor and protection as you fight for justice in America.

Roseanne Strom
February 27, 2021

Our Heavenly Father. Hide our Justice Thomas and his wife in the shadow of Your Wings. Surround them with a Hedge of Your Glory, keeping them safe from the fowler. Bless the with Your Power and Courage as they rely on You for their Cover. In the Mighty Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!

Debra Herold
February 27, 2021

Father God, I continue to pray for the protection of those who are brave enough to take a stand for you at the expense of possible repercussions from the far leftists, as well as their families and supporters. This includes Justice Thomas. Continue to impart your wisdom and will upon him. Give him the means to carry forth in truth and righteousness. In Jesus name, amen.

Sylvia Huxham
February 27, 2021

Father God
I think of the night of the Crucifixion & the injustices of false claims that were Laid on our LORD & He carried this in His body including the emotional assaults & cruel manipulative mental warfare-that Justice Thomas and his family could live free- so I declare no weapon will prosper These claims shall fall as dead -trampled under His feet -& ours as we proclaim His Victory His honour for those who honour Him Let freedom and peace reign around the soul of these precious faithful saints and His grace strengthen them as they stand -Let them be protected as in Ps 91 -and armed for battle against any illegitmate claims hurled against them Let the Joy of the LORD prevail and be sustained in the experience of Isaiah 30:15 Amen

February 27, 2021

Prayers for Justice Thomas and his family. I pray for their safety and I am thankful for Judge Thomas’s courage. May the Lord provide a protective shield around his servants Amen

Lola F Pierce
February 27, 2021


LC Black
February 27, 2021

Thank you for standing up for what is right and what is true.
Thanks to you and your wife for living as the brave in the land that use to be free!

Paul Cirillo
February 27, 2021

Remember that Chuck Schumer said the Supreme Court justices would have hell to pay if they sided with conservatives in their decisions. He wasn’t playing around. Marxists play rough; this is not a game to them. This is war, and “all’s fair in love and . . . “

February 27, 2021

I so admire the Thomas’. I pray that they can withstand the craziness that has taken over our country.
I pray Justice Thomas and his wife, Gianni stay safe and strong, and that he can remain the voice of reason, that he truly is. Amen

February 27, 2021

Lord, Thank you for Justice Thomas and his wife, Virginia. I pray that you will help them to stand strong against the attacks of the leftists. Protect and watch over them, and may those who are speaking deceitfully about them be exposed, and caught in their own web of lies. May you draw this couple into stronger reliance on you, and deeper love for you as they go forward.

Lauran Collins
February 27, 2021

LORD, we pray for Your Spirit’s continuing fortification of Clarence and Ginni Thomas’ resolve to follow Your precepts in the face of the enemy’s fierce opposition. May their unity together, with their fellow brethren and with You protect and strengthen them. In Your Son’s Name we pray, Amen

February 27, 2021

God bless you and your wife, may God cover and protect you keep you safe in His loving arms!
Standing for truth is never easy but we win in the end! Stand strong!

Joe Williams
February 27, 2021

Praying for Justice Thomas and Gianni. Stand firm in your convictions and principles! The silent majority of Americans stand with you!
May God Bless and Keep You Always!

February 27, 2021

We are so sorry you Judge Thomas and your wife are being viscously lied about from the evil haters of justice on the left
We are praying for you two

Bruce Archer
February 27, 2021

Justice Thomas is a great man and so glad he’s not being intimidated. Sorry to hear his wife’s being abused by Govt officials.

February 27, 2021

I have supported Thomas’s rulings on everything in the past and on this issue too.
HOWEVER, his comment about the Pennsylvania improprieties and that they would not have changed the election outcome is untrue and very concerning to me.

Barbara Morse
February 27, 2021

Thank you, Lord, for Justice Thomas and his wife. Help them to stand for truth and trust in you. God is greater than the threats aimed at them.

Carrie W
February 27, 2021

God, thank you for Justice Thomas. He is your son and he loves you. Hold him and his wife and family close you you as they go through this horrible attack. Send your angels to protect them and their property at all times. Help them stand strong. Stop the attackers. Send your angels to push back and destroy the attackers.
Lord, clean up the SCOTUS. Take out the evil from them. Raise up the righteous to replace the evil.
It is in your name we pray Lord. And give thanks.

Arline Reed Trowbridge
February 27, 2021

My prayers are with you both. May Our Lord strengthen you in His righteousness

February 27, 2021

We need to pray daily protection over these Supreme Court justices. Father, in Jesus name we bind the enemy’s attacks on the judges and their family members. Put a hedge of protection around them and give them strength to do right judgments on all cases before them, in Jesus name amen.

February 27, 2021

Judge Amy is no where to be seen or heard? We all prayed for her not only because she was a women a mother a Christian a scholar, I hope its because she is new and she may be holding out until the lord gives her the o.k. We can’t understand so many conservative judges turned on our real president. But perhaps sooner then we think gods mighty hand will move this nation towards justice for the constitution.

    February 27, 2021

    Judge Amy was not involved in this decision because the case was reviewed before she joined the court. That said, I am not sure how she would have voted, I would hope it would have been to hear the case. I am, however, perplexed by the Chief Justice’s joining the liberal side in the vote.

Nancy Bryda
February 27, 2021

In Jesus name and by the blood of jesus, I decree protection over Justice Thomas and his family. Surround them with favor and protection through this persecution process. LOrd expose the radical left agenda to bully and persecute people speaking ideas not in alignment with their ideology. I decree that this family as they stand up for righteousness, will set the example to have other families stand up for righteousness as Jesus directs us. Jesus did turn some tables over and did call some people a brood of vipers. I bind the religious and other demonic spirits effecting the people working against righteous people. There is alot of talk about racism and this behavior by the govenmental elites in cooperationg with the false media is a racist behavior and so is abortion. We are more than conqueror though Christ Jesus. I pray for the people making their false claims and I ask you Lord to expose their hypocritical behavior. The devil is the accuser of the bretheren and will not win. Lying and manipulative spirit you are bound and I loose – HIs truth is marching on and the people of God are uniting for the destiny purposes of America. The devil is a looser and JEsus took the key of death, hell and the grave and made a spectacle of the emeny and shamed him. I bless Judge Thomas and his family. this event will bring righteous passion for God’s purposes to multiple in America. Evil is being exposed and will be dealt with by the righteous judge.

Donald Ray Patterson
February 27, 2021

Twp Psalm verses I decree as I intercede for restoring our nation’s foundations: “Who will rise up for Me against the evil doers? Who will stand up for Me against the workers of wickedness?” Psalm 94:16 “Will the throne of destruction have fellowship with You, which frames suffering by an ordinance?” Ps 94:20

    February 27, 2021

    Is there anyone left in authority and leadership positions that will stand up against EVIL to bring forth Truth and Justice? Anyone?
    We keep praying!

Karen Vaughn
February 27, 2021

Stand for The Word of Truth, the Constitution and its founding principles of that Truth. Fear not, says the Lord God, I will be with you. Be strong and Courageous, as Joshua was many time instructed by God. To him whom God has given much, much is required.

February 27, 2021

Father, we cry out to you for dear Justice Thomas and his wife. Bless them with laughter! in Jesus’ name, because YOU laugh at your enemies. Psalm 2. Grant them joy to be their strength and protection of your holy angels. Thank you for them.

Julia VanderKolk
February 27, 2021

Dear Judge of All The Earth-
There is nothing too hard for You. All things are possible for you. You are able to protect our dear Supreme Court Justice Thomas & his precious wife Virginia. Nothing will separate these dear ones from Your love Oh Christ- not life or death, angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate them from Your love- God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Bless them Lord I know – they will inherit the earth & theirs is the kingdom of heaven because You Jesus declared it on the Mountain side when you gave the Beatitudes. Now the Lord bless you & keep you & make His face shine on you & be gracious to you & lift up His countenance upon you & give you peace! Shalom
-Julia Vander Kolk

Rene Harris
February 27, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas and wife:. Iam am praying over you both to have peace and courage, darkness hates light we are the that light, but remember what our savior said. In the world you will have troubles but I have overcome the world. Make God bless you

February 27, 2021

Dear Justice and Mrs. Thomas:
I am an attorney, I tell my children all the time that you are a bright light and that you stand strong in the midst of adversity and attack. We praise God for you and your family, and we lift you up to the Father for His Divine Protection and Fortitude. Amen and Amen.

Margaret Cardwell
February 27, 2021

Dear Justice and Mrs. Thomas,
I pray God’s hedge of protection around you. May God continue to guide you in wisdom and courage as you make decisions for our country. I pray for your health and well-being. May you continue to choose to serve our great nation. We need you! God bless you both.
Margaret Cardwell

February 27, 2021

God Bless you Justice Thomas and your wife for standing up for righteousness and truth and justice. God has put you in this position for such a time as this. Remember ” No weapon formed against you shall prosper and any tongue shall rise up against your shall be condemned” Isaiah 54:17 God’s Word does not go void but accomplishes that forth which it is sent. Isaiah 55:11. So continue to fight the good fight 1 Timothy 6:12. True Justice
82 Asaph’s poetic song
1 All rise! For God now comes to judge
as he convenes heaven’s courtroom.[a]
He judges every judge and rules over every ruler, saying,
2 “How long will you judges refuse to listen
to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right
by judging in favor of the wrong?”
Pause in his presence
3 “Defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten,
the disenfranchised and the destitute.
4 Your duty is to deliver the poor and the powerless;
liberate them from the grasp of the wicked.
5 But you continue in your darkness and ignorance
while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!
6 Didn’t I commission you as judges, saying,
‘You are all like gods, since you judge on my behalf.
You are all like sons of the Most High, my representatives.’
7 Nevertheless, in death you are nothing but mere men!
You will be laid in the ground like any prince and you will die.”
8 All rise! For God now takes his place as judge of all the earth.
Don’t you know that everything and everyone belongs to him?
The nations will be sifted in his hands!

February 27, 2021

God Bless you Justice Thomas and your wife for standing up for righteousness and truth and justice. God has put you in this position for such a time as this. Remember ” No weapon formed against you shall prosper and any tongue shall rise up against your shall be condemned” Isaiah 54:17 God’s Word does not go void but accomplishes that forth which it is sent. Isaiah 55:11. So continue to fight the good fight 1 Timothy 6:12. rue Justice
82 Asaph’s poetic song
1 All rise! For God now comes to judge
as he convenes heaven’s courtroom.[a]
He judges every judge and rules over every ruler, saying,
2 “How long will you judges refuse to listen
to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right
by judging in favor of the wrong?”
Pause in his presence
3 “Defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten,
the disenfranchised and the destitute.
4 Your duty is to deliver the poor and the powerless;
liberate them from the grasp of the wicked.
5 But you continue in your darkness and ignorance
while the foundations of society are shaken to the core!
6 Didn’t I commission you as judges, saying,
‘You are all like gods, since you judge on my behalf.
You are all like sons of the Most High, my representatives.’
7 Nevertheless, in death you are nothing but mere men!
You will be laid in the ground like any prince and you will die.”
8 All rise! For God now takes his place as judge of all the earth.
Don’t you know that everything and everyone belongs to him?
The nations will be sifted in his hands!

Karen Brownlee
February 27, 2021

Lord, put your shield of protection around the Thomases, and all those under attack for speaking truth.

Gary Johnson
February 27, 2021

If you’re a Democrat and voted for President Biden, that’s your right and privilege. But to show utter disdain and hate towards this man, his wife and family, goes way beyond human reasoning.
Remembering Justice Thomas, his wife and family, for God’s strength, peace in their hearts and protection. That through it all Jesus Christ name would ultimately be lifted up and glorified.

John W Germany
February 27, 2021

Please Lord… protect Justice Thomas and his family from the scorn inflicted on them by radical political parties. His justice is illuminated for all to see it’s truth. In the name of your son and my savior I pray.

Carol Cunningham
February 27, 2021

Lord, We pray your protection and continued wisedom as well as your favor over Ginn Thomas and all our Supreme Court Judges. Give them clarity and strength to stand and boldly proclaim truth and continue to defend our Constitution of this United States of America, one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all especially our people and leaders! In Jesus’ name! Amen!

February 27, 2021

Almighty God, we declare and decree that Your Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and that You will reveal Yourself to all mankind that You alone are our Just Judge and Righteous Ruler. We pray Psalm 91 over Justice Thomas and his family and the Blood of Jesus over them. Amen!
May God bless the ones protecting our Land and standing for truth.

February 27, 2021

Justice Thomas, your autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son” lays the foundation for the strength of character and integrity you so strongly display today. I praise God for the clarity and insight you have in these important issues facing our nation and its future elections. I pray more of your colleges will see it, too.

Lori Stratton
February 27, 2021

I am praying for your family to stand firm in your convictions. God said we would be persecuted for our beliefs. We live for Christ as Christians not for the world’s acceptance. May God bless and protect you and your family!!!
🙏🏻🙏🏻 Lori Stratton 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Sandra Hogue
February 27, 2021

Father in Heaven, with your mighty hand of justice, would you protect Justice Thomas and his wife from the outrageous agenda of demonic lying spirits, which seek to silence freedom loving people all over the country. You see the evil plans and dark places Satan initiates to stand against You. There is no contest here, Oh God, for You and You alone determine outcomes. Would you intervene in this nasty business of lawlessness being hosted in the Congress and the White House. Engage your hosts of Heaven’s Armies against the demonic intrusion into the lives of your people, who call on You for everything right and just, honest and true. Expose and destroy all the plans of the wicked. Establish your House of Prayer in the country and let us see the defeat of lawlessness and godlessness in America and around the world. The Victory is the Lords. Thank you for the goodness and peace you give your servants in every station of leadership, public and private. Would you defeat the falsely named Equality Act in the midst of protecting our true Patriots, and protectors of the Constitution of the United States of America. All Glory to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

February 27, 2021

Holy and Sovereign Father,
I enter Your gates with thanksgiving and joyfully dance in Your courts with praise. I am so grateful to You and I bless Your name. You are so good; Your mercy is everlasting; and Your truth endures to all generations! Praise Your holy name!
I offer up supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving for Justice Clarence Thomas, his dear wife Gini, and every members of his precious family. They are all near and dear to Your heart. As a member of the Supreme Court, he holds a great position of high authority and honor given which comes from You. Father, You instruct us to cover our leaders of authority and those in government with prayers that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. Father, Your eternal purpose is to give all men the opportunity to be saved and to come to the saving grace and knowledge of the truth; that Jesus Christ is Lord, Savior and our risen King.
I thank You for Justice Thomas and for his commitment to stand for truth. I pray that You would allow him to continue his role of authority with clean hands and a pure heart. Let nothing dissuade Justice Thomas from fulfilling his role as righteous justice in our nation. May he never compromise truth by making all his decisions with integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned. I ask You to grant Justice Thomas wisdom, knowledge, discretion, and boldness. Help him and Gini to rely on You for comfort, strength, courage, and protection from anyone who attacks them verbally or intends harm against them. I ask that You give Justice Thomas the management skills of King David. May he lead and judge with integrity of heart and skillful hands as he performs his role of justice in the highest court of our nation. Holy Father, help Justice Thomas to lead, govern, and judge as a person of righteousness and prudence, never wavering from truth or high moral principles.
I thank You for giving Justice Thomas a heart of conviction to stand for fairness and impartiality. Father, I ask that You would give Justice Thomas a longing and conviction to protect the sanctity of innocent life from conception to natural birth. I acknowledge that You, Almighty God, are the ultimate Ruler of our world and You rule with justice. You have placed in Justice Thomas and the other justices the solemn duty of participating in the shaping of our government. May they all take life seriously in their deliberations. Give them a wise and righteous heart in all the cases put before them.
Finally Lord, I put Justice Thomas in remembrance of Your word, “The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious and adds persuasiveness to his lips,” Proverbs 16:23. Thank You for his life and the life of his loved ones. May Justice Thomas fulfill the destiny for which You have created him. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Cherie Horak
February 27, 2021

Dear Justice Thomas and wife Ginni, Here is my prayer for you.
Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for leaders in our government that are not afraid to stand up for what is right in the face of great persecution. Give them continued courage to speak truth. Give them strength to not become weary in doing good. Bolster their endurance to hold up their shield of faith that will repel those flaming darts of the evil one. Fill them with Your peace that shines through their being that will show the evil ones where their help comes from. Turn him into the leader of all the Supreme Court Justices to show the others how to stand up to the evil ones and how to continue to follow the constitution with its Biblical values. Put a hedge of protection around Thomas, Ginni and their family. Send Your warring angels to surround them so no harm will come near them. In Jesus’ name
Cherie from Texas

February 27, 2021

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:13

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, … Psalm 91:1-16

Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me. Psalm 35:1

They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 1:19

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.’
Deuteronomy 3:22

The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.
Deuteronomy 28:7

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17

He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. Colossians 2:15

May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. Psalm 35:26

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. Revelation 12:10

Don’t be afraid, stay focused, be unwavering, be strong, be grateful, seek refuge in Christ, encourage yourself, be at peace, and trust in the Lord your God.

Father God, Your word has been sent on behalf of Justice Thomas and Ginni …”so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

We decree God’s word to be activated over Justice Thomas and Ginni and family and we say let it be do Lord ….Amen.

    February 27, 2021

    Never can go wrong praying the Word. God bless you

    As it is in Heaven…..so shall it be on earth….Victory and Justice are in your Hands Lord

Veronica Lasko
February 27, 2021

Dearest Heavenly holy father, we pray right now for Justice Thomas and his wife, Virginia, that You would uphold them in Your rightous, right Hand. Keep them and bless them, protect them from their enemies and those who try to use them in evil ways. Keep them on Your path, give them Your wisdom, understanding and patience and compassion for ALL people, help them to be forgiving as the lord JESUS taught us, in jesus Name, Amen&Amen

Carol Halma-Davidson
February 27, 2021

Lord be with Justice Thomas and his wife Ginni. Give them the strength to stand up against this leftist government and Lord give them peace of mind they need.

Gretchen Voll
February 27, 2021

Lord, strengthen Justice Thomas and his wife and deliver them from evil.

February 27, 2021

Lord God, protect and pour your wisdom over him and wife. He is the head not not the tail, continue to raise him up for
your plans not the lefts!
In Jesus name,

Pat Bates
February 27, 2021

Lord, I pray for Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife. Lord, I pray for their protection but I pray Justice Thomas will not back down from the truth. We are standing with you in prayer and will increase our prayers. We are in a great spiritual battle. I’m so sorry you are being attacked for speaking the truth.

Veronica J Esparza
February 27, 2021

According to Isaiah 54:17, I declare and decree that NO weapon formed against you or your family, Judo, shall prosper and EVERY tongue that rises in judgement is condemned .

Wendy Joseph
February 27, 2021

Praying for you Justice Thomas and for your family.

Thank you for standing firm for what is right even when it isn’t easy. We support you.

Wendy Joseph

Patsy Butler
February 27, 2021

Justice Thomas is a Supreme Court Justice; He has every right to voice his dissent, that is his job. We are letting the left win by acknowledging and reacting to their response. Remember they work for us; we do not work for them or any government official, etc. We are servants of the most High God and that is who we answer to. The only offense that should be taken seriously is the offense towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Read Matthew 18:7 Jesus has much to say about “offending”; He makes no apology. We serve God not man, let’s do that not only with our lips, but from our hearts. Mark 7:6

Marykay Wyman
February 27, 2021

Father, you know all the hardships Justice Thomas has been under. Please grant him peace, health and your strength ad he battles all these evil. And possibly violent men. Thankyou, you care for his family and will keep them safe.
In our Jesus’s name, Amen

    Ginny Embrey
    February 27, 2021

    I’ am moved to tears by theses prayers and the love and concern for the welfare of Judge Thomas and his wife and family.
    Can someone please share all the words of encouragement with him and his wife?

Jerry Knoff
February 27, 2021

Almighty God, we declare and decree that Your Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and that You will reveal Yourself to all mankind that You alone are our Just Judge and Righteous Ruler. We pray Psalm 91 over Justice Thomas and his family and please the Blood of Jesus over them. Amen!

Judy Kaufman
February 27, 2021

I pray that no weapon formed against you or your wife will prosper and that Yahweh would send Warring angels to fight on your behalf. Thank you for standing up for the good of our country. Blessings.

    Rogene Stone
    February 27, 2021

    I love the verse you chose in Isaiah 54:17a. I would like to pray by adding the remainder of the verse. But no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me declares the Lord.
    Lord we pray your protection over Judge Thomas and his wife. Lord mute the voice of the enemy and dismantle every chain the enemy is trying to place upon them. We give you glory Lord for the work you are doing. Lord may your angels encampment around Judge Thomas and his wife as they walk in reverence and fear of you. In Jesus of Nazareth ‘s name I pray. Amen.

Linda Bauwens
February 27, 2021

We plead the blood of Jesus over Justice Thomas and his wife Gianni. We encourage them to be bold and not intimidated by the Left. We pray they both are blessed with the wisdom of Christ our Savior who takes what the enemy meant for harm and turns it around for their good.

Beverly Glass
February 27, 2021

We thank you Father for your Word and the power of your Word to deliver. Isaiah 54:17 states that “But no weapon that is formed against us will prosper and every tongue that shall rise against us you shall show to be in the wrong.” I thank you for the Victory overthose who are your enemies and who lie against your truth. Thank you for being a shield about the Clarence Thomas family and the glory and the lifter of their heads. In Jesus Mighty Name. Shalom and Amen!

Gabriela Kolinski
February 27, 2021

I pray the God continued to blessed judge thomas and his wife for standing for what is right! And gives them the straight to do not give up and be intimidated by evil.

Shirley K.
February 27, 2021

What you fear controls you. Lord, You know the hearts of liberals who fear Truth, Your Truth, As fraud and unconstitutional “opinions” are rendered, there is obvious push back which means liberals are increasingly desperate knowing their positions are wrong. We lift up Your Son who took punishment for sin for all who come to You in repentance seeking forgiveness and unconditional love. I pray for those who reject Your Son, that they seek Your righteousness rather than try to “create their own.” In Jesus’ Name – Amen

Mary Y.
February 27, 2021

Justice & Virginia Thomas,
Thank you Justice Thomas for standing up for investigations into truth in these elections. I pray a hedge of Yahweh’s protection around you & your family. I thank God Almighty for sending angels & messengers to bring you peace, comfort and strengthen your inner being. I pray that the JOY of the Lord would be your strength!, May you all be invisible to evil ones in this nation. who are trying to take over our country. Thank you God for taking away FEAR from each Supreme Court Justice, showing them the truth! Empower them Lord to take the cases & vote the constitution in each case. Through the mighty name of Jesus the Messiah my Savior.

Margaret Korrodi
February 27, 2021

I pray Judge Thomas will listen to The Holy Spirit and do what HE tell him to do & say during these evil times. Guide Judge Thomas in his actions and do not let him fail the true American people who believe in Godly values. In JESUS NAME

Marleen White
February 27, 2021

Father God we lift up Justice Thomas his wife and family father God we pray that you give them continued strength and courage to defend our constitution. Bless them Lord in ways they can not imagine for there faith and obedience in you.

February 27, 2021

Dearest Clarence and Virgina,
Thank you for standing up for truth and do not fear man but always continue living to please our Father in heaven. He sees everythg you are doing to uphold truth in our beloved country and He will provide for you.

May Psalm 37 be of great comfort to you both at this time and know tht many of us will be praying for your peace and courage to continue living out Gods purpose in this life.

February 27, 2021

Trusting God to protect Judge Thomas and ALL those who stand for TRUTH!!

February 27, 2021

Father God, I am thankful for Justice Thomas’ strong stand for America and her Constitution. I pray a hedge of protection around him and his wife. Lord I pray that the scales be removed from the eyes of all SCOTUS justices.I pray that You move in a mighty way within that court, NOW. Amen in Jesus name.

Marie Burnett
February 27, 2021

Justice and Virginia Thomas, please know that I, as an American Born Christian here in the City of Philadelphia, completely support your efforts to see justice surface, above the leftist direction and opinions, and know that you are not only in my prayers but are also being lifted higher in the eyes of the LORD, JESUS CHRIST Himself! Be proud of who you are and what you are presently being persecuted for as we know persecution is stated in the Bible! CHRIST Himself endured much persecution but HE overcame it by His final moment of life on the Cross at Calvary! Press on and the enemy shall not prevail!

February 27, 2021

The other 4 Conservative Justices should had stood beside him. Voter fraud and irregularity needs to stop.

Karen E
February 27, 2021

Justice Clarence Thomas cannot be bought or bullied! He is a true patriot. He has a deep faith in God. We are so grateful to him that he took the time to express truth about the Supreme Court abdicating their duty concerning election fraud. We know from educating ourselves that in Pennsylvania as well as the other swing states that the actual ‘total’ election fraud was MORE THAN ENOUGH showing TRUMP actually won each of those states. My prayer is for a miracle for President Trump to STILL BE PLACED in the OVAL OFFICE that he actually did win!!! I pray Clarence Thomas will be elevated to Chief Justice because he is truly worthy of that position. Praying for fear and corruption of every kind to be removed from the Supreme Court Justices. Many of us have thought ‘why even have a Supreme Court’ if they do not do their job and ‘keep their oath’ to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution? I had a vision several weeks ago seeing the Supreme Court Justices on one side of the street where the Supreme Court is. On the other side of the street was a huge mountain that represented ‘fear.’ This mountain was symbolic of the intimidation and bullying that goes on in the spirit realm and natural against our Justices. We decree that ‘fear’ and those who attempt to infect the Justices with it to go in Jesus’ name.

Kristi Lepak
February 27, 2021

Father we pray for Grace Grace over the Thomas family. Give them courage to stand up for what they believe in. Protect them from the evil one. Deliver them from evil. Let them lift their eyes up to you for you are where their help comes from.

February 27, 2021

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray, please send Your mighty angel armies to surround and protect and fight for Justice Thomas, his wife and family. I plead Your blood Lord Jesus to cover them and let Your mighty hand hide them from the evil one. Bring justice to them Lord Jesus. Expose the evildoers and their schemes and strike them down and their schemes be rendered powerless, null and void. Give courage and boldness to Justice Thomas and his wife, and let them be examples to the other Justices to stand their ground and follow the Constitution. Pour out Your Spirit of the fear of the Lord, Your Spirit of wisdom, revelation, knowledge, understanding and Spirit of counsel and might. In Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!

Vickie Shurter
February 27, 2021

Heavenly Father, we lift up Justice Thomas and his wife up to you and ask You to place a hedge of protection around them. Strengthen their spirits to continue standing up for the truth. We speak blessings over them in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank you, Father. Amen.

Patricia West
February 27, 2021

We thank God for your proper stance on the voting machines. May Jesus overshadow you with wings of protection. Praying for you.

February 27, 2021

In the Mighty Name of Jesus I ask that you protect Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Virginia from the onslaught of the enemy through wicked
people. Once again the enemy is attempting to vilify and
destroy this man and his wife. I ask that you cover them with the Blood of Jesus and that no weapon formed against them will prosper and every tongue that accuses them in judgment they will show to be in the wrong. Father help Justice Thomas and Virginia to stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Thank You Father that You are surrounding them with the
power of the Holy Spirit and Your warring angels. You say You will keep those in perfect peace whose minds are stayed on You because they trust in You. Let Justice Thomas and Virginia continue to trust in You. I ask that you silence the
enemy and come against every lie against Justice Thomas and his wife Virginia. Grant them peace, strength, boldness, and favor like a shield. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

Donna Lightcap
February 27, 2021

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your control of all things. Thank You for the blessings and freedoms we receive in our country. Thank You for Judge Thomas and his attempt to speak the truth. We praise You that You are truth, You love truth, justice and righteousness.lord be with Judge Thomas and his wife and family. You are our interactive LORD. Insure Judge Thomas and his wife know Your presence. Give them peace beyond all understanding and they feel the weight of the left. Keep Judge Thomas and his wife safe Lord. We know You can and will. Please hear our prayers. Assist Judge Thomas as he fights for our constitution. Bless his wife with Your protection, peace and love. This we ask in Jesus’s name Amen

tim mccormick
February 27, 2021

stand strong Thomas family for our God is with you and our God will dealwith the enemy in due season

Laura K
February 27, 2021

How cowardly of those who attack wives because of the righteous stance of their husbands. Shame on them!!

Lord God let Your justice be done in these lives but bring peace and encouragement to these families under these cowardly attacks.

Klaus Mittelstadt
February 27, 2021

The left has seriously lost their way! I can pray for him and family but at this point I don’t know what else to do. Attacks for dissenting opinions are unacceptable!

Rick Helfrich
February 27, 2021

I stand behind Justice Thomas and the Supreme Court. I stand for the truth. I follow what the Bible says! Our country was founded on Christian principles.

    February 27, 2021

    We need a radical prayer movement to deal with the radical left that wants to touch everything that doesn’t look like them with its deadly cancer. Such a movement like they had in Uganda when Idi Amin, the then president, was murdering people left, right and center.
    Uganda was delivered when Christians came together in secret, hiding in the forest,wherever they could, regardless of ‘name brand’ or denomination to cry out to God and seek His face. The next President of Uganda after Idi Amin was a believer.

Keith Bulgerin
February 27, 2021

Standing for truth is always a biblical standard.

Cannon Connell
February 27, 2021

May the Lord cover this family with protection as Judge Thomas stands firm for the constitution. Lord, Give him strength and wisdom as he moves in this season. Protect them both from the evil one. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen, amen and amen!

February 27, 2021

When face to face with evil, 5hese demonic legions, may we stand where the Lord has called. ‘For the Lord the Lord Himself with fight the battle. Remain calm Exodus 14:14

This is our time, this battle is not about us, but for the generations to come in America. Are we willing to make the stand. The Lord never said this would be easy. Where is the line He has called you too? Is it to open the church doors? The public square? Education of our children? Muzzle mandates or forced vaxxx? Where is the line you will not cross? The time is now. Seek Him with all your heart, there He will be found and ask Him to make your place known for His glory alone.

    February 27, 2021

    We pray Holy All Mighty God protect defend your children who stand up for righteousness You are all powerful the enemy is under Your feet during this holy Jewish time turn turn turn these horrific attacks back to the enemy in the glorious name of Jesus

      March 9, 2021

      I heard somewhere recently that in Jerusalem many bombs were regularly hitting targets in the city until the prayer warriors prayed that the “demonic shields would be brought down” from then on the bombs ceased to be effective.

      So Heavenly Father can I ask for the demonic shields to be brought down over the Justice system in America and that every lying lip be silenced and that these appointed men and women can go about the business that you intended for them to perform, to establish justice and righteouness in Your nation of the United States of America. Amen.

February 27, 2021

Father I thank you for Supreme Court Justice Thomas and his wife Virginia. I thank you that they understand the principles upon which the United States Constitution and viability as a nation rests. I thank you that Justice does his job correctly and issues dissenting opinions when he believes that his colleagues have got it wrong. And I thank you that the truth concerning what happened on Jan 6 bears no relation whatsoever to the narrative of many people on the left. We believe that TRUTH triumphs in your courts. Lord, may the courts of heaven rule and may your decisions break through the morass of rebellion against you, which is against Reality itself. May truth and justice be restored to the United States of America. And may your protection surround the Thomas Family and the Justices of the Supreme Court of the US, and may they all be convicted to do the duty to which they are appointed, in Jesus name, Anem.

Susan Lee
February 27, 2021

Heavenly Father,
I agree with each beautiful prayer that has been written, as there is power in agreement. Strengthen Justice Thomas and his lovely wife with power in their inner man by Your Spirit. May they never back down, stand down, give up, or retreat. Protect them from the plan of the enemy, and cause the accusations to work for good in their lives. Fill them with the peace that passes understanding. In Jesus name. Amen.

Joyce scott
February 27, 2021

I pray to my Father and my Lord Jesus that he would protect Justice Thomas and his family from the unjust attacks of the left. I pray that the people that are attacking him will be ensnared in their own evil plots. I pray Lord that you strengthen Justice Thomas and his family and you give them courage and boldness to continue standing for justice and truth. Thank you for men and women like Justice Thomas who will stand for their convictions even in the face of bullying and threats. Thank you for pouring out your blessings on them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

February 27, 2021

Jesus, I pray for Justice Thomas and his wife Gini. We are all living in times where people’s opinions are challenged and silenced. It’s inappropriate behavior in our country’s society. They are grown up immature bullies. Stay close to God, trust Jesus.

February 27, 2021

O Lord God, the God of justice and righteousness, uphold those who stand for what is right. Give courage and steadfastness to those who honor and adhere to our Constitution as the law of the land. Forgive us, O God, that our beloved nation of America has gone so far astray that we now have to pray for the protection of those who speak the truth. God, have mercy !

Penny Velie
February 27, 2021

Father, I lift Justice Thomas and his beautiful wife, Ginni to you. Thank you for their steadfast love of God and this country.
Keep all evil far from them. May the joy of the Lord be their strength and shield. Please continue to give Justice Thomas your wisdom and discernment about the issues that come across his desk.
More than ever before, we realize that this couple has been called for such a time as this in our nation.
Bless them and use them for your glory in the name is our Messiah Yeshua,
Penny and Brad

February 27, 2021

Heavenly Father your Word says righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. When people choose to coerce others by making threatening insinuations against them or their family members it shows how low our national leaders have stooped. Father I pray that the strong man of manipulation & injustice be brought low & the spirit of delusion be removed from the eyes of our elected officials Where they are calling right wrong & wrong right deal with the lies of the enemy & overthrow every wicked work of darkness. Your word says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Let that rebellious spirit be exposed & brought down from its high place in the name of Jesus. Let everything that the enemy seeks to do to silence those who stand for righteousness be blocked & brought to an open show in Jesus Name. Protect the innocent Father; cover Justice Thomas, his wife & anyone else who stands for what is right with your wings of protection & give your angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways in Jesus Name Amen.


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