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Father, we pray that this bill would not go into effect. Move our leaders to stand up for righteousness. Keep our nation from this evil.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

According to The Daily Caller, “The House of Representatives passed the Equality Act on Thursday afternoon, which will impact abortion, marriage, family, gender, sports and more.

In a 224-206 vote, the House passed the Equality Act. H.R. 5 would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act in order to prevent “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.” Three Republicans voted with Democrats in favor of the Equality Act. . . .

“An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity,” according to the bill’s text.

Democrats tried to pass the Equality Act in 2019, but it was killed by a Republican-controlled Senate.


  • Pennsylvania Rep. Fitzpatrick
  • New York Rep. Katko
  • New York Rep. Reed

. . . The legislation will now head to the Senate, where it would need 60 votes to avoid a filibuster. President Joe Biden promised to pass the Equality Act during his first 100 days of office in October 2020 when he was still the Democratic nominee. . . .

Editor’s Note: Here is the Response to the passage:

Rep. Chip Roy says LGBTQ-related Equality Act will face court challenges

Rep. Chip Roy, during a House Freedom Caucus press conference on Thursday, decried the LGBTQ-related Equality Act—which later passed in the House by a 224-206 vote—vowing that the legislation will continue to face opposition, including in the nation’s courts.

“I’m proud to stand with this group. We’ll oppose this legislation, but we’re gonna keep fighting it in the courts and beyond, but most importantly, through free will as American citizens and our right to live free, and to alter this government as necessary if they continue to trample our rights,” Roy said. . . .

While President Biden supports the legislation, it would only arrive at his desk if it first passes in the Senate. A minimum of 10 GOP senators would need to join with the entire Senate Democratic caucus in order to move the bill past the procedural roadblock called the filibuster, according to USA Today.

What will this lead to? GOP congresswoman introduces bill to prohibit transgender people from sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms in schools

Rep. Mary Miller is set to introduce a bill Friday that would prohibit transgender individuals from access to female locker rooms in schools and would clarify that “sex” in Title IX is determined by a person’s biological sex.

The legislation, known as the Safety and Opportunity for Girls Act, was first obtained by the Daily Caller and comes in response to an executive order from President Biden that would require schools to allow access to sex-segregated spaces and activities based on a student’s gender identity rather than biological identity. . . .

“On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order to interpret Title IX as requiring schools to allow access to sex-segregated spaces and activities based on gender identity. But Title IX was created to enhance athletic opportunities for women, not threaten their safety. This is why I’m sponsoring the Safety and Opportunity for Girls Act.”

Miller added that she wanted to “make it clear that the definition of sex in Title IX means biological sex and not gender identity” and pointed out that she is attempting to protect women, including her five daughters, in vulnerable settings such as bathrooms and locker rooms.

The proposal of the bill comes on the same day that the House passed the Equality Act, which would expand protections for LGBT individuals, but critics argue that some of the provisions could have serious negative consequences, including the elimination of female sports. . . .

“Under this Democrat regime, which controls Congress, the arrogance of the radical Left will lead them to try and regulate and control every aspect of your life, including how you gender your children,” Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert said about the bill.

Democrats praised the bill’s passage, including Sen. Chuck Schumer, who called the vocal opponents of the bill “despicable” and promised to put the legislation up for a vote in his chamber. . . .

Will you join us in calling your Senators? Let us know in the comments below!

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Clarence Ogle
February 27, 2021

I thank God for every person who is actively opposing the Equality Act is some way! In Jesus’ name!

February 26, 2021

yes I have contacted my representative and senators several times over this disgusting bill asking them to vote NO. I pray more will do just that and the righteous will prevail. God knows all and see’s all. He is the ultimate judge.

    February 27, 2021


    I have also contacted all my senators/representatives.

Liz Batterson
February 26, 2021

No! This bill will further erode our family values and the rights of families to make decisions for their children. Children are not equipped or mature enough to deal with the complete and utter bombardment of the ideology that gender is fluid and not biological. Gender fluidity is truly a mental illness and not something to be pushed on children, especially those that are young. Time to STOP trying to play god and throwing science around as proof when it fits the narrative, but refusing to see the science of biology around this issue. Leave gender as intended: Male or Female. The attack on the nuclear family has consequences, which are are just now beginning to realize how harmful it actually is. Vote NO!

Alta Maxwell
February 26, 2021

i did email and call and i got to pray with Doug Lamborn’s secretary Hanna. thanking God for Doug Lamborn. praying more will have a heart change and stand up for Jesus and for our country. also praying for impeachment for Biden/Harris if they don’t repent
forgive me Lord for my sins and please separate them as far as the east is from the west. in Jesus mighty name

February 26, 2021

I have been continually contacting our Senators to have them oppose this bill. I would strongly encourage others to do the same… don’t settle for “one and done” – it’s not enough. Be like the woman in God’s word who continually sought justice from the judge until he gave her justice. The same principle of perseverance applies here. Get your friends, neighbors, family members, coworkers, etc. to relentlessly contact their senators. DO NOT PASS HB5!!!
This demonic inspired bill that “goofy Chuck Schumer” is so in love with is nothing more than a trojan horse. While they love to tout that it is an expansion of the 1964 civil rights act, that is smokescreen garbage. In essence, it would destroy what the original 1964 act set out to accomplish (and basically did accomplish). Mr Schumer’s loving support for the bill has a lot to do with his personal family dynamics and little to do with “what is best for the nation”.Lean heavily on your senators to oppose this. And most of all, pray continually for this to be defeated.

Susan CC
February 26, 2021

Yes, I will call my senators.

I ask You Father to bless Rep. Chip Roy with such favor that those he addresses are humbled. I pray he is blessed with boldness and truth and his words are like double edged swords, penetrating and dividing soul and spirit. I pray abundant favor for this man and all others who speak against this “bill.” I pray as well for those who supported it. Prayers Father for them to know great distress, then Godly sorrow, and repentance…let them know You are their Creator who will only wait so long. Finally Father, I pray this abomination parading as a “bill,” would be impotent from this moment forward. I pray this for Your Glory and our good, in the perfect Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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