A Children’s rights activist decried a California judge’s ruling allowing three men to be listed as the legal parents of two children born to surrogate mothers using donor eggs as being the consequence of laws that sacrifice the wellbeing of children to benefit the desires of adults.
The homosexual male “throuple” includes Ian Jenkins, Alan Mayfield and Jeremy Allen Hodges. The three-way relationship happened after Jenkins and Mayfield, who met nine years ago, invited Hodges to join the couple eight years ago. . . .
Last week, the three men, who are now the legal parents of two children — a 3-year-old and a 14-month old — appeared on “The Morning Show” in Australia to speak about this unusual arrangement and how they received a favorable result in court. . . .
“It was a pretty interesting, tense courtroom scene where at first it seemed we were not going to be granted that and we asked to speak in court and plead our viewpoint and the judge ultimately changed her mind and granted us legal parentage for our child before she was born.”
For all three men to be placed on the birth records serves legal purposes. . . .
“It was really important to be recognized as the family that we are, and thankfully we live in California, which is a state that, after some teeth pulling and fighting, actually did then allow us to do that, so that was amazing.”
Katy Faust, founder of children’s rights organization Them Before Us, and the author of a recent book of the same name, noted in a Monday interview with The Christian Post that much of the media is framing their coverage of these adult men as being victims of a system that did not make it effortless to acquire someone else’s children. . . .
But people should not be surprised by the newest manifestation of “modern family,” she asserted, as it was “the inevitable result of centering all legal and cultural conversations about family around the desires of adults.
“That slippery slope of ‘if the adults are happy the children will be happy’ which began with no-fault divorce, normalized single mothers by choice, insisted gender is irrelevant to parenting during the gay marriage debate, is now championing male throuples raising motherless children,” she added.
“Until we recognize that children have a natural and fundamental right to be known and loved by both their mother and father, you can expect more wild variations of the modern family, as children become the acceptable sacrifice on the pyre of adult desires.”
Share your prayers for this in the comments below. . .
(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by Brandon Showalter. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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The biological mother and father are ideal but the problem is our 50percent divorce rate . Instead of focusing outward I believe Christians need to focus on why men have affairs and why they don’t stay with their wives and remain faithful. Men throughout history have had this problem. The Bible is riddled with infidelity. We need to clean our own house before we look at gay people. At least they want these kids. My husband is divorcing me. He is living with a woman who makes $200,000 a year . He threw me and our daughters under the bus. He was a “good Catholic “ guy… yet here we are…
I’m sorry, in America we are free to live without tyranny! I will fight to uphold that with my dying breath. One look at this website and it’s clear that the right clearly wants a government to impose religious rule on everyone in America. Repent!
God and Father of us all I pray you will be at work in James to Grant him your grace of repentance to what has been historically and even eternally true about how you have made the world to operate! He may escape from The snare of the devil that is blinding him to the truth that he is serving the one who hates the light of Truth because it will show he and his followers are truly the ones who want us to live under tyranny! As shown by how hard they fight to stop the sharing the light of what is truly happening!
Lord forgive our nation for allowing this deception to go forward. We ask forgiveness on behalf of the judge who ruled that this was okay. We know full well that the decision means they were doing what they “thought was right” under the law but that the decision was not guided by you Lord. Mankind continues to try and put themselves in Your rightful place.l We pray for salvation for everyone involved and that you would protect the children’s souls and minds. We pray they would be rescued and find a normal God ordained family that would give them stability.
Our nation needs You to rescue us Lord. We cannot do it on our own – we are showing that everyday… that without You, we are misguided, immoral beings that are in deep need of repentance, salvation and mercy. Lord, help people to find you Lord because that is what they desperately need. Amen.
Jesus, we repent that families have damaged children to such an extent that we now claim it a RIGHT. We have chosen wrong actions as our right. Hurt people hurt people MUST be acknowledged, repented of and able to find true freedom in forgiveness of self, others and our generations who allowed wrong behaviors behind closed doors to the point they “come out” into the open and beg to be called normal. Such debauchery is an afront to moral people and nothing new to our God…but GOD, help us find the way back to You, Holiness seen and a standard, and Your Love as the pivot point to turnaround for change to be holy, as You are holy. We repent that the church has been asleep because the same sin existed in leadership (Paul Hegstrom story) and one could help. We have become too sophisticated for deliverance. DELIVER US from ourselves in the Church that we may help free others, in the Name of Jesus because of His Precious Blood that is our salvation.
Lord make this reality of these three married men adopting two innocent children be the catalyst to wake up our nation.
Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Lord we stand in the gap for these children. We pray for their protection, that You surround them with Your angels. Let no harm come to them. We ask for Your grace to intervene to remove them from this illicit and immoral environment.
We pray for an awakening and moral outcry from the church and from all the people to the desecration of marriage and family. We bind the spiritual strongholds of sexual immorality and perversions. We stop it now! Bring us to repentance for allowing sexual immorality to fester in our churches, families, and nation. We take authority over these foul spirits now! We send them out of our nation to be punished in a place of judgement: torment and confinement ordained by You Lord.
In Jesus’ name we rebuke these men and the judge, and ask You to convict their souls of this immorality. We pray for their repentance and salvation, and for God’s forgiveness of us for allowing this to happen. We pray for a national revival and cleansing from all these perversions. We pray for the sanctity of the unborn and the children, for the right to live life, and for the God given right to be raised by loving God fearing parents, a mother and father after Your own heart. In Jesus’ holy name we pray. Amen!
How much more horrifying can this get for the children?? Sadly we haven’t seen the half of what the enemy is up to.
I am in full agreement with your prayer Alma. Lord let every evil spirit be brought low. Their time is short but we bind the works of satanic darkness against children in the mighty, powerful name of Jesus and cover these children in His ever flowing and healing blood.
Thanks Laura. We agree about this. It is done! God has heard our outcry!
Matthew 18:19
“Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven.”
Satan knows that his time is growing short and he is in “no holds barred” mode. However we, in the body Christ, MUST know our identity and authority. We have to know that regardless of what we see, we are already victorious and must pray, battle, and live from this place of victory. Let us also remember that we are SEATED WITH Christ in heavenly places. We must adjust our vision to this vantage point and walk by faith, not by sight or feelings.
ARISE, saints of God, and let’s take authority over these evils in the land! Let’s continue to repent personally AND on behalf of this nation and pray for revival to spread like wildfire throughout this nation and world. Let’s pray for God’s revelation to us individually on our part in revival.
And let’s not forget the innocent babies and children. These are God’s treasured possessions and our Lord has very strong words and consequences about anyone who would harm them. Let’s pray for the protection of their souls and lives.
“Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority.”
Luke 10:19 TPT
Lord, In Jesus’s mighty name we cry out that Your stop this madness and spare and protect innocent children from all ungodly lifestyles. Protect their souls and keep them free to fulfill their God given destiny.