I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to take a stand against human trafficking and vote to end it.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

U.S. Attorney General William Barr says the federal government is awarding more than $100 million in grants to target human trafficking. . . .  Barr made the announcement Monday in Atlanta with presidential adviser Ivanka Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.:

“This is one of the top enforcement priorities of the department and we’re on the forefront of this fight,” Barr said. . . . “It’s only by cooperating with all our partners, our state and local partners and those in the private sector that we’re going to be able to make any progress and ultimately end the victimization of those boys and girls,” Barr said.

(Excerpt from PBS News Hour.)

Watch the video below to see President Trump speak on ending the “Human Trafficking Epidemic”:

Human Trafficking is down by 96 %:

“THE PRESIDENT: That’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. So, it’s a great — it’s a great feeling to have closed up the border. Now people come in if they come in through merit, if they come in legally — but they don’t come in like they used to. And human trafficking is — I think we’re down 96 percent or something. It’s been incredible.”

(Remarks by President Trump During Border Wall Construction and Operational Update | Yuma, AZ on August 18, 2020.)

(Excerpt from Faith for America. Photo Credit: Faith for America.)

Share your prayers for the fight to end human trafficking and that we would vote to end it!

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October 12, 2020

Praise You Lord God Almighty for more reason to re-elect our present leaders!

October 11, 2020

We continue to ask you God for both our leaders, our justice system and every citizen to stand firm against any form of human trafficking.
We ask you Lord to give us the resources, courage, boldness and commitment to stand fast against the porn industry which is not only an ongoing catalyst in trafficking but a major user of trafficked humans. We pray that you would completely expose any official at all levels of government who have been complicit in allowing trafficking to feed this satanic industry. Do not let them hide behind existing laws Lord. Allow them to be brought to accountability and justice.
Give we pray courage, protection and resources to anyone within our nation who is willing to fighting against trafficking in any of it’s hidden forms. We ask this in your holy name amen.

October 11, 2020

Praise God!

October 11, 2020

Praise you, Lord God Almighty!!!


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