I Prayed have prayed
Father God, may we seek to support and encourage the values and principles that are on Your heart.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The 110-page, Biden-Sanders “Unity Plan” was released last month, but I failed to review it until just this week. Some keyword searches yielded some very interesting – and revealing – results.

For example, God is never mentioned in the document. Not once.

As for “religion,” that is found one time, specifically in the section dealing with private schools. It reads: “Prohibit the disbursement of federal funds to organizations or providers that discriminate based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.”

As for the word “faith,” it occurs four times. But two of those are in the phrase “bad faith.” The other two clearly refer to the Islamic faith, in this description of some of the alleged horrors of the Trump administration’s immigration policy: “banning people from traveling to the United States based on their faith or their country of origin” (repeated twice, verbatim, in the document). Accordingly, there are three references to Muslims and none to Christians or Jews.

Suffice it to say, then, that protecting the religious rights of Americans, especially American Christians and Jews, is not a focus of this plan. That, however, should occasion no surprise, since the Democrats last year boasted about being the party of the religiously non-affiliated. (For the record, “Israel” is mentioned but once, and in this benign context: “The United States will invite China, the EU, Israel, Sweden, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries to be partners in designing breakthrough technologies through the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Initiative and Mission Innovation.”)

In stark contrast to the absence of references to God and the paucity of references to faith, the word gender occurs 22 times.

More importantly, “transgender” occurs twice, and in very specific contexts: “we will act expeditiously to reinstate Department of Education guidance protecting transgender students’ rights under Title IX and make clear that schools shall not discriminate based on LGBTQ status.” (This is repeated, although not verbatim, later in the plan.)

Put another way, young ladies in high school, get ready to have boys who identify as girls sharing your bathrooms and locker rooms, by federal mandate. And individual states, expect to lose your federal school funding should you refuse to comply.

But there’s more. We also find “LGBTQ+” mentioned 17 times in the plan.

So, “religion” is mentioned once, “Christian” and “Jew” and “God” are not mentioned at all, but “LGBTQ+” is mentioned 17 times. Need I say more?

As for ethnic issues, “white” is found 19 times, “Native American” 17 times, “Latino” 14 times, and “brown” 8 times. In sharp contrast, “black” is found 50 times. Not only so, but while the words “white” and “brown” are spelled with lowercase “w” and “b,” respectively, Black is spelled with uppercase B.

Is this, then, the new way to fight equality, by exalting one group over the others, distinguishing Black from brown or white? Or is this simply a vivid example of pandering to the spirit of political correctness? Either way, it is bizarre to capitalize one description of color while leaving the others lowercase. This was anything but an oversight. Rather, it shouts intentionality.


As for “abortion,” is occurs only once in the document, but it is part of a major paragraph devoted to outline the extreme nature of the Biden-Sanders plan. It reads, “Like the majority of Americans, Democrats believe that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We will restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides vital preventive and reproductive health care for millions of women, especially low-income women and women of color, and LGBTQ+ people across the country, including in underserved areas. Democrats oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to women’s reproductive rights, including repealing the Hyde Amendment, and will work to protect and codify Roe v. Wade. We are proud to be the party of the Affordable Care Act, which made prescription contraceptives available free of charge to all women and has helped significantly reduce teen pregnancy rates.”

So, in anticipation of the official Democratic Platform, this plan promises to overturn pro-life federal and state laws, repeal the Hyde Amendment (which former Vice President Biden supported until the primaries), and seek to codify Roe v. Wade. (According to The Cut, “Codifying Roe v. Wade would take the question of safe and legal abortion out of the Supreme Court’s hands by passing legislation in Congress that guarantees women in every state the right to unfettered access to abortion care. This would protect the right to choose even in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned.”)

Of course, none of this was in any doubt, but it is still striking to see the words on paper. The Biden-Sanders plan is as pro-abortion as can be.

As for the rest of the plan, there are many more issues that could be addressed, but I simply focused on some of those that are of perennial concern to many evangelicals.

I also passed over head-scratching statements like this: “The U.S. economy is rigged against the American people.” But of course. Who didn’t know that? A good, robust socialism will surely cure that ill.

Again, there are no surprises here. But there are certainly reasons for concern.

(Used with permission from Dr. Michael Brown. Photo credit: Getty Images.)

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August 21, 2020

This timely article from Dr. Michael Brown makes it very clear what principles you are voting for should you support the Democrats and their very ungodly platform. Do not think that God will not hold you accountable!

Miki Jackson
August 18, 2020

I am praying desperately that Almighty God will have compassion on His people and trample the forces of evil in this great country. The democrats, by the grace of God, will NOT be elected and the right man for the job will be elected to serve our great country! We, as Christians, need to be praying the forces of evil will be abated and stopped in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

August 18, 2020

Dear God, I BEG You to intervene now, on behalf of the remnant of those of us who still believe and trust in You. It is apparent that evil and wrongdoing is on the rampage, but You are stronger than any force the enemy can send. You are in control, and we humbly ask You to intercede in this election. Through You and through President Trump’s guidance, we have come so far; we need Your help this election year. Please help us. Biden as president would spell disaster. Please build a hedge of protection around President Trump and Vice President Pence.

Thank you!

August 18, 2020

I agree that God’s word should be our guiding principle. We should all be praying for wisdom and discernment for ourselves, our church, our leaders and our government.
But when you see one political party openly supportive of abortion on demand regardless of term and even some democrats saying even at birth it is ok to kill babies, and supporting riots and defunding police, open borders,etc, etc,….it is very difficult for Christians to support these radical anti-God policies. I think at this point in time the Democratic party has chosen to be the party of secularism, anti Christian, anti jewish, anti religion. Hence by default we become pro Republican , that does support our God directed conservative beliefs.
Let us pray for those who are promoting these radical ideas to have the scales removed from their eyes to see God’s way, and to cast out the demons who are promoting the killing of babies.
Father God, send your Holy Spirit to each of us to help us find ways to bring this country back to our Christian roots. May we be healed by the precious blood of Jesus. Amen

Brinda Friday
August 17, 2020

Oh Lord, My heart is grieved by the wickedness of this world as I know Your heart is as well. You are very much on the throne. I do not know Your plan, but pray that You would be once again exalted through this election. There seem to be so many who attack our President and the BLM organization seems to have raised so much money for the Marxist cause represented by the Democratic party. Yet You can bring victory to our President. You are the Almighty, Unfathomable God who raises the dead. I ask for a victory that will make people’s heads spin. I am desperate and I seek You fervently. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Stephen Czerwinski
August 17, 2020

Democrats didn’t just deny God once in Charlotte NC at their National Convention on September 6th 2012, but forcefully, loudly, brazenly, arrogantly denied Him THREE times—as if to divorce Him—and that is exactly what they did! Not only did they purposely reject God in their platform and by specific omission, but also in adopting a platform that is opposed to God and openly hostile to Christ and His Church from top to bottom. Let us therefore appeal to Heaven, to the Lord who Recompenses—for the Democrats’ utter and resounding defeat at the polls in every election and for the very unraveling and ultimate destruction of this wicked organization. Let us pray that The Lord would open the eyes of decent people who are still in and aligned with this wicked, diabolical Democrat Party and compel them to leave it in droves. That the Lord would expose this organization for what it is: a habitation of devils; a tool of Satan—to steal, kill and destroy America as founded! Let’s pray that the Lord would dry up it’s funding sources—plunder the millionaires and billionaires that support it, that the Lord would end the scourge of this wicked political party over the land! Pray God to end the plague of the Democrat Party over our once great, God fearing nation. Let us ask God to remember all their wicked deeds perpetrated against the Lords people. They have ever corrupted and led America astray from the time of Andrew Jackson—its founder—to the Civil War, to the Civil Rights movement, until now in our own time in this Cultural Civil War we as the Lord’s people are now engaged in against them—and let the days of the Democrat Party, their Media allies and Marxist Ideologues in our educational system be brought to a swift and ignominious end!

Rosemary Muller
August 17, 2020

Biden and his cohort are vile people wanting the rest of us to bow to their obscenities and immoral way of life. Seems to me to be exactly what demons try to do. Birds of a feather…

joy oviedo
August 17, 2020

may this ticket biden harris be voted down. please protect america

Belinda Remy
August 16, 2020



Pastor Karen Lester
August 16, 2020

This won’t be the first time the Democrat’s Platform has left God out. The last 3 elections for President have all threatened to leave out God and or the mention of God. This does not surprise me and only verifies that Obama has his hand in it.

You must have pity on those that are this deluded by Satan, and hate this country so much they would destroy it from within.

Thank God for President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence! Dear Lord give them strength and courage for the battles ahead, and strengthen their hearts, so they can withstand the attack from all sides. Please Lord make the Republicans stand together like a brigade, so they can support and care for each other, the President and his administration, so that they can win for you , for this country, and for the people of this country.

Help them to continue to reach out in love to the Democrat’s, and soften their hearts, allow them to see and hear the truth, and give them a heart to heal this country and give us all a forgiving heart for all the ways they have worked to divide us and to destroy this country. Dear Father God please return this country to respect and keep the rule of law, and to strictly follow the Constitution that our forefathers painstakingly wrote.
Bring this country back to you, and teaching our children to love and respect you, and to learn our history, and why we pledge allegiance and salute the US Flag, and sing and love the Star Spangled Banner as we did for over 200 years.
Amen and amen

I. G. Haire
August 16, 2020

It sounds like the plan wants to wipe out both the black American population and the brown population. It is worse with the black American population be cause at least 4 million babies have already been aborted. How are they going to be able to survive, when a lot others are being killed with internal strife in their communities? Is this what Biden and Harris are planning?!?! Are they going crazy, or it is that the majority of blacks are poor and need governmental help? God help this country and our black brothers!!!

Joan Bartruff
August 16, 2020

Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, thank you for Prayer Warriors. Thank You for hearing all our prayers. You may answer our prayers in a different way than we want, or think they should be answered, but Your Word reminds us, Your”foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom”. Father, we are inadequate to judge You, or how you answer our prayers, but we know the answers are all GOOD because YOU ARE GOOD, and perfect LOVE.

Thank you for teaching us what those running for office stand by, and, for, so we can make Godly decisions in the voting booth. Some say this election, for the first time in American history, is a choice between a socialistic or communistic government vs. a government based on our Constitution, and the freedom and safeguards it provides citizens. We know America is not perfect, but it has been a “beacon on a hill for the oppressed” around the world. Thank You for the freedom we have to worship. Please Lord, give us leaders who will protect that freedom so Your message of salvation can go out to the whole world for Your desire is that all would come to a Saving Knowledge of Your plan of Salvation. Cause all citizens to go to VOTE, Lord because they have studied the platforms of each political party, and made a decision based on their trust and faith in You. Amen

August 16, 2020

I read this article and its exactly what you would expect from these two and their movement. They have proven that God is not a part of their lives, if God is, it is a very small portion. First, the God that I serve is a jealous God and that no other gods, He wants to be put before Him. These two are more interested, it seems, in power and money.

I am putting my faith first in God, that is the author and finisher of all creation. There is no other gods that can compare. Our nation’s foundation was built upon; “In God We Trust.” We as a Church, the Body of Jesus Christ, on earth need to be making a stand against their movement and any movement that is against God. If you are against God, you are His enemy. That is not an enticing position to be setting your life in, an enemy of the risen Lord.

I place my faith, my strength, and my courage in the God of my salvation, the only one that can save us and deliver us. If you read the Book of Joshua, God tells Joshua to be “Strong and to have Courage” and the enemies of Joshua and Israel would be delivered into his hand. They were, Joshua had faith and God did. We need to pray and see our God move. He heard the people of Israel and their cries and He still listens today.

I have children and grandchildren that I want to live in this country realizing who God is, what our nation stands for and against and to always honor the service men and their families for laying down their life for t God, country and their brethren.

I am not worried, my God is in charge and He will expose that what is hidden and bring to light what’s in the darkness. Its in our hands Church, it has (past tense) already been delivered into our hands; if we will cry out to Him (God).

Jacquelyn Y Miller
August 15, 2020

It amazes me that for this to be a Christian Post, it seems one-sided. We are, as Christ Followers supposed to see things from a Biblical standpoint. What I find, though is that it is purely Republican. No one is right all of the time. Both Democrats and Republicans have faults; all are human. I find that in this post, though, that many of what we dislike about the Democrats is always mentioned, while it seems as though the Republicans are flawless. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ. God calls sin, sin and it doesn’t matter. All of us are going to have to stand before God to give an account of our deeds and words. We will have to stand on our own. There will be no Democrat or Republican point of view. God is the Righteous Judge and He will have the final say. It would be a great idea if we started now. No left or right, but truth and error.
God, please help us to see things from Your Word and not from our feelings, likes or dislikes. You said in Your Word that All have sinned, not Some. Help us to be the salt and light that You have called us to be.
Help us to discern truth and error, no matter where it comes from. And oh, by the way. Man does nothing of himself. God is to be glorified. Give Him the glory.

    August 16, 2020

    You point out that as Christ followers we are to see things from a Biblical viewpoint. That is exactly what this website is about. Helping us to see our culture today and then to see how we might better help our culture to be more Christ like. No one is claiming that Republicans are right all the time. However, if you review the Democrat platform (much of it given in this article) vs the Republican platform, you will see that the differences between the 2 platforms are like night and day. Take each tenet of each platform, then review them in the light of the Bible. There is a reason that articles here reflect the Republican viewpoint more often. Compare the policies and the agendas of the 2 parties and see which party (by its platform) reflects the tenets of the Bible more closely.
    We have an election coming up. If you want to live in a place like Chad, places that have been demolished by the riots (like Portland, Seattle, Mpls and others) then you are free to choose that. And if the Democrat candidate is standing on their party platform… more riots, unrest, needless loss of life, destruction of property and our freedoms is exactly what you will get. If that’s what you want this country to become… then vote your choice. That’s what our Republic provides us ….freedom… until we lose it.

      Jacquelyn Y Miller
      August 17, 2020

      Freedom? That is not what I want our county TO BECOME. We have already fallen so low that neither Republican nor Democrat can help us climb out of this sewer that we have already fallen into. We must face the fact, as Christ Followers, that we have sinned against God and that we should repent. Actually, it doesn’t matter who we blame or who we choose to vote for, God is the only One that can help us. We say “One Nation under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All”. Talk about freedom. This nation is very divided, in all situations. All of the things that you have mentioned as far as where we are as a country, I agree with. BUT, it came as a result of sin. That is the point that I am trying to make. “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34). I also see this forum for Christians to exalt Christ more. In Him we live and move and have our being. As Christians, we should know as well that it is Satan who is behind all of this. His plan is to divide and conquer; and we are falling for it. Point? “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: But WE WILL REMEMBER the NAME of the LORD our GOD.” (Psalm 20:7). PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW; PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW. PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOSTS. PRAISE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY GHOST!!! AMEN!!!

        August 17, 2020

        Yes, I agree the sin is the root of our nation’s problems. And behind the sin is Satan. Jesus is the only cure.
        I was simply addressing the fact that you seemed quite upset about this being a one sided forum. That is because most readers are Christian and most decry the evil we are seeing in our nation. Your verse, “Righteousness exalts a nation, and sin is a reproach to any people” is exactly my point as well. I am not trusting in a party. But I will do all I can to return our nation back to God and righteousness. That includes voting for men and women who stand on the Word of God and the principles therein.

          Jacquelyn Y Miller
          August 17, 2020

          Upset only because the Root of sin is not being addressed. As you said, Satan is behind all of this. Knowing that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, it is useless to resort to pointing the finger, and name calling as some of the politicians are doing. We have to stand in the gap for this country. It is sad because to find those who stand on the Word of God is difficult when on the one hand, abortion is accepted. On the other hand, name calling and disrespecting others is accepted. Neither comes from God. I thank you for your response.

    August 18, 2020

    I agree that God’s word should be our guiding principle. We should all be praying for wisdom and discernment for ourselves, our church, our leaders and our government.
    But when you see one political party openly supportive of abortion on demand regardless of term and even some democrats saying even at birth it is ok to kill babies, and supporting riots and defunding police, open borders,etc, etc,….it is very difficult for Christians to support these radical anti-God policies. I think at this point in time the Democratic party has chosen to be the party of secularism, anti Christian, anti jewish, anti religion. Hence by default we become pro Republican , that does support our God directed conservative beliefs.
    Let us pray for those who are promoting these radical ideas to have the scales removed from their eyes to see God’s way, and to cast out the demons who are promoting the killing of babies.
    Father God, send your Holy Spirit to each of us to help us find ways to bring this country back to our Christian roots. May we be healed by the previous blood of Jesus. Amen

      Jacquelyn Y Miller
      August 18, 2020

      True. And what happens after the womb? Is God pleased the more when children are hungry and dying because they cannot get medical care? We are the richest nation in the world and One Nation Under God. We should be better than this. We are to be the salt and light of the world. How can our lights shine when we see nothing wrong with name calling, demeaning people’s character, mocking someone with a physical problem, using vulgar language? Yes, abortion is definitely sin. God’s Word says so. But, what God calls sin is sin and abortion is just one of many. One day, each of us will have to stand before God and give an account. If one commandment is broken, it is as we have broken all of them. FOR ALL HAVE SINNED. ALL OF US NEED JESUS.

August 15, 2020

God in wrath have mercy. There is nothing new here. God will rain down His mercy&grace&justice greater than we can imagine. PRAY&seek His face. These people are beyond understanding. Be light in this darkness!

Robert Woleben
August 15, 2020

What is going on with Biden, Sanders & the other radical socialists who are “affiliated” with our government have their own ideas and goals which are diametrically opposed to everything I’ve ever believed over the years I have lived in our country and it scares me to death that any of these people would ever be calling the “shots” in this country. And there are other Democrats beside Biden & Sanders who scare me as well. This next election will probably be the most important one in history. The violence and protests which will certainly follow this election will be more horror for us. At least with Trump we have a chance. God bless us all and we need him more than ever now.

Tess Jaworowski
August 15, 2020

LORD God Almighty, We don’t know what to do but You do.
Our eyes are upon You!
The battle is Yours, Lord; we are Your warriors!
Bless Your children and work in, with, and through us.
Your Will be done and to You be all Glo0ry, Laud, and Honor Now and Forevermore

Gail Lynn Aberman
August 15, 2020

ABBA FATHER, please send the Fire of The Spirit upon those who are born again!!! Open our ears to hear the clarion sound of The shofar in Heaven. This is a call to the Body to go to war against the powers of darkness, like never before. We wrestle not against flesh and blood!! When an entire political party turns antichrist and pro death and antfamily there is a major principality involved!! We must fast and pray and storm the gates of hell with strategic warfare! We must fight for our cities, states and Nation now , or we will have to live with the results of our silence! Apathy , complacency,and ignorance and our own sins have to be repented of and renounced now!! Almighty God please move upon the hearts of Your people, we can’t play church anymore this a whole different season. GOD YHWH is HOLY and we can no longer get by with these things anymore. We as believers are accountable to do The Will of God YHWH according to the full counsel of His Word!! If we are not doing the will of The Father even if we have been gifted to ,we won’t make it in.PRAYER AND INTIMACY WITH JESUS IS NOT A SUGGESTION, IT IS VITAL IN THIS TIME. BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT IS A NECESSITY IN THIS HOUR EVEN FOR OUR SURVIVAL. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD, JOSHUA 24:15 ( read the whole chapter )I will continue to Intercede, Study, Worship and lift up my voice like a trumpet as long as I have breath. May the true believers in Christ stand in unity to obey and fulfill The Will of The Father, in The NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH! 🙏 AMEN!

August 15, 2020

Lord when I see and hear these things that are going on and the evil being done and saying it is good, my heart is so grieved. I humble myself before you and ask for your mercy to be spread upon our nation. As we pray and go forth I know you go before us and make a way. I AS A CHRISTIAN AND A LOVER OF GOD AND THE LORD AND HOLY SPIRIT WILL STAND FOR YOUR VALUES AND YOUR WORD AND WAYS. WE NEED TO STAND, STAND, STAND AND THEN STAND. Pray and hold up our president and the leaders working with him. Angel armies come and we will stand with you and fight this evil. I bind you evil spirits in Jesus name. You go back where you came from as we have the VICTORY IN JESUS. HALLELUJAH!!!. We will go forth in victory. Glory to God, We praise you and glorify you. We love you and stand for you. We know your hand is not short and you are helping us. We need to be diligent and stand and fight and we will Lord.

    Gail Lynn Aberman
    August 15, 2020

    LORRAINE, I stand with you ,arm in arm ,shoulder to shoulder. We need to fast and pray seek God concerning our own lives and for our Nation and do strategic spiritual warfare!! This is the time we must be strong in the power of His might and war against the powers of darkness,as we pray and fight , angelic hosts will be released as well as in times when we are praising Our Great and Victorious Captain of the Hosts,JESUS CHRIST!! God YHWH bless you Lorraine! In The Name of Jesus!

Mary Ellen
August 15, 2020

We all did this. We Christians sat still right from the start(removing prayer from school) believing that this could not happen in this country. Well this is a wake up call for those of us that are still sitting still. Rise up church and open your heart to hear what God is doing. He wants us to be His pillars, fight for what is right and His truth. His truth will prevail but we must unite – forget our differences and put our core beliefs first. That God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit are one. Jesus died for all of mankind. Jesus will return to the glory of the Father. This will make the Church of Jesus Christ a formidable foe to the enemy. Heavenly Father, we pray in Jesus name, that you will bring a reformation to the Church of Jesus Christ. That You will bring us together in unity to stand against the wiles of the adversary who wants to bring down this country. Give us courage and steadfastness as we go out and bring the Good News to those who do not know You. Have Your way in all our elections. And without fail remind us that we may choose the person in office but You have the final say. Protect our country, heal our land, as we repent of the rebellion of this land. In Jesus name.

August 15, 2020

Lord, rebuke those who would promote the DNC unity plan and lift up those who support Biblical values. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

David Henne
August 15, 2020

I too reject the support that the Democrat party lends to causes which ignore God’s instructions for living in his world. However, our democratic system allows and encourages ongoing discussion about these matters. Our current state of affairs is that our top administrative officer discourages the exchange of information and ideas, sowing disharmony and promoting himself with careless speech and tweets. I think we must first elect someone more amenable to civil discourse to occupy that position, even though disagreeable in many ways, in order to improve the atmosphere for respectable debate. I will vote for President with that in mind, and will choose legislative people who will support the issues as I see them. And I will pray fervently for a good overall result.

    Jane Fain
    August 15, 2020

    I will vote my Biblical values in 2020 and in our republic I would much rather have a president that tells the American people what is really going on than to have someone in the highest office in the land try to smooth talk his way into office and then turn right around when he is behind closed doors and do the exact opposite. Doing something bad for the American people. This is what Clinton was like, the Bushes, Obama. While they said things they thought would get our vote they were all selling our nation to the NWO(New World Order).
    Prophet Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, and others spoke of his election. Kim Clement prophesied that he would not be a praying man when he goes into the White House but he would become one while in the office. He is fulfilling his promises and like I stated to begin with his platform is the most Biblical.

John Michael Grogan DD
August 15, 2020

We must not be overcome with fear, concern, yes, but not fear, for fear says God’s arm is too short. Fear fails to trust & the lack of trust assails belief. There is no question that Christianity is under attack like never before, but anyone who has a modicum of biblical familiarity is not ambushed by this. Our defense lies in our defender, Jesus Christ. Our response shall not be fear, but prayer. Failing to pray makes one complicit with those wishing to bring America down.

August 15, 2020

Lord we need your kingdom principles to rule in our nation. Father forgive us for the Grievous sin we have allowed to transpire in our nation. Father God deliver from
These principalities and powers seeking to destroy our nation and raise up your CHURCH TO STAND AND BE UNITED.
Please Lord protect President Trump and his family and all his staff and Vice President pence keep them
safe and healthy and please cause them to re-elected for your glory to be made known and shine and be magnified forever in our nation. We want to be among the sheep nations when you return.
Have mercy upon the USA and redeem us for your glory and power to be made known in Jesus mighty name
May your kingdom come and your perfect will be done ..Amen

Tonya Sloter
August 15, 2020

Almighty Father maker of Heaven and Earth forgive Americans for allowing evil to come this far. You Almighty All Knowing Father know Your plan. Give us wisdom and discernment beyond our years. Give us strength and wisdom to fight the battle both seen and unseen. We humbly ask for President Trump and Vice President Pence to be re-elected to allow the church to wake up and proclaim as John the Baptist did before Jesus came “Repent, for the hour has come “. May we see the great revival of the church, the Bride of Christ in the next four years. May the corruption be exposed and the truth come forth. In Jesus holy and most mighty name amen.

August 15, 2020

I can only hope and pray that there is a huge conservative turnout in November. This document is symbolic of what the media has done to the unaware folks.
Just witness the lawlessness and the destruction of property. The march down the street in Seattle with the blm folks saying get out of your houses. The murders in Portland, Seattle ,Chicago NY and many other places that they don’t report.
If we aren’t about to enter the end times…or we may already have stepped in to it.
The Lord cannot be pleased with the USA and he has blessed us with opportunities other countries can only think about.
Rampant abortion and no one respecting one another or the law not being respected will only grow.
America needs to wake up and make changes with many of our elected officials.
The paper has no Biden imprint…he is unaware. If they vote for Biden…Harris will be our next prez in 3 months….maybe 3 years.

D. Haynes
August 15, 2020

Father it is amazing to me how merciful you are in light of the sins we have committed and are continuing to commit in our nation. You are a just and righteous Judge. You have every right, in accordance with your word, to wipe us off the face of the earth, but you have not done that. I must believe you still have a purpose for our nation and this world. I pray that as we approach this time of elections we your people will be diligent in searching, with open eyes and hearts, who should be put in office during this crucial time. We live in uncertain times and you are the only constant in this world. I seek for your direction and guidance as I vote for the candidates you want in office who are a part of this election process. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Ronda Orchard
August 15, 2020

Lord, I thank you for directly answering prayers in this difficult time. You have answered the prayer asking that the enemy be compelled to speak truth to their agenda. Praise you for disrupting their high mindedness and routing the attacks of the rulers in high places.

I particularly appreciate the bold pronouncement that the Democratic party would return funding to Planned Parenthood which is a foil for family planning that instead seeks to keep up a production for the distribution of body parts and the making of Adrenochrome, the highly addicting drug of choice for Hollywood and Social Media Elites. This is an abomination that cannot move forward.

I rebuke the agenda of the enemy to lord over your creation the boundaries he has stolen. Over time all that is decent has been pushed aside and the animalistic behavior of the devil has trampled over your creation while those of a religious spirit, those of a Jezebel spirit and a Leviathan spirit are laughing at the lukewarm church. God is saying, “Come out of her my people!” May your call, Lord, begin to penetrate deaf ears. May blind eyes begin to focus again, removing the fog of indifference and powerlessness. Cause the Prodigal sons and daughters to come to themselves that they will recognize the pigs they party and dine with. Help them to remember the goodness of your salvation and the provision of the Holy Spirit you gave for our comfort. And finally let the Prodigal’s brothers and sisters run WITH the Lord to meet them on their journey back to your fold. amen

    Jane Fain
    August 15, 2020

    Amen to everything you said and prayer, Ronda
    Also, a scripture comes to mind. Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. I believe this scripture can apply to the Christians in dead churches.

      Ronda Orchard
      August 15, 2020

      2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.

      What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? That is the question preceding the scripture above. Yet, many who call themselves Christians have perverted the temple of God by being desensitized with regard to what we watch on television or view online or play as games. Many make football their god on a Sunday afternoon. Many think sacrificing a baby at Planned Parenthood is healthcare. God is saying get this figured out. Stop worshipping Baal and hanging out with Jezebel.

        Jane Fain
        August 16, 2020

        I have no argument with you Ronda. I was just adding about what I heard Prophet Kevin Zadai say after his time with Jesus. Christians leaving an apostate church because The Holy Spirit called them out of it. It was meant to be in agreement with you.

August 15, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to read the Democratic platform. Lots of issues to pray over in there, and the main issue is for people to wake up! Biden was right ,this election IS about the soul of our country. It will be sold to the devil if Biden is elected!

Ken Budz
August 15, 2020

Lord You are the most powerful being in the universe and Your kingdom is more powerful than all the countries of the world combined. The plans of limited men have limited value. Lord may Your will be done in the world. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Donna Symes
    August 15, 2020

    I was just reading an article from The Daily Signal about the billions of dollars George Soros has poured into everything liberal left and it was so disheartening but Our GOD, the great I AM is all powerful and all knowing. We humans are so influenced by money but HE is not! Keep praying America and may all the glory go to our LORD!

      August 15, 2020

      Why can’t George Soros be stop from doing that by law. Antifa being paid for the chaos ?

      Delilah Bruch
      August 16, 2020

      The Lord put it in my heart months ago to begin praying for the salvation of George Soros, and when saved his billions will go to further the Gospel in the earth.

August 15, 2020

America on the brink!
“A wise man sees trouble coming and avoids it.”
No one but You LORD can save us.
We humble ourselves before You:
We stand before Your Throne surrounded by Your many mighty angels who are ready to do Your bidding
And we pray:

Our Father which art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
The POWER and the GLORY
For ever and ever. Amen.

August 15, 2020

Holy, everlasting and All powerful Father! We need You so very much. We have set You aside, replacing Your wisdom with that of man’s seeing ourselves as wise in our own eyes! We have done little to stop the destruction of Life in the womb and we have let our leaders change Your description of marriage and even gender. Oh Lord, we have taken up with the evil one little by little, one election after another until we are no longer One Nation Under God. Oh Lord, humble us. Bring us to repentance and turn our hearts towards You. Lord, this election is in Your hands. Will we gain a reprieve from complete destruction or will we fall further into the abyss of darkness? Where is Your Church? Where are the voices standing firm on the Word of God? Lord, send Your Holy Spirit. Speak to the hearts of those who belong to You. Speak to the hearts of those seeking Truth! Lord, please bring revival to our nation or take Your Church to meet You in the sky. Oh Lord, give us courage and strength! May Your Word penetrate hearts and move them to Yourself! Lord Jesus, we need You and Your Holy Spirit to intercede not just for America but for this World! You are The Hope of the World! Maranatha, Lord Jesus! Come quickly! In Your Name I pray!

    Laura K
    August 15, 2020

    Well articulated and I wholeheartedly Amen your prayer Denise.

Dorothy Ter Horst
August 15, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm trying to destroy our nation. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, In Jesus name, Amen.

Lois Taritas
August 15, 2020

Father God
You have said it would get darker and have given them a choice to turn back to you!
So we who are the light must pray pray pray president Trump is four more years, so we can have peace and prosperity and our children will be taught the truth and hear the word of God!
I keep hearing so it will go well with you!

Vina M Elias
August 15, 2020

I pray for this nation and for those that are working to bring us into bondage they are without knowledge and blind they don’t understand. I pray God open the eyes of the general public to see where we are headed and that we need God as never before in Jesus Name Amen

Joanne Remaley
August 15, 2020

I prayed. . .

Carole Ann Neve
August 15, 2020

America should have gotten a clue with the 2016 election on who to vote for. At the Hillary Clinton and Trump debate, Hillary plainly told us what she would do on the first day of office when she won. It had to do with partial birth abortion. Abortions are the deciding factor once again in this upcoming 2020 election. Let’s vote so Roe vs. Wade is overturned. We want the curse lifted and the babies of all colors to live. Pray for the Baby Boomer’s to arise and speak out against abortion. Here I am send me.

James Fielding
August 15, 2020

This democrat stuff is why Jesus comes again to take the best and leave the rest. They are fascinated with Muslims.

Anti-U.S.oil, pro OPEC which charges whatever they want, disrupting the world. Since the 1970’s.

62 million abortions, 10X MORE than Hitler murdered! But of course they said it was their “right” to do evil.

Then there’s the “I’m democrat Christian”. No you’re not. Not all those that say Lord, Lord make it. No such thing.More lies.

August 15, 2020

All wrong things all said some against God yet they plan to invite China whose the cause of all this people listen how bad it’ll get you got to believe this evil if he wins forcing us to do what we don’t want and control us. Lord have mercy. St. Michael defend from all snares of enemy prowling thru the world for ruin s of souls.🙏🙏

    August 15, 2020


August 15, 2020

Pray for those who blindly vote according to their traditions, trusting that their party is as it used to be or as they think it is. Pray the Lord would reveal truth to them and they have the courage to break from whta has been hijacked by those who do not seek God’s direction and will.

    August 15, 2020

    Again I repeat, It’s time for Christ’s Body of Believers to:

    Wake Up!
    Stay Up!
    Stand Up!
    Speak Up!

    We wake up by discerning the truth with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. We stay up by refusing to allow the lies to dominate. We speak with our prayers especially praying in the Holy Spirit. We stand up with our vote and inform others of the truth.

    John 8:32-And you shall know the truth and the Truth will set you free.

      August 15, 2020

      Yes!!! In Jesus name and the blood.

      August 16, 2020

      Amen, Suzy…the battle is the Lord’s and He will accomplish His purposes.
      All glory to Him!

Victoria Coles
August 15, 2020

Biden-Sanders Unity Plan is NOT GOOD..IN FACT IT-IS-BAD.
Read it for yourselves, you’ll see how UN-AMERICAN it is.

To allow their Unity Plan to function would be devastating to our country!

    August 15, 2020

    Reading this article causes great distress, I saw God saying,”Body of Christ, Wake Up, Stand Up and do warfare , Pull down against this wickedness, I Am that I Am, My Angels are waiting for the intercession from the Body of Christ, for they can go into Warfare against the works of darkness. Rise Up My children fight or your enemy will over take you.
    Fight like never before now is the time to storm Heaven with your prayers.


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