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Lord, we know You are in control and we are so thankful.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The opinions handed down by the Supreme Court yesterday in the Bostock et al case about sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination are 172 pages. IFA staff briefly reviewed the opinions. This case that our excerpt below calls “a big win to the LGBT community,” may cause grievous harm to faith-based organizations and churches, not to mention women’s sports and many other things Justice Alito outlines in his dissent. Justice Gorsuch wrote the opinion for the majority, calling it “textualism.” However, dissenting justices Kavanaugh, Alito, and Thomas clearly disagree.  Justice Kavanaugh wrote this:

[M]any Americans will not buy the novel interpretation unearthed and advanced by the Court today. Many will no doubt believe that the Court has unilaterally rewritten American vocabulary and American law—a “statutory amendment courtesy of unelected judges.” Hively, 853 F. 3d, at 360 (Sykes, J., dissenting). Some will surmise that the Court succumbed to “the natural desire that beguiles judges along with other human beings into imposing their own views of goodness, truth, and justice upon others.” Furman v. Georgia, 408 U. S. 238, 467 (1972) (Rehnquist, J., dissenting).

I have the greatest, and unyielding, respect for my colleagues and for their good faith. But when this Court usurps the role of Congress, as it does today, the public understandably becomes confused about who the policymakers really are in our system of separated powers, and inevitably becomes cynical about the oft-repeated aspiration that judges base their decisions on law rather than on personal preference. The best way for judges to demonstrate that we are deciding cases based on the ordinary meaning of the law is to walk the walk, even in the hard cases when we might prefer a different policy outcome. . . .

And the implications of this Court’s usurpation of the legislative process will likely reverberate in unpredictable ways for years to come.

It is critical that we pray for our Supreme Court justices by name. Click the image to download our prayer guide with the names of the leaders of each branch of our government.

Here is what Philip Juaregui of Judicial Action Group had to say about the decision:

For clarity, I have removed Alito’s  internal citations and parentheticals, yet added my own emphasis of some of his greatest points. Please give it a short read and you will be very well informed. The full original version with citations can be viewed at page 38 (page 1 of Alito’s opinion) of the full PDF here.

Alito’s opinion begins:

There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation. The document that the Court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on any of five specified grounds: “race, color, religion, sex, [and] national origin.” Neither “sexual orientation” nor “gender identity” appears on that list. For the past 45 years, bills have been introduced in Congress to add “sexual orientation” to the list, and in recent years, bills have included “gender identity” as well. But to date, none has passed both Houses.

Last year, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would amend Title VII by defining sex discrimination to include both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,”, but the bill has stalled in the Senate. An alternative bill would add similar prohibitions but contains provisions to protect religious liberty. This bill remains before a House Subcommittee.

Because no such amendment of Title VII has been enacted in accordance with the requirements in the Constitution, Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination because of “sex” still means what it has always meant. But the Court is not deterred by these constitutional niceties. Usurping the constitutional authority of the other branches, the Court has essentially taken H. R. 5’s provision on employment discrimination and issued it under the guise of statutory interpretation. A more brazen abuse of our authority to interpret statutes is hard to recall.

The Court tries to convince readers that it is merely enforcing the terms of the statute, but that is preposterous. Even as understood today, the concept of discrimination because of “sex” is different from discrimination because of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” And in any event, our duty is to interpret statutory terms [as Justice Scalia wrote] to “mean what they conveyed to reasonable people at the time they were written.” If every single living American had been surveyed in 1964, it would have been hard to find any who thought that discrimination because of sex meant discrimination because of sexual orientation – not to mention gender identity, a concept that was essentially unknown at the time.

The Court attempts to pass off its decision as the inevitable product of the textualist school of statutory interpretation championed by our late colleague Justice Scalia, but no one should be fooled. The Court’s opinion is like a pirate ship. It sails under a textualist flag, but what it actually represents is a theory of statutory interpretation that Justice Scalia excoriated – the theory that courts should “update” old statutes so that they better reflect the current values of society. If the Court finds it appropriate to adopt this theory, it should own up to what it is doing.

Many will applaud today’s decision because they agree on policy grounds with the Court’s updating of Title VII. But the question in these cases is not whether discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity should be outlawed. The question is whether Congress did that in 1964.

It indisputably did not.

Here is a helpful excerpt from Fox News as well:

The Supreme Court handed a big win to the LGBT community Monday, ruling in a 6-3 decision that an employer who fires a worker for being gay or transgender violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act — which already protected people from employer sex discrimination, as well as discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin.

The decision dealt with three cases. In one, Clayton County, Georgia employee Gerald Bostock was fired from his job as a child welfare advocate for conduct “unbecoming” a county employee soon after he joined a gay softball league. In another, New York skydiving instructor Donald Zarda was fired days after mentioning he was gay, and in a third, Michigan funeral home worker Aimee Stephens was fired after she told her employer that she would be identifying as a woman six years into her employment.

“Ours is a society of written laws. Judges are not free to overlook plain statutory commands on the strength of nothing more than suppositions about intentions or guesswork about expectations. In Title VII, Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an employer to rely on an employee’s sex when deciding to fire that employee,” said the court’s opinion, written by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

“We do not hesitate to recognize today a necessary consequence of that legislative choice: An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law.”

In all three situations, the employers admitted that they fired the workers for being gay or transgender, but they argued that this did not violate Title VII. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, which heard Bostock’s case, agreed with this view. The Second and Sixth Circuits, which heard Varda’s and Stephens’ cases, respectively, ruled differently. . .

The court justified their inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity under Title VII by focusing on the law’s language, which prohibits discrimination “because of” sex, stating that as long as sex is a factor the discrimination, that is enough to trigger Title VII. . .

“[T]he individual employee’s sex plays an unmistakable and impermissible role in the discharge decision,” the court said about such situations.

Justice Samuel Alito said the majority went too far, calling the decision “legislation,” in a dissent joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.

“There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation. The document that the Court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive,” Alito wrote.

Alito noted that the majority opinion “no doubt arises from humane and generous impulses,” acknowledging the desire to treat gay, lesbian, and transgender people “with the dignity, consideration, and fairness that everyone deserves,” but said the court’s role “is limited to saying what the law is,” not adding to it.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh made a similar argument in a dissent of his own.

“Under the Constitution’s separation of powers, the responsibility to amend Title VII belongs to Congress and the President in the legislative process, not to this Court,” he wrote.

At the same time, Kavanaugh recognized the significance of the court’s ruling for LGBT rights.

“Notwithstanding my concern about the Court’s transgression of the Constitution’s separation of powers, it is appropriate to acknowledge the important victory achieved today by gay and lesbian Americans,” Kavanaugh wrote. “Millions of gay and lesbian Americans have worked hard for many decades to achieve equal treatment in fact and in law. They have exhibited extraordinary vision, tenacity, and grit—battling often steep odds in the legislative and judicial arenas, not to mention in their daily lives. They have advanced powerful policy arguments and can take pride in today’s result.”

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Ronn Blitzer and Bill Mears.)

Read more about this issue: https://staging.ifapray.org/blog/supreme-court-decision-unimaginable-consequences/

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Kathy S.
June 20, 2020

(PSALM 68:1)
(PROVERBS 21:31)
Let us stand together in agreement on God‘s Word: 2 Chronicles 7:14:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

We are standing in agreement on behalf of our land. We have stood in the gap and confessed and are sorry for our personal sins and the sins of this country. We have confessed that we the BOC have sinned and have not been as diligent as we should to pray and confess we sin daily against you and you only, O Lord.
We believe that the Lord God has heard our cry’s, our prayers, our petitions and intercessions, we believe that as we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. He is able to reverse this decision, win the victory and establish righteousness once again in this country and peace in the Earth. In Jesus Name!!

The Commander goes before His Army, He has given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm us ~ do not be afraid, He is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think, nothing is too difficult, nothing!! We believe and agree that He is able to go before us and throw the enemy camp into confusion and smite and route the enemy, He fights this battle for us, We stand firm on His Word and in agreement this day as One. In Jesus Name!!

We believe He is able to reverse this decision and restore all that the enemy has stolen, killed and destroyed and establish righteousness to the USA. He is able to remove the wicked officials in this country and establish righteousness once again. In Jesus Name!!

We take our stand by doing our part, standing on God’s Word, putting on the full armor of God and taking our stand against the enemies schemes. We take our stand by Faith in Gods Word, His Truth, His Power and God does the rest as He pleases, His will be done, His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!! In Jesus Name!!

Last but not least, we must praise the Lord!! Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for His holiness. They sang before the army as the Lord set ambushes against the enemy!! 2 Chronicles 20:21-22

Ref: Psalm 51, Proverbs 25:5, Matthew 18:19-20, Luke 10:19-20, 1 John 1:9, Eph. 6:10-18


June 17, 2020

It’s an abomination period it….

Dr. Alma
June 17, 2020

We pray for divine discernment Lord. Let us not be deceived into giving the devil any consideration. “lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so our minds be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3). for God created us male and female. We pray that this judgement be challenged for its legality of separation of powers and for its ramifications of coercion of god fearing believers to support immortality. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Joan H. Richardson
June 17, 2020

The Real Supreme Court is about to come to order. How our nation fares depends on where she stands before the Real Chief Justice: to His right or to His left?
Let’s pray and never let love grow cold.

June 17, 2020

We pray for and love our brothers and sisters that choose different life styles. That’s all it is is a lifestyle. An unethical decision was made into law yesterday recommended by Justice Gorsuch, that is anti religious community. This decision wasn’t abt equality, or safety. Opinions are not protective, but it’s all abt appeasing the LGBT libs, who are harming our sons & daughters by recruiting them into a very questionable lifstyle. I had a brother who lived that lifestyle and died very lonely. Our family believes that he was an end of life victim; later finding out he also lost his estate to a so-called gay caretaker.

June 17, 2020

Very liberal decision; lack of Faith is evident.

Whitney Bell
June 17, 2020

For the past several years so much that I once held dear to my heart, down to the very purpose I thought I walked this earth for slipped like sand through my fingers. No amount of begging and pleading with God changed the circumstances. Slipping into great despair, yet never letting go of the only thing I had left, I found greater dependency on Him.
Peace soars in my heart in the midst of the unknowns before me.
Whether the enemy stole or God Himself removed, all things giving a false security were replaced with getting to know my Savior, my Creator, the One who reigns and will always remain — more intimately.

Thank You Father when outcomes aren’t as we hoped that You have not stopped being You. Praise be to You as we lean not on our own understanding and seek You for the security that comes from heaven and not this world.

Roger Bush
June 16, 2020

This action of the Supreme Court, in relation to the personal choices that deny a person’s natural birth gender, clearly violate the Biblical directive made by our Creator, and expressed in His Book. Such blatant rebellion against His orders closes the door He uses to intervene in times of human and national weakness, inability, and futile effort. Since we live in an order where opposites describe our conditions of life, our nation cannot expect
God to bless our efforts when we have closed this door. It is no wonder that our “times” are filled with deadly behavior, curses, and anarchy
since our national leaders continue to do these things. Humility before God is far more able to bring blessings, and pride is a sure opening for deadly cursing to destroy persons, peoples, and nations with. The U.S.A. is not immune to these realities of nature and supernature as well.

    Dr. Alma
    June 17, 2020

    That’s why we must pray for discernment so we don’t fall for lies, compromises, and ill favor with God. God open eyes and make us wise to the devil’s plans. Help to overturn this illegal usurpation of power in honor of your holiness.

June 16, 2020

I am very grieved at the majority of justices “opinions” about this case! We as Christians will now be under a microscope more than ever for our beliefs in the Bible, marriage as constituted by a man and woman, and just about every other aspect of moral life. I pray that these unelected justices would refrain from legislating from the bench, and remember they have One Judge above all to whom they are answerable.

Robert Woleben
June 16, 2020

The decision handed down by the Supreme Court will reverberate through out this country for generations and it is only just beginning.

    Dr. Alma
    June 17, 2020

    No. Let us repent and pray that our leaders understand God’s will, not compromise, wink at or even commend this decision in order to obtain God’s grace in order to reverse this legislation. We should all pray and write to the judges for them to understand that what they did or said was wrong at judicial and spiritual level. We pray for our President to understand this as well.

Stella (TX)
June 16, 2020

Truth, we are born male or female. Founding Father’s Constitutional laws protected all humanity.
Progressive amendments added to protect a person’s choice to: same sex, bestiality, sports field advantage, choice list is endless: pushing LGBT agenda now forced on our innocents those w/o a voice, early childhood medical changes w/o challenge, false beliefs televised, major artists feeding/singing same lies, Nativity Scene outlawed, The Ten Commandments ripped off court walls, 2015 KY county clerk refused to issue marriage license to same sex couple. Tolerant to all except Law/Order, Christ honoring/loving Americans to exercise our allegiance

Evelyn Jones
June 16, 2020

This is so grevious almost beyond comprehension. At the beginning, I was deeply grieved at Gorsuch’s appointment, and sadly am now proven right. Yet, our Father in Heaven knows all about it, and we will keep our eyes on Him. He never fails.

Camilla Hicks
June 16, 2020

I am a candidate for the WY House of Representative. This is upsetting after a gay couple in Casper was charged with 14 different charges of child pornography. The lives of others are being affected from the high places of government to the grassroots of society. I have prayed for the decisions of our elected officials in all details. This decision will eventually be seen by many how the lifestyle can reflect other decisions as well. Father in Heaven, forgive us for calling good bad and bad good or exceptionable. Lord open our eyes of understanding. In Jesus name

Ingrid DeHaan
June 16, 2020

Lord Jesus, have mercy on our land as we have sinned against you. We pray you will help us as the church and as Christ-followers to love our fellow men and women, no matter who they are, and that many who struggle with gender identity or sexual sin may come to know You as Lord and Savior.

June 16, 2020

The word of God says that you are either for me or against me. They better be alert about this for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a righteous God. God does not change his rules about sexual wrong doing , nor does He change his rules about marriage. He is the creator and does not create things in an unrighteous manner. It is the deepest sin that is known to man for when a perverse sexual wrong doing is done the person will never overcome the memories of what they have done violating the laws and principles of God . The may repent and not do it anymore , but the problem is that it will always haunt them . The judgment of the Lord will come to the Supreme Court and to the nation they seem to forget God’s destruction of Sodom. He is the same God and His judgment is sure and will more than likely bring severe plagues and devastation to this nation and to the whole world that accepts this ruling . The 10 plagues that came upon Egypt during Moses time will be nothing compared to what is coming to this type of rebellion against God.

James Moyer
June 16, 2020

O God, forgive us for forsaking Your natural laws. I guess allowing abortion and removing prayer were not enough ways for us to violate Your ways. What more can we add to our many sins? Thank you, Lord, for the three that stood against the many!

Barbara Hesch
June 16, 2020

The problem I see with all of this is, how far we have strayed from calling the behavior of an individual either good or bad for the common good of all. If someone has a problem with the gender they were born with, then because of their confusion,they call it discrimination when people don’t go along. How is this good for society? If you were hired as a man or woman and then you made a decision based on your gender confusion, why would you expect everyone to go along? Why does everyone have to agree, and go along to get along. Something in me says, that with this new law, I will be the one discriminated against. I still will not go along, because Jesus warned to expect persecution. Satan is the author of confusion. Our battle is spiritual, not carnal.

Evelyn Ruby
June 16, 2020

It is so amazing that millions of words are written to redefine sex… which is determined by God in the womb. He created male and female, and man rebels to produce LGBTQWIOTHSK. This is just a part of man’s rebellious human nature. The Supreme Court has not changed anything, but opens a floodgate door to more crime and the deterioration of the human race. God will make all things right in the end, but in the meantime, God help us!

Al Whittinghill
June 16, 2020

What a horrifying thing this is. In the face of the shaking that the Lord is allowing to get the attention of our nation we still fly in the face of the clear truth of His word. We are NOT listening. Well….we “make our own bed” and will surely have to bear the consequences of running right by God’s roadblocks. This is one of the signs that a society is about to collapse, mark it down. What will it take to get our attention? “By sword, famine, and the pestilence will I plead with you” He said that through Jeremiah and Isaiah, and other. Who is daring to call people from our evil ways. I believe that we can have revival in the church…and that the people of God can truly still experience the revival that we need to be filled with the love and power of the Risen Lord. BUT….as far as the secular nation….perhaps it is like that last chapter in 2 Chronicles when the people of God resisted and rebelled as a nation…”UNTIL THERE WAS NO REMEDY>” What fearful words. Jeremiah was told that it was “too late”. I am burdened and concerned. Dismiss that which promises hope that has no message of repentance in it. Three times before God has brought this nation back form the edge of dissolution as Revival swept the land and reformation of heart and mind swept through the leaders and leadership of the land. But now….we have had no national repentance for well over a hundred years. And we just keep on with the compromise that has led us to anarchy. APATHY- when we know the truth but don’t bother to walk in it..It leads to APOSTACY…that is when people know the truth but dare to walk in the opposite. Then when the cycle continues to ANARCHY…when people no longer know the truth and “everyman does what is right in his own eyes.” That is where we are today it seems. ” There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is the way of death.” Everyday of man seems right in his own eyes, but the Lord trys the spirit.” Read the first thirty chapters of Jeremiah and let them sink in. The Bible and history are littered with the ruins of the nations that forgot God. I love America….but it feels like we are “saying goodbye to an old friend.” And yet…there is hope. But it will take true prayer and heart surrender by those who are listening to HIM. May God have mercy and awaken His church. I am praying along with you all that the glory of God Himself will ignite in the hearts and minds of those who claim to know Him…and the trumpet call will go out that we are in great need of repentance.

June 16, 2020

Wait till Ruth passes & Trump puts another constitutional conservative into SCOTUS – Then REPEAL. Yes, it can be repealed.

    Jacquelyn Miller
    June 16, 2020

    That is so sad to say. We don’t know how long any of us will be here on earth. God is in TOTAL CONTROL, NOT MAN. If man could fix this mess we’re in, it would have happened a long time ago so that they would take credit and get the glory. God made male and female and no one has the right to change His laws. America has sinned against God and He is not pleased. The United States Supreme Court will have to answer for every law they have passed against God’s Word. GOD IS THE SUPREME JUDGE and one day each of us is going to have to stand before Him. FORGIVE US, FATHER and HAVE MERCY ON US.

Anna Castor
June 16, 2020

Our nation was built on truth, justice and one nation under God. I envision America as a house and the Christians, those that faithfully and prayerfully seek God as the foundation. The enemy is like a termite who has been eating away at our beautiful house, is gaining momentum and is weakening the structure. When the structure is finally destroyed and falling down the termites will celebrate briefly before they see the glorious foundation built on faith in Jesus, that cannot be destroyed or denied. They will run and hide but will not be able to escape the truth.

Jeanne Rutledge
June 16, 2020

Biology trumps social opinions, especially in regard to males, identifying as girls, demanding the right to compete against females in sports. Biologically, females cannot be “equal” to males in body composition and muscular strength. Our country has become ridiculously naive in welcoming and celebrating “mercy” toward some who have alternative opinions and uncommon views about biological truths. Using hormones or steroids should not be recognized as “natural” behavior.Please restore sanity and dignity to our God-given truths which are the strength of our nation in past generations. It is painful to observe the demise of our country as those in power control seek to “take down America” by any means possible.

    Ingrid DeHaan
    June 16, 2020

    Yes, it is painful. But we pray You would remind us, Lord, that You are still in control. Help us to be a light in this great darkness!

Kim Pascarella
June 16, 2020

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.We long for Your return.

June 16, 2020

I have endorsed majority of these prayers so I am in agreement except for one. This is another very, very sad day for the United States of America. The only prayer I can utter right now is for Mercy. I honestly believe our time is about up. Jesus is using every means He can to wake up the Ekklesia all over the world. America seems to be last to wake up, because we have been blessed so much materially and we turned from our first love Jesus. We need unity as never before. What we are seeing all over this world is trouble, but when the church is raptured, then the real hell is coming to earth. Are we ready? We are to evangelize until Jesus comes. It is very urgent. So my prayer today is to pray for compassion on those souls we disagree with that Holy Spirit speaks to them if they have ears to hear.

    June 16, 2020

    We read in Romans Chapter 1 and 2 that GOD gives some over to their iniquity. I certainly will pray and will pray especially for pastors to have the courage to preach the whole counsel of GOD, and that many souls blinded by the wicked one would realize how much GOD loves them.

      Gail Segars Rainey
      June 16, 2020

      I am especially praying also for our pastors to address all that is happening along with their prayers for people to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I believe that to be relevant today, our pastors must address the current events with their biblical world view, as that is what gives people comfort for such a time as this. Another way to say is that messages from the pulpit must be lead by Holy Spirit to address all that is going in the world today and to certainly address prophecy in Bible that has been fulfilled and that which is yet to be fulfilled. Thank you for your reply and prayer!

    June 16, 2020

    All of this is painful because we are under renovation as an ekklesia, as a nation, and globally. We are discriminating much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ time on earth. But the problem is in our hearts. The law cannot ever fix that. Only Jesus by His Spirit can renovate our hearts. He won’t be coming for a Bride that has not been restored, no matter how badly she wants to get outta here. We are in for the long haul and it may take many more generations to get there at this rate. Acts 3:21

June 16, 2020

“Michigan funeral home worker Aimee Stephens was fired after she told her employer that she would be identifying as a woman six years into her employment.”

If the company needed a man for the job; and then the man they hired changed his identity to become a woman–then surely the company who needed a man for the job, was quite within their rights to discontinue employment.

Surely, the company has a right to employ whomever they feel is best for the job?
There are some jobs that require woman, and others that require a man.
I have yet to see a woman being a pall-bearer!

Karen Ellard
June 16, 2020

Bring heaven to earth in the Supreme Court. We declare that the Supreme Court is Your house, Lord. Bring Your divine order in that place! The role of the Supreme Court is to ‘decide’ cases, not legislate, their first role is NOT to interpret the law. We pray that those justices who will not bow their knee before God in humble submission to His authority, His Word would be removed from their position What they have done is un-Constitutional. How can this be? We cry out for a spirit of repentance to You, Lord. Lord, have mercy and hear our cry for Your intervention! The overwhelming majority of our nation is crying out for true justice and want reform in the Supreme Court as well as Washington, D.C. We pray for ALL corruption in the Supreme Court to be exposed swiftly, even THIS year. We pray that President Trump will be sovereignly touched by Holy Spirit to choose God’s woman or man (or women and men) for the next righteous Supreme Court Justices and declare now, by faith, that God’s picks will ‘go in’ regardless of the pushback from the unruly and manipulative minority. We pray also for the next Chief Justice to be true blue in stableness, purity, and godly leadership.

Ch Bonnie Baker
June 16, 2020

Let all that is hidden in the darkness be brought into the full light of day 🙏🇺🇸⏰

Ch Bonnie Baker
June 16, 2020

Well, perhaps it about time we who belong to The LIFEGIVER God & His Risen Son
Realize that now, as in all of recorded time – not everyone belongs to Our Lord God. That it is our commission to draw and invite others of the human race into the adoption covenant-> NOT PUT OURSELVES IN THE POSITION OF SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS; driving them away instead. ⏰ 2 😳open up 👁👁 & actually see the big picture! See through Our Lord’s 👁👁❤️!

June 16, 2020

Lord, this grieves Your heart and the hearts of all those who follow You. It’s an example of our continued disintegration of Your Truth. Lord, You created two genders,?male and female and You ordained marriage. In the past 20 years we have destroyed what is sacred and continued along the path of our own destruction . Lord, forgive our sins and set us on the path of repentance and righteousness! Please Father, protect all faith based business, churches and small business of believers from lawsuits and discrimination because of their biblical perspective on marriage and genders. Lord, please change the hearts of the Supreme Court to reverse this ruling. Lord, please hear us. We are lost without You. Direct to our steps. Let us NOT be wise in our own eyes, but look to Your Truth. Come quickly Lord Jesus! In Your Name I pray!

Apryle Budreski
June 16, 2020

Understand that we are wonderfully made! God knew us before we were formed and placed us in our mother’s womb. He declared our sex when he formed us. Jesus said in the last days good would be seen as evil and evil as good. Those who believe that equal rights include boys who “think” they are girls and can compete on a girls team knowing that their natural testosterone and skeletal formation makes them stronger than a girl and therefore should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports. This decision is not only against God, but is against all of us! God help those judges that voted for this evil ruling! Pray for repentance!

June 16, 2020

Heavenly Father Thank you for showing us again and again our trust and faith must not be in man or any system but in you and your word.

God help us put our focus on you and your will for our nation. Help your body/church truly repent, regret their wrong doings and humble themselves so you can heal our land. Help our unbelief oh Lord I pray. In Jesus name Amen

Germaine Copeland
June 16, 2020

No words! Asking the Holy Spirit to show me what to pray and how to pray!

Joni Rafnson
June 16, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we come to you again and ask your forgiveness that as a nation we have watered down and twisted your laws and the Word of God to for our own vain imaginations. Forgive us for not standing up after kneeling only to You! We expect someone else to do what you are calling all of us to do as your body. I ask that you help us in this battle for truth. We bind up the spirits of confusion and perversion and loose truth and that you created man and woman no in between. You didnt make a mistake and it doesn’t need to be clarified. The Word of God is the measuring stick for everything we as your people are to walk by. Not our own vain imaginations and opinions. It is becoming abundantly obvious when we start changing who you are Father it leaves room for all sorts of interpretations. But your Word is very clear. ” I am the same yesterday, today and forever I change not”, Forgive us Father for changing you into the image we desire. Help us to remember you are Holy and Righteous there is NO evil in you. Galatians 5:18 explains what the works of the flesh are, it doesn’t say they might not inherit the kingdom of God, it says they Will not inherit the kingdom of God. Let us not love people over a cliff straight into Hell.We need to tell the truth, and hate that which is evil and cling to that which is good. No more excuses.
In Yeshuas nane Amen

    Germaine Copeland
    June 16, 2020

    Thank you for this prayer! In agreement!

    June 16, 2020

    I agree with this prayer, Lord! Please hear us and lead us to repentance. Purify our hearts Dear Lord, that they may represent Your Truth without compromise, distortion or precession.

    In Jesus Name I pray Amen

June 16, 2020

Not only are these liberal supremes legislating~ they are giving secular interpretation to Biblical scripture. They think they are gods.

Cathy C
June 16, 2020

Dear Lord,
My heart breaks for our little children. God, our nation is moving from truth and your values. Touch Us as Christian people to stand up for right. Lord, I feel helpless, but you are all powerful. Please touch the USA with revival and truth. Please give Christians strength to keep our eyes fixed on you.

Leshia Burt
June 16, 2020

The dissenting judges articulated perfectly what just happened yesterday. God, Your Mercy over America. In Jesus name amen.

Ken Budz
June 16, 2020

Dear Lord please help us, we as a nation are obviously lost. When the court becomes a legislative body instead of the court politics is made more important than law. Your law is perfect Father and Your position is always best for us. Please forgive our lawlessness and selfishness and pride. We need You and not the distractions of social issues. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Carhy Strachan Lindenberg
June 16, 2020

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight!
Jesus loves the children of the world.

I believe in equal justice for all under the law
Our LBGQT brothers and sisters deserve
Equal rights and love!

Jerry E Sauls
June 16, 2020

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13. NKJV

Mary Ahlborn
June 16, 2020

The very justices who were assigned to the Supreme Court in respect to their nomination to interpret law not legislate have again caved in to their opinion. We applaud when conservatives sit on the Supreme Court, only to see them betray us again, as they see themselves above the law. God help us, as only He can.

    Minister Musa
    June 16, 2020

    If this evil decision does not wake up the church to know that Christ is at the door and that Christian persecution is inevitable then I dont know what will. America is going to be destroyed. Only a matter of time now. Saints arise shine save as many as we can. Night is almost here.

June 16, 2020

This is really bad. I am very shocked that this one conservative associate would write in such an irresponsible way. Not surprised, of course, that the ideologically driven liberal associates would agree, but really disappointed that Justice Gorsuch did this. It seems almost flaky. I wonder, is he, now, compromised as well? How will this affect the Church? Will this lead to the beginning of the great apostasy. It is interesting that this would coincide with the galloping social justice movement, which is candy coated Marxism, creeping into our churches, and on the surface, appears to be driving the BLM and Antifa anarchy.

Steve Johnson
June 16, 2020

Redefining historical concepts is always bad when they are concepts basd on reality. A man is not personal property, Fetuses are human lives, not cars to be destroyed and parted out for profit. One man and one woman procreate and make the basic family unit throught out history. A man with the mental delusion that he is a woman will NEVER become a woman. We don’t give anorexics diet pills affirming their delusion.

Jacque Prentiss
June 16, 2020

To those in Supreme Court you are “Supreme Court Justices” not (Supreme God Almighty) PERIOD!
Isaiah 20. WOE to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21. WOE unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! God made man and woman. There is no such thing as transgender. When God made us in HIS image we were good in HIS sight. It is not YOUR job to usurp authority over what God called good. Remember you will answer to HIM! Lord please don’t allow them to be comfortable in their unjustified decision in order to appease a few. In Jesus name I pray this. AMEN

June 16, 2020

Not surprising at all…… Our country seems to be bound and determined to leave the rule of law in exchange for “ law of popular opinion and humanism”.
Trump has done what he can do, the rest is left up to the church. Trump needs 4 more years to continue draining the swamp, even on the high court. This should fire up real Christians to vote for “God-fearing” representatives.
It is amazing to me that since the 1960’s the progression of our nation’s rebellion against God has brought us to this point in history:
In the:
60’s ——-removed prayer from the schools.
– rebellion by the youth.. free sex, love and rock’n roll,
In the 70’s—- legalized abortion
From the 80’s —- materialism, drugs, rebellion, anything goes and a march away from God to humanistic ideas .
Fast forward to 2015….legalizing gay marriage.
Since that decision nothing short of a fast track to hell for America. Total lawlessness, confusion, rebellion, division, hate, anger, false accusations against a sitting President,Numerous investigations a free fall into the abyss of national indebtedness, and now this …., the high court opening up a New can of worms for every frivolous snow flake to bring legal action against those who hold to moral values mandated by God.

Folks, 2 Chronicles 7:14 says that “ if MY people will repent, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear their prayers and heal their land”. The Lord said “His people…..that would be us, the believers.
…..This decision by the high court today is the result of us, the church , not staying on our faces, holding on to the horns of the altar, fasting and crying out for God to have mercy on us as a nation And
diligently seeking Him for intervention into the affairs of our nation. I’m not pointing fingers, I am including myself at the head of the line.
Since the decision of the high court In 2015 making legal gay marriage there has been an acceleration of confusion, lawlessness, a trampling of the Constitution and removal of freedom of speech, right to assemble as a church, the arresting of pastors who refused to be considered “ non-essential services” during the plan-demic.
Brace yourselves, it will get worse unless God intervenes.
…..I’m headed to my prayer closet for a heart-to-heart with Papa! Blessings to overcome! Pray! Pray! Pray!

    Jacque Prentiss
    June 16, 2020

    Don I hear you, you’re right. “If”My people. But HIS people have seemingly jumped on the bandwagon of tolerance. Some even think oh it’s law now so we must bow. Not so because it’s against God’s law. But we “don’t want to offend” but, it’s ok to offend God. I think NOT. As their agenda 📋 moves forward our effectiveness wanes. Standing in the gap Don is key. I’m with you. Lord be our guide. In Jesus name I pray this. AMEN

Michael Guidera
June 16, 2020

Interesting that no one on the court challenged the definition of “gender identity”. I think that term could be argued on scientific grounds that it is determined by the chromosome combination of the person with corresponding genital definition, and is not defined by a persons wishes. Up until recently, a persons wishes to be the opposite sex of his or her biological make up, was considered a mental illness by the medical community (gender dysphoria).
The devil is crafty and can deceive even the most intellectual minds.
Dear Father, how twisted our society becomes, when You are removed from our midst. You are the source of all wisdom. I pray for Your return to our nation. Use our current situation, with all the chaos, division and strife, to ultimately usher in a desire to know You, love You, and worship You. May we as a people recognize corporately that we are simply sinners, lost and separated from You, and that You provided a Way for reconciliation.

June 16, 2020

GOD should always be the guide not man’s opinion. What was this country FOUNDED on religious freedom not redefining what aex is. Male and female he created them. NOT how humans cut it up and make it!


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