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Lord Jesus, artificial intelligence is moving forward with incredible speed. Give our leaders discernment about lofty projects such as Stargate that promise radical cures in record time. Protect our nation and people from any harmful aspects of this venture.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

“I think that there’s a good probability that my generation is—hopefully with the advances in science—either the first generation to live forever, or the last generation that’s gonna die.” Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of U.S. President Donald Trump, made this statement while appearing on a livestream in 2022. Though Kushner maintains that his comments were made in jest, the thinking behind them is far from a joke.

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Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence

The recent announcement of a monumental artificial intelligence project known as Stargate has many wondering what implications this could have for the burgeoning transhumanism movement. For background, transhumanists believe that mankind’s greatest problems can be solved through technological advances. More specifically, they seek to transcend the human condition by using technology to overcome biological limitations.

Implants, microchips, gene editing, hybridization, nanotechnology, biotechnology and cybernetics are just some of the tools that transhumanists are willing to utilize in order to overcome disease, aging, intelligence limitations, and even death. Transhumanism enthusiasts foresee a time where mankind will merge with machines — a concept known as the singularity. Artificial intelligence is the engine that drives this movement toward its lofty goals.

The Stargate Has Opened

The Stargate Project announced by President Trump on his second day in office is an ambitious venture which aims to make America the leading superpower in the AI world.

Open AI’s website states, “The Stargate Project is a new company which intends to invest $500 billion over the next four years building new AI infrastructure for OpenAI in the United States. We will begin deploying 100 billion immediately. This infrastructure will secure American leadership in AI, create hundreds of thousands of American jobs, and generate massive economic benefit for the entire world…Arm, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Oracle, and Open AI are key technology partners. The buildout is currently underway, starting in Texas.”

Companies are building new data centers in order to provide massive amounts of energy to power the artificial intelligence tools. Stargate investor Larry Ellison explains, “Each building is half a million square feet. There are 10 buildings currently being built, but that will expand to 20 and other locations beyond the Abilene location, which is our first location.”

Untold numbers of data will be gathered, analyzed, and stored, but the question is, what exactly will all of it be used for?

Is Stargate a Transhumanist’s Dream?

Artificial intelligence and transhumanism researcher Joe Allen posted an article titled The Stargate is Open where he digs into the details of the massive project. In his Substack Singularity Weekly, he covers the dark and “religious” nature of artificial intelligence.

Allen warns, “Many of our credulous elites, from Wall Street to the World Economic Forum, have been ensnared by a techno-religion. Its unfrocked priests are the scientists and futurists who push radical gene therapies, brain-computer interfaces, and various life-logging gadgets. As the actual technology becomes more and more sophisticated, you can be sure every atheist and his lapsed uncle will fall prey to this cosmic scam. And for those who can’t afford it? Well, you know, there’s only so much room on the lifeboat.”

Not every “elite” considers themselves a transhumanist, yet many of them are fully on board with extending and controlling human life, even if it means letting computers and machines play God. One of the biggest investors in the Stargate Project is Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison. Currently listed as the 4th richest person in the world, this tech mogul has advocated for banishing passwords in order to usher in widespread biometric identification.

After the September 11 terror attacks, Ellison pushed for national ID cards embedded with digitized thumbprints. In an op-ed for the New York Times, he wrote, “A national security database combined with biometrics, thumb prints, hand prints, iris scans or whatever is best can be used to detect people with false identities.” Ellison is no stranger to the security industry. In fact, the CIA was his first customer when he launched Oracle, helping him become the billionaire he is today.

The mRNA Vaccine Portal

Ellison’s transhumanist leanings became clear when he enthusiastically announced that projects like Stargate could introduce the world to mRNA cancer vaccines. These personalized genetic therapies would be powered by AI and capable of analyzing human blood for small fragments of tumors. Rapid gene sequencing of the tumor would allow AI to create a “vaccine” robotically within 48 hours.

Joe Allen calls the race to create never-ending mRNA vaccines using AI a form of corporate transhumanism. “Biological systems are treated as living software,” as immune systems are re-programmed. This idea lies at the heart of transhumanism because the mantra in this movement is to transform the human body, even if it means substituting a natural system with a genetically modified one.

The current health market is being flooded with experimental mRNA vaccines which are designed using AI. Moderna’s website lists mRNA vaccines for Covid-19, RSV, flu, mononucleosis, Herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, HIV, Novovirus, Lyme disease, Zika, Monkeypox, as well as a wide range of cancers.

The CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel, explains, “We call mRNA the software of life. You can copy and paste the information into a lot of drugs by using the same technology…the way we make mRNA for one vaccine is exactly the same way we make mRNA for another vaccine.” The genetic sequences will vary, depending on the disease.

Another key player in the Stargate Project is OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. In 2023, he invested 180 million into Retro Biosciences, a biotech company trying to reverse aging and extend human longevity. Their research involves “reprogramming damaged or decayed cells to revert them to a healthier, younger state,” but it carries heavy risks. “In some experiments, mice that had some of their genes reprogrammed started growing tumors.”

At the announcement of the Stargate venture, Altman remarked, “We will see diseases get cured at an unprecedented rate. We will be amazed at how quickly we’re curing this cancer and that one–and heart disease.”

The high hopes of Ellison and Altman for mRNA vaccines and AI-driven genetic therapeutics fly in the face of what has happened over the past five years during the Covid pandemic. The Covid mRNA shots did not stop infection nor death from the disease. Mountains of evidence have piled up, showing that the mRNA vaccines have caused devastating injuries and death worldwide. Moreover, genomics experts have testified that the mRNA injections can hinder the body’s natural tumor-suppressor genes. SV40 sequences found in mRNA injections have been linked to cancer.

Discernment is Needed

As Christians we should not fear artificial intelligence, but at the same time we must use discernment when we see it infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Tech moguls and transhumanists promise accelerated cures, enhanced immune systems and better security, but this comes with a cost. How much are people willing to pay?

Those who do not know Jesus Christ have hopes that one day death will be eradicated, as well as diseases and conditions which cause suffering. As Christians we know that currently this world exists in a fallen state. As a result, we endure heartache, pain and decay.

But the Word of God is clear. Believers in Jesus will receive new, transformed bodies, as well as eternal life! This won’t happen because of artificial intelligence or mRNA technology.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53, NLT declares,

But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.

How Can We Pray about the Stargate Project?

  1. Pray that President Trump and his administration would be surrounded by Godly leaders who will advise them with honesty and wisdom.
  2. Pray that any aspect of the project which could endanger our health, security or freedom would be shut down.
  3. Pray that the goals of the transhumanist movement are not accelerated by this project.
  4. Pray that the tech moguls involved in this project would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
  5. Pray for God’s hand of protection to be upon our nation as artificial intelligence moves forward.

What do you think about the Stargate Project? How are you praying about it?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and Hallelujah’s Great RidePhoto Credit: Tara Winstead/Pexels.

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Ann Manion
February 25, 2025

AI is just another false god, a way to proclaim that man can do the works of Jesus perfectly well without Jesus, thank you. Human beings, apart from God, have no moral character strong enough to handle this tool righteously–and with God, we have no need. Let us seek to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, “the Lord and Giver of Life,” who can accomplish (without AI) way “more than we can ask or imagine.” Stargate should be abandoned as an alluring and deadly counterfeit solution to man’s needs for healing, safety, eternal life.

Barbara Janicki
February 25, 2025

This is the tower of Babel – man trying to recreate himself in his own image rather than rejoicing in being God’s creation, created in His image. How is that not good enough for us? Of course the fall has impacted God’s perfect design of us and now there is sickness and disease in this fallen world. BUT – we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” – we are “God’s masterpieces” as His word clearly tells us. God’s word also says – “all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16) and “Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:27) Perhaps in place of “worrying” we can substitute “planning, inventing, altering, manipulating, changing” our God created bodies – according to God, none of this will add an hour to our lives. God is Sovereign, it is His plans and purposes that prevail. “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” (Psalm 33:11) Remember – “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) We would do better to serve God’s purposes, which are eternal, than to pursue our own purposes in vain. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    February 25, 2025

    Barbara, that was my first thought as well. Man attempting to fashion and rebuild the temple with his own knowledge. Very much a slippery slope.

Joann Cerretani
February 25, 2025

Lord Jesus…Forgive them for they know not what they are doing. I would love a cure for cancer and other diseases mentioned in the article but not at the expense of giving into satan’s mandate to steal, kill and destroy Your beautiful creation. You have said man cannot serve God and mammoth and the greatest deception here also is the illusion and temptation of the “creation of more jobs” which will lead also to making many, evil people and organizations like WHO and the globalist more powerful and very rich at the expense of humanity and lost souls…this is satan’s plan! Our only hope for eternal life is in JESUS! Please Father continue to give President Trump a humble heart that he will need to see YOUR TRUTH and I beg you to send good and Holy people in the government and his administration to surround him with YOUR great discernment, wisdom and knowledge and expose the false truths of artificial intelligence and the evils of access that it will give to the enemy that also comes with this technology. You have given us another chance to redeem our nation through many of President Trump’s GOOD policies he is putting in place…we trust you to continue to have mercy over our nation and give us grace and a hope for the future generations for the sake of the LOST and Your Kingdom purposes. The fields are ripe for harvest…Awaken YOUR CHURCH, to speak with BOLDNESS and TRUTH that the ONLY HOPE IS IN JESUS, MESSIAH and HEALER and not in the false hope that will come with AI if we are not careful! I pray this in the Mighty Name of YOUR SON, YESHUA THE LORD OF LORDS AND the ONLY CREATOR OF ALL HUMANKIND! AMEN

Linda T
February 25, 2025

Father, I thank you for this wonderful explanation of AI and its associated risks. We pray for all those associated with the lightspeed development of this technology to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior. We pray for our President and all those making critical decisions, that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and make each and every decision with your will in mind. As Christians, help us keep all this in perspective and not to be fearful but to trust that everything – even this – is in your loving hands. Give us guidance in all the related decisions we must make each day about letting any of this into our lives. We love you and we trust you, Lord. In the precious name of Jesus we pray.

Phil C
February 25, 2025

AI speeds up human evil. This article shows the better side of tanshumanism, but it is much worse. Cloning humans, injecting in people animal DNA, making hybrid human-animals etc.
Lord, Jesus, We pray for President Trump and our leaders to root out wickedness and corruption.
Time is short folks. Jesus is coming for us soon, Maranatha! But also, the terrifying Great Tribulation for the lost is coming soon too.
John 4:35-36 “You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life……!”
‭‭Evangelism has almost disappeared outside of the church walls.
Please pray for your lost family friends and neighbors, and tell them Jesus saves!

    Kathy Paine
    February 25, 2025

    Yes, we should fight transhumanism at every turn. This is not God’s plan for human biology. What is the problem with dying? We rejoin our family, friends and The Lord when we die. The trials of Earth pass away. The Transhumanists are the Globalists trying to extinct humanity every way they can. The technology is NOT to make everyone live forever, but only themselves to survive in one form or another on this Earth. Read the patents on mRNA technology, there is the explanation on how the technology works. And it is not to eradicate every cancer, but to turbocharge every cancer by enhancing the VEGF (the blood vessel growth factor that will make tumors grow). They are intending to kill off most of humanity, so they can have this Earth as a playground for themselves. And to “live” forever, because they don’t want their own brains to die. They don’t believe in GOD or an afterlife.


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