COVID Cover-Up Unmasked: The Cartel That Sold the Lies
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COVID Cover-Up Unmasked: The Cartel That Sold the Lies
Founding Father Patrick Henry once declared: “The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” These words, spoken over 240 years ago, still ring true. As with the American Revolutionary War, in which citizens took up arms against a formidable and well-trained adversary, today’s warriors must come to the battlefield with great resolve and courage, knowing that the truth is our greatest weapon.
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On Feb. 26, 2024, Sen. Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Advocates, whistleblowers, medical experts, and doctors gathered in the Kennedy Caucus Room at the Capitol to “expose the truth about how the COVID cartel – federal health agencies, big pharma, legacy media, and big tech – engaged in censorship and coverups.” Further, the discussion shed light on the “failures and corruption of the global elites and their institutions.”
The roundtable was detailed and comprehensive, including over 20 experts who testified about their experiences during the COVID pandemic. Sen. Johnson kicked off the four-hour event by quoting Louis Brandeis, former associate justice of the Supreme Court: “If there be a time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”
Johnson revealed that he has written over 60 oversight letters to federal health agencies addressing such issues as “hot lots” (COVID vaccine batches that produced high numbers of adverse events) and analysis of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) data. Instead of getting answers, he got the runaround as regulators sidestepped the truth. This is unacceptable, he charged, because transparency is the key to trust, especially when dealing with agencies funded by American taxpayers.
Dangers of the COVID Vaccines
The first expert to address the audience was mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone, who focused on the dangers of the COVID vaccines. He identified seven key concerns that continue to be obfuscated by health authorities and government agencies.
- The modified mRNA products use cutting-edge gene therapy and gene delivery technologies. Therefore, they must be regulated as such.
- The COVID products are “leaky,” which means they do not prevent infection, replication or the spread of SARS Cov2. As a result, indiscriminate, mass administration of these products contributes to the evolution of more antibody-resistant viral strains.
- The COVID products do not remain at the injection site, but instead distribute throughout the body.
- The COVID products cause patients’ own bodies to manufacture a genetically engineered toxin.
- The lipid nanoparticle formulation used to deliver the modified mRNA has intrinsic toxicity which is harmful to humans.
- The COVID products do not deliver natural messenger RNA, but rather a synthetic, chemically modified form with extended stability. This causes the body to produce unnatural, unintended proteins.
- The COVID products are contaminated with previously undisclosed short DNA fragments, which are also delivered into tissues and cells of patients. This has the propensity to damage patients’ genomes.
Malone says further that research conducted with mRNA platform technology before the COVID pandemic has shown repeated failures due to problems with toxicology, inflammatory responses, and inadequate immune response. None of these issues were rectified before vaccine rollout.
VAERS Data Shows Troubling Safety Signals
Computational biologist and immunology specialist Dr. Jessica Rose testified about VAERS data and how injuries and deaths continue to be ignored and hidden from the public. She shared that in 2021 alone, a 1,417% increase in reporting occurred, where over 90% of all adverse events documented in VAERS at that time were related to the COVID vaccines. Safety signals showed up shortly after the vaccine rollout, with as many as 634 injuries reported by Jan. 20, 2021. Based on historical guidelines used for previous vaccines, these early reports should have signaled a shutdown. Since 2021, injuries and death continue to climb, especially cases of myocarditis.
Another concern is that VAERS data indicates that multiple boosters reflect greater incidence of injury. Rose’s investigations also suggest that continued boosters lead to repeat antigen exposure and tolerance, which can, in turn, suppress the body’s immune response. As a result, constant reinfection and/or autoimmune conditions are possible outcomes.
COVID Vaccines Can Damage DNA
Kevin McKernan, former team leader of research and development for the Human Genome Project at MIT and founder of Medicinal Genomics, revealed that Pfizer did not disclose that SV40 sequences, which have been linked to cancer, were used in the vaccines. Moreover, they claimed that DNA contamination in their products was of little consequence. McKernan set the record straight by stating that DNA contamination can lead to insertional mutagenesis, which can interfere with the body’s tumor-suppressor genes. This was declared in Moderna’s own patents for its mRNA vaccines. All the while, the public was not given informed consent about this possible DNA contamination.
McKernan stressed: “The ‘fact checkers’ have been continually wrong throughout the last year this has gone on. … First, they claimed it wasn’t there. Now the FDA and the regulators have admitted it’s in fact there. Then they claimed it wouldn’t get into the cells. We’ve now shown that is in fact the case. As expected, anything that’s inside of a lipid nanoparticle one would expect to get into a cell. Now [we’re starting] to see early signs of DNA integration.”
COVID Vaccine Ingredient Transparency Is Crucial
Dr. David Gortler, a former FDA senior medical analyst and professor of pharmacology at the Yale School of Medicine, asserts that certain ingredients in the COVID vaccines were not fully disclosed to doctors and patients. In particular, there are four different kinds of nanoparticles that were used, but the molecular structure and concentrations within each dose were not given. Gortler is concerned because “in pharmacology even minor deviations in any molecular structure can mean the difference between a safe drug and a poison.” Additionally, pharmaceutical companies have elected to protect trade secrets, rather than being transparent about their ingredients. Moderna and Pfizer are both funded by billions of taxpayer dollars so the public must be fully informed about products that many were coerced or mandated to take.
Informed Consent Has Been Censored
Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, testified about the heavy censorship her organization faced during the COVID pandemic. This prompted her to submit a comprehensive report to the U.S. Judiciary sub-committee on the weaponization of the federal government. Anchored with over 400 live links and references, it describes how officials at the highest levels, from the Department of Health, Department of Justice, Homeland Security and even 17 members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked PayPal to defund the National Vaccine Information Center. It also documents the demonization of the unvaccinated in America, the silencing of the injured and the effort to remove exemptions to vaccination.
There were more speakers who testified at the roundtable, such as vaccine safety expert Dr. Brian Hooker and medical freedom advocate Del Bigtree, both of whom chronicled the signicant increase in autoimmune conditions in American children and adults, and how this is connected to a bloated vaccination schedule. Dr. Sabine Hazan, Dr. Peter Kory, and Dr. Christian Perronne highlighted how safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were suppressed as effective treatments during the pandemic. Investigative journalist Lara Logan educated the audience about the war on the First Amendment, an attack that specifically targets faith, free speech, and God.
Pray for COVID Injection Disclosure and Action
The information presented thus far is just a small sampling of what was discussed at Johnson’s roundtable event. To listen to the entire discussion, click on this link. While the details may be hard to stomach, it’s important that we consider and pray about what was presented. Open dialogue in the medical community should never be suppressed. Thus, we should pray for free speech to increase in this area.
Scripture exhorts and reminds truth tellers: “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV).
Let’s pray about this right now:
Lord Jesus, we are thankful for courageous doctors, scientists, lawmakers, and medical freedom advocates who are vigilant and bold in taking on the COVID cartel. We ask for a continued unveiling of the truth and for an increase in boldness among those who are compelled to keep sharing that truth.
How are you praying about all the COVID-related lies? Comment below, and share your prayer!
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and homeschooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. Visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo Credit: Braňo on Unsplash.
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Father in heaven,
Thank you so much for the people who are testifying to the truth! I pray that you will continue to expose the lies of those who worked hard to silence free speech and open debate surrounding COVID, the vaccines, and treatment. Lord, bless the truth tellers! Please help us uncover every crime and hold the criminals accountable. I pray that those who profited from forcing the vaccine on people will be exposed and receive true justice! Lord, we thank you and praise you that in the end it will all come to light, and that you will right every wrong. Protect Americans from ever letting this happen again. I pray that you will open people’s eyes to how easily deceived they were, so that if there is a future crisis, they will not react in the same way. Above all, I pray that people all over this nation will repent and look to Jesus and be saved!
I am grateful for those who are skilled in knowing the Covid truth, and have the courage to be “Whistle Blowers.”. TU, LORD!
Father, thank you that all lies are being revealed, and the truth is coming out. Your light Father is exposing the hidden darkness in this nation. Again, thank you Father in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Praying for the total truth about Covid injections be revealed and those that committed crimes or lied about the matter brought to justice. Let these things happen by the power and victory inherent in Jesus’s Mighty. Name.
I think all those who were and are involved with this COVID lie should be arrested and treated the same as the January 6 peaceful protesters have been. There are so many that it would take a large stadium to hold them. Also take everything they have and give it to the victims they harmed and killed. O God your will be done take care of everything. Amen
Oh Lord, please reveal the truth of this gigantic government COVID mess! Dark lies and deception have been ramping up extensively for years and continue with no end in sight! Yes, bless the people who live for the truth under all circumstances!!
I wrote about this SHAM in detail 3 1/2 years ago! I have lost many friends and family members who treat me like a Leper… including my spouse of 51 years~ and children and grandchildren. I have chosen to stand for the TRUTH; everything will soon become apparent!
ABBA Father, It is past time for ALL the TRUTH to come out; we have many loved ones who have been duped into taking this gene therapy Plandemic Bioweapon- to their GREAT detriment! Please have Mercy on us all, including those who have developed adverse reactions to this ‘depopulation agenda’. Heal them in spite of their willful ignorance, and cause the Greatest Awakening in the History of Mankind to be Released upon Your Earth…
to Your Glory Father, by the Power of Holy Spirit, in the Name of OUR LORD & Saviour Jesus Christ, AMEN & AMEN!
I have a good friend who is suffering terribly from the after-effects of the vaccine, which she took so she would not lose her job. I do cry out for mercy and healing with you!
The fact is that vaccines have always been toxic – and cumulatively so. The scamdemic of COVID (Certification Of Vaccination ID) has been an example of what was meant for evil becoming a Great Awakening for both physical and spiritual health. Hallelujah!
Lord God, we need a revival of truth today & going forward. We are bombarded 24 hrs a day with lies. We have a president, administration & it’s various departments that lie nonstop & are told to lie by the administration. We have lies by omission & distortion. Even people who do NOT know You Lord are understanding that lying has become second nature in our society. We have become a society awash in lies & deceit. Lord, hear the cries of Your people & rescue our nation. Do not hold back Your perfect justice on those who insist on lies to purposely deceive others. You are a merciful God but You are perfect with no sin & You grieve at what our nation has become. We have pathetic, lying leadership everywhere – who run to darkness & hide from You. They are cowards, choosing darkness over light. Rescue us Lord, for we cannot do this by ourselves. Send revival, a spirit of repentance, the spirit of holy truth. We need You Lord. We ask, that in Your mercy, You would expose continually the lies before us & raise up men, women & children to courageously stand against those who are lying. In Your holy name-amen.
Thank you so much Angela for detailing the lies and exposing the COVID Cartel for who they are.
Lord, we ask that this information would not be able to be suppressed but that the general public would become aware of these truths. From that stepping please lead them to yourself, the only one who is the Way THE TRUTH, and Life Eternal.
Lord Jesus, we are thankful for courageous doctors, scientists, lawmakers, and medical freedom advocates who are vigilant and bold in taking on the COVID cartel. We ask for a continued unveiling of the truth and for an increase in boldness among those who are compelled to keep sharing that truth.
Jesus, I pray that you would protect the people who have been coerced and mandated to take the vaccine or booster shots and anyone who chose to take the vaccine, without knowing all of the facts & that you would reverse the damage and protect these people from further harm. In the name of Jesus, Amen
I would like more transparency on what the actual Covid virus has done to our population. Cancer rates and heart failure and unexplained deaths are higher than ever before even in the nonvaxed population who contracted the virus. Also miscarriages and premature births. There is no discussion about findings in autopsies like horrendous blod clots , etc. Theae are crimes against humanity and the sources that authorized continued funding need to be brought to justice.
Lord Jesus, I pray that the truth about this deception will be made public, and that the guilty parties who propogated this false information will be punished, in accordance with Your will. Thank You Jesus.
My wish is that I somehow could obtain contact with Dr Hazan, Dr Kory and Dr Perrone. In early April of 2020 I was working for a hospital in Michigan and came down with Covid at age 73. Rushed by ambulance to nearest hospital to home ( not the one I worked at). Admitted and was treated with hydrochloriquine. Within in one week, was discharged to home, effectively “cured”. Even my doctor would not admit the hydrochloriquine helped me.
I have been ridiculed and persecuted by family and friends for Not getting the COVID VAX..I was Terminated in 2021 as a SURGICAL TECH and (a veteran US NAVY HOSPITAL CORPSMAN FMF) by St.Joseph Regional Medical Center (Mishawaka Indiana) for Not getting the “death jab”..I was Denied my RELIGIOUS exemption and Denied Unemployment..I’m 64 years of age..I had to utilize funding from my 401k in order to pay my house payments, utilities, groceries and fuel for my car Until April 2023..when I was able to gain employment again…But since Indiana Workforce “awarded” me Unemployment in the sum of $10,800…only to RESCIND IT..a week later Mandating “repayment of Unemployment..thus intervening in securing my Now IRS refund..Mind you I used $15,000 of MY 401k in order to pay my debt…and STILL no attorneys taking up the cases….. am STILL standing on God’s word..Luke 8:17, Proverbs 6:30-31 and Esther 7:10
The Truth always surfaces but the satanic knows it won’t surface until AFTER the damage has been done and no restitution is made.
Heavenly Father,
We lift up Anthony and all those damaged by luciferian policies. We thank You that You have selected him to suffer for Your glory and ask that You restore his fortune in abundance. As he perseveres on, let his testimony of moral and financial persecution reveal Your power for, in our weakness, You are made strong.
By the power and authority of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Tony, I am so sorry for the injustice you experienced from both hospital and government institutions. I was also working in a hospital during covid and opted to take the mRNA shots. Because I had been involved in viral research projects I was reading online the negative effects being published in other countries (which our US government suppressed). On the second dose, the nurse was directed by the FEMA website to return the syringe and give me a special lot number. It contained nanoparticle technology that reassembled as a transmitter, which I could feel vibrating when it lodged in some subcutaneous fatty tissue. So not only my online reading was being tracked, but evidently someone needed to track my location?
We are praying for your complete financial restitution, but I urge you to forgive freely as our gracious Lord has forgiven you. I’ve experienced how quickly our blessings come back when we are walking with the One who could forgive, even as He was being tortured in the cross.
O praising You Lord
always praising You because You always inhabit and go before us in our praises
Psalm 27