
State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:30 AM CT and Sundays at 4:00 PM CT
Access Code: 3588502
State Leader(s): Donna Phillips
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Greg Abbott
Capital: Austin
State Motto:

Post Your Prayers For Texas

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Submitted Prayers For Texas

Celly Hinojosa
February 22, 2023

Lord I pray for our state, Texas! Your will be done over our state n all elected officials, that Holy Spirit fill them n touch to do wise decisions through yourwisdom!! Protect our state n heal our land to stand firm in your word and in promises Name Mighty God!

Celly Hinojosa
January 21, 2023

Lord I pray for wisdom to come to our state elected officials as well.as all other intercessors to stand firm against all demonic forces. That through our prayers according to the Holy Spirit our nation’s evil doers will be brought to repentance and bring them to salvation we call them into your kingdom in Jesus Mighty Name !

Erin Mecusker
January 11, 2023

Holy Savior,

I ask for an increase in Your presence, not only in Texas, but throughout America, Israel, and the whole world. I pray that our leaders would turn to You, seek You, and do Your will. Please save us from the schemes of the enemy and wicked men. Glorify Yourself and reveal Your Love and power; show Who You are and Your life lived through Your people. May we shine for You!. Heal our land and help Your people with all their needs including relational, financial, and health. You are glorious, HOLY, and true! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Deana Rowley
January 11, 2023

I’m traveling this week. The Spirit led my father to warn me to be safe and if I feel uncomfortable around anyone to runaway fast and far. Please pray for God’s mighty hands of protection to surround me and keep me safe.

Pam Le
January 10, 2023

Our heavenly Father, we pray that You gives Jim Jordan and his team wisdom, guidance on how to proceed and find the truth, expose the evil deeds of the enemy behind the big tech silencing truth. We pray for success to bring back the freedom of speech, and preserve the right of all America citizens to speak of their opinions and truth. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Protect Jim and all those who stand for truth. The Lord is our Banner (Exodus 17:15). If God is for us whose can be against us? (Romans 8:31

Sally Austin
December 28, 2022

Gracious Father
Help me to keep this truth in mind today & always, that You, the creator of the universe, my Savior, are always for me & with me. I take captive every thought that makes me sad, troubled or overcome with grief at the state of our world & I replace it with the thoughts of every good & pure &.noble thing you’ve given me. I pray that you would awaken & unify Your church, I pray for Supreme Courts- Brunsons remedy in full. I pray that those in need will seek you. In Jesus Name Amen

Robert Mitchell
December 16, 2022

Lord Jesus, I pray that you in your Grace would create a Demascus road experience for Biden, his administration, and our government. Only you can change things.
Your will be done.

Sandra Butler
December 1, 2022

Donna, Thank you for your prayers for my friend Terra’s high-risk double mastectomy. It was successful and took less time than expected — no internal bleeding or clotting. She expects to go home tomorrow. PTL! Blessings, Sandra

Sandra Butler
November 30, 2022

Thank you for your prayers for my friend Terra. She came through her very high-risk surgery in less time than expected and is doing well — no internal bleeding or clotting. PTL
She expects to go home Friday.

Rose Releford
November 28, 2022

Asking that Your Will be done in our Federal Government & State, touch each heart, give them wisdom from You, give them courage to do the right things for our country & state, let them have pure love for the US & each States,
our Governors/ Mayors, our City Counsels, School Boards, not only receive wisdom from You Abba, but good common sense & remember right from wrong and unify and stop causing hate & separation by race especially., touch their hearts Lord.
Dear Lord I thank You for all the good they have done & hoping they are doing.
I ask that You continue to keep Your wonderful Hands on America, let us keep our freedom of religion, freedom of speech as long as you’re not bullying anyone, help our Leaders to do the right things, settle on good boarder laws good for the US & the American people & the good people that want to become Americans.
Our Leaders need Your help.
Secure our boarders so each person goes through a rightful fair process. I thank You Lord for being the only true and living God, bless Your Holy Name, bless this earth & all of us on the earth, save, heal & deliver. Asking it all in Jesus Name, Amen

Hortencia Muncie
November 26, 2022

Play for my state representatives that they will walk in God’s principles. Our forefathers’ constitutional amendments can be protected. I pray representatives will be healthy by the Lord Jesus Christ

Sandra Butler
November 22, 2022

My friend Terra will have a mastectomy Monday, November 28th, which is very high risk. She had her first stroke at age 35 (she is now in her 50’s) and has had other health issues. She has a blood disease, and all the surgical staff have concerns about clotting and about her surviving the surgery. Thank you for helping me pray her through.

Terri Pickett
November 15, 2022

There is a young man named Jimmy May. He is in the hospital on Life Support. He has diabetes and somehow caught a staff infection and it has led to him being on Life Support. He has 24 hours left and after that they say if he makes no changes he will be removed from life support. Please pray for Gods Comfort for the family, ultimately our hope is that he stays here and overcomes this infection. This family has already had it’s share of trials.

Mina OConnell
November 7, 2022

Father, thank You for this prayer with other Texans for Your glory to fill the earth, Texas, Austin, Boerne. We need You on Your beautiful planet. Save every man, woman, boy, girl, baby in the womb, and protect our animals and resources. Thank You!

Romance Garcia
November 3, 2022

Father Gif, have mercy and n us. Help guide our leaders to make true biblical choices to honor You, and be for our people🙏🏼.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Lorraine Tetreault
October 24, 2022

Father in Jesus name I pray for our state of Texas. I Proclaim God’s purposes to be fulfilled for your state. You said in Eph 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. We are to do the things you are directing us to do. I pray that we can accomplish all that you have for us. I pray we can maintain proper governmental boundaries with the federal government. Where the federal government exceeds it authority I pray that my state would protect its citizens from unconstitutional orders or overreach. In acts 17:26 you said; Acts 17:26 “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;” Help us Lord to be guided by the Holy Spirit and the love and compassion of God to the people. I pray that truth overtake the lies of the enemy. I pray that you Spirit speaks to the hearts of our leaders. I pray that Texas remain a great state and lives by the Word as close as it can. Bless the leaders with wisdom and knowledge to lead and guide. I plead the blood of Jesus over our leaders to protect them from all evil. Bless them Lord. Amen

Drinda Zittle
October 20, 2022

Lord, move in the hearts and minds of our state leaders from the governor all the way to the school boards. Give them Your wisdom and revelation and the desire and power to follow your ways which are truth, righteousness and justice. Intervene if any are being misled by earthly counselors and bring an abundance of godly counselors their way to support and encourage. I pray for their health, and the health of their families, keep them healthy. I ask if they are being threatened with harm for their decisions or pending decisions that You, the head of the angel armies, would send help their way. I ask Lord, that all who are in an election time for their office that you would have your way in the outcome and that the untrue smears and invalid votes would be stopped in Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Father for hearing my prayer.

Cathy Bernsen
October 3, 2022

Lord, I do pray Your wisdom and discernment for these ment that are leaders for our state. This is notan easy task to stay true to scriptures, our Consitiution, and our now “open borders”. I pray they take refuge in Your care and trust You to go before them and behind them.
In Christ name

Diana Muckelrath
September 25, 2022

Dear Lord,

We give you glory and praise for all you do in our lives. Thank you Jesus that you have the final say. Lord I pray for our corporations and bosses and leaders and teachers and I pray for our senators bless their lives and family with health, foods, shelter, favor, protection, and wisdom. In Jesus Name We ask. You say if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways you would hear. So I pray that you will hear. In Jesus name

Diana Muckelrath
September 16, 2022

Dear Heavenly, Father I come boldly to you and pray for our college and university campuses especially TC. I pray for peace and for the campus police to be guided by you each day for their salvation. I pray for our educators and students and I ask that you help me to be more like you each day. In Jesus Name Please let my singing voice honor and glorify your name. we pray for our DAs and people who govern our country.

Diana Muckelrath
September 11, 2022

Please pray that this career assault and violation of civil rights will stop and a speedy healing for my voice, there are people looking through my school computer and violating my civil rights through the police department in Texarkana and I am a 20 year college educator and they are trying to cause me to fail in music. It scarred my voice because they are jealous they are violating my constitutional and FERPA laws in my education.

Celly Hinojosa
August 19, 2022

Lord I pray for all our state leaders n officials. That they recognize u r the only utmost, powerful n uncomparable leader! That they would have their desire to follow after u in order to run with their own laws. That they are there to do your welland all righteousness if not remove them because we need Godly leaders! Amen!

Celly Hinojosa
August 19, 2022

Lord I pray for all our state leaders n officials. That they recognize u r the only utmost, powerful n uncomparable leader! That they would have their desire to follow after u in order to run with their own laws. That they are there to do your welland all righteousness if not remove them because we need Godly leaders! Amen!

Gretchen Carter
August 18, 2022

Lord, may we in Texas, focus on our friendship with Jesus. May the righteous in Jesus, who hear His voice, also heed His voice, and may righteous leaders be voted into all areas of local government, so that we can really live and thrive as we walk in Your works, Lord. Amen.

Gretchen Carter
August 18, 2022

Lord, may we in Texas, focus on our friendship with Jesus. May the righteous in Jesus, who hear His voice, also heed His voice, and may righteous leaders be voted into all areas of local government, so that we can really live and thrive as we walk in Your works, Lord. Amen.

Bruno Borges
August 17, 2022

Hi There,
My name is Bruno, I am the founder and president for a new and upcoming organization called the Association of Biblical Sexuality (www.biblicalsexuality.net). Our mission is to encourage and equip the Church and Christ-centered organization on how to respond biblically and redemptively to all issues related to sexuality.
I have been in this field of pastoring people with sexual struggles for several years, and now the Lord is calling me to a much bigger venture in this area. Please keep me, my family, and our organization in your prayers. As you can imagine, the attacks are REAL, but we are excited for what the Lord is doing. I also no that nothing will happen without prayer, and I am thankful for this organization that seeks the Lord’s guidance by seeking His presence. Blessings to all!

Virginia Drastata
August 1, 2022

Father forgive us for being timid in our prayers and not standing on the wall as a dilligent watchman for we have been seeking our own desires and not Your ways which as we know will give us hope. Father , I pray an awakening in the hearts of all Your people to return to faith in You knowing You are the answer to all that comes against us. You will , You are our only Hope . We can trust You, father I pray an awakening in the hearts of Your people to rise up and be strong in the power of Your might. Your precious Blood is enough!!!! You have given us everything we need , if we would only take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. Father thank You, for holding on to us in our frailities. Help us Lord.

Dr Patricia Allen
July 31, 2022


The homosexuals are targeting small towns for “family friendly events”. These include face painting. And them doing their dances which are vulgar.

They are coming to my town, Lufkin (Deep East TX) thus Saturday. Saturday

Celly Hinojosa
July 29, 2022

Lord I pray for our state Texas! All those leaders in authority governing our state! I declare that each one of these persons submit to God’s will everyday. That they will seek his kingdom in righteousness n make our state better and turn from away from any wicked way! In Jesus Mighty Name!

Jane Milligan
July 27, 2022

I hold the blood of Jesus over the great state of Texas. As a member of the eklesia I pray with authority calling forth God’s plans and purposes to be fulfilled and I command satanic forces to stand down in their interference of God’s will. I give you thanks father for our governor, senators,legislators, judges, lawyers, mayor’s, commissioners, school officials, all in authority including every police officer .I pray for safety, and God given utterance to every Godly man and woman in authority. God given authority. May a light come forth from this state that cannot be ignored or overridden by anything or anyone.in Jesus precious name

Lawrence Yandell
July 19, 2022

Lord…I pray your blessing and protection on the leaders of Texas. Please prompt them to do the right thing as they consider the needs of the state and Your desire to have them conform to Your will. May they sense Your presence throughout the day and be obedient to Your leading. In Jesus name…Amen

Anna Wallace
July 18, 2022

Daddy God, we hold up the State of Texas to you and pray fervently for its sovereignty. We live in this great state because we love our country, our freedoms, and the Republic for which it stands. Remove all the haters fighting to change it into a blue state with iniquity and sinful directions. Expose the liars and cheaters and turn our eyes back to you. Grant us mercy in your precious name, Amen

Teresa Guzman
July 15, 2022

I pray for Texas to unify in prayer!

Gretchen Carter
July 12, 2022

Lord, bless our Representatives in their work. Let faith, hope, and love abound in their lives. Help them to seek to heal the hurt in our world and to be forces for harmony and goodness. Remind them that they will be judged by their fruits and that You require them to be faithful. May they seek to serve rather than be served, following Your example of humility and sacrifice.

Gretchen Carter
July 1, 2022

Lord, we lift up to You Austin City Council members Vanessa Fuentes and José “Chito” Vela. Reveal to them Your perfect love as spelled out in Palm 139 and Jesus’ blood. Overwhelm them with Your love as Father. Heal any soul wounds or trauma. Give them Shalom- peace, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Vern Slate
June 22, 2022

Precious Lord, please guide our leaders. Please embolden the Ekklesia in Texas to step up and appeal to Heaven for boldness, courage, power, obedience to our purpose, and protection for ourselves and our families. Help us to partner with you in the “called out” governing people you talked about in Matthew 16:18 knowing that “the gates of hell cannot prevail against us in You”. I lift this in Jesus’ name knowing what You said “when we pray believe we receive that for which we pray, and we shall have it!” Thank you!

Celly Hinojosa
June 21, 2022

Heavenly Father your word is truth n your promises faithful! Help us to stay focus n steadfast that u do supply our needs. We thank you Lord, for being our Savior, our Provider, our Healer, our All we need is in you!!!🙏

LaDonna (Donna) Phillips
June 18, 2022

Father, I Pray we all get a revelation of Fearing God 1st, then honoring Man & Our Authorities, especially “hired or volunteer” ones. I pray you reveal who are against the Fear of GOD. The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. I
I pray our Government Leadership be humble yet bold, sincere, unselfish yet unshakeable in righteousness for all & HEAR ONLY to do the Voice of God, I Pray Psalms 91 over them and pray they will not follow a stranger’s voice, such as in cultures’, friends, social groups, media, internal/external pressures, intimidations, fears, authorities, or any other voice, they WILL NOT FOLLOW the enemy of our Souls.
Father I pray, for Angels to be sent out to accomplish the plan of God to the Heirs of Salvation and add Laborers, Abundant Provision, Creative Ideas, Community Unity & Support.
I Pray our Texas & National Leadership support Families, both Roles and both Genders Equally. I pray Men and Fatherless Boys become a priority and focus group. I pray for correct Family Structure, Alignment, and Support.
I pray a Flood of Angels with Honest, Caring, Sincere Volunteers and Believers with many willing hands of Influence to be set around our Leaders to Guard, Back & Protect us & them as they defend Liberties
For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty and Father, You even showed us How Jesus is our example as the Author of our Liberties.

I pray Texas & every State will “REMEMBER” & “capture” the very intent of God as Our Grandfather’s knew and inspired /Led and have died to make it easy and clear… America is God Believer Friendly by design. I pray each Resident in Texas will not be distracted, lustful, weak, deceived, disconnected, disinterested, or lazy,
Father compel us and help us be like you Show us how to help Everyone pursue The Right for Justice, Liberty, and to freely live out our own Destinies without Forced interruption by anyone, especially serving or “paid /elected/ volunteering Govt Officials.

Proverbs 21:3 “to do righteousness and justice is desired by the Lord rather than sacrifice”

Micah 6:8 says “do Justice, love kindness & walk humble with God”

Holy spirit, would you please move and compel even the wealthy to desire to care about Ethics, Integrity, Truth Justice, Peace, and Liberty for All & not just try to fortify those select few entitled to have “labels” and privilege. Privilege in that suddenly not required to be able know what male or female means,, AFTER getting lifetime Citizen paid/supported jobs.

I pray Believers become aware, open & enlightened to rise up & provide the Witty, Creative, solutions and Ideas to LEAD our State in having the SAFEST BORDERS with the “least amount of Traumatized or Victimized, Trafficked, Abused, Missing, Violated, Needy, Abandoned, Sick, and Dying Residents and Citizens.
I pray a Spiritual Wave overcome us all to have a Sound, Mature, Wise as a Serpent Leadership to prepare our Children and Grandchildren to Guard, Protect, Defend, Pursue Intelligence, God, and Progress Liberty and Freedom for all in and across each city,
I pray “you help us not be led into temptation: or that we not fall into Deception or being thinking we should be better/ more advanced people ” yet attempting to really be “as smarter than God or as our own God”, and allowing experimentation with our Children’s very own makeup.
Oh Father, this is leading to the eventual building of the “armies against God” with our very own Children and Grandchildren.
I pray we are smarter, wiser, faster, quicker, and ahead of the curve with Discernment of the Times,
in Jesus Name I pray.

Juanita Washington
June 10, 2022

Lord protect our leaders from every attempted assault of the enemy both spiritual and natural. Surround them with members who walk Godly wisdom, understanding and insight. No weapon formed against them or their families will prosper. Thank You Lord for great victories in righteous and just legislation for the people.

June 8, 2022

May God provide wisdom, discernment, encouragement, protection, sensitivity to His Spirit and courage to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR TEXAS AND AMERICA!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

Judy Baker
June 8, 2022

Lord, stir up hope in our hearts today. No matter what impossibilities lay in front of us, we know You are the God of the resurrection and “impossible” does not hinder Your movement. Continue to move in the heart of this nation and draw us to a place of repentance. Draw us back to You. Father, we lift our voices and cry to You right now for Your help and justice in the great State of Texas and America. We ask You Father, first and foremost, that if there are any unrighteous politicians in America who can still be saved – from the local School Boards and town level to the highest level of government – we ask You to save them. I pray over the United States, that governing officials would seek the Lord for sound knowledge and judgment, to lead with wisdom. Father God, give me wisdom like the psalmist as I pray the words of Psalm 119:66 “Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments” and ask You to lead me in the areas where my judgment needs growth. While I pray for the hearts and attitudes for our public servants, for the men and women holding public office, I more explicitly pray for my fellow citizens that they be inclined to God. That they be consumed by a desire for righteousness when electing public servants. Amen.

Romance Garcia
June 2, 2022

Heavenly Father, we pray for Texas, freedom, and revival. We believe You will continue to have your hand in Texas. We pray for all those who are in authority to make the right decision to go or You🙏. In Jesus’ name, amen.

William Donahue
June 2, 2022

Dearest LORD, we ask for YOUR INTERVENTION in the hearts of all those in this administration. Those that are being used by evil. To turn to YOU for forgiveness. We also ask that more states would be abortion free states. Thank YOU LORD for YOUR answer to our prayers according to YOUR WILL, in JESUS NAME, amen. Thank YOU LORD. We love YOU

June 2, 2022

Heavenly Father, we ask your presence and guidance for those in our state government – that they will seek your wisdom, discernment, encouragement, protection and be sensitive to your Spirit as they direct the future of our great state. May your presence provide the necessary courage to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR TEXAS AND AMERICA!

To God be the glory,

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

Jodi Stark
June 1, 2022

Thank you Jesus for making a way for me to become a resident of TX and fall completely in love with all you have given me here. Even though my journey has been very difficult at times, I have seen your hand of provision, protection, growth and comfort through it all. Holy Spirit continue to pour yourself out on our beloved state, it’s many leaders in all arenas; may our government officials shine your light of truth and justice; continue to protect those in authority over us and who serve to help us and our communities. May this state rise up for you Abba, to be the beacon our nation needs and that souls need as they come to us in all manner of travel. Help us to seek your kingdom first, be your hands and feet and a friend to all. IN Jesus mighty name.

Frances Perez
May 25, 2022

Heavenly father I come to you in agreement with my brothers and sisters that are petitioning heaven for the state of Texas. I am so grateful that the blood of Jesus robes me in righteousness and allows me to come into the throne of grace to bring these prayers and supplication‘s and thanksgivings and petitions. First of all, I lift up all of those that are mourning today over the loss of their children who were tragically and senselessly killed yesterday in Uvalde Texas. I pray that you heal the broken hearts of these mothers and fathers, grandparents, students and family. What Satan has meant for evil somehow some way good will come. I pray that you give our governor skillful wisdom and godly wisdom over every decision that he makes as we move forward. I pray that this tragedy will not make knee-jerk decisions, but bent knees before the Father will bring the Holy Ghost to assist and help make decisions. We pray that angels are dispatched to encamp about the borders of Texas, and nothing or no one will cross our state line with wrong motives an I’ll intentions . We pray over our upcoming elections, and pray that the righteous will remain in seats of authority, people that will favor your righteous cause. And the ungodly will be uprooted from their seats of authority. We pray for righteous judges in our judicial system, we pray for righteous teachers in positions of authority in our public schools , on our school boards, and our colleges and everywhere there’s sphere of influence over the next generation. In the mighty name of Jesus we bind up Satan and every demon power that has assignment over Texas. We lose truth, and revelation, and Holy Ghost power and authority over Texas . We declare the lordship of Jesus over the state of Texas. We pray that the churches of Texas, the pastors, are uncompromising and unapologetic as we stand with the truth of the gospel. We are bold is lions, and we will stand with truth. In the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Christina Du
May 23, 2022

Pray with me:

Father, we declare that You are the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). The earth is Yours and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). All of heaven is filled with Your glory and resounds with praise—holy are You, Lord!

Father, we thank You we have been given a rich inheritance in Your Kingdom. As Your sons and daughters, we have been given the privilege to enter Your throne room presence where our gaze is set on You and strategies are revealed.

Father, we say in this new era, we will no longer separate glory and Holy Spirit presence and fire from the awakened authority and responsibility to push back darkness. We say that it is not either/or, but it is both/and. Holy Spirit, cause the fire ignited in us to expose those hidden things and secrets done in darkness. May they be brought to the light of Your presence and glory and may the enemy’s evil schemes be dismantled and destroyed. Father, empower and embolden us in Your glory presence to see captives set free, the lost saved, people healed, cities and lands freed from the grip of principalities, and ushered into Kingdom transformation.

We decree:

The voice and authority of the glory-anointed Ekklesia is awakened and reverberating out in the spiritual atmosphere. Your glory and manifest presence are awakening and releasing transformational glory in people, families, businesses, governments, spheres, and gates of influence, neighborhoods, cities, and regions. As prophesied in Habakkuk 2:14, “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD” (NASB).

Portions of today’s post were taken from Becca Greenwood’s book Glory Warfare: How the Presence of God Empowers You to Destroy Works of Darkness.

Sylvia Riddle
May 23, 2022

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for our beautiful state and ask that bless the people of this great state. I plead the blood of Jesus on our borders & ask protection upon our Law enforcements agents working on our borders. Protect our state from the agenda of the progressives – may we be governed by leaders who love You and are true to your word. Amen

Estella G Cardoza
May 23, 2022

Lord Jesus, I lift up all our state leaders in my prayers. Give them wisdom, discernment, and guide them as they first and foremost work for you, and the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS. Provide them with the resources they need to go forth in completing their tasks, show them humility, humbleness, and compassion for their people in this great state. But first of all Lord, open their eyes, ears, and minds to focus in your Word. In Jesus name, AMen.

Janet Drawhorn
May 23, 2022

I Timothy 2:1-3
Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, INTERCESSIONS, and Thanksgiving for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.


Pray For Texas Leaders

John Cornyn (R)
Senator (Texas)
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153 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Ted Cruz (R)
Senator (Texas)
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571 have submitted prayers
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Greg Abbott (R)
Governor (Texas)
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700 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Dan Patrick (R)
Lt. Governor (Texas)
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32 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Ken Paxton (R)
Attorney General (Texas)
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152 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Jane Nelson (R)
Secretary of State (Texas)
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3 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed


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