New Hampshire
New Hampshire
State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. EST
Access Code: 1421976
State Leader(s): Donna Peterson
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Kelly Ayotte
Capital: Concord
State Motto:
Live free or die

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Praying for our newly elected Governor, Kelly Ayotte, her Executive Council, our state Senators and members of the House Of Representatives in NH, to be influenced and led by the Holy Spirit, that just and righteous decisions would be made, and righteous laws would be passed. That God would send His Revival Fires to our State House and beautiful state of New Hampshire!
Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on New Hampshire & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
What an amazing motto for the state of New Hampshire Live free or die. I lift up this state to you Heavenly Father. We know as believers the only way to really live is through Jesus Christ. Continue Lord to reveal your truth to those who do not know your righteousness. I pray your blessing on your children, Psalm 89: 15-17 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. 16. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult you in your righteousness. 17. For you are their glory and streghth, and by your favor you exalt our horn. I praise You Lord because you have granted eternal blessings and made me glad with the joy of Your presence. I give thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord’s will be done. Amen
Heavenly Father, as the Granite Staters head to the polls to cast their choice of candidate for President of the United States, please place the following on their hearts: O Lord, endow them to select a candidate that has the faith and wisdom for their several duties, with a spirit of sacrifice for the common welfare, with mercy and justice, with uprightness and kindliness. Abandon those candidates who exhibit those traits of evil selfishness, greed, a van desire for honor, or abuse of power among them. Grant that the true purposes of government may eventually prevail, safeguarding peace and prosperity, so that we may live soberly and uprightly in Your site and have opportunity to tell of You and Your kingdom. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.
Dear Triune God, Today as I come before Your Throne of Grace and pray for my home state, the State of New Hampshire, I particularly ask for Governor Chris Sununu’s heart to be turned to You in all matters. May purity and light reign there. May darkness be driven away. May Governor Chris Sununu heed Your counsel above all else. May his words and deeds be a pleasing testimony to You. In Your mighty and holy Name and by Your Authority, I pray. Amen. (Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA of Merrimack, NH 03054)
Lord Triune God, I humbly and boldly come before Your Throne of Grace on bended knees on behalf of my home state, the State of New Hampshire, in sincere, faithful, and fervent prayer. O Lord, teach our state political leaders the difference between strength and power. May they choose strength in character, compassion, and humility. Only then give them power, O Lord, lest they lose sight of who they are and whom the ultimately serve. In Your mighty and holy Name, and by Your Authority, I pray. Amen. (Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv., MSBS, NCCA of Merrimack, NH 03054)
I pray that we might be reminded of President Pierce’s (a Son of the State of New Hampshire) wisdom concerning faith and governing when he said, “Let not the foundation of our hope rest upon man’s wisdom. It must be felt that there is no National Security but in the nation’s humble, acknowledged dependence upon God and his overruling Providence.” (Amen).
President Franklin Pierce
President of the United States of America (1853-1857)
In his Inaugural Address on March 4, 1853
Thank You Lord, that our town of Auburn, our state of New Hampshire leaders; Jeanne Shahee, Maggie Hassan, Chris Sununu and John Formella, David Scanlan will enter into a covenant to seek the Lord God with all our hearts and souls. In the name of Jesus Christ.
2 Chronicles 15:12
Today I’m praying for New Hampshire!! I never have prayed for New Hampshire before but looking to this page has made me realize the nation seems to need to have leaders who are submitted to the Lord’s leadership and authority!! So Lord, I pray that You would help the leaders of New Hampshire to come to a place where they know you in spirit and truth and they let you lead them in every area of life Lord!! You are so good & worthy to be praised God, to you be the glory in Jesus name!! Amen! ^_^
Hi Zach! Thank you for your prayers for our state. We would love to have you join our state conference prayer call on Thurs. mornings at 8A if you are available. Just use the dial-in # and access code listed above. Blessings! Donna Peterson, NH state prayer leader
Father God I lift up the beautiful state of New Hampshire and the elected officials, in the state and cities; Father I pray for revival in New Hampshire, Lord I pray for the right to Life in the state, I pray for parents rights over their own children; Father your will be done in and through each elected official, I pray in Jesus name amen.
Hi Beverly, Would love to have you join our state prayer call at 8A on Thursdays. Use dial-in # and access code above. Donna
Father God, I come before your thrown of Grace and Mercy, on behalf of New Hampshire a beautiful State, Father I ask that you would light a fire in the hearts of all Christians to stand strong against the whiles of Satan. I stand with all the intercessors who are praying for a turn around in New Hampshire, Lord you spoke to my heart that we overcome evil with good, show the leaders in New Hampshire that evil plots will not come to past, it is time for them to repent of any corruption that they may have taken part of, Father you are a merciful and loving God, you love us all no matter what political party we are affiliated with, I thank you Lord for saving the state of New Hampshire, in Jesus name I pray amen.
I would love to help with Intercession for NH, but I am not computer savvy! I am praying for the Lord to re-wire my brain and upgrade my thought process, as I haven’t made the transition to the computer age. Please let me know how I can help.
Hi Deborah, Sorry I am just seeing this now! I have been the state prayer leader for 4 months now and it’s been a real blessing! We would love to have you join our prayer call if you can, at 8 AM on Thurs. mornings. We pray for about an hour. It is a conference call on the phone. You just call the phone number above and enter the access code when prompted followed by the # sign. I think you will then be prompted to say your name when you are getting on. Only the co-leader and I use computers, as well as the phone, so we can see who is on the call and who is speaking at any given moment. The rest of the intercessors do not use the computer, only the phone. So, hope you can join us!
Lord God, today, I humbly come before Your Throne of Grace in sincere and fervent intercessory prayer for my state, the State of New Hampshire. I pray that You, O Lord, would turn the hearts of all Granite Staters back to You, that we may rely on Your benevolence rather than on our own self-confidence. Please speak Your will to us through Your mighty and holy Word. In Your holy Name, I pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that Your will be done in the Granite State’s classrooms and courtrooms, in the halls of New Hampshire’s State Legislature, in the Governor’s Mansion, in our state’s cities and communities, in the homes of all Granite Staters, and in the hearts of all our state’s political leaders. In Your mighty and holy name, I pray all these things today. Amen.
Hi Chaplain Steven, We would love to have you join the state prayer call any Thurs. at 8 AM if you can. Blessings! Donna
Heavenly Father, I repent for how I’ve given ground to fear in my own soul that has limited You from using me more fully as an instrument of Kingdom advocacy. I pray for Holy Spirit to draw interceding saints to call in and pray for our beloved New Hampshire. Lord, I’m ready to add an evening call to make the time more accessible as You lead. I will continue to pray for a co-leader to help, mixing my faith with Your promises. Help me know how to serve the saints and to support, salute and solidify Your will for our state using this platform to the fullest, within the IFA boundaries. I praise You, Lord, for the vision You continue to give IFA leaders and how they come alongside the saints far and wide, in supporting unity and one accord faith to push back darkness across America. Help my small thinking by tapping into my huge heart for You and my fellow Man. God bless New Hampshire and her citizenry, in Jesus’s Name I pray.
Dear Lord, as I take my place on the IFA prayer wall this Saturday morning, July 16th; as I pray for our nation, I pray also for my beautiful state of New Hampshire. Though I’m a flatlander, as we’re called, a transplant from the Mid-Atlantic state of NJ, born in KY, lived in FL, PA and KS- for this time and season, Father, you have placed me in NH. From her eastern ocean shore to the western Green Mountain foothills, from her southern boundary shared with Massachusetts, to the north country adjacent to Canada, may the Spirit of the Lord blow winds of courage and wisdom and ignite high praises in the Redeemed. May our high praises be as a spiritual weapon of warfare and fire upon our tongues to thank You for our uniqueness as a state and the heavenly legacy and honor of being one of the founding 13 colonies that united to form America, the Land of the Free. May the confession of our lips agree with Your heart. Covenant with God Almighty is at her roots. May intercessors for NH plead Your Son’s blood and plead the power of covenant with You to protect and uphold Your will in this state in every area of society. In Jesus’ Name I pray.
I agree with this sweet and humble prayer! I, too, have been divinely brought to NH, from NY, for such a time as this. Please soften the hearts of all people in this granite state, and let us call you back into our schools, our government buildings, and in our marketplace. We are desperate for you,, Holy Spirit, to blow a Fresh Wind across our state! We need a move of God! Help every believer to know that there is POWER in the Name of Jesus! We are called to be Warriors, putting on our Full Armor each day, to shine the Light of Christ into the hopeless!
Lord, I pray for a case pending in Salem District court and for the judge presiding: State v. Bossi (the grandmother arrested May 20, 2021 for not wearing a mask in a School Board meeting). I pray for the spirit of the law and the rule of law, particularly those principles of your word that have guided our constitutional system; in Jesus’ name.
Father God I thank you for NH. I ask for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon all the families , churches and government officials . Help us to walk in the fullness of love and all you have called us to be. Help the body of believers to unite together and stand strong for your kingdom. Holy Spirit lead us guide us and give us wisdom as we walk together in unity.
I decree NH will be saved and stand for life, freedom and truth in Jesus’ name! Amen
Father God I thank you for NH. I ask for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon all the families , churches and government officials . Help us to walk in the fullness of love and all you have called us to be. Help the body of believers to unite together and stand strong for your kingdom. Holy Spirit lead us guide us and give us wisdom as we walk together in unity.
I decree NH will be saved and stand for life, freedom and truth in Jesus’ name! Amen