State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 8:15 PM CT and Saturdays at 7:00 PM CT
(667) 930-8252
Access Code: 3666604
State Leader(s): Jim and LaRae Crawmer
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Tim Walz
Capital: St. Paul
State Motto:
L’étoile du Nord, translated "The star of the North"

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I pray nothing would be hidden from you. That you would reveal any dishonesty, secrecy, or lack of integrity in these elections. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Minnesota & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Abba, Father, I thank you for the beauty you have bestowed upon this state. I ask in the name of our sweet and Blessed Lord, Jesus, that you send your HolySpirit and bathe this state in a revival hitherto unseen. Help all who don’t know you or have fallen away to come to you seeking redemption, and strengthen the faith of all who know you.
I pray for the leaders of this state, that their eyes become opened and that they should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting. Instead, grant them Your wisdom, that they may undo the damage wrought to the people of Minnesota over the past decades.
I declare in the names of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit that Your Will, Abba Father, be done in the state of Minnesota, just as it is in heaven, Thank you for hearing this prayer, and for the answer it will receive.
I declare by the superior blood of Lamb of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the one who dies and rose on the 3rd day. Let the Hands of the Lord deliver our youths from addictions. Let the be divine peace and stability for this coming election. We cover the states of Minnesota with the blood of Jesus, and we pray for righteousness in every government building. Any evil spirits operating over Minnesota be arrested by the sword of the Lord.
Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”.
Father God today I lift up the state of Minnesota, Psalm 33: 8, 10 11 Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of Him. The Lird frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lords plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken. LORD I pray for your children in Minnesota, give them a desire to seek you in their heart’s Psalm 73: 28 … how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do. Life up your prayer warriors and free your people from the oppression of the enemy. Brake strongholds of fear, guilt and addiction. Bless this state abundantly, I pray in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen
Father in Heaven, My prayer for the New Year is for more prayer! Prayer is the key. Prayer opens the doors. Prayer goes anywhere and accomplishes anything. Through prayer with God all things are possible. Let the churches of Minnesota and America be houses of prayer. Let the Spirit of prayer come upon your people in Minnesota and throughout our land. Give your people a heart for prayer. Let prayer meetings increase. Give us a prayer culture where everything is covered in prayer. Let our Nation experience another Prayer Revival. May our prayers shake the devil’s kingdom, tear down strongholds and set the captives free. Let our prayers establish God’s will on earth and help to usher in the return of our Lord. In Jesus mighty name! Amen!
Father, I thank you for the beautiful land we enjoy in Minnesota, the fall colors and crisp temperatures are a blessing. But despite this beauty sins is, our state is in peril. Liberal lawmakers have passed horrible laws that threaten our children and our families. I pray Lord that as we enjoy seasonal transition, you would work in the hearts, minds, and souls of our lawmakers to help them see the error of their ways. Reclaim them from the grasp of the enemy and bring them to Christ. Protect our children from the evil agenda the enemy has brought to our state. This is a fight, Lord, please bring conviction to your faithful that we all must be vocal and stand up for your truth.
In Jesus’ name
Please forgive my autocorrect typo, should be “beauty around” not “beauty sins”.
Father I paise you for another glorious day to allow you to shine in us and through us giving us all we need to minister to others, giving us all we need to clothe ourselves in your armor so we can battle the powers of darkness in the spiritual realms knowing we can freely cry VICTORY!, by faith, for we know you and you know us, because we choose to build stronger relationship with you every minute of every day for you and your glory.
I praise you Almighty God for moving in ways we cannot see in all those in Minnesota government. I praise you great I AM for strengthening those who know your, filling their mouths with the words you would have them speak; for giving them great hunger and thirst to be in the word, to walk closely with the Holy Spirit and to pray without ceasing as they walk the paths you have for them to make a difference for You in all Minnesota’s government offices.
Father touch the babies today and the mothers considering taking their babies lives; protect them all from the lies, chaos, confusion and anger that drives all those walking with satan and the powers of darkness. Father protect the parents, babies and children whom satan and the evil forces, working through too many in government offices, who are willingly working to mutilate childrens bodies, confuse their minds and take away their innocence for profit and gain and to destroy the family and our freedom to worship you; to freely show and share the love of Jesus to all.
Jesus open our eyes to see you more clearly, our ears to hear you through the great roaring of satan trying to keep us distracted, cause the Holy Spirit to rise in us and fill our mouths with praise as we choose you and your ways today.
In Jesus name we pray.
Lord we want to say thank you and to worship you today. Bring to our minds worship songs, psalms of worship and cause joy, your joy Father, that is our strength to bubble up with in us as we choose to worship you all throughout the day and night as we choose words of praise and worship to flow from our hearts and mouths.
In Jesus name we pray.
Father let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and redeemer. Father as we are praying for our state are our words scriptural, do we pray how you would have us pray, or are we praying out of anger and emotion? Jesus you died for everyone; your death is all inclusive, so the prayers we pray as we intercede should be filled with the same love and compassion you showed as you hung on the cross, even forgiving one hanging beside you, perhaps in the last seconds of his life, because of his willingness to repent. Father as we are praying have we repented; are we worshiping you every step of the way, by faith, knowing that you can and will hear our prayers as we pray with a right heart and mind. Father we forgive all those in Minnesota government who are so confused and caught up in the chaos of the powers of darkness that is working hard to destroy our identities, the identities of our children, those powers who are closing the minds to your word that says you saw us as we were being knit together in our mothers womb; that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Father those in Minnesota’s government have turned those words around to disagree with everything your word says, however, your word does not return null or void, so I ask that you confound their thoughts, confuse their tongues, so they can no longer speak the lies of satan, so that they can no longer put into place the things that abuse our children and confuse their parents. Father let those governing Minnesota walk around as if they are blind, deaf and mute that they would not be able to do anymore harm and reverse the destructive laws and edicts that have been put in place and/or are wanting to be put in place. Open the eyes of all we whom call ourselves Christians to see what you want us to see, fill our mouths with the words you have for us to say and when we pray let us not utter a sound until we have come to you in repentance and worship so that we pray the way you want us to pray Lord. In Jesus name we pray.
Almighty God, Father who loves us, righteousness needs to bomb the powers of darkness in Minnesota state government with the glory of God, to cleanse all government from the governor down to the leader of the smallest hamlet. Father speak to the hearts of all your children, break the chains of religion off every and all denominations and raise a great desire for relationship with You in every man, woman and child who have surrendered themselves to you, fill our mouths with the words you would have us speak, as we pray against the lies of the enemy; as we stand on your word that never returns null or void, as we praise you by faith, cause the walls of Minnesota’s Jericho to fall. Father give us the courage and obedience of Joshua to do battle and claim the land, dressed in full armor (Ephesians 6:10-20) as we shout “VICTORY! VICTORY! VICTORY!” Let us see with our eyes the powerful movement of the Lord as those choosing the ways of satan fall and their wrong laws and edict are destroyed, going up in flames under the power of the Holy Spirit and the great warrior Angels sent to battle and win and we see Minnesota finally set free from apathy, complacency and the denominational laws which keep us bound to a building and the man made laws that govern that building and it’s leaders rather than giving us the tools to build solid relationship with Jesus Christ, all of which take away the freedom we find when we choose to yoke ourselves together with the One who chose to give His life for us so we could have abundant life and be adopted into the family of God. In Jesus name we pray!
13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. -2 Chronicles 7:13-14
9 He said, “Go and tell this people:
“‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’
Make the heart of this people calloused;
make their ears dull
and close their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.” -Isaiah 6:9-10
42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’?
43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”
45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them. 46 They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet. -Matthew 21:42-45
For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. -Matthew 21:32
As I’ve been praying with the Minnesota IFA prayer partners, even before I called in the first time, God’s been talking to me about our need for faith in every aspect of our lives; about putting our own feelings and wants aside to focus on relationship with the Lord. Today as I’ve been praying the Lord has been urging me to share a story about faith, there’s an urgency, a heat deep in my spirit, we need to build our faith…
In 1981, while I was at work my 6 year old fell from a second story landing onto the right side of his head and shoulder. As I rode in the ambulance with him to the hospital I could see blood and brain matter in his ear. When I got to the hospital I was told my son was dying and to sit with him until he was gone. I left to call my pastor who came with an elder, they prayed with me, for Shane, talked with the doctor then told me to call when it was over. My words were “Well that’s not going to happen!” I sat there talking to Shane, praying in the spirit, singing in the spirit and worshiping God. At some point I was told I needed to leave the ER as they were bringing a serious case, which really shocked me, they told me my son was dying so why was this other case so much more important? As I walked out of the ER into the ambulance bay, I saw a tine black headed little girl being given CPR, I looked at her and knew she was dead, I asked “Why my child Father and not her?”!” he replied “It’s none of your business, pray for her parents”, so I did. I then walked back to where Shane was to find the doctors starting to scramble, they tried to usher me out of the cubicle, however, I reminded them I was the mother. I stood there as they started changing the way they were treating Shane, watched the monitors with all the vital signs, I watched as my son was coming back to life. About an hour later we had been moved into a hospital room in the childrens ward where throughout the rest of the day and all through the night hospital workers, their families whom they had called to come down, visitors to the hospital, people were coming out of the woodwork to see my miracle child, to see God’s miracle healing power. The afternoon I gave myself over to Jesus I was filled to overflowing, started speaking in tongues and haven’t stopped in over 40 years, I was told to read the bible and believe it for it was the word of God; to keep my eyes off man and on God so I didn’t fall and to do what the Holy Spirit told me to do.
Do we have that kind of faith? Is the church reading and putting into practice all the things that Jesus said we could/would do in his name if we believe and don’t doubt? My son is alive because it never occurred to me to doubt Gods word. We all have great power in the name of Jesus to see miracle happen, to see God change things in our state for his glory. As we pray are we praying by faith, knowing God has been moving in ways we cannot see, long before the Minnesota IFA prayer group was formed?
Father thank you for our belief, please help our unbelief. In Jesus name we pray!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our deaths. AMEN.
Father God, my heavenly Papa, my heart is breaking for all of the evil that the powers of darkness are trying to pass into law in the Minnesota legislature. Papa your heart breaks for the desire to have these men and women choose you and your ways, the ways that lead to life everlasting, rather than walking on the shaky ground that is the way of satan. Papa I pray for each and every person so blinded by the lies of the one that they believe promises them great power and riches, whom they believe to have a great roar of intimidation, this fake power they believe they have that is really nothing more than the mewing of a tiny kitten in a great wind that cannot really be heard compared to the power we have in Christ Jesus. Papa speak to the hearts, minds, spirits and souls of your children, open their eyes to see all they can do in the name of Jesus; the power they have as they sing hymns, songs and spiritual songs; how powerful praying and singing in tongues is as they do spiritual warfare. We are mighty warriors of the great I AM and can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us if we will be obedient to humble ourselves, pray and turn from our wicked ways. We will see you heal our land, Papa, if we will be faithful to build our faith in your word, put on the whole armor and choose to stand firm in you no matter what eyes see or ears hear. We are more than conquerors in the mighty name of JESUS! In Jesus name we pray.
Hello Prayer Intercessors. We are the Minnesota State Prayer Leaders for Minnesota. This is an announcement of exciting upcoming events. This coming Friday January 27th at 7PM we will be having a United Prayer Rally at the Woodbury Campus of River Valley Church -7805 Hudson Rd, Woodbury, MN 55125. Please join us if you are in the Mpls/St Paul area. We will be praying and interceding for breakthroughs in the new year. Our regular IFA prayer calls are on Wednesdays at 8:15 PM & Saturdays at 7:15 PM . We also are on video zoom prayer nightly Zoom room number #2262218119. M-F 7PM, and S+S 6PM . Please contact us with questions, comments, ideas, or to volunteer your help. Our goal is to see prayer increase, revival come, our nation saved, and the harvest of souls come in. Please pray for us, for the future prayer meetings, and for an increase of intercession and prayer in Minnesota. God Bless you and thank you for your prayers!
I will not be with you in person, however, I have already started standing with y’all, praying with you and for you and all those who come to be part of this great move of God in Minnesota. Blessings!
Father thank you for all who are praying for Minnesota, for all joining in prayer for their states as we all take a stand against the powers of darkness working so hard to stop Gods people in America and to wipe out the United States and all it stands for. Bless us all please Father, send angels to camp round about us in protection, fill our hearts and mouths with praise for all you’ve done, all you’re doing and for moving in ways we cannot see. Father fill our hearts to overflowing with scriptures of joy as we walk with the Holy Spirit as our constant companion, praising you for every aspect of our lives, praising you for the attacks of the enemy that cannot harm us if we just believe and choose the joy of the Lord as our strength, as we do not allow what our eyes see or ears hear steal our faith. We love you great I AM! Thank you Jesus for loving us, for sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for us, for sending the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter so we are never alone, for giving your life so we can be adopted into Gods family through the spilling of your precious blood. In Jesus name we pray.
Great prayer Lauree! We agree. The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God. Blessings!
Hello Prayer Intercessors. We are the Minnesota State Prayer Leaders for Minnesota. This is an announcement of exciting upcoming events. This Friday December 30th at 7PM we will be having a United Prayer Rally at the Woodbury Campus of River Valley Church -7805 Hudson Rd, Woodbury, MN 55125. Please join us if you are in the Mpls/St Paul area. We will be praying and interceding for the new year. Our regular IFA prayer call is on Saturdays at 7:14PM. We also are on video zoom prayer nightly Zoom room number #2262218119. M-F 7PM, and S+S 6PM . Please contact us with questions, comments, ideas, or to volunteer your help. Our goal is to see prayer increase, revival come, our nation saved, and the harvest of souls come in. God Bless you and thank you for your prayers!
I declare Minnesota to be under the command of almighty God. All evil forces attempting to control the soil or it’s citizens are broken. No more power for the evil doers.
May God’s light shine on the state of Minnesota and be under control of our creator for ever more.
Oh God our God, remove the scales from the eyes of Tim Walz, Peggy Flanagan, Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith, Keith Elison and all of Minnesota’s elected officials who are being led by satan. Father replace their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh and draw them to you with a desire to know you. Father whether they choose to accept you or not make all their evil services powerless, having no affect on those they were intended for. I praise you Lord that all curses spoken or unspoken, known or unknown, written down or thought up, generational or time release, are now broken off, bound, cast out and destroyed in the mighty name of JESUS!
I am in a school district that is bowing to the Critical Race Theory agenda. This coming Thursday a area church will have parents,clergy,, and others gather to pray for our educators. Which I am one of those educators. The prayer time is from 11:30–12:30.
I am a modern day Daniel and am a prayer warrior at myschool
My other prayer need is to inform those in the teachers union they can opt out, but only till Sept. 30th.
My last request is for an event that will take place in Oct. that many will attend and be inspired to leave the union.
Blessings Tom A modern Day Daniel
P.S. We are studying Daniel this year in C.B.S .
I praise you I AM for being able to come together in prayer for our beautiful state and it’s people. I praise you for all willing to take a stand for you and your glory, for wanting your will on earth as it is in heaven. Father I praise you that we put on our armor, not just daily, but all through the day as we battle the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms in the mighty name of JESUS! We ask for your wisdom as we move in the direction you’ve called us to and the wisdom to stay close enough to hear the still small voice in the midst of the chaos. In Jesus name we pray.
O Lord, Deliver Minnesota from the one who has come to kill, steal and destroy. Particularly, I pray for our preborn children and their mothers who are being lied to and so they don’t know that abortions will lead them to depression and guilt. I pray for godly leaders who will lead Minnesota to become a Prolife state. This is my impossible prayer that is only possible as you hear and answer. In Jesus Name.
Lord Place faith filled Christian’s in our state offices.Change the hearts of those in office now.Convict their hearts and bring them to repentance.Bring forth legislation to stop abortions and the Left’s agenda in Minnesota.
I break off demonic curses over Minnesota in the mighty name of Jesus! I pray Godly leaders will rise up in our state. God’s glory will fill our land. And, the presence of the Lord would be strong. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that our legislation flips from Democratic to Republican. In Your Mighty Name I pray. Amen!