
State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM EDT
Access Code: 1531635
State Leader(s): Karen Hatfield
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Wes Moore
Capital: Annapolis
State Motto:
Fatti maschi, parole femmine, translated "Strong deeds, gentle words"

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Submitted Prayers For Maryland

Olubunmi Momoh
February 21, 2025

I pray that God will make Maryland a safe haven for his people and that its children will be protected from all evil. I pray God to raise up men and women after his heart to establish righteousness in the land.

Rodney Brewer
November 4, 2024

LORD, again I come before YOU , interceding on the behalf of
Andy Harris and Neil Parrott … LORD may YOU have these servant
of YOURS continue to serve the people of Maryland. Now LORD
there are others that YOU know who call you LORD continue to place them in that position to serve …. Just like you had Daniel and even Esther was in position to bring honor to YOU and serve the people. LORD YOU are an awesome GOD. Thank you
Thank you for YOUR HOLY SPIRIT that leads us in our prayers
For in the same way the SPIRIT helps us in our weakness for we do not know how to pray or even what to pray but YOUR SPIRIT
intercede for us with groans that words cannot express.
Thank YOU for hearing our cry … Amen

Rodney Brewer
November 4, 2024

Our Father we come before YOU the Creator of all things.
You created man and woman in YOUR image. YOU wanted
Adam and Eve to have that close relationship with YOU
but because of their sin of disobedience was separated from YOU.
Yet YOU had a plan to restore YOUR creation back unto YOURSELF,
through JESUS , YOUR SON.
Forgive us our sins and the sins of our nation and the sins of our leaders in Maryland. Call them to YOURSELF by the HOLY SPIRT,
Call them by name : Ben Cardin, Chis Van Hollen, Wes Moore, Aruan Miller, Anthony Brown, and Brooke Lierman,
I Thank You LORD … In JESUS Name I cry out to YOU. Amen

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Maryland & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Ellie Diegelmann
March 29, 2024

Omniscient Holy Spirit, thank you for Congressman Andy Harris, Maryland’s only conservative/Republican representative (of ?? total) and for keeping him protected and loyal to your will and way. Please continually bless him and ALL of Maryland’s Congressional representatives, with your grace, through our faith, and your power and protection. In Jesus precious name, I fervently pray. Amen.

Ellie Diegelmann
March 29, 2024

Heavenly Father,

We Marylanders are ALL guilty and responsible for all the sins leading up to ALL of our state’s problems, both revealed and concealed. In accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14 ( ), please bring us ALL (–including, but not limited to:
Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, Governor Wes Moore, Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller, Attorney General Anthony Brown and Comptroller Brooke Lierman–)
face-to-face with our respective roles (to humble us). Please bless each and every one of us with your grace, through our faith ( Ephesians 2:8 ) to pray, seek your face and turn from our evil actions (AND inactions). Then, you will hear our desperate pleas, forgive us our horrific sins and heal our (your!) Maryland (and America and world). In Jesus precious name, I agonizingly pray. Amen.

Ellie Diegelmann
March 29, 2024

Thank you, Father, for loving us and for having established this vital state prayer group, especially now, amid this horrific (3/26/24) Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge attack.

Please forgive us and all of our state leaders (elected and appointed), for our repulsively sinful spirits and actions of pride, vanity, idolatry (of power/control), greed, covetousness, ignorance and apathy (, etc.!).

Please, oh God, open ALL of our hearts, souls, spirits, minds and bodies to your almighty power of Holy Spirit, to FINALLY WAKE UP and:

* accept JESUS as our personal and collective Lord and Savior and

* beg for your grace, faith, agape’-loving forgiveness, indwelling, protection, leading, guidance, fearless conviction, courage and empowerment, despite all coming threats and consequences,

to do your will, your way,

to magnify YOU in every way possible,

– our good (individually, regionally, state-wide, and then nationally, world-wide and universally) and

– ESPECIALLY (for) your glory.

In Jesus’ precious name I pray this. Amen.

Marie Norris
January 20, 2024

Father God I pray for the state of Maryland today. I ask that your Holy Spirit would hover over our leaders in all appointees for the state. Give the leaders authority to break strongholds and boldness to do Your will. Let your light shine in the hidden places so that the righteous will see truth and put their faith in you. Lord I trust that you will take care of the godly in this state. Psalm 68. Rise up O God, and scatter your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. May God arise and his enemies be scattered, may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God may they be happy and joyful. Summon your power O God show us your strength O God as you have done before. Because of your temple at Jerusalem kings will bring you gifts, rebuke the beast among the Reed the herd of bulls among the calves of the nations-Make them bring bars of silver in humble tribute. Scatter the nations that delight in war. Many are the plans of men, we know that it is your will that will prevail. You are awesome O God in your sanctuary the God of Isreal gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God. I pray in Jesus name.

Gwinn Spence
November 3, 2023

Dear Lord, Please wake up the people of Maryland to cry out to you to roll back the abortion laws, the criminal activity including human trafficking, the drug use and deaths, the indoctrination of our children, racism, and every wicked scheme against families. Lord, we do ask that you bless and keep Isreal; save them during this difficult time. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I pray also for the peace of the USA. I pray for the salvation of all you have chosen, may none be lost. In Jesus name , Amen. Your servant Gwinn

Carrie Mehl
October 13, 2023

Father God, I pray that Your Name will be exalted in the state of Maryland. Pour out Your Holy Spirit and reveal Yourself to the hearts of the people of my state through dreams and visions, and through Your Church. Use Your Church I pray, use me, as a conduit of Your great love and compassion. Revive us Lord, revive me, that the love of Jesus might be evident in my every word, in my countenance and actions. Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit I pray and empower me to be salt and light in the midst of darkness. May the deeds of darkness be destroyed and the camp of the enemy thrown into confusion! Lord Jesus may You be exalted in Maryland! May You be glorified. May Jesus be revealed to the hearts of all people here! For You are the Christ, O Lord, the Son of the Living God and this day I declare over my city and state that 

Jesus only is the Way! 

Jesus only is the Truth! 

Jesus only is the Life! 

There is salvation in no other name– there is no other God besides You – Living God, Eternal King! And I ask and declare these things in Your mighty name  – the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Amen! So be it LORD!

Latoya O
September 17, 2022

Lord God Almighty, I praise Your mighty name for you alone are worthy of praise, honor and glory. I thank you Lord because you are faithful and good. You see all things and you do all things well. I thank you because you are a faithful Father who rewards those who diligently seeks after you. I thnka you Lord because you are a way maker and a promise keepe. I thank you because you never fail and you never lie. I think you because you are not capricious nor are you hard hearted or indifferent. You love your creation and your children with a love that is everlasting. I thank you Lord because there is non like you. You reign over all the earth. You reign over every state. You reign over Maryland. Your Word says that the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, they and all who dwell in it. Well, that includes Maaryland and so I declare that Maryland belongs to You! All it’s leaders belongs to you. All its families belongs to you. All its businesses and enterprises belong to you. You are the maker of Heaven and Earth. You are the giver of life. You are Lord over all things. May we yield to your Sovereign authority! May we, the Body of Christ, yoeld to you and come back in alignment with your Kingdom purposes and agenda. Lord have mercy upon us. Lord forgive us for not walking in obedience but rather in greed, pride and selfishness. Lord wash us clean and purify our desires. May our desires be aligned once again with you. Sing over this state, sing over this nation. Break off very word curse spoken over this land. In the name of Jesus, I silence the lies of the enemy and I say no more! By the authority of Jesus Christ, the Messiah I say spirit of witchcraft be broken off this nation andthis State. Spirit of Moloch and Death leave this state in Jesus name. We declare Maryland is for life, not death!!! Holy Spirit come and saturate this land. Cleanse it from all the iniquity committed by ancestors. Forgive us, oh Lord for not honoring and valuing life. Wash us clean and make us pure once again. Turn every heart of stone to flesh. Bring the conviction of the Holy Spirit to turn hearts back to You Father. Turn the hearts of the people back to YOu. Remove the blinders from their eyes. Open upo their ears to hear you ! MAy we decalre God Almighty is My God. Adonai is my King!

Karen Hatfield
August 9, 2022

A prayer for Maryland & the nation.
God, our hearts spill over with praise to you! We overflow with thanks, for your name is “Near One.” All we want to talk about is Your Wonderful Works! And we hear Your reply: “When the time is ripe I will arise, and I will judge the world with perfect righteousness. Though I have set the earth firmly on its pillars, I will shake it until it totters and everyone’s hearts will tremble.” God warns the proud, “Stop your arrogant boasting!” And He warns the wicked, “Don’t think for a moment you can resist me! Why would you speak with such stubborn pride? Don’t you dare raise your fist against me!”
This I know: the favor that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favor rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his knees. A foaming cup filled with judgement mixed with fury is in the hands of the Lord Jehovah, full to the brim and ready to run over. He filled it up for the wicked and they will drink it down to the very last drop! But I will proclaim the victory of the God of Jacob. My melodies of praise will make Him known. My praises will break the powers of wickedness while the righteous will be promoted and become powerful!
I decree this over Maryland and the United States of America tonight in Yeshua’s name!
The Lord spoke to me on Monday, August 1st saying, “All wrapped up in your praises are the answers to your prayers!” So we praise You, Heavenly Father, Most High God, King over everything! We praise You as we await Your answers because surely they will come, yes, surely they WILL come!

Karen Hatfield
August 8, 2022

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:9-13 NIV.
FATHER, I PRAY TONIGHT AGAINST THE INLATION REDUCTION ACT that was passed in the Senate today by Chris Van Hollen and the like, that will actually raise taxes on middle class Marylanders and of course hard working folks across this nation, and do very little, if anything at all to reduce the recession we are currently experiencing. God I thank You for Your provision for Your people! We will have no fear, because You walk beside us.

Karen Hatfield
August 8, 2022

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:9-13 NIV.
FATHER, I PRAY TONIGHT AGAINST THE INLATION REDUCTION ACT that was passed in the Senate today by Chris Van Hollen and the like, that will actually raise taxes on middle class Marylanders and of course hard working folks across this nation, and do very little, if anything at all to reduce the recession we are currently experiencing. God I thank You for Your provision for Your people! We will have no fear, because You walk beside us.

Karen Hatfield
August 8, 2022

Please join the Maryland prayer call on Tuesday nights at 7:00p ET (next call is August 9).
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying!

Karen Hatfield
August 1, 2022

With MD being one of the first states to codify Roe & as a result having the 4th highest rate of abortions, per capita, & forcing taxpayers to fund elective abortions(MD Right to Life), I pray in Yeshua’s name against the stronghold of death in this state. I bind the spirit of Molech, the ancient god of child sacrifice, here in this state and I plead the blood of Jesus over Maryland. I ask Father God, that voters here would have their eyes opened up to this, that we would wake up and begin to vote according to pro-life principles. Thank You Yeshua that you always hear us and answer affirmatively when we pray according to Your will! I praise You in advance for positive answered prayers as we seek Your face on behalf of Maryland.
Karen H., State Director

Mary Davis
June 22, 2022

We are the only State with Scripture on our seal. Psalm 5:12. “He surrounds us with favor, as with a shield. “ Lord let the shield of Faith in your people rise up to meet the barrage of challenges in the State of Maryland. This State was dedicated to You in 1632 and so many know nothing of our History. I ask that You open the eyes of our understanding! Maryland has both a beautiful and a sin filled past. Father we repent for the sins of Slavery in all of its forms, of riding the fence to look tolerant (which is one of Maryland’s nicknames) and yet at the same time participate in the horrors of that sin. Baltimore was the leading city in the nation for buying, bartering, and trading human flesh. It is paying a terrible price now. We ask for forgiveness and cleansing, and healing under the Blood-and the authority given to your Ekklesia in the Name above all Names, Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Jane Levering
May 23, 2022

Lifting up Maryland and all government, financial, education, church, entertainment that they would be led by men and women of integrity according to God’s heart.
Crying out for freedom from all oppression and inroads of the enemy. for B


Pray For Maryland Leaders

Chris Van Hollen (D)
Senator (Maryland)
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Wes Moore (D)
Governor (Maryland)
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Aruna Miller (D)
Lt. Governor (Maryland)
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1 have submitted prayers
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Anthony Brown (D)
Attorney General (Maryland)
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1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Brooke Lierman (D)
Comptroller (Maryland)
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I Prayed
have prayed
Susan Lee (D)
Secretary of State (Maryland)
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