State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 9:00 AM CT
(845) 539-9831
Access Code: 1585201
State Motto:
Audemus juras nostra difendere, translated “We have to fight for our rights, or they might end in bloodshed”

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Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Alabama & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Father we know you hear us and we pray you Bless our State Leaders with Soft hearts after God Glorified decisions; including to Protect our Health with Only Natural meats, wholesome produce and Bless the farmers abilities to be Safe and protected from harm. We ask you Enable Bold Faith to Ban corporate corrupt lab foods and items from those that wish us dead and manipulated. God you made our bodies and you desire your plans fullfilled. We do not agree with being high jacked in our home State by ill will and deception. We did not say yes to manipulating our dna rna frequencies or that of our kids and future generations. Bless those that will Honor our lives working for our State. Praying for our State. Abiding by laws Trusting our leaders to stand by our Constitution and Integrity at All Costs. Halt the scammers. Deceivers. Those trying too Steal. Kill. Destroy. Or Abuse their offices or power over us. We Ask Father wisdom for All seeking to do your Will in Our Nation. Stop the enemy in his tracks re districting us for foul play or stealing our States elections or fairness You See Father them all. You see Unlawful judges and what’s done in the dark is as Bright as Noon day. Help Alabamians to have Upright hearts before you and to be blessable By You. Help us Help our kids to become honest adults of integrity and Be grateful for how they are made. Let others know they are loved even if they choose differently Enable them to come into a real relationship with you and know you. To come out of being lied too or about. And recognize you are not the enemy. Bless True immigrants that are here for up right reasons too be able to become Americans lawfully. And stop the scammers. Pretenders. Evil. Harmful. Make these leaders recognize their responsibility to do a job right in your eyes. Quicken them too serve you above a pay check pressure or power plays. Protect them when they do. Right for us. Let Alabama have reformation and revival in morality integrity and unity like never before. We Thank you Father for our land food water one another. Protect our air water and Sherrif depts and honest cops and honest judges. Bring teachers to courageous ability too stop the insanity going on in education. Up root remove and dislodge those harming our kids behind our backs. Not only expose them Lord but prevent them from ever getting second chances if they are not redeemed. We need you Lord in so many ways. Not just as savior. Intercessor. But as our Righteous Judge and Friend. We need you too have mercy on all that call upon you. We need more Saul’s too Paul’s and Testimonial s that are True. Lies. Schemes need to leave our elections and counties medicine and corporations. We need less areas that can be manipulated and more moral integrity changes in hearts. More doers of faith here than pew sitters. We’re tired. Discussed. Unimpressed. We want True change. Not just talk. Those that will walk it. Those that will live it. Those that quit greed and become givers. Help neighbors too help neighbors again. Bless their jobs. Gardens. Cattle. And health with or without others. Show yourself Father in our State. Let your Holy power come. And Bless Those that Bless our State and curse those that curse it. 4 your Glory In Jesus name Amen.
Father God, we pray for the pastors within our state, the shepherds you have placed in place for such a time as this to be baptized with fresh fire to grow higher in You first and foremost from a place of seeking Your face. May they be refreshed by a fresh baptism of love and fire. Bring repentance where it is needed and refreshing. Bring boldness and humility together in Christlike balance. As the heads go, so goes everything under the heads of homes, families, churches, businesses and ministries. May the shepherds of our state be fully surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, His kingdom agenda and the authority of God’s holy and infallible Word. May the authority You have given the shepherding pastors be used for Your Kingdom purpose and all for Your glory. May they continue to speak, preach and teach Your Word and share the gospel with courageous conviction and without fear. In this year of coming up higher, purify hands and hearts. Empty us out to be freshly filled new wineskins; begin this with Your leading shepherds today and all of Your people we pray. As we enter Your presence through the gates of thanksgiving and praise, may these earthly temple doors open up for the King of glory to enter into our hearts, homes and the house of the Lord with His great power and majesty like never before in 2024. May miracles of new birth, new beginnings and newness of life overflow so all the world will know You alone are the Lord, the One who rules over all creation with Your heavenly hosts. All glory to our King. Amen.
(Matthew 3:11-12; Hebrews 12:25-29; Acts 3:19; Proverbs 28:1; James 4:6-10; Jeremiah 20:9; Galatians 1:10; Luke 10:19-20; Psalm 100; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Matthew 9:16-17; Ezekiel 22:30; 1 Timothy 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Psalm 103:19-21; Psalm 115:1; Psalm 24)
Thank you for godly leadership. Give wisdom to leaders. Help our laws match your thoughts (justice, mercy, love, attention to Your Son). Help more Alabamians to be drawn to You, convicted (about personal sin, Your righteousness and judgment), and trust You Jesus/Y’shua/God’s-only-Son-who-never-sinned-who-died-in-(every)one’s-place-to-pay-(every)one’s-penalty-for-sin-and-became-alive-again so whoever trusted-in-this-Way could be saved/born-again-from-above so then have capacity through your indwelling Holy Spirit to a avoid sinning and obey the laws (characterized by loving You, God, and ourselves and others equally) of Your heavenly sourced kingdom from above where You, King Jesus, now live as your (trusting) ambassadors on earth carry out many of your orders as waiting for You to return to rule the world from Jerusalem, Israel. Please forgive us for killing humans (in Your image) who get 46 chromosomes in DNA at conception/fertilization and get XX or XY chromosome pair to define gender at same fertilization/conception time. Help our laws require blood DNA test to determine gender for sports/locker/restroom and not allow gender surgeries that oppose DNA XX or XY markers of gender. Help the words “partner” and “marriage” to not be synonymous and please straighten our language that through redefinitions of an ie t words hVe mudied our law meanings. [Thoughts: If can’t regain original meaning of “marriage” as covenant intended for life between man and woman, then make a new phrase or word and define it to place it in place of the word “marriage” so the original intent of laws don’t get changed by the current Woke redefinitions of ancient words!]
Father God in Jesus Name cover Alabama with Your HolySpirit and fire and uplift and give your favor too all Believers unite us by your Spirit correctly Enable pastors too hear your voice and obey you and be healed in you too follow only you truly and do so in leading all officials legislatures and pd and teachers and caregivers and medical professionals back into your divine will and best plan purpose and vision for Alabama too be a State that gives you glory in the way it functions and is ~ ensure all and that leadership is unbribed non cowards non liars and able bodied too resist the scheme s of satan. Help teachers return too you or be removed. Help judges and sherrif’s up to a higher standard that you desire help assure your people that you will provide for them employment and income clean water healthy food and help them be good neighbors too one another again hold up the gov employees bless those that are lawfully obeying the true constitution and enable them too have a heart right with you Lord and empower them too obey the true laws of this Nation built upon Justice Righteousness and Godliness that Honors You and provides Liberty lawful protection and principles and safety for its citizens that honors you. Up root remove and dislodge every lying item that’s come to steal kill and destroy it this State and bring stability back into it that pleases you more fully than ever before. Heal any soul wounds done too the people here and let this State be made Whole in Jesus Christ and obtain a bold loving Faith unlike it has ever had before. Help the people Here too truly experience your presence power and loving provisions and be set free of manipulation witchcraft and pains an bitterness of any past sins. For Alabama needs Almighty God to receive Glory Honor and Praises from it that we might be both a Saved State and A saved Nation that is redeemed from the curses and shamefulness of the current administration and prior sins it might of agreed too or agreed too unaware. We know Father you are shaking and want too be found unshakeable after all the hypocrisy and chaft has been removed. Come heal Alabama Lord Help us obey You your Word and walk in your ways again. In Jesus Name Amen
Father God I pray for my great state of AL. I pray for all of our leaders. I pray that we will continue to stand for your Will & your righteousness. It has been prophesied that AL will go first & lead the way. I agree with you & decree she will! In Jesus’s mighty name. Amen
I pray we all can come together as one United people. Race, ethnicity, financial status, residencecy or affliction should not keep People of Faith from praying for everyone to come to know Jesus died on the cross for “OUR” sins. Notice it does not say some of us. All need prayer. Lift up your Prayers for those who haven’t accepted or repented yet. WWJD? Love Everyone. So should we. Amen.
Lord teach us to pray. Thank you Rep James Comer of Kentucky. Thank you for Senator Tuberville standing up DOD to prevent expansion of Abortion rights! Give wisdom and patience to former President Trump. Oh Lord we need you. Be with the 6 families who lost loved ones in Nashville. Be also with the family of the murderer. Teach us how to pray! Forgive us for having turned from You and your Truth.
I pray for Alabama and the leaders of the state
God give them the wisdom and understanding to run this state.
Pray for my kid salvation.
pray for my job to get better especially my boss
I am having surgery please pray that my short term disability approves my time off
thank you Shonda Mason
Holy Father we pray for Attorney General Marshall that he will continue to stand Strong for Life in Alabama and against abortions at the VA hospital in Montgomery. Bless him with Wisdom, Direction, and Courage to do exactly what is needed for such a Time as THIS ‼️
Abba Father thank You for Alabama! Thank You for letting us be first in the alphabet 🙂 Thank You that our flag is simply a Saint Andrew’s cross.
May we, Your people know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, Risen, and coming SOON 💓
May worship and Love for You and Unity with one another be hallmarks of who we are for such a a Time as THIS ‼️ Pour out Your Holy Spirit Double Portion on us. We are Desperate and can do NOTHING that makes any difference unless You work Your Ways through us, Your family 🔥❣️🎶 For Jesus’ Glory –HALLELU YAH ‼️
Lord, we pray that the heart of judge lilies Burke would be change in these transgender law suits or cases. That this heart of stone out and put a fleshy heart in to here your word of truth! That u God our creator of All men ( boys) and women ( girl) r created inn your image. You didn’t and have not created any transgender kids or gays. Your word says a man shall not lay with another man or s woman shall not lay with another woman this is a sin in your eyes. We pray that All Judges eyes will be open to these lies and they will See the true and stop all this evil from coming into our Great State. And Father I bind the adoption spirit to all our judges in Alabama they will stand for the Truth, Justice and most of All Stand got You Jesus. We pray for Peace and unity in the State Of Alabama In Jesus Name. Amen 🙏🏻📖🛐❤️✝️🕊🔥🛡🗡🇺🇸🇮🇱
Father, we praise You and give You all Honor and Glory this morning. You are Ruler over all. We lift our hands and voices in everlasting praise to You and plead the Blood of Jesus over Alabama as we head into this election season. May your will be done. We pray for righteous leaders that will be strong and stand against tyranny that we might live in peace. We lift up the Supreme Court Justices that they will be strong and courageous to overturn Roe v Wade. Release your mighty warring angels to surround and protect us against violence. Give your people discernment at the voting booth. We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to walk in your ways. Lead us back to the path of Righteousness for Your Name’s sake. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray.
Father, we lift up our state, city, and county leaders to you. We ask for righteous people to fill the offices and to lead us back to You. We call for the principalities and strongholds that have kept a religious spirit over the state and hindered Your move to be brought down. We decree that You are Lord over Alabama. We remind You that Alabama was the first state to recognize Your beloved Israel as a nation. We ask for the blessings that come with blessing Israel and peace for Jerusalem to be seen in our state. You love Alabama. You love the First Nation peoples of Alabama and we pray for Your blessings to be on them. We call for the fires of reformation to be in pockets of this state and for them to burn until they grow so large that the state is covered and the power of the Holy Spirit is seen visibly. Let Your Fire fall and let this state always stand up for good, righteousness, and freedom. We ask that Your will be done and Your jingdim be manifested right here. Let wicked business fall and righteous business rise up to take their place. We thank You that You know us and love Alabama. We ask in Jesus Name. Amen
Father, We thank you for placing our boundaries in this Justice state for such a time as this. Give us the wise and understanding heart to discern what we need to do. We agree with the prophets that Alabama is marked out, carved out and a leader in doing those things that are right and just in Your eyes. That other states would follow our courageous lead for Justice.
Thank you for the strong stand against abortion Governor Ivey has given us. We also ask that we as your sons and daughters would step in as mothers and fathers to guide and help those new moms who may not have anyone to help them.
We ask You for courage and strength as we stand against the enemy’s plans for our state. Uncover the enemy’s plans, and shine Your light on them, so we will not be taken by surprise.
We ask that You would give us Your blueprint and strategies for Victory and release Your help from heaven to help us in this fight. Thank you for these Alabama intercessors. Release Your increase all around us. Thank you that we lack nothing and we are complete in You. In Jesus name we ask, amen.
Father, we lift up our state, city, and county leaders to you. We ask for righteous people to fill the offices and to lead us back to You. We call for the principalities and strongholds that have kept a religious spirit over the state and hindered Your move to be brought down. We decree that You are Lord over Alabama. We remind You that Alabama was the first state to recognize Your beloved Israel as a nation. We ask for the blessings that come with blessing Israel and peace for Jerusalem to be seen in our state. You love Alabama. You love the First Nation peoples of Alabama and we pray for Your blessings to be on them. We call for the fires of reformation to be in pockets of this state and for them to burn until they grow so large that the state is covered and the power of the Holy Spirit is seen visibly. Let Your Fire fall and let this state always stand up for good, righteousness, and freedom. We ask that Your will be done and Your jingdim be manifested right here. Let wicked business fall and righteous business rise up to take their place. We thank You that You know us and love Alabama. We ask in Jesus Name. Amen
Father God I plead the blood of Jesus over the sins of my state Alabama. We are the justice state. I pray we stand for life, protecting our children. And stand with Israel. Give our leadership courage to fight for our rights as a people. Thank you Father
Dear Gracious God, please be with the state if Alabama. Guide the true Godly leaders to follow your word and when they do that, they can truly be there for the people. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen
Father, we praise You and give You all Honor and Glory this morning. You are Ruler over all. We lift our hands and voices in everlasting praise to You and plead the Blood of Jesus over Alabama as we head into this election season. May your will be done. We pray for righteous leaders that will be strong and stand against tyranny that we might live in peace. We lift up the Supreme Court Justices that they will be strong and courageous to overturn Roe v Wade. Release your mighty warring angels to surround and protect us against violence. Give your people discernment at the voting booth. We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to walk in your ways. Lead us back to the path of Righteousness for Your Name’s sake. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray.