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I Prayed have prayed
Thank you Lord for the joyful intercessors who are willing to engage with our elected officials.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

IFA invited intercessors to sign a “petition of thanks” for Senator Tim Scott as a response to his speech that was full of references to the importance of prayer and God in our nation–nearly 13,000 responded in one way or another! A binder full of the first names of thankful intercessors was delivered in person to Senator Tim Scott’s office by IFA’s President Dave Kubal, Program Director Kris Kubal, and Legislative Director Camille Solberg on Wednesday. Know that your prayers, your messages, and your action is being noticed on Capitol Hill.

Part of a “day of connection” with Senate offices, the IFA contingent was welcomed warmly in the Senate offices. Senator Scott’s staff  was encouraged by the news that hundreds of thousands of intercessors are regularly praying for not only the Senators but also their staff.  The response that Senator Scott’s office got from phone calls and messages after his speech was surprisingly about 50% negative.  According to Senator Scott’s new book, Opportunity  Knocks, callers to his office have offered hateful and obscene responses to Senator Scott’s office–many comments so vile that could not be printed here. This is the sad reality of the climate of political discourse.  All the more reason for intercessors to be engaging in a positive way with your elected officials.

We connected with the offices of Senator Tim Scott (SC), Senator Ron Johnson (WI), and four other Senate offices on Wednesday. Senate staff are encouraged and strengthened when you reach out to them with encouragement and prayer. Senators who are believers and are standing for biblically-aligned legislation and action are often standing alone–your prayer, support, and exhortation is strategically important.

IFA recently hosted Senator Ron Johnson on our Thursday Pray for America’s Leaders LIVE webcast for a briefing and to pray about the border crisis, and IFA’s relationship to these lawmakers’ and their staff is critical for vital intercessory intelligence.

Keep  sending your messages, calling your representatives, praying for your lawmakers, and taking action. Our intercessory activism is making a difference!

In fact, take a moment and send a message of prayer to your leaders today. Click here to get started. 

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Karen E. Kendrick
May 12, 2021

The exact same reason President Trump has gotten trashed all the years in office and continues.
He had ( has) a big job to do ordained by God.
I know from experience of obeying God in intercession that the enemy entices people to attack you even from family members who are sometimes Christians..and they don’t even know why they are doing it…it comes with the territory…

May 11, 2021

I would like to share a word of encouragement to Senators Tim Scott and Ron Johnson, and their staffs;

I have a daily devotional that I read from every night, it is called “Abraham Lincoln’s Daily Treasure “ edited by Thomas Freiling.

The original “The Believer’s Daily Treasure “ was first published in England in 1852. This was the very devotional book used by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

Thomas Freiling discovered that in 1920, pastor and theologian William Barton interviewed hundreds of people who had known Lincoln, and he collected THOUSANDS of letters, documents and manuscripts about Lincoln. Freiling used William Barton’s work for his research on Lincoln.
Thomas started collecting his favorite Lincoln adages and combined them with reading from the “ Believers Daily Devotional.”
He also credits the writings concerned with Lincoln to authors Edgar DeWitt, William J. Wolf and Dr. G. George Fox, as sources for his research.

I will quote from Freiling’s devotional on page 25:

“With the possible exception of President Washington, Lincoln was the most criticized man who ever held public office in the United States. During the first half of his initial term, there was no epithet that was not applied to him. One newspaper in New York habitually characterized him as “ that hideous baboon at the other end of the Avenue” and declared that “Barnum should buy and exhibit him as a zoological curiosity.” How would you take it if were publicly ridiculed? Not many people were accustomed to it, and not many people could take it. But to Lincoln it mattered little. Why? Because he expected to be criticized. It didn’t surprise him, and because he knew it came with the job he didn’t let it bother him. When you take on a big responsibility, you should expect to be criticized. Get ready for it, and then when it happens, it won’t take you unawares.”

I wanted to share this because I feel this is a piece God’s provision of how to handle the dark and negative effects of how people can trash others verbally.

The scriptures even say in Matthew 24:12, that “because wickedness shall abound the love (agape) of many shall wax cold.”

I for one want to guard against God’s agape love growing cold in my heart because of the wickedness and depravity of this time we live in.

Let’s keep on praying for our brethren who are standing in the front lines in this political landscape! It does have great effect!! God leads us forth continually in victory!

May 11, 2021

We need to pray for Republicans to stand up and speak up with courage, boldness, and conviction! Very few are. We need more voices in Congress, NOW! They are too afraid and the only thing that will “move them” is for us to contact them and politely demand that they fight for our rights and our country!! Too few are silent. Too many are against Trump voters!
I don’t know about you, but I think we are losing our country, fast, and I want my Congressmen to do the right thing!

May 11, 2021

Lord Jesus, I thank You for Sen. Tim Scott. I thank You for his voice in the desert crying out to our nation. This is clearly a message for America to wake up, and to start to put into practice the weapons that are at our disposal- gifts that we have been given by Almighty God. I pray for protection for Sen. Scott and his family. Please give him a continuing spirit of boldness, and keep him sensitive to what Holy Spirit is telling him to say and do. In Jesus’ name I pray.

May 11, 2021

The power of faithful prayer can move mountains!

    May 11, 2021

    I just read the following scripture, Matthew 21:21-22 NIV
    [21] Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. [22] If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

    I thank God for IFA and the power of prayer!!

Jerry E Sauls
May 11, 2021

Thanks to the Leadership and staff of IFA for all that you do to put together the info such as that which you delivered to Senator Tim Scott’s office. Also, I thank God for Senator’s commitment to the Kingdom of God and his courage for openly sharing his views regarding his relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. Blessings upon the people of God around the world. May God’s peace and mercy be upon all who faithfully walk with our Lord and Savior.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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