IFA received this from an intercessor yesterday. We were deeply moved by what this intercessor shared. We hope that you will be too.
First, let me begin by saying that I know what my spiritual gifts are and I know what they are not.
I am not given to prophetic dreams and visions but early this morning ( Shabbat 8/22/20), I had a vivid dream.
I was at a political event where President Trump was to speak. We were outside and I could see him a couple of hundred feet away talking to a small group of people. He looked up and immediately our eyes connected. He motioned me over to him. As I approached him I could see he had on a black dress overcoat and a suit and tie. When I got closer, I could see he was pale and sweating profusely.
As a healthcare professional, I immediately started assessing his appearance. He seemed to know what I was doing and he said, ā Come, follow me. Donāt say anything.ā We went into a building where he asked me to help him remove his overcoat. By now he was sitting in a folding chair and flinched with every movement. At this point, I had grabbed his pulse which was thready and I knew he was in shock.Ā He loosened his tie and asked me to help him remove his suit coat. It was then that I saw the blood. I started to look for a bullet hole in his coat and saw none. I asked, āMr. President, have you been shot?ā He shook his head, no.Ā When I stepped around to his back, I saw his shirt was ripped and shredded and that was the origin of the blood. As I helped him remove the shirt, I was shocked! His back looked like 3-4 inch stab wounds. They were about a half inch deep. They were not random (going in different directions), but rather they were uniform, equidistant, and his back was covered from shoulder to waist.
While they were more than superficial, they looked non- life-threatening and none seemed to be affecting any vital organs.Ā I was trying to assess what could inflict this kind of damage. I quickly ruled out a knife. They looked suspiciously like the machete wounds I had seen many times on the mission field in Haiti and Latin America. AsĀ I started to clean the wounds and figure out what neededĀ suturing, the Lord told me that these were not machete wounds, but wounds from talons–specifically, the large talons of predator birds like vultures. Then the Lord told me, āPresident Trump has been under unusually severe attack this passed week. The attack started with the announcement of the Abraham Accord between Israel and the UAE. The attack steadily grew during the Democratic National Convention, and the death of Robert, his brother, was the final assault.ā The Lord told me, ā President Trump has been granted a ārhinoceros hideā to deflect normal vitriol and lies, but this past week, the Enemy has found a weakness in that hide and has taken advantage of it with ungodly assaults.ā
I asked the Lord, ā What should I do? How can I help?ā He showed me the people who have been praying for the President.
I saw all kinds of prayer groups: Senior citizen centers, school aged kids, college kids, business leaders. I saw police officers, blue collar factory workers.Ā I saw black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans. I saw Jews, Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Amish, Mennonites. I saw bikers, good old rednecks, military men and women, pastors, preachers, Rabbis.
In other words, I saw the fabric of America praying for President Trump.Ā Then the Lord said, āYou must get into lock step, and be shoulder to shoulder in your prayers.Ā You must see yourselves as the army of God, marching as to war. Because this is a war unlike ever planned for a US President to intentionally destroy him and the country he loves.ā
Please, please heed this dream. Do your part, gather your prayer teams, and families. Cover our President day and night with prayers of protection, wisdom, guidance, and direction. President Donald J. Trump has been called for such a time as this … and so have you and I.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Prayers for President Trump and his entire family. God bless our nation and open the eyes of the ones that are blinded by the left right now. Please give us all strength to lift our nation in prayers.šš
This election is very important,we are fighting for the very soul of our country,please everyone vote for this president what have you got to lose.
Was deleting email tonight from a box I don’t regularly use. Got shivers when I read this article. I’ve been praying for our President since he won the nomination the first time.
Several weeks ago a friend and I mentioned to each other that we both had felt the need to pray for what’s going on in the country. We decided to get together once a week to pray until the election and decided to ask 3 others to join us when they could.
Our first prayer meeting was Monday Aug.24…THE MONDAY AFTER THE DREAM IN THE ARTICLE. I don’t think it was a coincidence that we felt this need. We’re praying for our country, President Trump, all elected leaders, the police, for forgiveness and God’s will in the election.
It is time to address the spiritual powers behind the attacks on the president and this country. Satan and his left-leaning, socialist/marxist minions believe they have a fool-proof plan to acquire the political and economic power they have long sought in this country. Their bold attempts to wrestle that power from the hands of the American people this election cycle has been nothing short of astounding. But, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. And the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
The thick veil of deceit laid over this country by leftists in the news media (NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC and certain hosts on FOX), the entertainment industry, academia, political activists, financial interests has contributed to the spiritual darkness, widespread ignorance and fear in the American people. Mix witches casting “spells” with the cowardice, selfishness and greed of our political leaders on both sides of the aisle and our own personal unrepentant sin and we have the kind of mess from which only God can deliver us. Piercing that veil will take Holy Spirit inspired prayers and actions of the American people who see/care about the truth and are willing to fight for their freedom.
Because of the media-induced panic, most of America has been under martial law in one form or another – especially those who are living in democrat run cities or states. Total shutdowns of state and local economies was done for political reasons – not medical. The states which did not shut down completely fared much better healthwise and financially. Inexpensive, readily available, out-patient treatments like hydroxychloroquine+antibiotic-zinc were denigrated by the media and access to it limited by government agencies. Why?? More money in vaccines. People died. The media and these officials have blood on their hands.
The plan is to inflict maximum pain on the American people in the hope they will hold Pres. Trump responsible and vote against him. You see, they understand most people do not go to the polls to vote FOR a particular candidate, they go to vote AGAINST the other guy. They also understand a significant number of Americans believe everything they hear and will vote based something they heard – making no effort whatsoever to determine if what they heard is really true. Hence the 93% negative media coverage of Mr. Trump.
Donald Trump is not the issue. Neither are his tweets, supposed racism, his name calling, his ‘tone’ or anything else some people dislike. His policies of ‘America First’ has stirred up the snake pit of opposition from those who have been working hard to globalize America, neutralize her world-wide influence and strip her thriving middle class of its’ riches/resources while enriching themselves.
Hillary Clinton told Joe Biden not to concede under any circumstances thereby exposing the plan underway to steal the election. If Trump wins election night, democrat run states will keep finding/counting ‘mailed in’ votes until in the end, he loses. Pray God is already moving against the plan to steal the election with His own plan for this nation. We are the country from which the gospel is being preached around the world. If they win, satan and his godless socialist/marxist minions will step up their purge of Christian and conservative voices. Pray God our spiritual leaders will humble themselves under the mighty hand of God, seek the truth, repent of their sins and lead us to repent as well. Pray God will fight for us in the hidden/secret places where powerful God-haters are making decisions that will ultimately hurt America and the American people.
In short, we will either live as free Americans with God-given rights enshrined in our Constitution and protected by the law or we will live as slaves of the atheist democrat socialist state with no God, privileges or rights. Socialism has failed every place it has been tried; spectacularly so in Nazi Germany. Pray God will open the eyes of every American to see truth and vote accordingly.
I am praying about Trump and Biden. I DON’T TRUST either one!!! I don’t Believe anything President Trump says. He is a lier and causes division. Im Praying God’s will be done. I don’t Trust any of them! I put all my trust and confidence in the Lord. We MUST PRAY THAT THE UNITED STATES IS A NATION THAT SEEKS JESUS CHRIST. WE NEED
Hey guys! Did you not know that God has commissioned you to be the one to proclaim liberty to the captives. Remember Jesus read from Issiah 61 and said that it was fulfilled in the synagogue in Nazerth. Do you know that is the Great Commission that Jesus was talking about when He called us to action.
Jesus said you will have tribution in this world but not fear He conquered it for us. He gave His authority to you and the church has blantetely angered God, so are you going to allow the destruction in America to continue or you going to do your job and go out. You have power over diasters and demons and angels, so where in the world are you????? Stand and fight, because I may have to call down judgment on America too. I am the only one who seems to get this- you are his army, you are stronger than the legions of demonic activity in America, you have full authority and the same power as Jesus.
God is calling for action especially now, because in Joe Biden’s presidency Christians and Jews will be slaughtered on day one of his term. Trump has clearly declared his allegiance to God and country. our voice matters now- GO!!! Fight!!! God has declareed His man and now declare His victory in America. Declare the Lord to all and finish what Jesus started.
I sure didn’t get through all 166 of them, nevertheless I am so deeply thankful for at least the 30 or so that I did. Blessings to all and may God truly bless America, her government both state and federal. And may all who serve in government in any capacity, large or small, truly understand with all of their being that they are accountable to Almighty God for their actions. “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.” Psalm 68:1
That is a very powerful comment. I pray for the president often and will continue to do so
Thank you for the information .
Yes we must pray without ceasing.The levels of witchcraft and aincent principalities in play are not something most of us have everseen or had addressed.this is a war like none other.Ask and seek the father,He will show the scriptures you need.I use psalms a lot.David knew how to aggressively route the attacks of the enemy and send their junk back to them.Time to return to sender without regret.the word speaks a lot about witchcraft,esp leviticus.We cannot treat it lightly or be nice.this is war for our nation, our families and the children.Dr olukoya is a good resource.The american church for the most part is woefully ignorant of witchcraft and curses,(derek prince teaches a lot on this) and its enabled the enemy to entrench itself in out schools,universities and Yes,with Mr soetoro in the white house worshipping baphomet.because the church ahd been lulled to google and pass on Dr olukoya and derek prince.Rise Up bride of christ!!!
Oh Heavenly Father: How I lift up our President, Donald Trump, to You for Your protection, guidance, strength, wisdom and rest! He has been assaulted by far too many people, both mentally and verbally. In addition, Satan has used far too many ways to discourage this man. But for You, he would have given up and given in by now. I plead the blood of Jesus over him today and every day. I asked that You arise and Your enemies be scattered and that they begin to attack one another. I pray for our nation for another great awakening. Far too many people have been deceived to believe that abortion is okay, that owning guns should be forbidden, that we need to become a socialist nation and that the government should take care of us!! You are the One who is our Protector, our Provider, our Sustainer in life. We don’t need power-hungry, greedy people in Government to do what You have promised to do for all who believe and receive You. So, Lord, I lift up President Trump to You that You will continue to give Him the resources he needs daily to fight the good fight of faith! I pray this for Your Church, the Army of God, as well as we do the same. In Jesus’ Precious Name, Amen
God, this is our beloved President who is laying his life on the line to save us and our country. The enemy has been assaulting him terribly and directly as well as thru people. Help him Lord. Keep Your wall of protection around him and Your angels with him at all times to fight off the demons. Guard Melania and Barron and the rest of his family in their time of grief over Robertās death. Refresh him and each one of them. Renew his strength and energy and help him to sleep peacefully and get rest.
Speak to Donald in visions and dreams. Give him Your thoughts and wisdom and direction in all matters. Guard his mouth and the meditations of his heart. That he may speak Your words with Your love and anointed with power from You and Your Holy Spirit.
Bless him and family and Cabinet incredibly beyond anything they can imagine. Pour into them much more than they have poured out for us.
Thank You Lord for this wonderful man who has given. God bless him and God bless America.
Thank you for praying for our President Donald J. Trump. God continue to protect the blue lives matter men and women in uniform and the national Guard, Secret Service and security personnel in the USA.
If the body of Christ does not unite together then we will fall. I know there are differences among the body of believers and many who do not like or support Trump but as believers we need to stand together in praying for this nation and our president. We are called to do just that! And honestly, if we had banded together to pray for Obama like we have for Trump there might not be all of the unrest we see now and I am so guilty of not praying for previous administration like I should have. I have believers in my own family that are so against Trump and cannot see the good that he has done and what he has stood up against in the fight for this nation and for religious liberties as well as the unborn and his desire to stop human trafficking. Those issues are HUGE! I have also been praying that if I have a log in my eye in any area of my life for God to remove it! I want to be able to see the truth that GOd has laid before us from all angles and be able to speak that truth in love and power. The most important thing we can do as believers is to not worry about what is coming but to get closer to the Father and make sure our lives are right and that we are where we should be so that when the Holy Spirit tells us to do something or not do something we are so flexible and obedient that we follow and continue to pray! Thank you for sharing this vision.
AMEN-We need You,Lord to come with Your plan for this Nation as we pray for all people to wake up to the devil that is moving through the country and the world.Lord wake every one with what ever it takes to move us back to God in our every day life from work,school and church.Have mercy on us all.
I have been praying every day for this man and his family. Also for his Vice President and family and all government officials and Judges. Bless them with courage, safety, and guidance. Your favor is upon them and I will continue to do so because it will save America for 4 more years. To our Father God and his precious Son Jesus Christ. Amen
I pray the Lord help you see what He is doing to use this President just as God used Obama. The worship of a man is wrong to pray for a man is divine.
Of course I pray for President Trump as I pray for all of our leaders, my mayor my governor etc. I also prayed for President Obama in the same way. Politics is a false religion that tempts us to see your political opponents as less than what they truly are:children of God for whom Christ died. Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the rules and conservatives, capitalist and communist, people of all colors, we are all in equal need of Godās grace and mercy. What I see from people on this site is a personality cult- people who, without any scriptural backing, have elevated Donald Trump to more than just another broken human being, elevating him to be some kind of spiritual leader. He is not. Quit treating his enemies as your enemies and enemies of God. They are not and it is blasphemous to think so.
Abba, our Heavenly Father, makes ways out of the no ways of the enemy, turning to good what the enemy means for evil. All lives matter if you hear Abba’s call to unite and know we are shoulder to shoulder, and NO weapon formed against us cannot prosper, will not prosper in JESUS name!
Pray continually for President Trump. Now I will pray more specifically. Thanks for this post.
Praying for President Trump… for his protection, wisdom and spirit as he comes before the people of America tonight to deliver his commitment to lead us for 4 more years. Thank you Lord for his looking to you to walk with him and your faithfulness to be there. He and we just need to call out, in Jesus mighty name.
No weapon formed against Trump shall prosper!! We have the victory through Jesus Christ and it’s Trump 2020!!
Psalm 108:13 Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies.
We trust in the Lord God Almighty! He will fight for us.
I’m a child of JESUS for over 40 years and at 67 yrs. of age I’ve been pleading with the LORD to let us fight back. Fight the good fight so we will not stand before Him ashamed. We are the army of The most HIGH GOD. Thank you for this message. Be Blessed. In JESUS Name. GOD Bless Donald Trump and his loved ones and GOD Bless the United States of America.
This dream reminds me of a dream I received about President Trump marching alongside high officials down the street. After reading how we need to see ourselves marching shoulder to shoulder with the army of God, I understand more clearly the meaning behind the dream I had. In the dream I had, I heard the word, Solidarity, being spoken. At the time, all I knew was that President Trump was standing on the side of his decision. He had made the decision to stand for what he believed in. This dream came about the same time the riots began breaking out all over our nation. I felt it also represented uniformity & unity. A time of coming into agreement & the people marching down the street together represent being a source of strength! What this intercessor just shared helps to bring it all together. Thank you for sharing & helping even me to bring more clarification to my own dream!
Praying always that the leader God wants to lead America will triumph in glory so that the country can be free to serve God’s purpose and his will and that the ne of the Lord will be glorified in all spheres of administration of America.
In God we trust
Praying daily for our President Trump, wife and family.
Father God,
I ask Your had of protection upon President Trump and his family. Give him godly wisdom in all things. Guide him in the way he should go. My Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done in and through President Trump. In Jesus I pray Amen.
I am praying for President Trump few times a day . Now I am fasting and praying for him for re-election. He is protected by a wall of fire of God around him and Godās Angels are with him all the time. I am praying for him to give Godās wisdom and put words in his mouth which none of his adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict ( Luke 21:15).Amen!
Quite interesting! I’m in God’s Army? Does Pres. Trump need my prayers?, is he under serious attack? YES. This is WWIII and without Trump winning my country is dead – it will Never be the same. I love my country. I can & Will pray daily for him and share & encourage all to vote for Trump.
I pray for my president
I pray for my city
I pray for our governors
And when I do
I get attacked harshly from the spiritual realm because I am alone completely
Yet I canāt contain it
I MUST pray
Lori, you are not alone. Jesus is with you and you are covered by His.
You are covered by His blood.
I have been praying for our President…. I pray against the devil and his cohorts, that they MUST leave Pres. Trump alone and CHRIST FOLLOWERS….
We are covered by the BLOOD of CHRIST JESUS….. NOW AND FOREVER… AMEN āļø
Amen. Thank you for sharing this important vision from the LORD.
Father God, we praise you for this dream. For we know that what we SEE is not all that there is. We prayer warriors and the armies of heaven are following Jesus throughout this land. Your Word is full of recorded victories over the enemy. Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again. We will not give in to fear. We will pray. I pray for President Trump to fix his eyes on Jesus. In weakness he is strong because it is in weakness that he must rely totally upon you and access Your STRENGTH. The Word of God is sharper than a sword. It is able to conquer every attack of the enemy. Shield your servant, Lord. Cover him, Lord. Grant him ministering angels and protecting angels. Help him see that there are more of us with him than against him. In Jesus name, Amen.
I say AMEN to this prayer.āļø
We know Lord that you have placed our president and many within his administration for such a time as this. As in any battle, we become war torn and weary. We all feel those moments of weariness now.
We bow humbly before you Lord and ask for a strengthening unlike anything we have ever had. We need you Lord and we need you to lift us in battle. We need wisdom and knowledge and discernment and guidance in every area of this battle. And we need it daily.
And we need our nation to return to you. We ask that the miraculous would take place – a return to you Lord for our nation. We need you Lord God to help crush the demonic works we see daily. We need you Lord to expose the evil so that even the unsaved see it for what it is and call on your name for help and salvation!!
Bring strength and unity to the people of this land. We don’t deserve Your mercy Lord but we hunger and need it desperately.
Look upon our president with more favor and blessings than ever before. We thank you for his stand for our nation and his commitment to upholding the freedom to openly worship you Lord.
Bless and strengthen the intercessors of our nation and all the people who have called upon your name Lord.
In your holy name we pray. Amen.
Faye Williams says:
August 26, 2020 at 10:38 AM
We are praying for President Trump, his family and trusted advisors. We are praying against the powers and principalities of darkness in the spiritual realm in opposition to Godās purpose for Trumps Presidency. We echo agreement with all the scripture referenced in the preceding posts and are humbled by the hearts of those posting Godly support For our President and our Country.
Jesus / Yeshuaās words:
Matthew 18: 3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
We are to humble ourselves and come to him as little children. Children are innocent, trusting and dependent on parents or those in authority over them. They believe what they are taught and are obedient. When they are not we teach them and discipline them to draw them back into obedience for their benefit. Our Heavenly Father is no different with us. Those he loves he chastens for our good. He writes his word on our hearts that we would not sin against him. He loves us and leads us to spiritual maturity as we are obedient to his word.
Psalms 139: (In itās
entirety) 13. For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my motherās womb. 14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. 15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
President Trump is under increasing spiritual attack in large part for his stand against abortion. The safest place a child should ever be is in itās motherās womb. So many are deceived into believing the lie that it is, āOur Right To Choose.ā Death and Life are inevitable parts of every life. It is not ours to wield even when the life in question is in the womb. We are commanded not to kill. Every life has purpose and is preciousā¦every life matters.
We who belong to the Father are reconciled through the blood of Jesus / Yeshua and are heirs with him. We are the branches, Jesus / Yeshua is the vine and the Father is the husbandman. We are kindom family regardless of our personal human expression of ethnicity. Our Father created us in his image. Regardless of our outward appearance we are spiritual siblings. We are to love one another enough to speak truth in love and mercy forgiving one another as we are forgiven. We are to know one another by our fruit.
Praying that the scales would fall from the eyes of those seeking abortions and those who work in the industry. Soften the hearts of those who donāt see life in the womb as a precious gift. Forgive those who have made this choice because they were deceived and now have come to understanding. Let the one without sin cast the first stone. Pray for the innocent lives of the unborn and children of all ages in the hands of those who would hurt and destroy them.
May God be merciful unto us andā¦
Pray for President Trump!
This is another reason I believe the Church is kept apart from each other by closing our doors. The enemy Hopes to find us out of step, no longer in one accord. No longer focused on Spiritual matters, unity is a key here when the Church prayed as one in days of old the ground shook. The gates of hell can not prevail if we unite as one body/ one Spirit/ One head of the Body the Lord Jesus Christ/mediator/advocate/intercessor. For he is the propitiation for our sins. One can put a thousand to flight, two ten thousand, a Church/Army????
Oh I stinkinā LOVE this!! Just found this website! I
started a prayer warrior group group 8 weeks ago. I know there are so many others all over the world praying for America and president trump, like us. As believers we all have the same gut feeling to ādefendā and to āhold the line.ā I want to defend America and our founding fathers, I want to defend our church, I want to defend innocent children, I want to defend human life, i want to defend our police forces/first responders, I even want to defend our president! At this point I would suit up my armor and go to war for that man! I SO believe the lord is shifting all of our spirits right now (even before all these attacks of 2020) The devil is trying to take out human life, freedom, the church and Christians. Our country/land is dehydrated and groaning, we need revival. We need healing rain from heaven! šš» Blessings to all who will be warring along side me during this time! The shofar has been blown! Weāre suited up and ready for warring in fasting and prayer!
So glad the Lord lead you to this website! It is an incredible blessing. I’ve followed IFA on Facebook for a while now and am really blessed. Even today, I was feeling weak and tired and struggling to pray. I pulled up this page and started praying what others had written. We lean on each other and there is strength in numbers!
Dear JB & South Texas Group,
Prayer Warriors you are! Tears fell when I read “The shofar has been blown! We’re suited up and ready for warring in fasting prayer!” Thank you from this “prayer warrior in Connecticut” for touching my heart with
your words. I shall share it with the “Prayertroopers” that come together each week to pray also. God will
arise and His enemies shall be scattered! (Psalm 68:1) Blessings of the extraordinary kind, Anita Louise
(My name means “graceful warrior” ~ isn’t our God ever so amazing?!)
Oh I love this!! Iām just seeing this months later and am so blessed! Keep on warring, graceful warrior!
I love listening to the sound of a shofar being blown when I start praying! Here are two songs:
āShofar Callā – Trad, Jordi Savall, Montserrat Figueras
āLook upā -Ruth Fazal (anointed violinist)
Dear one in our Lord,
Thank you for you kind words ~ we shall wait upon our Lord with His strength and our
joy, for He shall not disappoint! Keep looking up, He will soon be coming back.
Absolutely so precious to hear from someone in Texas that has a prayer group too.
Blessings to you and yours of His most precious kind, Anita
Oh Lord please protect our president. Call us all to be more faithful to cover him in our prayers. May your angels hover over him and protect him from the evil one and all is demons. Give him courage to keep fighting, give him rest, and may he feel the presence of you and the presence of all the prayers surrounding him. May Christians RISE UP and feverently pray. The feverent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
We are and will continue to pray for President Trump daily.
Our Holy and wholly good God, maker of all things in Heaven and in Earth and including Heaven and Earth I worship and I thank You. I thank you for encouragement, healing, love, salvation, hope, provision and protection. I thank and praise You for allowing America to be a nation in which there has been freedom. Thank You. Thank You for a president who has NOT gone along with the swamp but a free-thinker who is so insightful and caring.
I lift him up to You now my God and my King. I ask that You give him a rhino’s thicker skin. I ask for his healing from demon led individuals bent on destroying him and America. I say to those demons, the Lord God Almighty rebuke you and all of your minions; you must now disengage and return to the abyss which you hate.
And we ask You to heal our President Trump and energize and encourage him to continue his victorious battle. Bless him and his family and those who serve him. Protect them all we pray and give them direction in which to go. We are trusting You, our God and King, Maker of all things for You are the GREAT I AM. Amen and Amen
Heavenly Father we continue to pray President Trump lives a life honoring God and his Kingdom assignment.Ā
We Decree and Declare:Ā
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God.
Matthew 12:35-37 35 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.ā
2 Chronicles 7:14 Ā if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
1 Timothy 2:2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
That President Trump understands the words he speaks are LIFE AND DEATH concerning our nation.
Proverbs 28:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love to talk will have to eat their own words.
Lord God continuesĀ to help President Trump understand he’s an imitator of you.
Ephesians 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
Colossians 3:13 bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.
Help President Trump understand balance as a Warrior of the Lord and a Priest of God.Ā Ephesians 6:10-18 10Ā Finally, be strong in the LordĀ and in his mighty power.Ā 11Ā Put on the full armor of God,Ā so that you can take your stand against the devilās schemes.Ā 12Ā For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,Ā but against the rulers, against the authorities,Ā against the powersĀ of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Ā 13Ā Therefore put on the full armor of God,Ā so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.Ā 14Ā Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,Ā with the breastplate of righteousness in place,Ā 15Ā and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.Ā 16Ā In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,Ā with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.Ā 17Ā Take the helmet of salvationĀ and the sword of the Spirit,Ā which is the word of God.18Ā And pray in the SpiritĀ on all occasionsĀ with all kinds of prayers and requests.Ā With this in mind, be alert and always keep on prayingĀ for all the Lordās people.Ā Ā
1 Peter 2:9-10Ā But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for Godās own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy
President Trump shall submit to your will God and do your works in Jesus name. Thank you God that President Trump will not abort his Kingdom assignment in Jesus name. Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
Decree Psalm 91 for protection and Psalm 18 which King David He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.
President Trump shall give you praise and sing unto you heavenly Father/ABBA. Thank you God that your will shall be done in Jesus name. Amen!
We pray these prayers, decrees and declarations in Jesus name. Amen!
Thank you for that wonderful prayer. It is so full of His Words. Amen and Amen
I pray for the President each morning but I shall include evenings as well. We believe the Lord put President Trump into the Oval Office in 2016. We believe he will win in 2020 but the attacks will not stop. They will get worse.
We must pray what Jesus prayed āFather forgive them for they know not what they doā. It frees his enemies to turn and repent.
Praying Psalm 91 over President Trump that he will dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, where no evil may befall him or his family. Lord you are our refuge and our fortress, in you we fully trust.
Today, the Lord told me, “Pray that the hidden things Trump’s enemies are doing, will come to the surface!” I thought about the Deep State, but the Lord said, “It goes much beyond that. It’s like the tunnels linked to child traffic and sexual abuse that were discovered in NYC. The entire nation is undermined as if by a gigantic structure of tunnels.” In a vision, I saw a highly sophisticated, extremely well organized structure of many corridors with an incredible amount of rooms like offices of different sizes, but all rather small, indicating that an enormous amount of people are working individually or in very small groups below the surface, to push the agenda of the enemy ahead, living double lives, totally hidden from the eyes of the public. President Trump who does what he says and is so transparent, will be shocked to the core when the truth about My enemies comes out. It will be difficult for him to believe that huge numbers of Americans put on a facade behind which they hide themselves and their evil doings. Start with Nancy Pelosi. Many Americans know that she is evil, but they have no idea about any of her treacherous schemes she has been working out behind the scenes. Only Hillary is worse than Pelosi. Pray that all evil she has been doing, be exposed. Proclaim every day that this evil triangle Obama-Hillary – Pelosi be condemned for high treason, and that all the crimes they committed and those they ordered to be committed, be exposed and condemned according to My Justice. Don’t let these snakes escape for they are full of venom. They are the biggest and most dangerous ones. But there are many others. Pray that none escape, but all be caught, so that the entire underground structure of evil be utterly destroyed. When Pelosi falls, many of the others will topple like in a Domino. Strict obedience on your part will be essential, so that the enemy won’t find any opening to destroy you. I understood that, if we don’t eliminate this problem, President Trump will suffer so many wounds that they become fatal. Of course we have to pray for his protection, but the structure of evil has to be blown up and destroyed, for the stabbing to stop. No more venomous snakes!
Amen and amen!!! This is so aligned with my thoughts and prayers too and the things the lord has been placing on my heart. So glad I found this website! So so encouraging!
Yes I hear you ! The Lord has recently had me set up my room and pray while ed I’m crocheting. Praying in 5h ees Spirit and locking in the Spirit with intercessors world wide . I can feel it when I pray. I’m here to tell you the dream I had 15 years ago is about all of this that is happening now and in the end we were prospering like we’d never before . President Trump is going to run second term and America is going to more prosperous than ever !
Lord sound the Trump !
Everything that God has shown me is He is weaving the net for the last harvest and we are the threads in His hands that are part of that net . There is waiting in the weaving and He is strengthening us as an ekklasia that we were meant to be . Declaring Gods government. The royal priesthood shaking the gates of hell and it will not prevail against us . We are the soldiers of Christ.
Carrying the government and speaking and declaring heavens agenda !
Ps 33 ,
Dear God, Today I want to pray Scriptures about courage for President Trump. I pray he will be strong and of good courage, to not fear or be afraid, for You, Lord are the one who goes with him. Lord, we know you will not leave him or forsake him (Deuteronomy 31:6). And we pray, Lord, you will help him fight his battles (2 Chronicles 32:7-8). We pray as he waits on you, Lord, with good courage, You will strengthen his heart (Psalm 27:14). And we pray to be humble and to see our God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help live in joy! (Psalm 69:32). God be with President Trump, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
I will pray more fervently than I have been praying
I have witnessed happenings from all throughout Scripture. Things foretold by the OT prophets and things as described by Jesus. I have seen Jude flood my daily life for the past 3-4 years. I’ve had a “black mirror” held up to me which I can only describe as an unreal invasion of privacy; however, I believe it is found in the book of Daniel 7:7 as the 4th beast which has “iron teeth and bronze claws”. Mirrors were made of bronze in the OT times. It can be likened to an (illegal) technological takeover. When certain technologies can listen in on our homes on a daily basis there is only one way to overcome this and it is by mirroring back to “them” what the word of God states. When there is nobody left to intercede between ourselves and an emerging lawless system….then there is only ONE left who can intercede and that is Jesus, who is the word of God. The spirit of truth.
So you are correct!!! The time is NOW for all Christians to use Ephesians 6:17 “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God.”
Also, this cannot be done if even Christians are not doing the same! We will not have God on our side to fight this if we *participate* in the enemy’s lie!
I do have visions and dreams and I use Scripture daily to discern. Many come from the enemy so I dismiss many. However, the Lord is walking with me through it all and He responds every day. It is a difficult battle because most would not believe. However, I can say for sure I am a “type” of Jerusalem. I know that things of Zechariah have occurred. And just last week I was made aware that things of Joel are coming soon. I have many “strangers” passing through me (visions from whom? I don’t know, but they say things like “Just passing through”)….but Joel 4:17 tells me that “Jerusalem shall be holy and strangers shall pass through her no more.” So I know there is light at the end of this tunnel!
4 horns have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem….so I don’t know where the others are now but I wish I did! He routed me out of the place to where Judah and Jerusalem were sold (this was MT)…so I don’t know where the rest of Judah is. (This can also be found in Joel 4:6!)
My point is, that on this journey, if only I could let others know, who know but don’t know, but to give them hope and assurance, help is on the way! I would not have that vision without a response from the Lord (in Scripture). So I can know for certain I will soon no longer have visions from “those others” – whomever they are.
As an added note, the thing about Joel is that we are told to “Declare this among the nations: proclaim a war, rouse the warriors to arms! Let all the soldiers report and march!” As well as:
“Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak man say, “I am a warrior!”
To “beat your plowshares into swords” is the opposite of what’s been done the last 70 years as is written in Isaiah and Micah. In those books they were to “beat your swords into plowshares” – that is, to use Scripture to deal out your “place” in the world. So we are at complete contrast to what’s been done for this long! This is also why Scripture tells us “they will not hear you”. Because it’s completely counterintuitive to the previous belief system which has worked for many blessings for many years.
Apologies for the long post but I must agree whole-heartedly that the time is NOW to rouse the Christian warriors in this spiritual battle. The number #1 problem is our worldview is upside-down and when Christ returns he will show us that. We’ve been reading, listening, and believing too many deceptions and man-made doctrines and falsehoods for many decades….so when the word of God and it’s truth in the world NOW comes, it will seem completely upside-down to most.
God with us when we start speaking truth – and that means pointing out what is truly happening in the country today. Plagues and earthquakes are all warnings. Those who have dreams and visions, check with Scripture before believing in them. Stay on a regimented course in reading Scripture (i.e., don’t cherry pick)…he will answer on the right day, and the right time. Have patience and keep up the good fight!
Two weeks ago as I was waking up I had a dream/vision of soldier boots marching tight together and I heard “You must learn to march in lock step.” I could hear the sound of marching boots in rhythm and the song Onward Christian Soldiers. This has been my prayer focus since having this encounter. Reading this article is a confirmation to the word I received. Continued prayers for our president Donald J Trump.
Robin – read Joel 4. Take to arms means we use the word of God to combat the lies of the enemy! And please read my post above. Amen to your post!
Lord, I humbly ask that you hear our prayers as we intercede for our President, Donald John Trump. A man that you have blessed us with for such a time as this. FIRST and foremost, I don’t know if he is a born-again believer, so I would first ask: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit”, be with our President, and if he has not acknowledged Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior; that You Lord would WILL him to humble himself before you and that he would say: ” Yes and Amen, I need you Jesus.” and bless him with the wonderful gift of salvation.
Secondly, As in the story of Job, his body in pain, his spirit downcast, feeling alone, his mind mourning, the winds & battles increased, but Job did not sin against you. May President Trump NOT sin against you and say: ” You alone are my rock and my salvation; You are my fortress, I will never be shaken.(Psalm 62). And Lord let him feel unshaken as he puts his trust in You!
Lord, I pray that you give President Trump an extra measure of hope, strength and patience. Lord I humbly ask that you WILL President Trump NOT to sin against you, but to look to You, the author and finisher of his faith for comfort, protection, guidance and for answers to the many vast decisions he must make, which will effect the whole world. Decisions which he will one day be judged by You for making. Raise up allies in other nations that You have chosen as well to be strengthen by the Truth of God to come along side him and encourage him.
Lord I ask that you give him a revelation of Yourself, so that He knows without a shadow of a doubt that You are in Control of the Whole earth, including His Soul. Visit him in his dreams and let him find comfort and joy in your presence. Bless him Lord, as you did Job, and in the latter part of his life give him more than the firstā (Job 42:12, NIV). Let our President see that You are our Elohim, who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Your dominion encompasses all the nations! The battle is Yours not President Trumps. As You have called up your regimen of soldiers here on earth and in heaven to fight for our President, I ask that You Lord will lead our prayers to what Your will is. Let us remember Lord that You have invited us to prayer. Invited us to join You in battle, in Your mission not ours.
When the enemy sees that You are FOR Him and Not against him, let them quake in the fear of our righteous God and then crush your enemy under your feet, by revealing the truth to the World. Restore order to the world, and protect our peacemakers. Destroy the Fake News Media and let them stop feeding lies to the world and causing division. Renew and strengthen Your church with courage and boldness. Replace into leadership of States, Governor who call You God and who will fight for Your Truth.
In Jesus name Lord, Raise up the shields of your believers and your angels and cover Donald John Trump, our President with Your divine protection against the weapons of the enemy, both here on earth and those in the spiritual realm. Don’t let not even one evil plan (no matter how small or large), succeed. Please don’t let one evil spiritual arrow penetrate and hit him, his family, his nation, or us as we raise a voice to heaven and cry: YOU GOD, ARE OUR MIGHTY FORTRESS, YOU GOD- ARE GOD ALONE, SOVEREIGN, JUST AND GOOD. We love you and trust in You. Lead us Lord, for You are King of King and Lord of Lords! To God be the Glory for ever and ever. In Jesus Name. Amen!
For the record, according to James Dobson, (Focus on the Family founder) Pastor Paula White led President Trump to the Lord. Dobson stated this sometime at the beginning of President Trump’s first term, I believe, so this took place in the history prior to James Dobson’s statement.
Paula White is a Spiritual Advisor to our President and has been a faith advisor to him for some years…That is what I am given to understand.
I respect this ” Word ” as real and encourage prayer warriors everywhere to take it seriously ! Amen.
Add on to my previous reply : MANY OF THESE WOUNDS came from so called end times wannbe prophetic types that disagree with Mr Trumps peace efforts in the Middle eastern Region. Remember this !
I woke up this morning and the Holy Spirit was almost shouting at me it seemed, saying they don’t know how powerful and important prayers are don’t take them lightly and pray all that you can and let others know that they need to pray fervently with all thier heart and all the passion you have in you.
In my mind I am to be a warring eagle (fervent intercessor) and God has also given me a passion for politics, prophesy and prayer. The thought of physical or emotional harm done to this president almost causes me to come undone.
We pray daily for the President and have dispatched warring angles to protect him and his family from the on slot. We also have sent protection of the VP Pence and his family and his staff. We stand firm in our commitment to him and this country. We stand strong as part of the Army of God. As warriors as declared in Ephesians. Wake Up My Christian brothers and come out into the light. You cannot fight this battle hiding in a corner be committed to who the Lord has made you. Stand Tall and be Counted. This Nation “ONE NATION UNDER GOD NEEDS YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER”.
Four times the Lord has asked me to do the Esther Fast in the last 3 months. Twice while praying for our country and asking for divine strategy, the Lord has given me 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. In this passage the Lord provides a complete strategy . We are in the brink of judgement. I believe that if we seek the Lord, repent, really repent,, fast, pray, trust Him and believe his prophets we may still have a chance. I pray for President Trump continuously. The Lord put him in the Oval Office and He is using Him to bring our country back to Him.With a heavy heart, I am extending an invitation to all intercessors to the event The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance taking place on 26 September. I am not personally involved with this event or have an interest, but I feel it is a call from the Lord for us to repent and pray as a nation.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank YOU for President Trump. We thank YOU for bringing him to the White House where he serves without even taking a salary!
We ask you to forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ who are forming their opinion of him based on their own understanding, and not on Your Word or by the leading of Your Holy Spirit.
By opposing President Trump they are opposing YOUR choice of President for this country during this period of time–please help them to realize this and to begin to pray for this man who chosen by You is Your willing servant.
President Trump is to America what Sir Winston Churchill was to Great Britain during World War II.
For reasons of their own, some British people disliked Sir Winston, but without his God-given abilities, his amazing leadership and skillful strategies, as well as his mighty prayers, Great Britain would have fallen to the German Reich! I see so many similarities. Pray for President Trump, and be very grateful to GOD for bringing him to the White House. In Jesus Name, Amen.
We also need to pray for Christians who are basing their vote on a dislike of the president rather than the issues at stake. I have been running into this. They are passionate about not wanting him for 4 more years!!! Pray!!!
Yes Donna. those people have been deceived. We need to pray for the Lord to open their eyes and ears to the truth and the Truth is Jesus. I have been praying without ceasing and I am fasting following the Lord’s direction.
Yes, Christians are to support & pray for our leaders that we may lead a peaceful life. There is a clear line drawn between our two presidential candidates, one is for the sanctity of life, the other is not. One supports faith and Christian values our country was founded on, the other does not. One candidate supports Israel, the other does not. Our votes are not for personality but for what policies the candidate stands for. President has achieved so much more for our Country’s good that’s ever been done by past presidents, yet it goes unnoticed. Christian’s must uphold God’s precepts & standards.
Lord, during this season please grant the President the heart of David to take up the battle and to have a heart after your own, the wisdom of Solomon to direct his steps and the tenacity of Jehu to tear down the works of evil.
Thank you! Praying with the army of God on behalf of our President.
I pray that Pres. Trump will continually wear the full armor of God and that we will cover his back with our prayers! The blood of Jesus will heal all his injuries!
We are encouraged to pray! I felt my heart beating rapidly as I read this! God forbid that we donāt hold him up in prayer!
Dear Father God,
Only You can place a thorny hedge around our President and his family and VP Pence and his family. Lord, our President has endured a constant barrage of battering from Satan and the people who are doing Satan’s bidding. May God strengthen our leaders even more and make that hedge even thicker so the fiery darts cannot enter and that he is given strength to continue the work he’s begun with God’s help. Lord we praise you, bless you, and glorify you. Thy will be done. In Jesus’ precious and holy name. AMEN
I read every single prayer and most certainly agree with my Brothers and Sisters all over the world! Thank you for praying for our President and for our Country; it means so much! I will continue to intercede and not stop until we see our enemies crushed; in Jesus Name!!!
Oh Father, I read these prayers and my heart rejoices! I too, pray President Trump and Family and VP Pence and Family will be covered with the Holy Blood of Jesus so that no weapon formed against President Trump, VP Pence, their families and his administration will prosper…praying all weapons won’t ever even reach them. Please generously bless President Trump and all close to him with great health, stamina and vision. May their attitudes be the attitude of Jesus. Oh forgive us our sins Papa, thank YOU for all YOUR blessings and thank YOU for hearing our prayers and acting. How Great Thou Art! Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU! You’re such a good Daddy!
Amen, so agree to continue praying for his, his family, protection. Hedge of protection around him from the enemy’s assault tactics. Divine intervention Lord God. Release Your power, might; call-out intercessors, prayer warriors. ššš
Thank you for your words of prayer, God bless you
What a beautiful word of encouragement this is, I pray every day that the Lord will rise more and more people to pray for the president and this beautiful country that the Lord has blessed us with, thank you for sharing with us, God Bless America!
I a in several groups that regularly pray for our President including IFA and I just joined another one headed up by my church. I know God has clearly told me to do this. I know our God does not disappoint and that HE alone will answer us and hear our cry. I trust Him and join my faith with you. Thank you for all you do to lead the CHARGE!!!!
for four years I’ve been part of a group of 20-30 ordinary women in the Oro
Valley, Arizona area, who’ve met for 19 years for three hours every Monday morning to sing worship songs and declare Scripture as intercession for the lost: family members, neighbor,and friends,cities, states, nations, governmental and church leaders, even our,though we know we aren’t wrestling against flesh and blood,enemies. We mean business with the LORD to see HIM set the captives free and open blind eyes, deaf ears,deceives spirits, self-distorted wills and softened wounded hardened hearts. LORD of Glory, get YOUR Glory in every one of them! Savior, save! Deliverer, deliver! Healer, heal! Redeemer, redeem every one of them for YOUR Victory, in Jesus’ Name!
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would please give our President peace and rest and also, please heal the wounds in his heart resulting from the loss of His brother. Please let him know that he is loved by you and also by the persons throughout the World who are praying! Please bless him richly and encourage him, please also provide those who will help him in the same way that Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses (Exodus 17: 8 – 13). Thank you Father for your love and your patience, I ask these things in Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you would please give our President peace and rest and also, please heal the wounds in his heart resulting from the loss of His brothe.r. Please let him know that he is loved by you and also by the persons throughout the World who are praying! Please bless him richly and encourage him, please also provide those who will help him in the same way that Aaron and Hur held up the arms of Moses (Exodus 17: 8 – 13). Thank you Father for your love and your patience, I ask these things in Jesus’s Name, Amen.
We cry out to you as the lifter of our head, as our defender, as the One who makes a way…
You are the Source of our hope and strength . You alone have all that we need. We ask that President Trump see the truth of who you are in the battles he is facing.
Please comfort President Trump in his loss. You are the One who comforts us in trouble .
You promise that we are never alone when we are yours. Please help him to be sure of his salvation .
As you helped Israel when Moses had his hands lifted up by Aaron and Hur please fight in this battle as we lift up the hands of President Trump.
May he know that you are at work as he seeks you and trusts in the power of your name.
Please strengthen him to stand in truth.
All of my family and church is standing with Trump and you in prayer.
We will win this war with Gods help.
Thank you for sharing this, we will see the manifestation of our prayers coming forth not just in this election but in this movement.
That is a beautiful āright onā prayer. A prayer that I will pray on a daily basis. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for sharing this dream. We all need to work together to see this urgent prayer come to fruition.
Dear Lord Jesus, You said that if we ask anything in your name, You will do it. Pour out the balm of Gilead over our President’s wounds. Cauterize the strength-sapping assaults of the enemy, strengthen President Trump in the inner man, and raise up Your army to formerly unattainable heights of prayer, perseverance, and stamina to defeat the enemy’s camp. You can make a way where there is no way. Your arm is not too short. You created all things. Captain of the Host, lead us to victory by praying the prayers that are on Your heart, led by Holy Spirit. Give us the decrees to stop the “forever loser” in his tracks. We pour out the precious shed blood of the Lamb over President Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, the President’s Cabinet and all his administration, and their families, as a covering that will quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Lord we ask You to send holy angelic help to the White House, including warring angels, ministering angels, and angels of Your presence to guide, protect, and minister to our God-given President and his faithful staff. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Amen! I agree with every word in Jesus name!
Thank you for sharing this dream! Praying for the POTUS everyday šš»šš»šš»
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You on behalf of President Trump. Since he’s been in office, he has been bullied, lied about and persecuted. I ask in Your name that this will cease. I ask in Your name for protection for President Trump and his family, in addition to Vice President Pence and his family. Please give these men strength, courage and wisdom, and please intercede on the upcoming election. We desperately need Your help, God. Please help the President, and help us as we pray for him.
Father God you are the Almighty and I praise you, I stand in agreement with this army of warriors for President Donald Trump I call for the mighty angels of God to protect him I plead the blood of Jesus over him day and night, that he will finish your assignment in victory for your glory Lord God Almighty!in Jesus name amen!
I stand with you in agreement for our President Trump and his family!
AMEN! I read all the prayers below and stand in agreement with these powerful Holy Spirit filled prayers for our President. God will always have the last laugh!! We can also start thanking the LORD for our prayers as we have already left them at the altar.
Heavenly Father, we pray for protection, wisdom, grace and mercy for our president for our country, and our brothers and sisters to be diligent in prayer. In Jesus name
This is an encouraging word for prayers and intercessors. I have been moved to encourage our Pastor to call an assembly of God’s people for prayer for our President and our Nation, but the ministry of the watchmen is not received in our church. The Lord showed me several years ago as I stood in the sanctuary of our church praying that “the enemies of God’s people are many, but our eyes are on You, Lord. The battle we fight is not one of flesh, but from Satan. God has given to us His Word, His Blood and His Spirit and I have been led to teach on these weapons of warfare in our church. God’s people need to be equipped and learn how to do battle not from their own thinking, but words that spring from The Word of God.There is the call of God to do a study on prayer and intercession, but a part of me has been discouraged because of lack of interest or desire. Please pray that I will know how to move forward.
Praying for you and your church.
They will be awakened and see God’s Truth in this area.
God Bless.
We bind the spirit of discouragement now!š
God’s Word does not return void. Continue standing strong in the Lord, in prayer, and speaking the truth in love. God hears your every word and delights in you. Light dispels darkness, if even one person is enlightened your efforts are worth it. And if no one hears, your efforts are still not in vain! I am encouraged by you, thank you.
Father as we have prayed for President Trump already, we declare Psalm 91 protection over him and his family!
Father I pray protection over his mind, let him hear only the Voice of the Lord! He is your Trumpet Father,
Surround him with your presence oh God! In Jesus mighty name! Your Will be done oon earth as it is in Heaven!
Father God,
Please comfort our President. Heal the wounds. Refresh and restore his spirit as only You can. Send ministering angels to help him. Surround him with the wall of fire of Your Presence. Show him so many people appreciate what he is doing because he loves this country, and we stand with him. Grant him peace of heart and peace of mind that is beyond understanding. Cover him with the blood of the Lamb of God.
Nullify every trick, scheme, plot, strategy and attack of our enemy against President Trump.
We declare and decree defeat to all his enemies. Renew President Trumpās courage and strength. Grant him complete victory in every plan and purpose of Your divine will.
Praise You almighty God who can do all this and even more than we ask in the name of Jesus.
We come together with you and pray the blood of Yeshua Hamashea over the President and his family- that liars would be silenced and those who seek to destroy him will be silenced and rendered useless. We also pray for salvation for the enemies of the President and for the president. Amen
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking President Trump and our nation. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name, Amen.
Certainly an encouraging word, something I really needed to hear in such a negative world. Yes, I have been covering our President with daily prayer. I believe God has chosen this President for such a time as this. Lord, please continue to protect Pres. Trump and give him guidance and direction. Gird his loins and be with him where ever he goes. In Jesus name, Amen!
Blessings to all on Intercessors For America where we can pray together, share our thoughts and encourage one another, united in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
My Father,
I believe you hand picked, annointed, and chose Donald Trump to be our President long before he considered running for office. I believe that Your hand is upon him and that he is covered in The Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I decree a hedge of protection around him and any evil intention to harm him or the First Family is already cursed to the root and will never succeed, but will continue to be reversed and used for his highest good. Never has there been a duly elected president so spitefully disrespected, harshly criticized or deceitfully lied about, but I am decreeing in Jesus’s Name that President Trump’s landslide victory in this upcoming election in November will be like none other in the history of America!
He will be vindicated!!!
I believe God is saying His Vindication is at hand for all those who have suffered by the enemy’s hand..there will be a turnaround!!!
Praying for president Trump for God to give him wisdom and put His words in his mouth. Guide him and protect him. Let the enemy be destroyed
Praying, praying and praying that I will be a strong link in the Lord’s army and praying for the protection of our president,the upcoming election, the future of our children,the preservation of the liberties afforded to us by the Constitution,and an end to the ungodly abortion of our unborn. Lord help us to see our sinfulness through your eyes.
This vision has moved me greatly. I pray every day for President Trump and I also pray every Monday morning specifically for him. Everyone needs to continually pray for the President and a fair Election. I believe the people of this country are crying out for this president and our country and way of life require him to lead us back to God. Amen.
Wow!! What a vision! I am praying in agreement with every single prayer and I will continue to pray for Donald J Trump as he fights this evil. Stunning!
Amen and amen. We come against these evil wicked forces that is being used by people to kill, devour , destroy our nation and our freedoms. We come against them in prayer and standing on the bible. His words of truth we use against the enemy. Isaiah 54:17,second chronicles 7:14. We pray hedge of protection over president Donald Trump, his family, vice president Mike pence his family all the brothers and sisters working in the gov. Not by might not by power but my the spirit says our lord.
Well, I’d love to think that God speaks through prophecies and dreams today, but I don’t — generally speaking. However, your request to pray for the president is anything but unreasonable or unscriptural. Rest assured I do and continue to do so.
We are praying regularly. Thank you for your insight! God bless you and God bless America and President Trump!
Thank you for sharing your dream. The President needs our FIRM support in prayer backing.
When you look at the life of President Trump, you will see a life that has been prepared for this time. The Lord has had him in mind for many many years.
President Trump was also very wise in choosing Pence as his running mate. That was also a God Move. (Note: It will also be great to watch this God servant debate Kamala Harris).
The Russian Collusion, the Impeachment situation, the Fake News, COVID, and now all of this violence and lawlessness has been used by the enemy for evil, but what the enemy has meant for evil, God will turn around for Good! And now, our President has lost his brother. All of this pain is only making President Trump stronger and more determined. God has been shining His light on him continually. This man has been a continual threat because he has been attacking and revealing the darkness. The darkness does NOT like it and has been fighting and revealing itself to the American people and the world.
Donald Trump speaks his mind and is like a Gen. George Patton type of personality in the White House. He is a winner. God has made him a winner and he uplifts God and is trusting Him.
He has been divinely placed in this position at this time, so his army of prayer warriors, led by God Almighty, must take their positions and fight in every way that the Lord directs them! We are at war! We must not lay down our arms. GOD is President Trump’s Commander in Chief! We are blessed to be in God’s army!
AMEN!! THIS IS ON POINT! GOD IS TRUMP’S AND OUR COMMANDER IN CHIEF WHAT A BLESSING TO BE A PART OF THE ARMY OF THE LIVING GOD! LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED! HALLELUYAH TO JEHOVAH NISSI-The Lord OUR Banner,ā who is unifying HIS followers and rallying His troops in battle. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Amen Amen Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!
In Total agreement with every word!!!!!!!!
Bless you and Bless the author of this article and ifa for sharing it..
I thought he looked a little different around the eyes when I watched him on fox last night and I felt it had to do with his brother especially and his brother was defending him against his niece and sister who are attacking him right now.
There was also a word of prophecy through Jeremiah Johnson that ” as he was running his race , he fell down at the end but 2 elderly women ( baby boomers) came out of the crowd ( 1 on a walker..the other on a cane I believe, and they reached down and picked him up and helped him over the finish line…so Jeremiah Johnson believes its the baby boomers that will get him over the finish line( and I am sure all who are interceding for him…
Lord God, all things are possible with You. Please protect our nation, our president and all those who stand for Truth and Righteousness. Lord, May we repent as a nation and find reconciliation in You. May we walk in the power of Your Holy Spirit, standing firm on Your Word and in the Power of Christ! Renew our strength and give us clarity and discernment for the tasks You have placed before us. Thank You for Your Goodness, Faithfulness and Mercy! You are a Good Father! May we exalt Your Name on high proclaiming Your gospel of hope through Faith in Jesus Christ! Thank you, Lord Jesus for salvation and eternal life with You! We love You and we entrust all that we are to You! In Your Name we pray
This is THAT!!!
Lord, I cover President Trump with the Blood of Jesus Christ, so that no weapon performed against him will prosper. May every area and even pinhole size cracks be covered. Let him feel your presence and peace. Also May prayers of intercession from all intercessors be covering him at all times and overlapping. Thank you Lord for the privilege of prayers and for Our President that You Placed in office.
Amen to what Linda G prayed and on the prayer call I was on this morning my prayer included that the Rhinoceros hide he has been given will become even tougher and that it be tough underneath him as well, making sure he covered ALL over with tough flesh, in Jesus’ name.
To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is my humble prayer that you will join with me in prayer that the Lord God, God of All Universe will turn the Democratic Party mail-in vote counsel into foolishness! IN Jesus-Yeshua’s name! Amen!
I pray Psalm 140 (KJV) often for the President and all our brethren and families who work for him and with him. I just read Psalm 112 and it declares the victory he has in God…Very uplifting!
As many have said, we are in the greatest battle ever for the soul of our Country.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I lift and break every curse, every evil prayer,hex and vex, rite and ritual sent to President Donald J. Trump and his family and return the evil to those who send such things, sevenfold, according to Psalm 79:12 in the hope that theses enemies of righteousness repent and be saved. Amen.
Thank you for sharing this dream with us. Lord, please continue to put Your hedge of protection around President Trump. We thank and praise You, knowing that nothing is too difficult for Thee. Please continue to bless his administration. Pour out Holy Spirit wisdom upon him, and all people involved in the Trump administration. We thank You and praise You in advance for all that You plan to do through President Trump and his administration. In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.
Father God, Lord Jesus please wrap your loving arm around President Trump. Please place your nail-scared hands on each wound.
Comfort and encourage as only you can.
Strengthen the President and Your army to persevere.
Let Your Truth keep marching on. Let your Glory fill the heavens and earth.
Let everything thrown at Your will for this nation boomerang on the enemy.
Oh GOD of heaven please continue to give President Donald John Trump protection against the evil ones attacks. Help him see YOU and and the army praying for him everyday and keep his eyes focused on YOU the author and perfecter of his faith. Hebrews 12:2-3 In Jesus name, which is the name above all names. Amen
Every day, every minute apply the Blood over President Trump! Pray supernatural strength and energy. Put the armor of God on him. COme on, Christians, this is a battle and our weapons are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Don’t be complacent! We are on the Lord’s side and His truth is marching on! Glory! Hallelujah!
I Believe we are the army of God standing with the angels commissioned to abide in Him and in His word. Pray scripture!!!
Lord, we are at war right now. This is a spiritual war and we know it! We know we are called to be an army of righteousness and we take our places on the battle field together in prayer, fighting in the spirit realm with our warfare words. We take authority over the demonic and we say, you are a defeated foe, we look you right in the face and we say you were defeated on the cross and we send you to the pit of hell because the blood of Jesus covers us and we are the ecclesia! A people who stand in the victory of the cross. So because of our place, we can decree and declare that you must go in Jesus name. In your place we put Jesus Christ, we lift Him up as the victor. The Lamb of God the Prince of Peace and we stand with our victor in the earth right now in Jesus name. We cover our country in protection against everything that wants to destroy her!
Our Father thank you for confirming your word to us that the battle is the Lordās and we have won. Judah has gone first and the enemy is
self-destructing. Our president and our country are saved. Rejoice now and receive our peace and wholeness. ShoutHallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Our God reigns. His name is Jesus. Amen
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name thank You for Your Holy Spirit working in the lives of Your people so they become Christian soldiers in the battle of good vs. evil. Thank You for the privilege of coming to You in prayer as we cannot bear our burdens alone. Thank You for protecting, strengthening President Trump amidst the unrelenting attacks of powers of darkness. I claim for President Trump, all the Triune God’s people around the world, and all prayer Intercessors His promise in Isaiah 40:31–“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” “They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Thank You Lord for guiding the leadership of so many who planned a stellar Republican Convention. The speakers and speeches last night were exceptional. So encouraging after all the bad news and upheaval in America at this time. Thank You for Your promises and constant care. Praise, honor, glory. Amen
Sunday night at prayer I felt the Lord was dispatching legions of Angels to protect Gods people and clear the atmosphere from demonic hinderances that keep our prayers from being answered! Reference Dan.10
Father God in Jesus name protect with Your powerful angels our President, Vice Pres., and their families from the vicious attacts of the enemy. I ask that you shield them. I ask for the counsels of heaven, and the wisdom and strategies necessary to keep them safe and strong. I decree no weapon fromed against them will prosper in Jesus name. Amen!
The prayerful army is here behind our President, Vice President and their families. God, please give them also the support of all the angels and good beings in heaven to surround them with Godās protection!
Godās will be done! Goodness will win out! Keep praying, our God is listening! ššššš
I have been getting this exact same word! This morning in our 3rd 40 day FB live prayer vigil, I shared a word from Cindy MgGill about the new thing which included us being the army, called for such a time. I urge you to check out Give Him 15 post for today, Aug.25. Powerful word.
Yes..I read the same post answer from God as I had just been talking to Him about the last 5 years for both my daughter and I being so difficult with my health and $ both and her co-workers on her job and am getting so worn out and said to God maybe this is like another time in my life of so many trials for another 5 years but then a ” new beginning” came…
Then I saw the Cindy McGill article on DUTCH Sheets ” give Him 15″ and that’s what it was saying…
God was saying “a new beginning” for my daughter and I personally and for the church and USA….
So upliftingš
You’re mentioning it I believe is a confirmation
Thank you š
My husband and U have started to prayer walk art 5pm in a park in the County seat in our county. There is a mom of 4 children walking and praying in the same County. She prays at 6:30 to 7:30. My prayer team prays daily in the morning. The Lord showed me this morning that they ate not only planning to march Sept 17 in DC and attack White House but also where every they marched before. My prayer team prayed I saw Trumpets being blown and I heard the song Blow the trumpet in Zion on my Holy mountain. Our prayer team prays on wed for Government. Tuesday is usually children. Donald Trump is Gods child. Thank you for your dream. We win
I am encouraged by your comment! I am also encouraged by the 24/7 prayer groups and prayer phone calls that are going on as I’ve never seen in my 64 years anything like this before! But, just to hear that there are those who are walking their neighborhoods and praying is so encouraging to me! I remember one time a couple years ago a violent storm came up suddenly on my way home. I live near the interstate and as I came over the overpass approaching my street, I saw a group of people standing on the side of the road. The leader dressed in white, the rest in black. Just standing there in the storm! As I thought about it, I realized these were witches! I contacted my sister who lives next door and told her what I saw, and we both prayed. If the enemy can send out his army to pray in our communities then we must counter that wicked attack!! You have inspired me to go back to taking walks in my neighborhood and pray over our communities! Thank you for being in the fight! God Bless You and God Bless our President and America!!
EVERYTHING that happens in the USA,whether good or bad, quickly makes its way to Europe. and then to the rest of the world. So in our prayers, lets keep in mind that the decisions taken in the US and, especially, who the American people will vote into office, will affect the nations all around the globe. It’s amazing! That’s probably the reason why the Lord called me, a European living in the tiny country of Portugal, to intercede every day for President Trump. Friends of mine from other European nations and many from Asia volunteered to join God’s army for the same purpose. So when you go to sleep, we on this side of the globe start our prayer watch. The American intercessors are not alone! The entire world desperately needs this great man to be reelected. It was fervent, persistent prayer that made it possible for him to be elected against all odds. Let us join forces and unanimously push back the forces of darkness, order that all evil will be exposed – accused – judged – and condemned according to God’s justice, and declare that the perfect will of God be done in the US, i.e. a second mandate for President Trump! May all American believers vote and vote values, remembering that each believer who does not vote for his/her values, promotes the candidate who opposes these values!Lord, have President Trump gain the favor of all who love You. Put into his mouth the right words to convince the electorate that they have to vote values, for the good of themselves, their nation, generations to come, and the nations around the globe! May everybody understand that voting is not only a right, but the duty of each citizen. It is God’s will for Trump to be reelected. Please don’t fail in doing your part. I speak and pray utmost success in all of President Trump’s endevours as the Lord leads. May all of his enemies be put to shame! Let them reap all they sowed against God’s appointed one, pressed down, shaken together and running over. None of their evil plans nor any weapon formed against President Trump will prosper! Let us agree in an overwhelming majority for Trump in the upcoming elections! Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered!
Thank you so much for praying for our elections. It is encouraging to me that you and others around the world are praying for President Trumpās re-election. It is a very important election and it needs to be covered in prayer. I thank God for all my brothers and sisters around the world.
The Lord spoke the following to me on August 21: āPray like one who is in authority and gives orders! Pick up that sword of yours and cut those demons that are blocking, hindering, opposing, into pieces! You have authority in the US and in Brazil, too, because the heads of state there are your brothers, right? You are all of My Bloodline, for I bought you with My Blood! The same way the Portuguese satanists asked reinforcement from Brazilian satanists, and they came and took authority over Portugal and worked much havoc, because their lord is the same and they all had made a blood covenant with satan, walk in the authority of My Authority in the US and in Brazil, and, of course, over all of Portugal! Declare and proclaim, then have the other intercessors repeat after you in order for you all to speak the same and agree. Encourage them to speak with a voice of command, like a general commands his army. The witchdoctors do that. They declare and proclaim curses to put the powers of darkness to function. Should those who are bought by My Blood, who have the highest power of the universe at their disposition, do less? I made you kings and priests in My Kingdom, and seated you together with Me on the Throne, for you to reign in life. That means that you impose My Will on the earth. You are not beggars, but kings to be in charge and give orders. This implies that you have to oblige the devil and all of his army to retreat. For this to happen, the Lion of Judah in you has to roar, attack and crumble each and every force that tries to usurp the territory I gave to you. Be like lambs one to another, but like savage lions in the spiritual jungle! In the animal world, all tremble with fear when a lion roars, and all flee panic stricken. Your prayers have to be like that, to the point that the devil and all of his army be terrified and flee in panic.ā I answered,āLord, I thought I was doing already what You just said.ā He said,āOnly in certain subjects. Hear from Heaven in all subjects. As soon as you know My Will in any subject, impose My will!ā We know that it is God’s will for President Trump to be reelected and for the United Ststes to become one nation under God again. So I want to encourage my brothers and sisters to roar like ferocious lions in intercession, trample the enemy under our feet and cut him into pieces, take the authority given to us and impose the will of God over the US!
Thank you so much for your post to let us here in the USA know you are praying for us strengthens us and empowers us as we are all in this fight together for the world!
Again thank you and God Bless you all from Portugal and around the world…
Satan will lose!!!
God bless you, Christa, and those prayer warriors in other countries praying! God hears & He will answer in a Mighty show of His great power! So thankful to agree with you all in prayer!
God hears each of your prayers!
He is not deaf.
He hears the loud prayers, the quiet prayers, the bold prayers, the weak prayers, and the strong prayers!
The bowls in Heaven are over flowing with a sweet fragrance. His anointing is being released as the prayers continue to fall at His feet.
What seems impossible to man, is possible with God.
He is exposing the corruption, and the agenda of the enemy. He is raising up strong men and women to stand strong and fight for what is right. What you see in the natural is not what you see in the super natural. God is greater than America’s problem. Trust your King, He cares deeply about America and His redemption shall continue.Yes, the boat may rock, God also calmed the stormed because He cares.
He is moving on behalf of America. He stands ready, available, and completely able.
Even now he is raising up an army that is engaging with tall warrior angels. Angels are fighting too, Angels are every where , no enemy wins when angels are fighting in our midst!
Keep pleading the blood of Jesus over our President ,every form of government , every meeting …under the blood of Jesus the enemies hands are tied , his agenda destroyed .
Continue to declare and decree what God is able to do, not what the enemy is doing.
Father, please forgive this nation for killing babies! Forgive us for creating idols and turning our backs on you, Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Thank-you for what you are accomplishing at the Republican Convention and for moving on behalf of America!
Rest in His abundant peace! Lydia Miller
Heavenly Father in the name of your beloved son Jesus raised before you President Donald J Trump giving thanks for his life, for his call in your kingdom and for the fulfillment of your will in and through him for the glory of your Holy Name … Father we thank you for placing them in the seat of government in these times and for your will to be fulfilled in this nation and over the nations of the earth, thank you Father for having raised it up with the anointing of King Cyrus and he has come to unleash the loins of kings and help Israel in your Prophetic and Eternal plans over your beloved people … thank you Father for the abundance of Peace in his heart and in his whole house and above all, we thank you for your protection over him. on his children, on his wife and on everything that has his name, no weapon forged against him will prosper and he who conspires against him will do it without you Lord and before you will fall and we condemn every tongue that stands up in judgment and you my God will spill your salvation and your justice because that is the inheritance of your children …. thank you Father because just as the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a powerful sign of a pact between your people and your my God I declare that this blood covers the palace of government, making a fence of divine protection and marking the territory as Holy because there is ruling the man you chose to take the reins of this great nation which you created from before the foundation of the world … Lord, I declare that The President Trump is immersed in the power of your Blood and that blood cleanses him and protects him from all the enemy’s fiery darts … thank you Lord that you surround him like a shield
For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. Psalm 5:12
Thanks so much.
Thanks for your encouraging comment.
Thanks for the encouraging comment.
Dear Lord please send confusion into the enemyās camp. Give the President strength to stand for the truth. Draw him closer to you and hide him in the cleft of the Rock Jesus. I join my prayers with others who seek You in truth and pray for this country to turn back to God with a spirit of repentance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen
Thanks for your encouragement. We are BUCKLING UP OUR FOR MORE SERIOUS PRAYERS AS YOUR ELECTION APPROACHES. Please pray for more to join us, since there no distance in prayers. Thanks
I know dozens of people in my circle of family and friends that are praying for President Trump. There are times one can sense the burden he is under, especially if one is aware of the attacks that are directed toward him through the media. God has placed Donald Trump in this position “for such a times as this” as He did Queen Esther (4:14). Thank God for this man and his family. It is obvious that we must keep him in our prayers daily in order for him to stand up against that which he is going through. Ladies and gentlemen, that is our role as fellow members of the Body of Christ. Father, help us not to faint in this responsibility that has been placed upon each of us. Amen!
Thank you Lord our God for spiritual vision, Father God Donald J Trump is called of you and “NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST HIM SHALL PROSPER” we your people a Holy Nation come together in Jesus name, to stand with our President hear our prayer, and encamp your angles around him and his family and all his staff, the enemy can only do what you allow, Father give peace in the mist of all the demonic activity; I pray in Jesus mighty Name. Amen
This dream needs to be taken SERIOUSLY by every child of God. I am from Nigeria, Africa. Nigerian Christians are PRAYING AND FASTING FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES BECAUSE WE REALIZED THAT HE IS DANGER. AMERICAN CHRISTIANS MUST WAKE UP TO SERIOUS PRAYERS AND FASTING. Thanks for sharing this dream.
Thank you Nigerian Christians. We American Christians appreciate our brothers and sisters in Nigeria and look forward to the day we will meet you. Just one more thing to look forward too….but for now much work remains to be done.
ABBA, we thank you for a all the people all around the globe who are interceeding for our president 24/7.
They see our president as HOPE in the midst of great darkness. They love our president. May we be encouraged and strengthened by their prayers. May we increase our praying, decrees for Donald John Trump. Gal6:9.
Now is not the time to get weary.
We overcome by the blood of Jeshua and the word of our testimony and love not our lives unto death.
Shalom y’all
Thank you for praying for our President!
We pray for your country too!
God Bless you!
Praise God!Thank You heavenly Father for, and greatly bless, the prayer warriors in Nigeria that are joining us in this battle to protect freedom. Dear Lord, please open the eyes of the people all over America to understand that re-electing President Trump is what is good for us as well as people all over the world. Deliver those that have been captured by the deceptive lies of the enemy and bring us together in unity. As Manasseh has pointed out, dear Father, help us in America to wake up to and get really SERIOUS in PRAYER and FASTING for the protection of President Trump and the freedom of our country. Help us to not grow weary or faint, but, to get even more serious as the election approaches. Continue to bring more soldiers to fight with us as we battle for freedom. And thank You dear Father that there are more for us than against us. Protect President Trump from every evil coming against him both physically and spiritually. Cover him with the blood of Jesus and the refuge of Your protective wings. Be his shield and protective banner, his healer, his stronghold, the horn of his salvation. Break up, push back, tear down, and defeat all the evil coming against him, this country, and people all over the world. In Jesus Mighty Name I ask.
Lord, You know the end from the beginning, and You have had a plan since before the foundation of the world, and you completed Your works then, and now we see Your work in the midst of time as it passes. And now we join with You and one another in agreement together together. Holy Spirit, You guide us into all truth, guide the president and our leaders. And we know that those who oppose… “just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, but they will not make further progress, because their folly will become known, just as also that of those two came to be.” Lord, work Your wonder in the earth, and exalt the name and cross of Your son Jesus so our faith will not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God!
Encouraging word from the Lord?
Really? Rah, rah, hoot, hawk, cheer you on, etc.
What ever happened to UNSPEAKABLE power? Whatever happened to rip that kapporeth off? Are we such COWARDS all we can do is pray?
Prosecute them. Demand it from the deadbeat d.c.criminal “govt”.
I will not join the goodship lollipop.
Nobody gets it. HE IS HOLY, and they are NOT.
I continue to pray to the God of Hezekiah. I see this as unfinished business there. The job WASNT COMPLETED. Read it.
My Joycie and I love the Lord and our president, and we are praying for him, and will respond to every call to prayer. The Lord ever lives to intercede for us, and we link arms with Him and agree with the Spirit of the Lord in His continual prayer, for His kingdom and will and good purpose… Righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!
Lord Jesus! As a soldier in Your mighty army. I march in step with You, locking shields with other Believers praying for Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven! We ask that You move powerfully in our Presidentās life, that he would sense and know Your strength, comfort and peace that is only found in Your presence. Encourage him daily that You are for him and for America and not against! Continue to unify Your Church for such a time as this to be one voice bringing about Your purposes here on the earth for Your glory, honor and praise!
Yes, Irene Amen! I especially agree that His Church needs to be UNITED in prayer for our president right now.
Almighty God and loving Father, thank you for our President Trump, and guard his heart and person from the fiery darts of the enemy. Show Him Your great and tender love for him. Give him clarity on who is good and who is evil, on what is true and what is a lie. Comfort him and give him a deep sense of your everpresence with him in these days when he must carry out his mission to serve and preserve our nation without his brother by his side. Encourage his heart and give him renewed vision and great wisdom for this immense work you have called him to, and gather close about him all those who are strong in You and the power of Your might and spirit. Let signs , miracles and wonders follow them, that all may know that You are God! Give him rest and renewed energy and sustained courage and confidence in You. Show him that You are with him, leading, guiding and protecting him, and giving him the words to speak that will turn hearts unto the truth and away from political lies and deceptions. Help him to draw near to you, and to draw sustenance from You. I pray that First Lady Melania would be a true helpmate to him now, and that she may lighten his heart and find great fulfillment in her role. Protect all the Trump family and destroy anything intended for evil toward them, in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus. AMEN.
Amen. Wonderful thoughtful and insightful prayer.
Lord Jesus thank you for such encouraging direction from you. Lord, please cover President Trump with your mighty hands, grace and your blood. That no weapon form against him will prosper. In your precious name I pray, amen
Lord Jesus we ask humbly that Your Name be glorified in the person that you have placed in the government.
Your plans are just , perfect and timely , Youāre still at the throne for America .