I Prayed have prayed
Lord we know that everything is Yours and what You support is Your people having a spirit of gratitude. Help us to be cheerful givers and grateful receivers.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Jesus confronted the money-changers and challenged believers to give to the needy. But, would he support socialism?

Increasingly, Americans think he would. In fact, a recent Barna poll found that more Americans think Jesus would prefer socialism (24%) than those who believe he would prefer capitalism (14%). The other 62% responded neither or not sure, but the poll still reveals a disturbing trend.


Last Saturday, Micah Conkling, a Christian writer and podcaster, argued on my radio program that socialism is the political and economic system that best fulfills the Golden Rule. Not surprisingly, Conkling is a Millennial, the most pro-socialist generation America has ever known. According to a recent Reason-Rupe survey, 53% of Americans under 30 view socialism favorably, compared to less than a third of Americans over 30. Similarly, Gallup found that 69% of those under 30 said they would be willing to vote for a socialist presidential candidate.

I understand why Millennials are wary of the current system. They’ve witnessed a consistently declining economy; one of the most partisan eras in American history; the fall of the twin towers; and a war predicated on weapons of mass destruction that were never found. I agree with them that our political system desperately needs reform. But, socialism is not the answer. Though it may sound compassionate and Christian, it’s actually antithetical to everything Christianity teaches.

Here’s why:

1. Socialism is Based on a Materialistic Worldview

According to socialists like Bernie Sanders, the greatest problem in the world is the unequal distribution of wealth.

His website declares: “The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time.”

This betrays a fundamentally materialistic worldview, which is the basis of socialism.

To socialists, all that really exists is the material world. In fact, Karl Marx, the father of socialism/communism, invented the notion of dialectical materialism — the belief that matter contains a creative power within itself. This enabled Marx to eliminate the need for a creator, essentially erasing the existence of anything non-material.

To socialists, suffering is caused by the unequal distribution of stuff — and salvation is achieved by the re-distribution of stuff. There’s no acknowledgment of spiritual issues. There’s just an assumption that if everyone is given equal stuff, all the problems in society will somehow dissolve.

This worldview contradicts Christianity, which affirms the existence of both a material and a non-material world — and teaches that mankind’s greatest problems are spiritual. The Bible says the cause of suffering is sin and salvation is found in the cross of Christ, which liberates us from sin. Because of sin, though, there will always be inequalities in wealth. As the parable of the talents shows, those with good character tend to accumulate more; those with bad character may lose everything they have. Yet, even if we are unable to accumulate wealth, Christianity teaches that we can still have an abundant life. That’s because our quality of life is not determined by how much stuff we have, but by our relationship to Christ.

2. Socialism Punishes Virtue

Socialists want to distribute wealth to individuals according to their need, regardless of virtue.

As Karl Marx, famously said, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

However, whenever any institution provides aid, it runs the risk of removing God-designed rewards and consequences. It can punish those who are industrious by making them pay for those who are not. And, it can reward those who aren’t industrious by giving them the fruits of another man’s labor. This is precisely what socialism does.

Interestingly, Marx mooched off others his whole life, and failed to provide for his wife and children.

As Aristotle once noted, “Men start revolutionary changes for reasons connected with their private lives.”

The Bible teaches that aid should be tied to responsibility. First, anyone who refuses to work should be refused aid.

As 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

Next, no one should be given aid whose family can provide for him. In fact, the Apostle Paul said that a man who fails to provide for his family is “worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Tim. 5:8) The church also required widows receiving aid to have “a reputation of good works.” (1 Tim. 5:10) So, even in dispensing aid, the church rewarded virtue and discouraged vice. Unfortunately, socialism does just the opposite.

3. Socialism Endorses Stealing

Barack Obama once defended his socialist policies to a little girl by saying, “We’ve got to make sure that people who have more money help the people who have less money. If you had a whole pizza, and your friend had no pizza, would you give him a slice?”

That sounds pretty Christian, right? What Christian wouldn’t endorse sharing your abundance with someone who has nothing? However, Obama wasn’t endorsing people voluntarily sharing their wealth with others; he was endorsing the government forcibly taking a piece of the pie from one person and giving it to someone else. Put another way, that’s saying that if you have three cars and your neighbor has none, the government has a right to take your car and give it to your neighbor. That’s not Christian; that’s stealing!

But, socialists don’t believe in private property. And, some Christian socialists actually assert that the Bible doesn’t either. That’s preposterous.

Both the Old Testament and New Testament unequivocally affirm private property. We can’t even obey the eighth commandment to not steal, unless we accept the notion of private ownership. Nor, can we steward our money as the Bible commands if the state owns our money, not us. So, for an economic and political system to be Christian, it must protect private ownership and allow individuals freedom to allocate their resources according to their conscience. . .

To socialists, what Bernie describes is a utopia. But, to Christians, it’s a dystopia. That’s because there’s nothing Christian about socialism — and there’s absolutely no way Jesus would ever support it.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by Julie Roys.)

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samir sardana
April 14, 2020


He blew apart Moses and Abraham

Ist he blew Moses.dindooohindoo

For the law was given by Moses but grace and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ,

The above verse means that the law of Moises was THE LETTER and not the SPIRIT and so,was NOT to be followed. This is Pure Heresy,as per the Talmud – as the Oral law is to be strictly followed as per the Talmud and the Quran.

No man hath heard God at any time. (John 1:17-18 and John 5:37 + 61)

Then who did MOSES HEAR ? Was it the devil or the morning star ? Whose voice did Abraham hear in the BURNING BUSH ?

Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. (John 6:32)


Why did Moses give the FALSE BREAD ? Did Moses get conned by the devil ?



Darlene Estlow
March 6, 2020

Jesus often taught in his parables about rich men who used their money as they saw fit. There was no condemnation of riches. It didn’t work with the first settlers of our country. They finally gave it up and went to a more capalist system. I recently read how the UK, India, and Israel went from socialism to capatilism because it was destroying their economy. Father, open the eyes of the young to see the destruction of nations when they embrace socialism.

Jackie Prentiss
March 6, 2020

No Jesus would NOT support this foolishness. If a man don’t work neither should he eat. That’s the problem of the demoncrats “hand outs”& we have raised a bunch of entitlement lazy bums. Free isn’t free. Think (a rarity) about it who’s going to pay for it? Money has to come from somewhere! Where🤷 All they see is free. Check out Venezuela or Cuba. Use your cellphone that (your parent’s pay for) or (free) obamanation phone. Christian’s wake up. (Micah Conkling, a Christian writer and podcaster,) Conkling not sure where you are getting your info from but SOCIALISM IS NOT A PART OF THE GOLDEN RULE! May be your golden rule but if a man doesn’t work neither should he eat. And putting “Christian” on your title doesn’t make you a Christ follower. Otherwise you would know that socialist party ISN’T a good idea. I’m older & I definitely don’t want to experience what Cubans or Venezuelan has been through. Apparently you guys don’t think. WHETE IS THE $$ COMING FROM? Sanders is rich he’s talking crap about taking from rich. Those people worked for their money.

Jimmy B Shackle
March 6, 2020

I don’t think I trust the results of Micah Conklings poll numbers. Don’t know how the poll was conducted. We are outgoing socially engaged people, especially among fellow Christians. The overwhelming number of people we talk to are very anti socialist. Even people who, in their past have had liberal leanings appear to be awakening to the reality that socialism does not work. You quickly run out of Peters to pay Paul. Try attending a Trump Rally, & tell me that young people lean toward socialism. Great rebuttal! Enjoyed the article.

Clarice Hawkins
March 6, 2020

We are not to resubmit to slavery for Christ payed the price for our freedom. May or youth be taught the truth of God’s Word. The freedom to choose our actions and the consequences of those choices.


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