I Prayed have prayed
We say Hallelujah to You Lord, heaven comes to fight for me! You are victorious!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

(From IFA Staff: I feel like someone needs to hear this song today. Whatever battle you are fighting, God is there in the middle of the storm!)



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Letitia Hale
November 14, 2020

Thanks be to Yah! 😇

Carolyn Windle
November 13, 2020

Praise God for all things, for brillant red oramental maples and brillant orange 40 ft high maples near my carport in the bright sun early in the morning just before the two days of rain. I will never forget them! They never were so perfect in showing their beauty. Just think how glorious the Lord Jesus Christ must look if the things of this earth are so spectacular. For God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are radiant, deeply loving and rich in kindness. They are mighty, powerful and creator of the universe. He is Holy, perfect and pure. He is our provider, our Redeemer, the Light of the World, The Bread of Life, oh, so worthy of praise. Oh, so worthy of praise. He is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Alpha, Omaga, the Beginning and End. He is the Commander of Heavens Army and he is victorious. He shall win the battle against our enemies. They are nothing in the face of our King, all mighty and powerful! And He is the giver of royal gifts of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Him forever and ever and ever. Amen

November 12, 2020

May our voice ring in the chambers of heaven and release the victory God has declared for each of us and our nation. Hallelujah.

Charlie Paine
November 12, 2020

powerful.thank you for posting. I needed to hear that today. so wonderful to see all those young people praising Lord and shouting out for victory!

November 12, 2020

Thank you for posting…This will now be the video I listen to as I pray in the morning…standing in faith for victory over our nation…that truth will prevail in our elections, that we will go forward in freedom with the kingdom purposes of God and His goodness…both for us and the nations of the world.

Gary Fortney
November 12, 2020

Amen! The King is alive!

Pam Deaton
November 12, 2020

Lord I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.

    Ken Laurion
    November 12, 2020

    Amen. Such refreshing peace that we can pour out to God the honesty of our struggles. He knows. Just as doctors can treat the wound or illness when you tell them all the symptoms and complications, God can grow our faith when we pour out to Him our doubts or obstructions.

November 12, 2020

Thank you Lord that You, Jesus, are alive in the midst of this storm. Thank youJesus, that Donald Trump’s Presidency is alive and well. Thank You Jesus that you have marshaled Your army for such a time as this and the battle belongs to You, the host of heaven’s army. The victory belongs to the Lord. Hallelujah! We shout a hallelujah.

November 12, 2020

HALLELUJAH!!! Praise you most Holy One!! You are our life, comfort, and hope. HALLELUJAH!! You are there in the midst of all our storms. Thank you for removing the giants of fear and unbelief. You are in control. there is nothing or anyone greater than You.

November 12, 2020

[…] of a song that came out of Bethel during a time they were in a very personal battle.  It is called “Raise a Hallelujah.” I highly recommend you click the link and listen to it today!  It will encourage your […]

Peter Johnston
August 16, 2020

Agree! Happen to have watched it for the first time on Thursday in my office and wept. Have shared personally with a number of friends since. Definitely timely and powerful!

August 16, 2020

There is power in praise. The best part of returning to in-person church is the corporate worship. “God inhabits the praise of his people.”Satan has done a number on the church by prohibiting their assembly. Precautions can be taken but we need to return to gathering together and availing ourselves of the weapon of praise. Thank you for the reminder of truth via this song.

August 16, 2020

No weapon formed against us shall prosper

Sharon Adams
August 29, 2019

Father God, Thank You for reminding us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through You for the pulling down of strongholds. Praise is one of the weapons You have given us to overcome the unbelief satanic forces bring into our circumstances. Thank You for putting mighty songs of praise into our hearts when we feel overwhelmed by the onslaught of evil that constantly seeks to destroy us. Help us to come together in unity, one voice with a mighty earth shaking shout of hallelujah to You, our Father, our salvation, our joy, our peace, our victory. We give You glory, honor, we bless Your Name in all of heaven and earth…there is none like You, O Lord!!! We worship You in Your beauty and holiness and thank You for sending heaven to fight on our behalf!! Thank You, thank You! Glory Hallelujah! Bless You, O Lord our God! In the name of Yeshua.

August 28, 2019

Kevin Carr says:
March 19, 2019 at 6:45 AM
Brothers and Sisters: PRAYER works! We are so weak in this discipline. May our LORD and Savior forgive us when we don’t make time for Him. Also, may He teach us as He did His apostles so many years ago. We are so easily prone to forget what really matters in life. Remember our Lord’s words when He performed the first Lord’s Supper (Passover) when He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” Why did He say this? Right, because we are so prone to forget! As His child, He loves to hear our praise, our prayer requests for others and above all, to worship and magnify His Holy Name. Amen.

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Tom says:
August 28, 2019 at 4:23 PM
Our God I pray you will be at work in US to truly realize what Kevin is saying is a true understanding of your word! Which you have repeated many times! Like: Exhort one another daily as long as it is called today lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin! Which goes with James 5:16 about confessing our sins to one another that we may be healed! For it appears we only get the prayers of a righteous man that avails much; when we are righteous enough to pray for each other instead of only our self! But we are acting like addicts who refuse the truth of their addiction; no matter how many times they continue to be shown what is true how about the horrible results of their addiction! And so we continue to repeat the same mistakes we see Israel continues to do even today! Like approving of all kinds of ungodliness in their society! Like not just accepting homosexuality but actually promoting it! It is only by your grace do we have the sense to do 2nd Chronicles 7:14

August 28, 2019

Our God I pray you will be at work in US to truly realize what Kevin is saying is a true understanding of your word! Which you have repeated many times! Like: Exhort one another daily as long as it is called today lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin! Which goes with James 5:16 about confessing our sins to one another that we may be healed! For it appears we only get the prayers of a righteous man that avails much; when we are righteous enough to pray for each other instead of only our self! But we are acting like addicts who refuse the truth of their addiction; no matter how many times they continue to be shown what is true how about the horrible results of their addiction! And so we continue to repeat the same mistakes we see Israel continues to do even today! Like approving of all kinds of ungodliness in their society! Like not just accepting homosexuality but actually promoting it! It is only by your grace do we have the sense to do 2nd Chronicles 7:14

Deborah Stevens
August 27, 2019

Amen! Love this song! Praise elevates & lifts us higher, above & over whatever we are facing! Gives us the ability to overcome what is trying to overcome us or others we are praying about! H A L L E L U J A H!!

    Paula Richards
    August 27, 2019


    Madeleine K Stromberg
    August 27, 2019

    Listening to the lyrics of this song, the Lord showed me a picture of a battering ram pounding down the institution of abortion. His name (Bam), His name (Bam) is victory. All praise (Bam) will rise (Bam) to Christ our King..He will have the victory. PRAYING FOR LIFE.

      Deborah Stevens
      August 30, 2019

      Wow! That’s quite a visual! Another way of carrying praise with us everywhere we go. Thanks for sharing, for that’s exactly what praise does! It knocks down whatever is in our way & takes us into our place of victory! Amazing! Blessings to you!

June 20, 2019

I LOVE this song… It is prayer as well as worship!!! It releases Truth in darkness by aligning with the Throne Room of God and releases LIFE!!!

Linda Guilfoyle
June 13, 2019

God is our Victory!

Maria Walker
March 19, 2019

Praises, Praise , Praises I love to sing to the King!! Who is this King? His Name is JESUS!!!! So I say Body of Christ let us stand up against the wiles of the devil not with fear, anger or bitterness in our hearts when we look around and see what the enemy has or is planning!! But with songs of praise and a heart full thanksgiving let us remember and rejoice in the ONE who gave His All for us!!! And He Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body!!!! So no matter what remember Acts 17:28 In Him we live, move and have our being!! Praise and Prayer, Praise and Prayer!!! Glory to God!!!!

    Judy Beavers
    March 19, 2019

    We had to Raise a Halleujah in the face of fear and unbelief March 5 for my great granddaughter. She was 11 months old and had tonsillectomy. 1 week into recovery she was dying from blood hemorrhaging. 911 called and she on route. God stopped the bleeding. Not the dr. Not man but God. She celebrated 1 year birthday last Thursday.

      Maria Walker
      March 19, 2019

      Dear Judy thank you for letting me know what happened in your family!! To God be the Glory for healing your great granddaughter and being able to celebrate her first birthday!! I rejoice with you Judy!!!!

      Judy McDonough
      March 19, 2019

      Judy, thank you for sharing this incredible testimony. God is awesome! It’s so encouraging to hear the wonderful things He does.

Kevin Carr
March 19, 2019

Brothers and Sisters: PRAYER works! We are so weak in this discipline. May our LORD and Savior forgive us when we don’t make time for Him. Also, may He teach us as He did His apostles so many years ago. We are so easily prone to forget what really matters in life. Remember our Lord’s words when He performed the first Lord’s Supper (Passover) when He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” Why did He say this? Right, because we are so prone to forget! As His child, He loves to hear our praise, our prayer requests for others and above all, to worship and magnify His Holy Name. Amen.

    August 28, 2019

    Our God I pray you will be at work in US to truly realize what Kevin is saying is a true understanding of your word! Which you have repeated many times! Like: Exhort one another daily as long as it is called today lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin! Which goes with James 5:16 about confessing our sins to one another that we may be healed! For it appears we only get the prayers of a righteous man that avails much; when we are righteous enough to pray for each other instead of only our self! But we are acting like addicts who refuse the truth of their addiction; no matter how many times they continue to be shown what is true how about the horrible results of their addiction! And so we continue to repeat the same mistakes we see Israel continues to do even today! Like approving of all kinds of ungodliness in their society! Like not just accepting homosexuality but actually promoting it! It is only by your grace do we have the sense to do 2nd Chronicles 7:14


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