I Prayed have prayed
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December 28 marks the most significant date in my life. On this date in 1969 I was born again and began the adventure of a fresh start in life.

Previously I was spiritually lost as a drummer for the Cleveland rock group, The Lost Souls. We’re not in the “Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame” but Joe Walsh and the James Gang, Phil Keaggy and Glass Harp, Alice Cooper, the Outsiders and Eric Carmen were all locals as I departed the music scene with my new found freedom in Christ.

The Bible speaks of a Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25 and 27) every 50 years signifying the opportunity to start over, be liberated from enslavement andĀ gain economic blessing. Itā€™s what Jesus declared upon launching His ministry (Lk. 4:18-19) and what Iā€™m celebrating five decades after He “brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9).

Fasting is a great spiritual discipline to begin in 2020. IFA encourages everyone to fast on the first Friday of every month, and join our First Friday Prayer Conference Call. To help with fasting, we are offering a booklet by David Kubal FREE. Just tell us where to mail it. Click below.

The early Christian colonists put a passage from Leviticus 25 on the Liberty Bell: ā€œProclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof…ā€ (v.10). They intended to lay hold of Godā€™s promises in the New World and enjoy liberty and prosperity as Godā€™s covenant-keeping people.

As Naomi had lost hope for her future and family described in the Book of Ruth, she entered a Jubilee year of renewed blessings, returned to her roots, was reunited with her family and enjoyed a wonderful inheritance instead of horrible hardship.

Entering 2020 are you ready to have a fresh start and experience some Jubilee Year blessings I’m honored to share with you and your family? Do you desire fruitfulness and yearn for a breakthrough? Have you learned the lessons God intended from mistakes and setbacks to now ā€œset your face like a flintā€ to experience more of the abundant life by faith and obedience in the year ahead?

Celebrating my 50th Year of Jubilee knowing ā€œIt is more blessed to give than to receiveā€(Acts 20:35), let me encourage you with four gifts in the form of inspirational exhortations, helpful recommendations and some practical resources. Reflecting on the goodness of God in my life over fifty years, itā€™s a privilege to pass along these blessings to you.


ā€œFor God is not the author of confusion but of peaceā€¦ Let all things be done decently and in orderā€ (1 Cor.14:33, 40).

Starting the new year is an excellent opportunity to make necessary changes to live a more peaceful life. Determine to overcome the tyranny of the urgent, set priorities and declutter. Remind yourself regularly with this mantra: ā€œLess clutter ā€“ more calm.ā€

Months ago I devoted a number of days to clearing out accumulated clutter in my study and itā€™s made all the difference in the world! Whether it’s your kitchen, closets, a desk, your study or garage, don’t procrastinate any longer but tackle the task.

Let the Good Shepherd guide you in recalibrating your life for less stress.Ā  Be motivated by ā€œPsalm 23 Antithesisā€ by M. Hornok:

ā€œThe clock is my dictator, I shall not rest. It makes me lie down only when exhausted. It leads me to deep depression. It hounds my soul. It leads me in circles of frenzy for activityā€™s sake. Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done. For my ideal is with me. Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me. They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule. They anoint my head with migraines. My in-basket overflows. Surely fatigue and time pressure shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the bounds of frustration forever.ā€

Not a description of you anymore. Go for it!


ā€œDo you not know that all those who run in a race run, but one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain itā€ (1 Cor.9:24).

For the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom, itā€™s important we stay committed to personal growth. Let me offer you the gift of encouragement to do something radical: set aside some special time apart to evaluate areas of your life and ask God what He might have you do differently.Ā Give yourself permission to do what Jesus told his disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while” (Mk. 6:31).

Are you long overdue to take a day off for solitude and silence to simply hear God’s still small voice for your life?

Make sure in your areas of growth you include your health! Our “body is a temple of the Holy Spirit … therefore glorify God in your bodyā€¦ ” (1Cor.6:19-20). God wants us to live long and have maximum impact by temple maintenance!

John Wesley and George Whitfield were Christian leaders in the 1700’s. George neglected his health while John was devoted to it. George died at 58. John lived till 88. The latter had 30 more years of fruitful ministry.

Dr. Oz shared a recent study of over 190,000 people showing we can reduce dementia risk by 60% irrespective of genetic background simply by making five basic lifestyle changes: Ā 1. Healthy food choices and portion control. 2. Regular exercise. 3. Engagement in cognitively stimulating activities. 4. Avoiding tobacco exposure. 5. Moderate alcohol intake.


ā€œFor we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, so that we should walk in themā€ (Eph.2:10).

Make a quality decision that you will be intentional like Jesus in 2020 ā€œto seek and to save that which was lostā€ (Lk.19:10). Not only is there ā€œmore joy in heaven over one sinner who repentsā€ (Lk.15:7), but youā€™ll experience ā€œjoy unspeakableā€ by proactively sharing your faith consistently, relationally, naturally and enjoyably.

Iā€™m a Christian today because an inner-city black brother gave me a ride when my car broke down, invited me to his church service and gave me a leaflet that God used to draw me to Himself.

“Loving Lifestyle Evangelism” is a series ofĀ  videos to equip and inspire you and grow your confidence in sharing your faith.


ā€œBe wise in the way you act toward outsiders; MAKE THE MOST OF EVERY OPPORTUNITY. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW HOW TO ANSWER EVERYONEā€ (Col. 4:5-6). [emphasis mine]

Deception abounds in our culture. Biblical illiteracy is rampant. News commentators, celebrities, sports figures and politicians propagandize unsuspecting masses. ā€œBy smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naĆÆve people” (Rom.16:18b).

It’s time for Christians to rise to the occasion to counter the lies by winsomely and confidently communicating truth! Visit IFA’s HeadlinePrayer.org to stay informed about the news Christians need to pray about.

Ā Those who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse ofĀ  heaven, and those who turn the many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever (Dan. 12:3).

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs,Ā Intercessors for AmericaĀ board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book,Ā BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (seeĀ www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcastĀ here.

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Justin Grounds
March 22, 2020

Standing together we can make 2020 a Year Of Jubilee for all. This is what we should call for because of the ongoing crisis that direly affects us all. If ever there was a year for Jubilee, this is it.
Please share my survey and petition, thank you.

Ken Budz
January 2, 2020

Lord help me to be wise courageous and strong in this new year. Help me to approach others with encouraging words. Help me to show Your Light and Your joy. You are my Father and I am Your son, help me to live as Your son. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

January 2, 2020

Yes. I also am celebrating my jubilee this year as I was born July 12,1969 and have been claiming all my jubilee rights and declaring everything lost, stolen or forfeited returned and restored especially the salvation of my entire household and restoration of finances.

Tracy McConnell
January 2, 2020

Thank you for posting this. What a great way to approach 2020.
Father God- I thank you for Larry and for guidance provided by your Word as we start 2020. As a body of Believers and citizens of this country, we need to strengthen ourselves and each other in faith and commitment to you. It is only through You and the guidance of your Holy Spirit that we can combat the enemy and forces that seek to destroy our faith and our country. Guide us to speak your Word in truth and love to bring others to Christ. Grant us wisdom to face challenges or unrighteousness with your Word in action and prayer. May your Truth be heard and change the hearts of unbelievers everywhere. In Jesus name I pray- Amen.

ted bjorem
January 2, 2020

Yes, yes ,yes, thanks for verbalizing this so well.

will be praying about when how much,
I also fast from chocolate and when people ask why I say it’s for my persecuted brothers and sisters – unless offered in friendship where refusal might offend.

January 1, 2020

This encourages me so much! Thank You Larry for sharing!
I needed a little advice and encouragement to get me started.
Thank You Lord that YOU will never leave me! YOU are an Awesome GOD!šŸ™

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