I Prayed have prayed
Father in heaven, with Your love for justice in mind, we ask that you guide the hearts and minds of the United States Supreme Court according to your will and wisdom.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Supreme Court of the United States needs our continued prayers. Not only because they are deciding whether to hear a critical case about the federal mandates that required military personnel to take the COVID-19 vaccine but also because they have a slate full of weighty cases as they return from winter break.

Their caseload includes:

  • the issue of whether the First Amendment protects social media platforms’ handling of user content;
  • a lawsuit restricting access to the abortion drug mifepristone;
  • the question of whether or not bump stock devices are considered machine guns and whether the Biden administration ATF bypassed Congress to ban them;
  • the issue of whether a government regulator threatening entities like the NRA with regulatory actions for doing business with a controversial speaker — allegedly because of the government’s own hostility to that speaker’s viewpoint — violates the First Amendment;
  • the issue of whether a court of appeals correctly determined that the indictments in three cases stemming from the January 6 Capitol Hill events permissibly included a charge of corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding, based on each petitioner’s violent conduct on that date.

These cases potentially have far-reaching effects on free speech, gun rights, government powers, abortion, social media censorship, and government overreach.

They reflect our increasingly complex world in which law is slow to catch up to issues created by technology, rapidly evolving demographic diversity, social and economic tensions, and politically tinted interpretations of constitutional law.

The Supreme Court was established at the 1787 Constitutional Convention under Section One of Article Three of the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, the 1st United States Congress established its organization and legal parameters. The Supreme Court decides on the constitutional validity of rulings issued by lower courts and disputes between citizens and states, between states themselves, and between citizens and the federal government.

With the U.S. population at over 333 million and ethnic and political divisions deepening, pressures on the Supreme Court have risen sharply. Of the 7,000 cases presented annually, it is able to hear and rule on no more than 100. The court has also come under increased criticism for allegedly having too much power, overstepping its boundaries, ruling too slowly, and letting political ideology color its rulings.

Because the court is essential to the checks-and-balances system built into our government, and because its rulings have such widespread impact on our lives as citizens, the justices need our prayers more than ever.

They must have wisdom and insight beyond human limits to interpret the Constitution and evaluate the merit of increasingly complex and volatile lawsuits — and all the more given that our Constitution is based on biblical principles.

Scripture exhorts us to pray for divine wisdom:

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him (James 1:5).

Perhaps we don’t know where our current justices stand in their relationship with God. Nor do we know whether they make this their daily prayer, but we can do so on their behalf.

Here are some suggestions for prayer on behalf of SCOTUS and its justices:

  1. Pray that they hear what God wants them to hear when oral arguments are presented.
  2. Pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit in their chambers as they decide which cases to hear and consider rulings.
  3. Pray that they seek God’s wisdom to justly, wisely, and accurately formulate their rulings and opinions.
  4. Pray that the Holy Spirit guides their thinking so they may safeguard the biblical roots of our Constitution and the application of each of its articles and amendments to case law.
  5. Pray for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of the justices and their families, and for protection against anyone who wishes to do them harm:
    – Chief Justice John G. Roberts
    – Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
    – Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito
    – Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
    – Associate Justice Elena Kagan
    – Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch
    – Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh
    – Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett
    – Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

Believe with me that God is deeply interested in their salvation and personal relationship with Him, as well as with their thought process regarding American law, and that He wants to guide them according to His will and kingdom purposes. He is calling intercessors to stand watch over the Supreme Court and to pray according to His will.

Please post your prayer for the Supreme Court in the comments below.

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo credit: Supreme Court.

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Grant Windholz
January 7, 2024

Oh Lord, please guide the Supreme Court to always continue to uphold the truth and respect for this country experiencing big time spiritual warfare! The wisdom of God Almighty is the only way to battle the demons in this country 🙏!!

January 7, 2024

May You rule here and may Your sovereign will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Mary. Riggins
January 7, 2024

Father God, my heart and spirit are heavy with the weight of what is happening in our country. We have strayed so far from what our forefathers prayerfully established for this country.
They experienced many things that are happening today; oppressive government and many of the issues that are driven by selfish desires and desire for power and control.
I pray that individually and nationally we will return to YOU being the center of all things in this nation. These are desperate times and desperate times need desperate people. I cry out to you Father God! Lead us and guide us by the Holy Spirit in all things we do, say, and pray.
Once again, let us return to the judicial system that was established by our forefathers. Those who sought Your guidance and then followed it when writing the Constitution of the United States of America.

George Leaf
January 7, 2024

Father God, I join my voice in prayer united in unity of purpose for these upstanding citizens of our nation. Selected from the our jurists as the very best of the best. Protect them from harm, give them vigor, health, and peace of mind. Give unto them the understanding of the men of Issachar who had understanding of the times and knew what their nation Israel out to do. Make plain to them the hidden agendas of those standing before them. Give them clarity, and direction in establishment, correction, and annulment of laws entrusted to their judgement. Amen

Barbara Betz
January 6, 2024

Father God we thank You for Your Divine Wisdom and petition You Holy Spirit to speak clearly to the Justices. Praying that they may seek You and become born-again followers of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit please permeate their consciousness with Your Holiness. Father please deliver them from evil. May they not fear mankind but rather live fearlessly, in The Power of Your Might. Holy Spirit please keep us Your People in tune with You. Start with me personally Father in Jesus Name Amen.

Belynda Asta
January 6, 2024

I pray that God shows up for and with our SCOTUS justices. Amen

January 6, 2024

I seriously believe that the outcomes of the elections in the year 2024, both at local and national levels are likely, no matter all the pressing issues, to be decided by the abortion issue. Unless the Lord intervenes the pro-abortionist are going to turn out enmass and vote in candidates at ever level who will support abortion–just look at what has recently happened in recent elections, and the left slanted talk and news show, and the large acceptance by the left wing candidates.

We must pray for God to intervene, for the church to humble itself and pray diligently and we need revival in this land of the USA.

John Masbaum

Brian Lynch
January 6, 2024

I fervently cry out to you, Heavenly Father. Please guide and direct SCOTUS throughout the year 2024. Give them Your wisdom and direction in all of their actions. Give all of the Justices ears to hear the promptings of Holy Spirit. Right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray a covering of protection over each person involved in any way with SCOTUS. I pray that everyone in SCOTUS would seek Your guidance in all that they do. Please, put a hedge of protection around each and everyone who is involved with SCOTUS. Thank You, Jesus.

Pamela Derrer
January 6, 2024

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for all these people ❤️ that were chosen to be Justices.
May Jesus strengthen them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
May they NOT lean on their own understanding, but in all their ways, acknowledge God, and you will direct their decisions. And their Decisions bring glory and honor to You, and come under the authority of God.
Praying for God’s will to be done in the US.
May the US return to our pledge allegiance, under God, one a nation under God’s authority, grace, and wisdom. May we, as a nation, cry out to God, day and night, and give God no rest.
Protect these Justices . May the joy of the Lord fill them to overflowing b. And may God reveal Himself to everyone on the earth. In Jesus’s name Amen

Mary Beth
January 6, 2024

Yes, Remco – I stand with you in agreement. Holy Spirit, please draw and convict each one of our justices, that they may come to salvation in Yeshua, if they have not yet done so. And bring them into alignment with your Word, will and purposes for our nation.

January 6, 2024

I pray for not only the Supreme Court but also our country to return to “One Nation Under God”. We have an administration who appears to have no respect for us citizens, so I pray for a government who believes in one God and our Savior His son Jesus Christ., that all people are created equal , our border is protected, that God created us as male and female, and the rights of our citizens to not be taken away by a corrupt government., pornography does not belong in our schools and that our Lord will guide us each day through these times , the protection of Mike Johnson as he brings hope to us Christians as we fight against Satan and the lives of the unborn., that the education system teach our children the subjects they need to grow into men and women who will respect one another as humans and not by color or religion and that they will have the education they deserve in order to be independent and have the skills they need to be of value in the workplace based on their capabilities and dedication .
Our country has been devastated by the present administration ; destruction beginning his first day in office and it is time to take it back. I have never seen so much hatred in our world.

Janice D Jones
January 6, 2024

I Pray that the supreme court justices, rule, according to our constitution, not what one political party wants so that they can gain more power over the other party. We are a sovereign nation, the United States of America. A democratic REPUBLIC! We must continue to maintain the Electoral College, maintain ELECTION INTEGRITY. Further, Past President Donald J Trump did not cause any insurrection. Most of the rebel rousers were FBI & other instigators hired by the left liberals, according to my understand. I want to maintain OUR AMERICAN FREEDOMS, our CONSTITUTION, our BILL OF RIGHTS, our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Please your Honors, we must keep in tact our Laws and the Rule of law. Thank you.


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