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Father God, we pray for true justice in our communities and nation. Help us understand and live what YOU mean by justice.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Prepare yourself to defend the truth against the greatest worldview threat of our generation. In recent years, a set of ideas rooted in postmodernism and neo-Marxist critical theory have merged into a comprehensive worldview. Labeled “social justice” by its advocates, it has radically redefined the popular understanding of justice. It purports to value equality and diversity and to champion the cause of the oppressed. It is characterized by its:

  • obsession with power, oppression, and victimization. It sees a world divided between evil oppressors and innocent victims in a zero-sum power struggle.
  • fixation on race, gender, and sexual orientation as defining characteristics of personal identity.
  • hostility toward Judeo-Christian beliefs about marriage, family, and sexuality.

Like a snowball rolling down a mountainside, it has gained incredible momentum in the broader culture. The cultural critic Wesley Yang calls it “the successor ideology” to the older Judeo-Christian worldview that shaped the West and America for centuries. According to New York Times editorialist Ross Douthat, it is “inchoate and half-formed and sometimes internally contradictory, defined more by its departures from older liberal ideas than by a unified worldview.” Noah Rothman observes that “It influences how businesses structure themselves. It is altering how employers and employees relate to one another. It has utterly transformed academia. [And] it is remaking our politics with alarming swiftness.” Today, it is deeply embedded in our institutions, particularly in education, media, entertainment, and business. It has also made deep inroads into American evangelicalism.

Yet far too many Christians have little knowledge of this ideology, and consequently, don’t see the danger. Many evangelical leaders confuse ideological social justice with biblical justice. Of course, justice is a deeply biblical idea, but this new ideology is far from biblical.

In fact, Biblical Christianity and ideological social justice are distinct and incompatible worldviews. They are opposed in their understanding of ultimate reality, power, authority, human nature, morality, epistemology, and much more. These differences matter. They will inevitably lead to vastly different kinds of societies.

The culture that is emerging around us from the worldview of critical social theory is one marked by hostility, division, and a false sense of moral superiority. A culture where truth is replaced by power, and gratitude by grievance. A culture where your identity is defined by your tribe and your tribe is always in conflict with other tribes.

It is imperative that Christ-followers, tasked with blessing their nations, wake up to the danger, and carefully discern the difference between Biblical justice and its destructive counterfeit.

Would you like to be equipped to understand and articulate the difference between “social justice” and Biblical justice? Consider reading this new book, that aims to replace confusion with clarity by holding up the counterfeit worldview and the Biblical worldview side-by-side, showing how significantly they differ in their core presuppositions. It challenges Christians to not merely denounce the false worldview of ideological social justice, but offer a better alternative—the incomparable Biblical worldview, the truth that leads to genuine justice, mercy, forgiveness, social harmony, and human dignity.

The hour is late, but I believe there is still time. We, the Bible-believing church, must humble ourselves, cry out to God, and courageously defend the truth against the greatest worldview threat of our generation.

For more information, visit the Disciple Nations Alliance www.disciplenations.org. Click HERE for  a helpful interview with the author:

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Joan Diane Bartruff
September 17, 2020

Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name cause many to read the book, and know the difference between Biblical Justice and Social Justice. Educate the populous with TRUTH, LORD. Help the Word to be spread and accepted by hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Your Way is perfect, motivate all to seek it. Amen

September 16, 2020

Father God, when the devil speaks, he deceives by saying a whole lot of truth and a little bit of lie. Only mature, discerning Christians can tell the difference sometimes. I pray for your church in this nation to abide in your Word. That they would be transformed by the renewing of their minds so that they will not easily fall for the deception of the enemy. I pray they would know how to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth; that they would recognize even the tiniest lie that is cloaked in truth. One dark spot spoils the whole page. We need you, Lord. We can’t live abundant life on our own. Spread truth in this nation, I pray. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    September 17, 2020

    Amen! May we become more discerning. Charles Spurgeon defined discernment as… ” not just the difference between right and wrong, but the difference between right and almost right.”

Cheri Frey
September 16, 2020

Oh thank you for this well written and simply stated article to wake us up to the deceptive new world view that is raging across our nation. It is clutching the minds and attitudes of our nation and ripping apart the very foundation of our Judeo/ Christian faith. May we as believers stop fretting about our countries demise, and stand up and be a spiritual warrior and stop this evil ideology, first within us, and then to our family and community. Be bold and tell the truth to those bound up in this lie.

    September 17, 2020

    Thank you for this article! This subject has been of great interest and concern to me for several years! More information is needed in the church!
    I ordered the book which is linked in the article!

    Lord, please open the eyes of Your people. Remove the scales from the eyes of our understanding! Many people are being deceived! May the Truth of Your definition of justice be proclaimed! In Jesus’ Name I pray! 🙏 AMEN!


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