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God, we pray against politicization and bias in America. We pray that You would protect pro-life Americans as they fight for the unborn.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Since the Dobbs decision draft was leaked, we have seen increased violence against pro-lifers, all while the government has done nothing. Why?

From Higher Ground Times. “Her name is Ann. She lives in rural America, drives a minivan and is pro-life. While she has always been protective of her four kids, she’s become increasingly religious and concerned about the welfare of other children.” Cue the ominous music.

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You may not know it, but “Ann” and others like her have been identified by Biden’s Dept. of Homeland Security as top “radicalization suspects.” Training profiles, just like “Ann’s,” are used by the office of Terrorism and Violence Prevention to inform agents on who to keep a close eye on.

Shamefully, this is just one in a series of political weaponization attempts from the Biden-Harris administration. They target their ideological opponents and position the federal government against men and women who believe in the right to life for babies in the womb.

Just last week, anti-terrorism training slides at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) were exposed for having pro-life groups listed—some by name — as “terrorist groups.” The training slide falsely accused the National Right to Life as an organization that bombs abortion facilities. That is a complete lie. But clearly, Fort Liberty wasn’t going for accuracy, as the training slide also spelled Roe v. Wade as “Row v. Wade.”

Fort Liberty verified this slide as legitimate, though unvetted, and announced its immediate removal, but they failed to disclose that these slides had been in training circulation for at least a year. It’s also important to point out that in the training sequence, the pro-life slide followed a slide on ISIS, a global terrorist group that beheads its captives on camera and has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Time after time, we have seen this current administration take the opportunity to target pro-life Americans.

Who can forget Mark Houck? The Catholic father and pro-life sidewalk counselor who had 20 armed FBI agents descend upon his home, point guns at him and his family, and arrest him. He was later fully acquitted.

I could write a book, at this point, on all the attacks on everyday regular pro-life Americans from the Biden-Harris administration over the last three years.

And Democrats are not taking their foot off the gas either. Right now, a few Democrats in Congress joined with Planned Parenthood (and other pro-abortion groups) to call on the Department of Justice to “fully enforce the FACE Act” against pro-lifers. The FACE Act, enacted in the ’90s, protects both pregnancy centers and abortion facilities from being blocked or attacked.

However, in the last few years, we’ve seen a blatant imbalance of prosecution by the DOJ against pro-lifers with this act. This is devoid of any reason, because Biden’s own FBI Director, Chris Wray, admitted that 70% of the attacks right now is from pro-abortion activists against pro-life organizations. Since its passage, the FACE Act has been used approximately 130 times against pro-lifers — but has only been leveled in defense of churches and pregnancy centers five times, despite churches and pro-life centers being 22 times more likely to be attacked than abortion groups.

Well, when Attorney General Merrick Garland was questioned as to why they couldn’t catch these violent actors, he responded with, the FBI is trying but these people are “clever” and “work at night.” Sometimes, you can’t even make this stuff up.

I can’t help but think about the recent horrific assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump. It shocked our entire nation. And there are genuine and horrific violent forces that the Biden-Harris administration should be putting all their focus on. We almost all witnessed on national and live television the murder of our former president. Instead, we see month after month, a whole government approach to weaponize and target pro-life citizens from coast to coast politically.

They literally put pro-lifers on slides next to ISIS.

How many close calls will it take for this administration to stop playing politics and focus on identifying real terrorists and real national threats?

Share your prayers for protection for pro-lifers below.

This article was originally published at Higher Ground Times. Photo Credit: FamilyMan88 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94544374)

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