I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Your church to wake up and get involved. Let this election be decided by the Christian vote!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A resounding chorus is encouraging Christians this election to get involved in politics and to vote!

From CBN. Former Governor Mike Huckabee is calling on Christians to vote. Recent statistics indicate many Believers stay home, leading the talk show host and former presidential candidate to say they can only make a difference “if” they do their part. …

Talk about issues like these on The Community.


“Wendy it’s shocking when you think about the 40 million Christians sitting at home on a presidential election means that they would’ve completely changed the outcome, not just of that election, but of every election in America if they registered and then went to vote. And a lot of ’em don’t want to vote because they say, oh, politics is so dirty. And my response to that is, well, how do you think it’s going to get cleaner if all the Christians stay out of it?”

He says Believers should follow the Bible when it comes to voting. And for the governor, the central issues are abortion and Israel.

“I always say the two non-negotiables for Evangelicals are life and Israel. We don’t have a choice. And those are Biblical issues. They’re not political issues, so it’s easy to separate those. Now if you want to argue about the marginal tax rate, that’s fine. I can’t honestly say that the Bible has a position on what the proper percentage should be or what the capital gains tax should be. I know what I think it should be economically, but I can’t argue that Biblically.”

“But I can definitely say that when it comes to the protection of human life, that’s a Biblical issue because the scripture speaks of being made in the womb and knitted by God. That’s pretty clear. And in Genesis 12, it says, if you bless Israel, you’ll be blessed – curse Israel, you’ll be cursed. That’s pretty clear. And so I don’t feel like you got to tell Christians how to vote, but ask ’em to vote Biblically,” he said. …

For those worried about the upcoming election, Huckabee says…

“Honestly, don’t worry. Philippians says, don’t worry about anything but pray about everything. So, pray about it rather than worry about it. But then put that prayer to action. Make sure you’re registered to vote. Go vote and don’t go alone. Take every friend, relevant person you work with, every neighbor that you know who has Biblical values and get them to the polls. Explain to them why it’s important. Don’t be or allow people around you to be part of that 40 million of Evangelical Christians in this country who don’t even vote.”

Share your prayers below for the church to mobilize this November!

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Casey Robertson on Unsplash)

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October 14, 2024

When a prospective VP such as Tim Walz was supporting feminine products in boys restrooms which is a confusing thing to do for young men, when there (hasn’t ever) been a historical need for such products for men and its physically impossible for male human beings to have a need for……and when people claiming in recent years that men can menstruate such as Alexandria Cortez, that’s not a confusing message, its a ridiculous one, because it’s simply untrue and a lie and is a waste of voters time when people are elected that talk like that and champion such things….beyond just focusing only on Trump or Harris…I mean those are clearly not even biological truths and certainly unbiblical and not supportable stances…who would want to vote for leaders that would push or message that kind of nonsense and incoherence, I know everyone has different opinions but as far as I can understand, I dont think that at this time that deciding your vote is such a hard decision when you consider these things…but everyone has the right and freedom to think it over before making their own decisions

October 13, 2024

All professing Christians who sit out this election will miss their opportunity as instruments to save our nation from a certain communist takeover. Others will deserve the misery coming if that tragedy occurs. Prayers for revived hearts, and that God will compel His true Church to arise and exercise our important sacred right of choosing the wisest leaders!

October 13, 2024

Did anyone see the interview with Trump on foxnews where he said that he would use the National Guard or the military to arrest Adam Schiff? Think about it. An American president using the military to hunt down his political opponents.

I am really discouraged about this election. How did we get into this kind of situation? How could Christian leaders have endorsed someone like that?

Harris and Trump are both prochoice and claim they support Israel.

    October 13, 2024

    VAST difference between those two! One wants to ban 95% of abortions, and the other none. One wants religious liberty and capitalism – the other godless communism. Trump,/Vance or America sinks – prayers for voting wisdom!

      October 14, 2024

      Trump does not want to ban abortions. He thinks it needs to stay with the states.

      Harris leans toward the socialism practiced by Europe.

      I feel sick about this election. The Republican party had the chance to select a candidate that was against abortion (which is clearly not Trump’s position) and someone who was against the woke agenda and supported Israel but who was not emotionally immature. I feel betrayed by those who are Christian leaders who promoted Trump.

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 13, 2024

There are many Bible verses that helps us to understand the significance of voting and how Christians should perceive their civil responsibilities. God gives us a guide on how we should vote according to Christian moralityand principles. REMEMBER to pray for guidance, God will guide you if you ask. “2 Chronicles 7-14- 2 Thessalonians 2-13- Acts 5-29 Peter and the other apostles replied-” WE must obey God rather than human beings” The answer is very simple we must obey God with reconciliation with God.” You are denying God when you do not read the scriptures ad do what he expects you to do. When we as Christian do not obey His word. The new testment teaches that we should submit to Gods words and His guidance. Christian leaders must play an Outsised Role in Us ELECTIONS. Do not allow the evilness bring fear for voting. Ipray that who call themselves Christians go and vote the platform for Christians values, there are values we sy yes to. Pray God will guide You to choose wisely, so go vote please God- God has chosen Trump for this time, sure he needs complete salvation- he is just a new Christian still on the bottle, not the meat. DO NOT CRITIZE him pray for HIM, pray for HIM. send him cards with Gods words inside of them. pray for correction. His 12 disciples were not angels, but they are strong Christian followers then and now. When they started out with Jesus-go read your bible they were not Christians, read Mark, Luke, John, look what Paul wrote -so many books in the bible- then he lost his life- serving Jesus. We serve JESUS by voting the CONSERVATIVE Plan not the Communist-Marxist plan that murder babies. MY prayer is for change of hearts, change of minds for at least 30 million go and vote to help take back America. WE do not want to live in a communist atmosphere, we want Jesus -Christian atmosphere. I know God You will not be pleased because they who do not go vote, are not considered Christian. NON VOTERS HEAR THESE WORDS GO VOTE-THIS IS GODS ADVICE –I PRAY YOU HEAR A SMALL QUIET VOICE THAT IS MAKING YOU VERY UNEASY IF YOU DO NOT CONSIDER TO GO AND VOTE. MAKE OUR SAVIOR FULL OF JOY AND HE WIL BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!!

    October 14, 2024


      October 14, 2024

      My stomach rolls as I think of all the misunderstandings of faith in our nation.
      I pray for wisdom in searching for truth in all the publications I read each day.
      We are guilty of slander, gossip, lies, and filthy speech..
      I pray the Holy Spirit overshadows our nation with wisdom to know the truth
      and trust the Lord for hope for the future.

    Jason J.
    October 15, 2024

    I will vote for HARRIS 2024!

Susan S
October 13, 2024

If Christians don’t vote, our leaders and their policies will be determined by non Christians. Do we really want that?

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
October 13, 2024

Heavenly Father, awaken the Christian Community to do their godly and civic duty for God and Country, the United States of America, and touch their hearts with the importance of voting in this upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Our Christian Voices must be heard! In the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 1, Verses 23-26, after the Apostle Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, committed suicide, the Apostle Peter was aware that Judas’ vacated position as one of the ‘Twelve’ needed to be replaced pursuant to the Psalms. They decided that they would individually and secretly vote for one of two candidates, Matthias or Justus, to fill the vacant position by ‘Casting Lots.’ This was a very important Election as the Twelve Apostles would move forward in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The apostles prayed first that their choices would be pleasing to God. As a result of this election, Matthias became the newly elected twelfth apostle. O Lord, please touch the hearts of all available Christian Voters to pray their faith during the 2024 Presidential Election and cast their ‘Lots’ for the candidate that most reflect our Christian values. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

October 13, 2024

Amen, GOV Huckabee !
Saw him on TBN, great message !

October 13, 2024

We are told to stand occupy and be the Restrainer of evil on earth.
Our Vote is registered in Heaven.
We will be held accountable for lazy fearfully cowardly .. Not making HIM KNOWN IN THE NATION


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