President Joe Biden’s expansive new executive mandates requiring that tens of millions of Americans receive the COVID vaccine sent shockwaves through the country this week.
I’m sure there will be plenty of analysis and commentary pieces on the privacy violation, government expansion, and authoritarian nature of the executive rule. Those arguments are increasingly more important as the pandemic continues to serve as a useful emergency in the expansion of government control.
This week, though, what has been brought to mind is a more specific part of this complex problem, namely the lying spirit. This spirit infiltrated the courts of Israel’s government when Ahab was king (1 King 22).
I fear that same lying spirit has infiltrated our government today, and we need to pray it be exposed. Light scatters darkness.
Consider these three comments made just in the last few months.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki: Vaccine mandates are “not the role of the federal government; that is the role that institutions, private-sector entities, and others may take.”
U.S. Centers for Disease Control Director (CDC) Rochelle Walensky: “To clarify: There will be no nationwide mandate,” Walensky said in July. “I was referring to mandates by private institutions and portions of the federal government. There will be no federal mandate.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is and who isn’t…”
Of course, Biden himself pledged there would be no vaccine mandate in December of last year.
“I don’t think it should be mandatory,” Biden said of the mandate. “I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
To be fair, sometimes circumstances change so that leaders can make a different decision in good conscience without outright lying. But this case seems different. Within the last year, the top officials on this issue assured Americans that the principles of our nation prohibited a vaccine mandate.
Now, those principles are apparently not so important.
Sometimes these D.C. Insider columns are longer, and we try to use solid rhetoric and argumentation to make a certain point. This week, the article is shorter.
I think we’ve had enough talking points this week, enough words.
The real question at hand is short, simple, and true.
Why are our leaders lying to us, and will they get away with it?
With this in mind, let us pray:
-Lord, deliver us from the lying spirit that has so thoroughly infiltrated Washington, D.C. Bring us leaders who believe in absolute truth and living by true principles, even when it’s costly. Raise up godly men and women who will risk ridicule and even their own careers for the principles on which our nation is founded.
-Father, protect us from the growing intrusion on our freedoms. Wake up our nation to the slow takeover we are experiencing, and give us the backbone to act before it is too late. Rally us together in unity that we may live in freedom.
Jesus, we pray that You would bring healing to those affected by the pandemic as the great physician. Bring those people to You and bring healing to their bodies.
Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” -John 8:36
“Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.” -Ephesians 5:11
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:32
Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Casey’s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. (Photo Credit: Canva.)
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How you can pray for this issue:
Lord, deliver us from the lying spirit that has so thoroughly infiltrated Washington, D.C.
I praise God that I had a very special prayer answered today in the midst of our troubles.
Don’t you feel that this lying is bizarre? God put on my heart that this is a different level of lying than we have ever experienced. There is no public conscience about wrong doing or even deep concern about dishonesty in the administration. I had the same feeling that I had experienced when no one cared if the candidates campaigned during the election and when the elections in my state might take 2 extra weeks to report.
No one seems to care that our President has financial ties to other countries. Are we being conditioned now to accept lies as a normal American value of government leaders? The whole atmosphere is reinforced by the press. This is one of the larger spiritual battles of my lifetime. Put on the full armor of God everyday because we are under a siege…May God bless you and use all of our precious prayer warriors to see with the power of His supernatural vision and to be courageous to do His will. In Jesus Name, I pray.
I agree with you Pauline. I too am older and all people have to do is talk to those who have immigrated here from other places where they lived under communist rule. Talked to a gal that lived in the Czech Republic and she was born into communism. She is more than concerned about what’s going on in America. People are ignorant who think communism can’t happen here which is why I’m praying everyday for the sake of my grandchildren and their generation.
Seems as though every time joe biden opens his mouth, he lies. We just cannot sit back and accept this outrageous agenda of theirs. True Pauline, all this is pure Marxism. It really is about complete control and power. And the Church desperately needs to wake up, if it’s not too late already. But I wonder if it ever will, we cannot remain silent continuously. If it seems they are getting away with it now, they sure will not get away with it when they will one day face God and have to give an account to Him.
Name one leader who NEVER lied. They are men. They are human beings. They have their own agenda: Republican or Democrat. Why are we so surprised? We have the Word of God. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). We can’t even trust ourselves at every given moment, truth be told. That is why our TRUST should be in CHRIST ALONE!
I get it. However, the lies that are being told, the plans they have for us, are out of the Marxist playbook. As an older woman, I can tell you, this is leading to something we have never had before. Complete control, that’s what they are going for. It’s lies and deception, on steroids! We can’t stay quiet and accept this!
Oh, but We as a nation have sinned against God. All this did not start overnight. We have been sleeping while the enemy has moved in and taking over. We need to pray as He told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, all of it and act on those very words. We need to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. God keeps His Word. We have gone too long away from God and have moved farther and farther to destruction. Another has come to take His place because we have chosen another way. We are now beginning to feel the effects of our actions. How patient do we think God is? He destroyed other nations for the very things we are guilty of. “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34). God’s will be done.
When this whole administration opens their mouths, deceit, lies, propaganda, pride, arrogance, etc. just comes flowing out!! It comes out with such ease, it is mind boggling!! That’s what makes me believe, they have been “given over to a depraved mind!!” It is evil, personified! “Circumstances changing,” has nothing to do with their “change of mind.” This has taken a LOT of planning, these people KNOW what they’re doing.
Father, God, we know that none of this has taken You by surprise. We ask that You continue to expose the lies that have been told to Americans. Shed Your light on the “hidden things.” Let all their plots and plans boomerang on them. What the enemy means for evil, Lord, turn it for our good!
We thank You that You are in control, despite the lies and arrogance of these people. You are our refuge, and our fortress, our God, in whom we trust. Great is Your faithfulness!!
I pray that these in power repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord but I found this scripture this morning. Isaiah 10:1 “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed.” KJV. I normally try to refrain from citing a specific OT scripture to apply to the behavior of an individual but this verse was really spot on.
Father in the name of Jesus, we need your help to pray through us to bring this giant down. Please give your church the unity Jesus prayed we would have with you, Jesus, that we would all pray and agree together as one and topple this totalitarian spirit and restore a
constitution-respecting Democracy, in Jesus name. We receive it and thank you for it.
The fact that the USPS, Congress and all of its staff and aids, are all exempt from any mandates REEKS of HYPOCRISY! Jesus did not hesitate to call out the hypocrites in His time on earth. We need to follow His example. Those who remain silent are complicit.
Clarification: USPS is ‘somewhat’ exempt because they have the option of weekly testing (though the PCR tests have been proven to be 97% false positive which is why they will no longer be used after 12/31/31. Not only are they 97% false positive, but they also cannot distinguish between covid and the flu.) Also, Congress cannot be ‘ordered’ by the Executive. However, if they do not pass a law in contradiction to these mandates, they are complicit.
“The principle of control is to ‘divide and conquer'” – Anonymous
Dare I say, that history is repeating itself? What happened in Germany under the Hitler administration is happening in our own Nation.
by Eva
The past is not past
But ever present.
History still points us
To great lessons unlearned,
Such as the Holocaust
(The Sho’ah – “mass slaughter”),
Where fiery ovens
Continuously burned.
Systematic evil,
State-sponsored evil,
Mass killing, mass murder
Without neutrality,
The changing of one’s mind when presented with new evidence is not the sign of a liar but that of an intelligent mind. The author admitted that the covid situation had changed. Biden, Pelosi and Walensky realized this and adopted a new tactic.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” John’s gospel.
God, draw people to yourself through your Son, Jesus Christ. Deliver people from that spirit of lying and manipulation (Satan’s tools) so they may come to Jesus. Pierce their hearts with your love and set them free from the bondage of those spirits. IJN I pray.
Video link will help people to see that this overtaking of American government has been in the works since the beginning. God help us 🙏🏻
Bush family is complicit in 9-11 as well as JFK assassination. We’ve been duped. Obama is related to Bush family. They’re all descendants of Rothschild.
HRC & sidekick husband are Rockefeller’s. The devil pulled the wool over eyes of Americans.
Indeed. And any pastors who continue to justify their aversion to getting involved in politics by saying Jesus never got involved in politics, I have this stern reply. First of all, Jesus made it clear that He and we should believe all the OT prophets and law, and EVERYONE of those OT prophets to a man went straight to the top of the ruling class to address the sins of the nation. Furthermore, Jesus never condemned the Maccabean Revolt which was a DIRECT revolt against the political system. So, this Progressive passivism has GOT TO STOP!! To further reiterate that point, the very pious, and godly community of pastors in the American Revolution known as the Black Robe Regiment never put up with such limp-wristed behavior either.
Above video will help people to see how OWO began & infiltrated into all parts of the USA.
Especially our government & three letter agencies.
God help us, in Jesus name 🙏🏻
I remember that within the last 5 years, the Holy Spirit started to impress on how lying has become so pervasive and accepted in our society. Lying was saturating so many areas of our life and the body of Christ wasn’t really calling it out – exposing it as needed.
Then an imperfect man won the presidency in 2016 over an opponent known to be a chronic liar and a very evasive, corrupt government official.
When that happened, it was as if the spirit of lying went into overdrive. When pres. Trump, as imperfect as he is, called out lying continually on nearly every front, every department and media outlet…the lying spirit from hell was exposed full circle. In order to cover for exposed lies, those involved in the lies began to lie more and increase their attacks on anyone exposing them.
The relentless lies and attacks on Trump, his family and administrative members was “unprecedented in our history”. A full scale spiritual war was now in full public view. Those that understand how this spirit works could recognize or at least began to recognize what was taking place. Lukewarm churches, for the most part, did not recognize it. They had become comfortable with being uninvolved. Most of those who don’t know God are/were unable to see what is or was happening. Yet almost everyone knows (through their conscience) full well that something is seriously wrong when a shift like this takes place within a nation.
If we reflect back historically, we can see certain places where “accepting a given lie” has caused our nation’s conscience to “numb”. Roe vs Wade was one of those ‘critical points’. Built on a false pretenses, they used an individual who would later expose that lie. Another was the Larry Flynt vs. the people of America. Those are just 2 cases that firmly planted “lying as acceptable” because the body of Christ and the nation did not fight with full force against them. If we doubt that, look at where abortion evolved into and what became “allowable” after the L. Flynt ruling that disguised filth as an exercise of ‘free speech’. Hell broke loose and we should have been fighting a full scale war against it but we weren’t – at least not on the scale needed.
The body of Christ must humble ourselves before God. Be sure we are being truthful, even when it costs us. Then pray daily for exposure of the lies in our nation at every level. Ask God how you should pray. Certain things to pray for will come to mind that won’t make sense at times but since God is such an incredible God of details, be sure to pray about it in the best way you know how. God will give us utterance when we have no words. And above all, do not be afraid to call out those you know are lying but be sure to do so in a spirit of love and humility with the strength of knowing you are standing firm in God.
As God brings certain things to mind personally or in regards to our nation (that may include certain past critical points), be sure to pray about them and it maybe necessary to break certain roots or strongholds that may have been allowed to take hold due to a lie that was allowed to seed.
*Lord, guide each of us to pray in such a way that will ensure strongholds established by a lie will be broken. Help us to remember that You are the great I Am and that You have given us armor to put on for battle. Protect your people and test down the lying strongholds that have been rooted within our society. Forgive us for allowing them to take root to begin with. Lord, save our nation that You established. Remove the ungodly people who call themselves leaders but are not. Replace them with people who love and serve You and this nation. People who will follow Your ways and will honor You. Amen.
Thank you, for this helpful article. It shows how our “government” is so dishonest, corrupt, and are control mongerers. They are under the lying spirit of the evil one, Satan himself .You know if Biden says something, that his word means NOTHING. He is nothing but a pathological liar. So are the rest of the radical left in Washington. They can’t seem to get out of their own way. Lord Jesus, we bind this dishonest, lying spirit that has infiltrated our government. We bind the attempts of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. We trust in You to make things right, honest, and true in our Government. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Our greatest weapon is prayer. God reminded me of Daniel. When the King passed an edict about bowing before him; Daniel went to his room and prayed. God., in wrath remember mercy
We fought one King already. Time to fight another. The Civil War was fought because The Northern states (government) was trying to control the southern states. There are over 20 states not happy with this mandate. This is the second time that 20 or more states have not agreed to Biden’s rulings (overreach). It is time for this country to split which we are already divided, and form another country to get away from Biden’s tyranny. Biden, Pelosi and others do not think they have to go by the US Constitution or the Supreme Court.
Secession has become an interesting and perhaps necessary option. If the Feds are going to break all the rules and ignore the US Constitution, lie through their teeth about everything, then secession seems like a viable option. Our so called elected officials have a one world order agenda and we must use whatever weapons we have to fight them.
The Civil War was not fought because the Northern States were trying to control the Southern States per se. The Civil war was fought over States Rights this is true, however, mainly
because the Southern States did not want to give up their slaves. The Southern States seceded over having the right to do as they chose regardless of most of the Federal Government’s stance on what they believed was right for the entire country, which was for the slaves to be free. From a History book: “The American Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, a collection of eleven southern states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861. The conflict began primarily as a result of the long-standing disagreement over the institution of slavery. On February 9, 1861, Jefferson Davis, a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of War, was elected President of the Confederate States of America by the members of the Confederate constitutional convention.” As a History teacher and an ancestor to some of those slaves, I’m glad there were enough people in the Northern States to insist that my ancestors were entitled to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness afforded to every American by our. Constitution. The biden faction needs to go, not us! FATHER GOD we thank YOU for removing from office Joe Biden and all of the people attempting to polarize and put into bondage all Americans that agree with our Constitution and disagree with them in JESUS Name!
Father God thank You for Your Word it IS TRUTH🙌🙌 He became flesh and dwelt among us ; Holy Spirit breathe afresh across this country, do what You do best, open the eyes of the blind, pierce the hearts of those who seek the Truth… set the captives free🙌🙌Father embolden Your body, let us be unable to contain the Truth any longer, arise with in Your body here on earth fill our mouths with Your words, draw the lost to each one of us that we can be the light You have created us to be. Prepare the hearts to receive revelation Father, May they be drawn like moths to the light and so be able to know the Truth that will set them free.
We stand in our authority and bind the lying spirit that is deceiving the masses in Jesus name!!! We WILL NOT shrink back, we WILL NOT be overcome, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. You may come at us with lies and mandates, but we come at you with the Sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith and NO WEAPON formed against us shall prosper, we are backed by the power of the Angel armies of heaven, we have not been given a spirit of fear, our God has given us a Spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.We will continue to love our neighbors and pray without ceasing for their deliverance. We will walk and speak boldly the eternal truth and no lie can ever change it🙌🙌 Our God is for us, so no weapon/lie/demonic spirit can stand against us IN JESUS NAME. We have been given the mind of Christ and we do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. We are fighting from a place of victory church, so let us always remember it’s not by power or by might but by Gods Spirit, don’t faint or lose hope… the battle is already won🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌
Jesus said it best…. KNOW the truth and the truth will set you free! My continual prayer is that those in leadership, in every nation, will KNOW the truth of their vile and deceitful acts. That Holy Spirit will convict them and lead them on the path of repentance. We must all continually go to the courtroom of heaven and plea for The Lord to change hearts and for His righteousness to rule in the nations.
The problem as I see it is that we, the church (if we dare call ourselves the church), have accepted and spread a cheap gospel which is no gospel at all. So now we are seeing there are far less true Christians who know how to stand on God’s Word, who believe, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me”, than we thought there were.
During the election I prayed up a storm like most of us who are part of IFA. Then the defeat came. I prayed, Lord, did I hear you wrong? Where did I miss it? The Holy Spirit graciously answered me, “you’ve made America an idol.” I KNEW it was true. Without realizing it I was praying out of my own personal agenda. God was not my only source of life and provision. America was my source – my American rights that allowed me to succeed materially. This is actually a trap for us American Christians! We’ve all lived our whole lives with American freedom, the American dream. We call it our God-given rights. Yes! But we’ve cheapened our rights because we’ve used them to live our “dream” rather than live for Christ.
Jesus is returning. Will He find faith in the earth? Will he find “virgins” with their lamps full of oil? Will He find that we’ve obeyed His command to preach the true gospel and make true disciples? I challenge myself with this.
Apathy, laziness, compromises with evil subtly and self centered ness of every sort; I, me and mine to heck with everyone else virus is what I see we have slowly been inoculated with…but we have the Blood of Jesus…
He daily offers His cleansing blood for those who desire, ask for, seek transformation, deliverance from the virus I spoke of. I am aware of this need desperately every day. I do not want to be damaged goods anymore…so press on saints like Paul encouraged us to do, run the race, take off what trips us up through the word, solid spirit filled teaching lead by the Spirit of God and developing an intimate relationship with He rubs off on us and us onto others. We need to hear everything through Him first and foremost before we can comprehend what is going on and what He wants us to do personally and corporately. He loves us…look at this…
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer!!!
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right you are blessed….1Peter 3: 12-14a. ( because He is the one we pleased by suffering for His sake as His Son did for us we must be willing to follow in Jesus footsteps..remember Jesus ended up victor all powers, principalities and shares the victory with and through us)
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart (not half, not a quarter, or a little) and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways ( not some, sometimes) inquire of Him,
And He will make (show, tell) your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishments to your bones!
Proverbs 3:7-8….wow!!! He wants to bless and care for all of us!!!
Thank You, You always do a good job Casey Harper.
PRAYER} Thank you Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace !
Loving Father in the name of Jesus I stand in the gap for leaders in my community, city, state, nation and country. I proclaim Jesus is Lord over America. I plead the precious blood of Jesus. I come against the prince of the power of the air. I come against spirits of wickedness in high places. Let us not forget we war not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. In Jesus name I plead your blood and come against these things. With the blood of Jesus let all plans of terrorism, dry up at the root. Lord in the last line of Psalms 63 reads} But the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped. Lord I hold you to this scripture because it is your word. I know according to 1 Corinthians. “The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger then men.James 3:17 tells me wisdom is pure then peaceable. I trust in you Lord. Let you wisdom cover my nation. Amen
.. because they CAN! .. and THEY know they can get away with it! It’s just another day at the office to them!
Most Americans could care less if it does not affect them directly!
From what I see its usually the close minded and gullible who just follow blindly along!They are the one’s that need God in their lives to help them see the light and start standing up to things that MATTER!!
Father- Our Nation has and continues to sin grievously against you. Our leaders lie and they do not respect the rule of law. Their agenda is clear, they want passports Lord, they want to control us completely. The vaccine is first but what is next? Your church in America for the most part remains silent. Your remnant though cries out to you God. We pray for mercy, we pray for a way out of this scenario. We pray for righteous leaders to arise and thank you for each one that has. There are leaders out there fighting. We pray for them to be strengthened and emboldened by your Holy Spirit power and even more people will arise up! We thank you that you are our God…you will provide for us. Take away our fear and anxiety and replace it with a boldness and righteousness that stands up to this evil. We come to You…we need your mercy and grace.
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I praise God that I had a very special prayer answered today in the midst of our troubles.
Don’t you feel that this lying is bizarre? God put on my heart that this is a different level of lying than we have ever experienced. There is no public conscience about wrong doing or even deep concern about dishonesty in the administration. I had the same feeling that I had experienced when no one cared if the candidates campaigned during the election and when the elections in my state might take 2 extra weeks to report.
No one seems to care that our President has financial ties to other countries. Are we being conditioned now to accept lies as a normal American value of government leaders? The whole atmosphere is reinforced by the press. This is one of the larger spiritual battles of my lifetime. Put on the full armor of God everyday because we are under a siege…May God bless you and use all of our precious prayer warriors to see with the power of His supernatural vision and to be courageous to do His will. In Jesus Name, I pray.
I agree with you Pauline. I too am older and all people have to do is talk to those who have immigrated here from other places where they lived under communist rule. Talked to a gal that lived in the Czech Republic and she was born into communism. She is more than concerned about what’s going on in America. People are ignorant who think communism can’t happen here which is why I’m praying everyday for the sake of my grandchildren and their generation.
Seems as though every time joe biden opens his mouth, he lies. We just cannot sit back and accept this outrageous agenda of theirs. True Pauline, all this is pure Marxism. It really is about complete control and power. And the Church desperately needs to wake up, if it’s not too late already. But I wonder if it ever will, we cannot remain silent continuously. If it seems they are getting away with it now, they sure will not get away with it when they will one day face God and have to give an account to Him.
Name one leader who NEVER lied. They are men. They are human beings. They have their own agenda: Republican or Democrat. Why are we so surprised? We have the Word of God. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). We can’t even trust ourselves at every given moment, truth be told. That is why our TRUST should be in CHRIST ALONE!
I get it. However, the lies that are being told, the plans they have for us, are out of the Marxist playbook. As an older woman, I can tell you, this is leading to something we have never had before. Complete control, that’s what they are going for. It’s lies and deception, on steroids! We can’t stay quiet and accept this!
Oh, but We as a nation have sinned against God. All this did not start overnight. We have been sleeping while the enemy has moved in and taking over. We need to pray as He told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, all of it and act on those very words. We need to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. God keeps His Word. We have gone too long away from God and have moved farther and farther to destruction. Another has come to take His place because we have chosen another way. We are now beginning to feel the effects of our actions. How patient do we think God is? He destroyed other nations for the very things we are guilty of. “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34). God’s will be done.
When this whole administration opens their mouths, deceit, lies, propaganda, pride, arrogance, etc. just comes flowing out!! It comes out with such ease, it is mind boggling!! That’s what makes me believe, they have been “given over to a depraved mind!!” It is evil, personified! “Circumstances changing,” has nothing to do with their “change of mind.” This has taken a LOT of planning, these people KNOW what they’re doing.
Father, God, we know that none of this has taken You by surprise. We ask that You continue to expose the lies that have been told to Americans. Shed Your light on the “hidden things.” Let all their plots and plans boomerang on them. What the enemy means for evil, Lord, turn it for our good!
We thank You that You are in control, despite the lies and arrogance of these people. You are our refuge, and our fortress, our God, in whom we trust. Great is Your faithfulness!!
I pray that these in power repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord but I found this scripture this morning. Isaiah 10:1 “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed.” KJV. I normally try to refrain from citing a specific OT scripture to apply to the behavior of an individual but this verse was really spot on.
Father in the name of Jesus, we need your help to pray through us to bring this giant down. Please give your church the unity Jesus prayed we would have with you, Jesus, that we would all pray and agree together as one and topple this totalitarian spirit and restore a
constitution-respecting Democracy, in Jesus name. We receive it and thank you for it.
The fact that the USPS, Congress and all of its staff and aids, are all exempt from any mandates REEKS of HYPOCRISY! Jesus did not hesitate to call out the hypocrites in His time on earth. We need to follow His example. Those who remain silent are complicit.
Clarification: USPS is ‘somewhat’ exempt because they have the option of weekly testing (though the PCR tests have been proven to be 97% false positive which is why they will no longer be used after 12/31/31. Not only are they 97% false positive, but they also cannot distinguish between covid and the flu.) Also, Congress cannot be ‘ordered’ by the Executive. However, if they do not pass a law in contradiction to these mandates, they are complicit.
“The principle of control is to ‘divide and conquer'” – Anonymous
Dare I say, that history is repeating itself? What happened in Germany under the Hitler administration is happening in our own Nation.
by Eva
The past is not past
But ever present.
History still points us
To great lessons unlearned,
Such as the Holocaust
(The Sho’ah – “mass slaughter”),
Where fiery ovens
Continuously burned.
Systematic evil,
State-sponsored evil,
Mass killing, mass murder
Without neutrality,
Great malice,
Bloody gore.
The past is not past
But ever present
Knocking, knocking
On the world’s door.
The changing of one’s mind when presented with new evidence is not the sign of a liar but that of an intelligent mind. The author admitted that the covid situation had changed. Biden, Pelosi and Walensky realized this and adopted a new tactic.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,” John’s gospel.
God, draw people to yourself through your Son, Jesus Christ. Deliver people from that spirit of lying and manipulation (Satan’s tools) so they may come to Jesus. Pierce their hearts with your love and set them free from the bondage of those spirits. IJN I pray.
Video link will help people to see that this overtaking of American government has been in the works since the beginning. God help us 🙏🏻
Bush family is complicit in 9-11 as well as JFK assassination. We’ve been duped. Obama is related to Bush family. They’re all descendants of Rothschild.
HRC & sidekick husband are Rockefeller’s. The devil pulled the wool over eyes of Americans.
Indeed. And any pastors who continue to justify their aversion to getting involved in politics by saying Jesus never got involved in politics, I have this stern reply. First of all, Jesus made it clear that He and we should believe all the OT prophets and law, and EVERYONE of those OT prophets to a man went straight to the top of the ruling class to address the sins of the nation. Furthermore, Jesus never condemned the Maccabean Revolt which was a DIRECT revolt against the political system. So, this Progressive passivism has GOT TO STOP!! To further reiterate that point, the very pious, and godly community of pastors in the American Revolution known as the Black Robe Regiment never put up with such limp-wristed behavior either.
Above video will help people to see how OWO began & infiltrated into all parts of the USA.
Especially our government & three letter agencies.
God help us, in Jesus name 🙏🏻
I remember that within the last 5 years, the Holy Spirit started to impress on how lying has become so pervasive and accepted in our society. Lying was saturating so many areas of our life and the body of Christ wasn’t really calling it out – exposing it as needed.
Then an imperfect man won the presidency in 2016 over an opponent known to be a chronic liar and a very evasive, corrupt government official.
When that happened, it was as if the spirit of lying went into overdrive. When pres. Trump, as imperfect as he is, called out lying continually on nearly every front, every department and media outlet…the lying spirit from hell was exposed full circle. In order to cover for exposed lies, those involved in the lies began to lie more and increase their attacks on anyone exposing them.
The relentless lies and attacks on Trump, his family and administrative members was “unprecedented in our history”. A full scale spiritual war was now in full public view. Those that understand how this spirit works could recognize or at least began to recognize what was taking place. Lukewarm churches, for the most part, did not recognize it. They had become comfortable with being uninvolved. Most of those who don’t know God are/were unable to see what is or was happening. Yet almost everyone knows (through their conscience) full well that something is seriously wrong when a shift like this takes place within a nation.
If we reflect back historically, we can see certain places where “accepting a given lie” has caused our nation’s conscience to “numb”. Roe vs Wade was one of those ‘critical points’. Built on a false pretenses, they used an individual who would later expose that lie. Another was the Larry Flynt vs. the people of America. Those are just 2 cases that firmly planted “lying as acceptable” because the body of Christ and the nation did not fight with full force against them. If we doubt that, look at where abortion evolved into and what became “allowable” after the L. Flynt ruling that disguised filth as an exercise of ‘free speech’. Hell broke loose and we should have been fighting a full scale war against it but we weren’t – at least not on the scale needed.
The body of Christ must humble ourselves before God. Be sure we are being truthful, even when it costs us. Then pray daily for exposure of the lies in our nation at every level. Ask God how you should pray. Certain things to pray for will come to mind that won’t make sense at times but since God is such an incredible God of details, be sure to pray about it in the best way you know how. God will give us utterance when we have no words. And above all, do not be afraid to call out those you know are lying but be sure to do so in a spirit of love and humility with the strength of knowing you are standing firm in God.
As God brings certain things to mind personally or in regards to our nation (that may include certain past critical points), be sure to pray about them and it maybe necessary to break certain roots or strongholds that may have been allowed to take hold due to a lie that was allowed to seed.
*Lord, guide each of us to pray in such a way that will ensure strongholds established by a lie will be broken. Help us to remember that You are the great I Am and that You have given us armor to put on for battle. Protect your people and test down the lying strongholds that have been rooted within our society. Forgive us for allowing them to take root to begin with. Lord, save our nation that You established. Remove the ungodly people who call themselves leaders but are not. Replace them with people who love and serve You and this nation. People who will follow Your ways and will honor You. Amen.
CN, In total agreement with you!
Thank you, for this helpful article. It shows how our “government” is so dishonest, corrupt, and are control mongerers. They are under the lying spirit of the evil one, Satan himself .You know if Biden says something, that his word means NOTHING. He is nothing but a pathological liar. So are the rest of the radical left in Washington. They can’t seem to get out of their own way. Lord Jesus, we bind this dishonest, lying spirit that has infiltrated our government. We bind the attempts of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. We trust in You to make things right, honest, and true in our Government. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Our greatest weapon is prayer. God reminded me of Daniel. When the King passed an edict about bowing before him; Daniel went to his room and prayed. God., in wrath remember mercy
We fought one King already. Time to fight another. The Civil War was fought because The Northern states (government) was trying to control the southern states. There are over 20 states not happy with this mandate. This is the second time that 20 or more states have not agreed to Biden’s rulings (overreach). It is time for this country to split which we are already divided, and form another country to get away from Biden’s tyranny. Biden, Pelosi and others do not think they have to go by the US Constitution or the Supreme Court.
Secession has become an interesting and perhaps necessary option. If the Feds are going to break all the rules and ignore the US Constitution, lie through their teeth about everything, then secession seems like a viable option. Our so called elected officials have a one world order agenda and we must use whatever weapons we have to fight them.
The Civil War was not fought because the Northern States were trying to control the Southern States per se. The Civil war was fought over States Rights this is true, however, mainly
because the Southern States did not want to give up their slaves. The Southern States seceded over having the right to do as they chose regardless of most of the Federal Government’s stance on what they believed was right for the entire country, which was for the slaves to be free. From a History book: “The American Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, a collection of eleven southern states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861. The conflict began primarily as a result of the long-standing disagreement over the institution of slavery. On February 9, 1861, Jefferson Davis, a former U.S. Senator and Secretary of War, was elected President of the Confederate States of America by the members of the Confederate constitutional convention.” As a History teacher and an ancestor to some of those slaves, I’m glad there were enough people in the Northern States to insist that my ancestors were entitled to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness afforded to every American by our. Constitution. The biden faction needs to go, not us! FATHER GOD we thank YOU for removing from office Joe Biden and all of the people attempting to polarize and put into bondage all Americans that agree with our Constitution and disagree with them in JESUS Name!
Father God thank You for Your Word it IS TRUTH🙌🙌 He became flesh and dwelt among us ; Holy Spirit breathe afresh across this country, do what You do best, open the eyes of the blind, pierce the hearts of those who seek the Truth… set the captives free🙌🙌Father embolden Your body, let us be unable to contain the Truth any longer, arise with in Your body here on earth fill our mouths with Your words, draw the lost to each one of us that we can be the light You have created us to be. Prepare the hearts to receive revelation Father, May they be drawn like moths to the light and so be able to know the Truth that will set them free.
We stand in our authority and bind the lying spirit that is deceiving the masses in Jesus name!!! We WILL NOT shrink back, we WILL NOT be overcome, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. You may come at us with lies and mandates, but we come at you with the Sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith and NO WEAPON formed against us shall prosper, we are backed by the power of the Angel armies of heaven, we have not been given a spirit of fear, our God has given us a Spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind.We will continue to love our neighbors and pray without ceasing for their deliverance. We will walk and speak boldly the eternal truth and no lie can ever change it🙌🙌 Our God is for us, so no weapon/lie/demonic spirit can stand against us IN JESUS NAME. We have been given the mind of Christ and we do not walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. We are fighting from a place of victory church, so let us always remember it’s not by power or by might but by Gods Spirit, don’t faint or lose hope… the battle is already won🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌
Jesus said it best…. KNOW the truth and the truth will set you free! My continual prayer is that those in leadership, in every nation, will KNOW the truth of their vile and deceitful acts. That Holy Spirit will convict them and lead them on the path of repentance. We must all continually go to the courtroom of heaven and plea for The Lord to change hearts and for His righteousness to rule in the nations.
The problem as I see it is that we, the church (if we dare call ourselves the church), have accepted and spread a cheap gospel which is no gospel at all. So now we are seeing there are far less true Christians who know how to stand on God’s Word, who believe, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me”, than we thought there were.
During the election I prayed up a storm like most of us who are part of IFA. Then the defeat came. I prayed, Lord, did I hear you wrong? Where did I miss it? The Holy Spirit graciously answered me, “you’ve made America an idol.” I KNEW it was true. Without realizing it I was praying out of my own personal agenda. God was not my only source of life and provision. America was my source – my American rights that allowed me to succeed materially. This is actually a trap for us American Christians! We’ve all lived our whole lives with American freedom, the American dream. We call it our God-given rights. Yes! But we’ve cheapened our rights because we’ve used them to live our “dream” rather than live for Christ.
Jesus is returning. Will He find faith in the earth? Will he find “virgins” with their lamps full of oil? Will He find that we’ve obeyed His command to preach the true gospel and make true disciples? I challenge myself with this.
Apathy, laziness, compromises with evil subtly and self centered ness of every sort; I, me and mine to heck with everyone else virus is what I see we have slowly been inoculated with…but we have the Blood of Jesus…
He daily offers His cleansing blood for those who desire, ask for, seek transformation, deliverance from the virus I spoke of. I am aware of this need desperately every day. I do not want to be damaged goods anymore…so press on saints like Paul encouraged us to do, run the race, take off what trips us up through the word, solid spirit filled teaching lead by the Spirit of God and developing an intimate relationship with He rubs off on us and us onto others. We need to hear everything through Him first and foremost before we can comprehend what is going on and what He wants us to do personally and corporately. He loves us…look at this…
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer!!!
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right you are blessed….1Peter 3: 12-14a. ( because He is the one we pleased by suffering for His sake as His Son did for us we must be willing to follow in Jesus footsteps..remember Jesus ended up victor all powers, principalities and shares the victory with and through us)
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart (not half, not a quarter, or a little) and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways ( not some, sometimes) inquire of Him,
And He will make (show, tell) your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishments to your bones!
Proverbs 3:7-8….wow!!! He wants to bless and care for all of us!!!
Thank You, You always do a good job Casey Harper.
PRAYER} Thank you Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace !
Loving Father in the name of Jesus I stand in the gap for leaders in my community, city, state, nation and country. I proclaim Jesus is Lord over America. I plead the precious blood of Jesus. I come against the prince of the power of the air. I come against spirits of wickedness in high places. Let us not forget we war not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. In Jesus name I plead your blood and come against these things. With the blood of Jesus let all plans of terrorism, dry up at the root. Lord in the last line of Psalms 63 reads} But the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped. Lord I hold you to this scripture because it is your word. I know according to 1 Corinthians. “The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger then men.James 3:17 tells me wisdom is pure then peaceable. I trust in you Lord. Let you wisdom cover my nation. Amen
.. because they CAN! .. and THEY know they can get away with it! It’s just another day at the office to them!
Most Americans could care less if it does not affect them directly!
From what I see its usually the close minded and gullible who just follow blindly along!They are the one’s that need God in their lives to help them see the light and start standing up to things that MATTER!!
Father- Our Nation has and continues to sin grievously against you. Our leaders lie and they do not respect the rule of law. Their agenda is clear, they want passports Lord, they want to control us completely. The vaccine is first but what is next? Your church in America for the most part remains silent. Your remnant though cries out to you God. We pray for mercy, we pray for a way out of this scenario. We pray for righteous leaders to arise and thank you for each one that has. There are leaders out there fighting. We pray for them to be strengthened and emboldened by your Holy Spirit power and even more people will arise up! We thank you that you are our God…you will provide for us. Take away our fear and anxiety and replace it with a boldness and righteousness that stands up to this evil. We come to You…we need your mercy and grace.