Over fifty percent of our nation’s parents want schools to reopen for in-class instruction. Yet, schools remain closed. Why?
According to a new study conducted by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, a teacher union in a school district is the primary factor in determining whether or not a school will go to virtual learning. With over three million members, the largest union in the United States is the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA is the puppeteer behind when and how schools will or will not reopen. What does the NEA have to gain by keeping schools closed? The best place to find their motives is the NEA’s 2020 Playbook for Congress and the Biden-Harris Administration. Included in the “Playbook” is the comprehensive socialist/communist agenda the NEA intends to pursue over the next four years. Here we will only deal with two of the requests in the Playbook.
It’s All About The Money
Besides power, the NEA wants money and lots of it. Schools currently receive money for COVID relief, but the NEA is seeking more for the future. With COVID, the NEA can demand more money for education, with no promise of higher performance scores, because no one expects grades to go up during the COVID disruption.
How much money do they want? They are requesting $200 billion for COVID relief. This amount is in excess of the $739 billion ($14,439 per student) the U.S. currently spends on K-12 education. The request for extra money is made even though students are not now being educated adequately in many of the nation’s largest school districts.
The NEA powers know they stand a chance of extra funds as presidential candidate Biden has made it clear that he will be a friend of the NEA.
It’s About Long Term Strategies To Revise Education
A recent article published on the NEA website states that any reopening model has to ensure students and staff’s health and safety and prioritize long-term strategies on student learning and educational equity. With that said, it is no surprise that included in the NEA Playbook is a request for more money to develop virtual learning, the method that has been a dismal failure during the pandemic.
The devastating results of distance learning due to closings may only be evaluated as school districts disclose internal data, much like the new study recently released from Fairfax County, Va. Public Schools Office of Research and Strategic Improvement. The study suggests middle and high school students see less academic success due to online learning. The percentage of students with two or more F marks, for example, increased 83% from 6% to 11% in the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year compared to the first quarter of the 2019-2020 school year. Hispanic children and children of color ranked at the bottom of the charts. While the study is geographically specific to Fairfax, the data is applicable to other districts.
To keep the public from knowing how badly distance learning is failing our students, the NEA proposes doing away with standardized testing, not just during the pandemic but permanently. The San Diego school district has already done away with standardized and comprehensive testing, and others are following their example. Schools often receive a letter grade based on standardized test scores, which is usually made public. Without those scores, taxpayers have no way of knowing if academics are improving or diminishing.
The fact that students are not performing well with virtual learning is not the NEA’s major concern. The future, according to them, is virtual learning.
The NEA is a deep, deep state operative. They hold a position Karl Marx describes in the Communist Manifesto when he said, The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class. The NEA does not want the trouble and expense of founding and running schools, but they see and perform their role as an influencer over education. Thereby they get their way and change society using taxpayer money to support schools they influence to bring about the demise of this nation by converting its children to communism.
Now is the time to pray for NEA resources to dry up, and their influence brought to nothing.
About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/ (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Just another political ploy for more money more power and less to no results. Who looses a whole generation of children.
I sent my children to a Christian school, it was a struggle and sometimes I worked 3 jobs, but I never regret it! I pray that our FATHER will hear our pleas for this generation of children. In JESUS name that gives me this power. Amen
FB does not alow me to share this!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm corrupting education in American schools.
Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground In Jesus name, Amen.
I felt admonished by the Lord for leaving my previous statement incomplete:
I now hae grandchildren in schools and now one entering college. I wanted to see dynamic changes in a school system I felt had become ineffective in the extreme. When we began to hear more and more stories about quality if performance, testing, bathroom and language re-thinking as well as rebellion against science, biology, Psychology dealing with family dysfunction and issues of sex and again rebellion with teaching methods. The bucket list is long and diverse. So when My God admonished about not being trusting enough to understand He was the One who conceived the idea of unity between a man and woman that resulted in a family dynamic that functioned in a social unit in whatever country you are looking at- then I knew He would also lead me into His Presence to be instructed in how o effective Stand with Him on His written Word to break down the Strongman and recover All that has been stolen from us. HE also has His way of redeeming the time. Now IS THE TIME TO TRUST THAT HE IS STILL IN CONTROL AND WE WILL SEE HIS MIGHTY PRESENCE IN OUR MIDST.
We found this true in our area. The union decided schools should do all distance- no in class- work even though a recent mill levy had passed and there were funds for schools plus the infamous marijuana tax money going to schools.
Lord I am still praying for President Trump to be elected by a red sea miracle and know he will be used to hold back socialism and then communinism. LOrd help the Church rise up and be odedient to only you.
I taught at all levels for 43 years from elementary to 4th year university and witnessed the trend to “dumb down” at all levels over those four decades. The occult class that rules the world does not want a literate critical thinking citizenry, real democracy, or a middle class.
Lord we pray in the name of Jesus that agencies such as the NEA that have corrupted our founders original purposes for education be de-funded! We bind Satan’s plan to enslave, limit, and corrupt the minds of our citizens and we loose God’s plan for a well rounded education that includes the spiritual dimension.
We pray all these things in Jesus name! Amen!
Yes, defund the NEA. That’s the same prayer I’ve been praying about Planned Parenthood for years now. Yes and AMEN. I teach at Community College level in Kalifornia. BLM pep rallies and all pro Democratic initiatives. Please, Lord, intervene and destroy their defenses.
I live in San Diego and now my 4 children are grown. I was able to stay home and homeschool for 6 years. I am sorry that I was not able to homeschool through high school. My hope is that many families will see that it is possible with planning and sacrifice, to homeschool your children. I would love to see an exodus out of the public schools.
I feel the same way. I have sent my children to private schools and they are back in person since August with no problem. My youngest is autistic and needs socialization but the public school system and teacher do not care enough about “the least of these” enough for even one teacher to teach a group of five. (Socially distanced and wearing masks, of course). So that means I can bring a child to a birthday party or Walmart and it is ok but his (and others suffering that need socialization) schooling is out of the question. I pray other moms and dads take this opportunity to see the benefits of homeschooling. If the teachers don’t care enough to teach, they are not qualified to be teaching my child.
NOW is the ideal time for parents and guardians to start or support charter schools in which they can have a voice in the curriculum. With brick and mortar schools closed due to the Wuhan Flu it is possible to get local governments to finance charter schools with a kick start. There are plenty of teachers out there who are willing to teach small classes of select students for the same pay they were getting for attempting to teach large unruly classes of 30 or more students over which there was little or no discipline.
Amen. This could be a blessing in disguise. Even though children are doing worse with on-line education and opens the door for more abuse or neglect, this is an opportunity for Christians to rise to the call. All kinds of grant money are available and my research shows Christian doctrine can be taught as well. Maybe team up with a church that is willing for their space to be used for schooling during the week. One of our local YMCAs is being used for children to do their on-line education. It’s ironic that they can’t be in school, but it’s okay for them to all be in a gym together. They look so pathetic. We might even consider tutoring children. I bet just having someone to read to would be a big help. May God give us the wisdom to know what to do and provide us with the resources to do it.
Lord please help the students, parents and the teachers during this difficult time. May Your will be done Father concerning these educational issues. May parents get children to read Your word.I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I pray for uprising of homeschools and new Christian schools that are affordable. I pray that our leftist state government will not eliminate the school choice voucher for our needy students. In Jesus name Amen
Father wake up once again all involved in education!
Yes there are some good teachers who really care but they are few most just want the paycheck.
Father shake the education system in this country. I pray parents wake up most don’t care.
Our children are most important to God, bring honor and respect back in these homes.
I pray the abuse of children stop and I repent for all abuse, trafficking and crime in these cities and homes. Bring honor and respect back to educating our children. Raise up children in the way they should go. Train them in the lord. We have s ientists, lawyers doctors nurses, mayors, presidents and all careers.
Jesus be lifted up in our homes and cities once again.
So well said!!
Totalitarian Governors and Mayors want the schools shutdown as long as possible mainly for power over the next generation to be manipulated as cattle for their pleasure as they implement the New World Order. They simply see the children as their personal slave prisoners to accomplish their own personal ambitions as well. For their service of keeping the children and the public safe from the Covid-19 virus, it is exchanged that their liberty and security has been taken away for threats on their lives if they dont comply with the Communist bullying.
Yes, Lord, we pray against all their evil schemes. Not all children will be able to go to Christian school or be home schooled. We pray for you to intervene in every childs life so that they will get a good education and be a good leader. And it would be wonderful if they be a Godly leader. in Jesus Name amen
Father God,
I continue to thank You for exposing corruption in our nation: in government, news media, tech companies, financial institutions, arts and entertainment, education, and even the Church. Thank You for shaking everything that can be shaken in order to remove all that is opposed to You.
I pray that You completely dismantle the National Education Association so that it no longer has any influence over children’s education.
Please show us the best ways for children to receive the knowledge they need to become competent and productive adults with godly character.
I thank and praise You for the mighty work You are doing in our nation and for Your good plans to give us a future and a hope.
I praise and honor You as the Creator of all things, the Ruler who is always working for our good, and the Judge to whom we will each give account.
May the fear of the LORD fall on every person involved in educating children knowing that anyone who causes one of these little ones to sin, it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their neck and be cast into the sea.
Let Your light shine brightly, LORD JESUS, driving out all the darkness for it is in Your name I pray. Amen.
Father, You are the One in control and You guide the king’s heart like a water course. Hear our prayers for a course shift at the NEA as You draw and strengthen believers to rise up according to Your plans and purposes. The NEA is a Goliath in our feeble eyes. But GOD! Nothing is impossible with You. You have a remnant! May they be encouraged and equipped by You. May they increase in numbers by Your power and glory. Oh Lord, let us not live in fear but claim the power, love and self-control that You give us. Protect the hearts and minds of our children and let us be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Give parents and grandparents the energy and wisdom to come alongside their children. We need You. Hear our prayers and show us the way. I feel so small and weak now but I cast my eyes upon You, Lord!!!!
You are victory!!! You are Strength!! Help us to stand on Your Truth and Your Righteousness. You have brought us here; we cry out in repentance. Strengthen our feeble knees as we suit up in Your armor and await Your orders. Please Lord, may You find me and all of Your saints dressed and ready with our faces set like flint upon You.
It is not about our children with NEA. It is about control! Keep us ignorant&controlled just another form of slavery. Do we get it? I wonder.
What can you say the teachers do not care about our children, they all receive there high salaries and benefits, with little effort on their part in teaching. I am one of those grandparents that are listening in there teaching half the time the kids are getting kicked off. The kids are frustrated and show little effort, just want to hurry and get off so they can go and play. Jesus we need you, I pray that you will intervene for are children. These greedy leaders that are in charge of the the teachers union, that want power and money will be exposed. There some very good teachers out there that realize that this hurting our children’s education, give them strength to speak up and come against these leaders in the teachers union. In Jesus in name. Amen 🙏
GOOGLE IS PART OF THE Communist take over.,along with the ticket Biden and Harris.We need to pray,for GOD HELP FOR WHAT THESE BIG TECH COMPANY ARE DOING TO OUR COUNTRY?????
Totally agree, Amen 🙏
God in Heaven release our children from the bondage of the public school system that they are forced to be under. They are being held back by stupidity in their virtual landscape of learning. Anyone that is listening to what they are teaching can hear and see the boredom they are circulating to poor children that have to go to school. Jesus save Us!
Amen in Jesus name we pray! 🙏
I’m a recently retired elementary teacher. Private, Charter, Christian, and Home School have been recognized by parents during the distance learning fiasco. My daughter has a first grader having to be distanced taught. My daughter is basically home schooling him from her set of values which I’m happy about (even though he seems to have great teachers). I think lots of parents are waking up to what is really going on in the schools. A flip-side blessing of some down-sides of covid! Yet, I am concerned about those kids who don’t have involved parents.