I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give our Supreme Court justices and government officials wisdom and discernment in navigating these heavy issues going on in our world today. We pray they would fear You God and call on Your name.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

For reasons known only to God, I have had the SCOTUS justices on my heart and mind for some weeks. Of course, IFA has always encouraged intercessors to pray in faith that conservative presidents will nominate conservative judges, and such judges, when appointed, will render judgments in line with the US Constitution.

Group Photo of Nime Justices
Photo Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States

When Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently went into the hospital and was given a diagnosis of liver cancer, something was added to the equation, namely, the obvious factor of how the High Courtā€™s justices are aging. Ginsburg is 87, Stephen Breyer is almost 82, and Clarence Thomas is 72 (and rumored to be considering retirement).

Do you agree that we should be in prayer for our Supreme Court Justices? Share with your friends!

During the same week as her hospitalization, I had a dream in which I visited her in the hospital as a chaplain. This was unusual, because I have rarely had a dream that I considered prophetic (though I am aware that God often speaks to His children through dreams). I am not a chaplain, I have never met Ms. Ginsburg, and the fact that I am 84, no doubt has a lot to do with much of my focus on the next life and whether one is prepared for that instant transition into eternity (with or without the Lord).

In my dream, we had a brief but cordial conversation, during which she showed interest in my Christian faith. She asked what I thought was the most important thing I learned from the Bible. My answer was, Godā€™s amazing love and grace for mankind, shown in John 3:16-17, which she allowed me to read. ā€œFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.ā€

That was the extent of the dream, but I cannot get it or her off my mind. I know it is a call to obey 1 Timothy 2:1-4, and especially the last phrase: ā€œā€¦ be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.ā€

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all [mankind], for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all ā€¦ to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth

She may believe that conservative citizens hate her and hope she will resign or die (due to illness) before the elections in November (though I have no evidence for that). My prayers are not judgmental. I ask Father God to minister to her by the Holy Spirit according to her spiritual needs. This might well include sending someone to her ā€“ someone she trusts ā€“ with a message of Godā€™s love and of her need (as with all people) to prepare for life after this life.

I have confined my immediate focus to Justice Ginsburg, but the principle applies to all those we pray for, especially those in positions of authority and who themselves deal with weighty matters of life and death. As someone once said, paraphrasing Jesus, ā€œBy their votes [i.e., political positions] you shall know them.ā€ For example, where abortion continues to be upheld and tolerated ā€“ even celebrated by some — we know there is deep spiritual need. But we must remember that Jesus said, ā€œWith men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.ā€œ (Matthew 19:26)

Therefore, I submit the suggestion that even as we pray for the SCOTUS justices to rule according to Constitutional standards, we might consider also praying for them to give close attention to their own need for spiritual awareness and preparation for the life to come.

Jesus said, ā€œI am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.ā€ (John 14:6)

George Taylor graduated from Moody Bible Institute with the goal of medical missions.Ā  After he studied medicine, George served as a pastor and church planter for 35 years. He then served in two prayer ministries (including IFA) and later as writer/editor in the IT field.Ā  He has been married to his beloved wife, Patsy Taylor, for over 60 years and together they have two adult children and six grandchildren.

What is your prayer for Justice Ginsburg? the other justices? Share your prayers and words of encouragement below…

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James Fielding
August 25, 2020

I now consider the u.s.govt a criminal organization with every intention of embracing lucy-fella, the effeminate devil who doesnt like women (lucy-fella).

Its almost over, in fact is. They already received the mark on their souls. They are arrogantly scheming to enforce it.

Harriet Fuller
August 18, 2020

Our Precious Heavenly Father gave His only Son to die that all mankind could be redeemed, I am so grateful that He died for me and by His Grace He saved me. God has given the Justices many talents and He expects many talents in return. I pray for their souls, each of them, and Justice Ginsburg has been through a difficult year health wise. I pray for her soul, that Jesus is her personal savior and if not that she finds her way to salvation. I also pray for her health. I pray for each of them to uphold the law and the constitution without bias. I do not like many of the decisions she made as it appeared to me that she was not like minded with our Heavenly Father. My heart is heavy for her. Thank you, Pastor Taylor for calling forth your burden as to her status, all the justices, and especially her and their need for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

August 18, 2020

Oh Father, have mercy on me and your church. Lord, we have wanted your law and justice over our land, but many like me have failed to see those with opposing views as loved by you. We pray for fire from heaven rather than for those we consider evil to know you. Lord, right now we pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to receive you as her Lord and Savior before her death. Send forth your Word, your truth, and your light. She has been ill so many times and we have prayed for you to remove her so we could have a conservative judge. I repent and ask for you to heal Ruth, and reveal yourself to her. Adopt her into your family. Oh loving, gracious, merciful Father, forgive us for not seeing as you do. Open my eyes and open the eyes of Ms. Ginsburg’s understanding so she may behold you, receive you, and enter into her rest with you. Humbly I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Katharine Flanders
August 17, 2020

Pastor Taylor, that dream sounds a lot like a vision. I would not be surprised to find that RBG received the same dream. We keep praying without ceasing that The Word of GOD takes root in the hearts of the justices all across this nation and indeed in all of Congress, while there is still time.

Nancy McFadyen
August 17, 2020

Lord Jesus, I pray for our Supreme Court Jusctices, each and everyone, that you would by your Holy Spirit influence them into right and biblical thinking as they review important cases and how those facts line up with our Constitution. Lord give them sound counsel, wisdom beyond their years, and discernment. May they attend to their own spiritual life by getting right with God through Jesus Christ and their repentance. May the fear of the Lord be upon them and the counsel of the Holy One inspire them in their decisions! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Nancy McFadyen
August 17, 2020

Lord Jesus, I pray for our Supreme Court Jusctices, each and everyone, that you would by your Holy Spirit influence them into right and biblical thinking as they review important cases and how those facts line up with our Constitution. Lord give them sound counsel, wisdom beyond their years, and discernment. May they attend to their own spiritual life by getting right with God through Jesus Christ and their repentance. May the fear of the Lord be upon them and the counsel of the Holy One inspire them in their decisions!

August 15, 2020

My prayers are that she seek Yeshua for salvation and that He will reveal Himself to her in dreams and visions,Lord Jesus Messiah send a servant that knows You to her to minister Salvation through Christ that she will believe ,repent and call on His name before she leaves this earth,thank you Lord Amen!

Cindy Ashlock
August 13, 2020

Father God, Have mercy on Justice Ginsburg. If she does not know you, Lord pierce her heart with the power of Your Holy Spirit that she might seek you and Jesus, Your Son, whom you sent to die for her sins and ours. Father, may she have a visitation from You and turn her life over to You. May it be a profound moment that she would share openly with those around her. Father, for all the SCOTUS Justices, bring them to Yourself. We also ask for the entire Congress, that they would turn to You and seek Your face and wisdom to be righteous and extend mercy and Justice in the laws they pass and how they treat each other. God we need you. Sweep our Nation. Thank you for IFA and all the intercessors that You have called to pray and stand in the gap. We love You, Father God. Thank You for all You have done and are doing for us. In Jesus Name. Amen

    August 18, 2020

    Hallelujah! Send revival to our Supreme Court Justices! Use Ruth as your mouthpiece. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Ann M. Jones
August 12, 2020

If I could speak to Justice Ginsburg, I would tell her that now is not her time to die. Jesus really wants to spend time with her in this life. He loves her and He understands her life and her pain. He wants to comfort her. I’d tell her to read Isaiah. And I’d like her to know that she has been on my heart and this is another Christian who loves her.

Kerrie Burger
August 12, 2020

I pray that all people in power and with great responsibility … first of all come to know and except The Lord Jesus Christ as their very own Lord and Savior!! God will help them with the rest !!

estella vergara
August 11, 2020

I do pray for all those in leadership of some sort. they have a great responsibility and as a person of prayer and trusting the Lord, My prayer is that we have men and women of integrity. I pray that someone will speak to her and let her know about the Love of Jesus.

Elie Pasion-Caiani
August 10, 2020

According to Joel 2:28…Our LORD has poured out His Spirit on all mankind. Praying for dreams ,visions, and angelic visitations to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and all the supreme justices. In Jesus Matchless Name. Amen.

Thanking Daddy God that His word does not return empty.


August 10, 2020

Father, send Your Holy Spirit to Justice Ginsberg, especially, but also to all the justices. May their hearts desire be for true justice than is only found in You. Open their ears and their eyes to see who You really are. If they have never heard the Gospel, Father, let them hear with softened hearts. May they see You as the God of compassion and righteousness. May they see you as the God who is both merciful and Holy. May their hearts and minds be transformed when Your Holy Spirit speaks of mercy and truth. If they have been hurt by your people, comfort and heal them so that Jesus would be supreme. Especially I pray for Justice Ginsberg to come to saving knowledge of Yeshua. I break every lie the enemy has spoken to her that has kept her from wanting to see the Truth about Messiah. God have mercy on her soul and save her.

August 9, 2020

I pray that Justice Ginsburg will come to know You Lord, Your great love and grace before her spirit departs from this Earth.

Deborah Lemons
August 9, 2020

Yes, every time we hear of a set back, another episode for Justice Ginsberg, I think that we the people should be praying for her, for her health, for her ideologies, for the condition of her heart and soul – her eternal salvation. And I often have similar thoughts for all the justices; since this is the most powerful and influential body in our government and our nation, next to the President. Yet, Lord, I am not faithful and I seek your forgiveness. Since I am polar opposite in ideology, politics and the impact, influence of Judaeo Christian philosophies and principles, I find it hard to pray, so God let me concede to You. You are all powerful, all knowing, so I commit these 9 people to the working of Your Holy Spirit, to Your influences and people around them. I pray God for them to be aware and to deal with their own needs and relationship with You, through Jesus Christ, his love and grace that made atonement for us. We are all sinners, some forgiven by your grace, so let us be more committed and faithful to pray, to intercede for others. Let us give praise, thanksgiving and glory for who you are, for what you gave for us and the blessings you give to us. Thank You father, watch over and work in and through those who are charged with leading our country, our people and dealing with the world powers and governments. To God be Glory for ever and ever.

Roberta Koch
August 8, 2020

Father in Jesusā€™s name I pray and agree with those praying for Justice Ginsburg that your Holy Spirit will move upon her.She will hear your Word of salvation in Jesus found inJohn
3:16-17. She will receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Thank you Father for saving her. Amen

Terry K Garber
August 7, 2020

Each time I have learned of Justice Ginsburgā€™s illnesses/hospitalizations and/or surgeries, I have lifted her to the Lord, and as with Mr. Taylor, I have been moved to pray for her on a regular basis. My prayers have been for health and healing, but most of all for her to have a personal experience with Jesus Christ with a view to her salvation.

August 7, 2020

I like to remember that all adults were once delightful Kindergarteners eager to learn and certain each day was going to be fun! Little sins of selfishness and centeredness were easily diminished by a loving teacher. We are all kids inside. Our prayers help guide toughened hearts to The Great Teacher and our dear Lord Jesus Christ! May Christ reign in all hearts!
I pray for the Salvation of Ruth Ginsburg.

Delma Ensor
August 7, 2020

Holy loving Father In Jesus name I come before You today, asking Your favor over all our supreme court justices, who know You and who judge and pass sentences on Americans in Christ’s love and according to our constitution. Upon those who don’t know You, I ask Your mercy and grace, as you give them time to repent and pass judgment according to Your Holy Word. I ask that You put Your fear into them LORD GOD to see and know that they, too, will be judged for passing unrighteousness
judgment on others. Get their attention as to how they have judged in the past and convict them, before it is too late for them to repent. Please reveal Your strong displeasure for enabling the continued murder of our precious babies. Open their eyes to see and to know that unless they repent, they will reap from You for the snatching away of millions of precious innocent babies’ lives! Save these judges, before it is too late for them. Many of the justices are aged and don’t have long on this earth. I know you love, them, Father, and have already paid their debt for these murders. Send those into their lives they will receive to show your love to them and at the same time give them a timely warning! Thank You for your great love for each supreme court justice. May they not tarry in responding to Your great love. Amen and amen!

Vicky Rogers
August 7, 2020

I thank you Father and in Jesus name, lift up each Judge on the Supreme Court into a relationship with you. I Lift up Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her health and that she would find the Lord Jesus and rule in His righteousness. I lift up each Judge: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer,
Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch,and Brett Kavanaugh. Father draw each one to you and open up their hearts to rule in righteousness and uphold the Constitution that our Founding Fathers wrote to give protection and not to undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e.., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of the Law. May they all have a Holy Spirit awakening in their hearts. Thank you Father in Jesus name.

Mary Ballejos
August 7, 2020

I too have had Justice Ginsberg on my mind. I pray that The Holy Spirit would show her her need for Jesus, to be saved and made whole in Him. I also pray for her peace and I ask God to send people to her to minister to her and lead her to Christ.

Mel Teoh
August 7, 2020

Holy Father,
In Jesus’ name, we ask You Father God that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will graciously step down and live out her life away from the courts as she battles health issues. So as Justice Stephen Breyer to joyfully retire. So that both of them can enjoy their family in retirement. In Jesus’ name I pray that they will seek and find the Grace of Jesus Christ in their retirement.

As for Justice Clarence Thomas, please let him stay another 10 years or so to help out the new justices to ALWAYS STAND in THE TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST in interpreting the law.

We just want You to be glorified God. Not my will but Thy will be done.

Mary Headley
August 7, 2020

We pray for Justice Ginsberg that she will come to know Jesus Christ I and His truth, that she would spend her remaining days on the court and in her life knowing Jesus and speaking for truth. In Christā€™s name we pray. Amen

Caroline Eagan
August 6, 2020

Dear Lord, I pray for Justice Ginsberg and her health. Thank you for giving her wisdom, recollection,a strong body/mind and knowledge that could Only come from a Divine Holy Creator. HE has a plan for each and everyone of our lives. Lord Jesus, let her know that Psalms 53, Psalms 22, and all thru out the Old Testament, the Holy Old Testament talks about the Suffering servant/Messiah Jesus. I pray for her to ask our Holy God about the Suffering Messiah- YESHUA, Jesus,and that she would become a child of the living King, Messiah, YESHUA!!!

DiAnn Beatty
August 6, 2020

Praying for Justice Ginsburg šŸ™. May our Country be transformed to follow the constitution

Carol Murray
August 6, 2020

I was SO EXCITED to hear about this dream because I have been asking the Father to give her to Jesus as an inheritance for sometime now. Then I had heard she was being treated for cancer. I was interceding for all of the judges, but when I get to her on my list, I cry out for the Holy Spirit to convict her of her sins and ask Father to send someone to share the Gospel with her and pray with her.
So encouraged by this testimony!

Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns
August 6, 2020

Dear Justice Ginsburg,

Thank you for serving our nation in such an important position. I pray for you all, and pray GOD guides and directs you in the decisions you have to make for each case. HE is always there, and wants to provide WISDOM to those who ask.

Blessings be upon you,

Marylynn Ludwig
August 6, 2020

Lord, itā€™s never too late for a person to come to saving knowledge as long as theyā€™re still alive. I pray for Justice Ginsburg that she would have dreams and visions of the great love you have for her and she would say ā€œyes Lord, I believe.ā€ She would repent of her sins and receive the forgiveness you have for her. Father God, may she hear the truth and respond.

Charles Anderson
August 6, 2020

I prayed for Justice Ginsberg and receive Jesus as her personal Savior. Open the soul-eyes of each Supreme Court Justice, and help them to see & listen to the Holy Spirit.

Bring revival to the USA. Help us to repent and turn to God.

    August 8, 2020

    Yes, that we as individuals , churches and nation repent for our sins against Him and each other.
    God bless each person reading as well as responding and your family.

Charles Anderson
August 6, 2020

I prayed for Justice Ginsberg. May God send someone to her that she trusts and that she receive Jesus as her personal Savior. Open the soul-eyes of each Supreme Court Justice, and help them to see & listen to the Holy Spirit.

Bring revival to the USA. Help us to repent and turn to God.

Linda Oliver
August 6, 2020

Thank you for this insight as I have been praying it the name of Jesus that our Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would not die, but live eternal life and declare the glory of God because she will know her Messiah ā€”even if in the 11th hour. God wants all to receive salvation. I believe your dream is an answer to a prayer…probably spoken by many believers besides me. Our Messiah will be made known to her. Thank you Jesus we praise and glorify your NAME above all names.

August 6, 2020


August 6, 2020

Heavenly Father, You put these people in office. To do what’s right. You will hold them accountable for their choices, just like You will hold us all accountable. My prayer for all justices is that they would hunger & thirst for Your righteousness. Holy Spirit cause them to see that their choices will help or hurt our nation. And You will hold them accountable.I pray for a deep Holy Spirit conviction to fall upon them in Jesus Name Amen

August 6, 2020

Absolutely a God given dream.

Linda Dieter
August 6, 2020

This really got my attention because we were challenged quite a while back to choose a supreme court justice to pray a for and I chose Sonya Sotomayor. Have been doing this daily with prayers for many in government..recently I have also been praying for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, both of them for their salvation. I believe Antonio Scalia and she were good friends and believe he planted seeds in her heart and have been praying they would be watered. There is nothing too difficult for our God and He wants all men to come to a saving knowledge of Him. Your dream tells me that He is after her heart, especially with her continually health issues. Praying for John Roberts to come back to being a judge who returns to the constitution . A wake up call. Needless to say this article caught my full attention. I have been reminded so much lately by my heavenly Father to look for confirmation of His word to us.

August 6, 2020

Whenever I have had a similar dream, God was calling me to go to that person and give them the message. I didn’t know how God would work it, but I was able to give a message to a famous person by God’s grace. See if you can see Justice Ginsberg.

Paul Cirillo
August 6, 2020

I have been praying for years that God would save Justice Ginsberg and use her powerfully for good on the Supreme Court. Let’s continue to pray for the salvation of all elected and appointed officials in government at all levels: local, state, and federal.

Pat Oconnell
August 6, 2020

Approximately 6 months ago, I was prompted to write Justice Ginsburg. I sent her a hand written note asking her to consider the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and telling her I admired her strength and tenacity with all she has had to deal with lately and wishing her well. May God make a name for Himself through her. He is banging on her door.

    Delma Ensor
    August 7, 2020

    God doesn’t need anyone or anything to happen to make His name great! I see in Revelation that Jesus is knocking at our heart’s door. I see nowhere in His Holy Word where He is banging on anyone’s door. Do you have a scripture for that?

      P. Oconnell
      August 8, 2020

      We can affirm and pray according to Nehemiah 9:10 where God’s great works are mentioned and as it was recorded in
      Nehemiah’s day…”You made a name for Yourself”. Of course God doesn’t need us for anything….but He created us and chooses to engage with us at different times and seasons for His pleasure.
      Knocking means to strike a surface to attract attention….the mighty hand of God will surely render the right pressure suited perfectly for Justice Ginsburg.
      Appears there is an increased prompt on many to pray.

        Delma Ensor
        August 8, 2020

        Thank you for the courtesy of your reply!

          P. Oconnell
          August 9, 2020

          Very welcome

Pastor Karen Lester
August 6, 2020

Loved the article, and know for some years that I’ve prayed for the SCOTUS judges would have wisdom and follow the Constitution, but since the Obama administration, it has taken some turns away from using the Constitution as a guide, and has caused me to really dig into the Bible’s wisdom on judges and finally this brought me to IFA, and seeing what my fellow Americans that intercede and pray had to say, and knowing that Matthew 18:20 says where two or three gather together I am with them, and that there is power in prayer and that we would together pray and right this ship and get it back on course. Justice Roberts is one that definitely, needs more of our prayerful attention, and the issue of age now will be added to my prayers for them all. Age and wisdom have had it’s benefits, since they know our History, but it also can be a double edged sword, since it also means that their infirmities if mental can enter into their judgements. Please Lord Jesus help us have the wisdom to intercede for this group and help us put this court back on track, and following the Constitution and the Bible. Amen and Amen.

Virginia Douglas
August 6, 2020

Last words matter. Jesus is no stranger to earthly creaturely dying. As we attempt the unnatural blessing of those who spitefully use us, and bless those who curse us, in humility and sorrow, I pray for those whose intent is to harm believers and eradicate the Word of truth. King David’s last words in 2 Samuel 23:3, “He who rules must be just, Ruling in the Fear of God.”. Lord, please grant the gift of repentance to rulers and judges.

Roberta Hernandez
August 6, 2020

Great article that comes with a good conviction. Itā€™s easy to see the oppositions stance on issues and get frustrated with their beliefs. As for myself wishing others with the same beliefs come and replace them. How easy would that be to solve some major victories. But God sees so much otherwise and His heart never has changed in His long suffering for people to come to know Him. His heartbeat is still saying ā€œpeopleā€. I will be praying for the judges and for Mrs. Ginsberg. Thank you for reminding me to keep praying for those who donā€™t agree with the same beliefs.ā¤ļø

Carolyn Tormala
August 6, 2020

I pray that all of our justices and judges would do the right thing according to our Constitution as it was originally intended…which means, according to what is Biblically sound.

Sylvia Thur
August 6, 2020

Justice Bader-Ginsberg, I pray that As God floods His love over & through you, that you will receive it. God is LOVE! Itā€™s not too late!

Sparkles Jones
August 6, 2020

Mr Taylor may have also been in a dream that she was having of a man visiting her and sharing the good news.
My Prayer for Ms. Ginsburg is that Yeshua will visit her and reveal eternal things to her heart that she may choose life before she leaves this world. And she will tell someone about that experience.

Mary B Burt
August 6, 2020

I too have been praying for several of the “liberal left” in our government, that their hearts might be changed and that they would come to know our Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace. We may disagree politically, but that is not what gets us into Heaven. As a Christian and living from our Lord’s mandate to share the Gospel, I pray daily for specific ones in our government with whom I cannot talk to in person, that they would become saved into Jesus’ grace before it is too late.

August 6, 2020

Thank you for reminding us that Our Lord died for all.
I have been praying for Justice Bader-Ginsburg, and for all the justices.

As a P.S., my parents both attended Moody Bible Institute. They have both gone to be with Jesus, but they gave me a good, Christian foundation for these trying times.

August 6, 2020

So many times we make enemies or take it personally when people lean one side of the political ideal or the other. Forgetting it’s not God will that anyone perish but all come to repentance. Maybe these fights would be more focused on the cross of Christ, & not a viewpoint, we could have a different outcome in our talks. We are told to do the works of an evangelist not to argue viewpoints. People are drawn to the Lord, but we have to answer/ or ask the right question in our speech. How can they call on him whom they have not believed, how shall they believe in him in whom they have not heard?

Karren Wright
August 6, 2020

Lord, I am asking in Jesus name and by His authority for a miracle. I ask that Ruth Ginsburg accept you as her savior and through this act all the justices will be witnesses to your glory and be transformed themselves.

June Jensen
August 6, 2020

I said you second his prayer, I will add a third to it and an Amen to your also.

August 6, 2020

The Lord wants Judge Ginsburg to be saved so I pray that she would receive salvation and our Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Her time is just about up so may those who know the Lord minister to her and we will pray for her.Thank you Mr. Taylor for bringing this up that we would pray for her and our other judges.

Joseph Burns
August 6, 2020

Mr. Taylor, I was refreshed by your sober honesty. Currently there is an excess of audio / visual content that for the most part, just adds confusion. Thank you for sharing your dream. I appreciate your redemptive, respectful attitude for a person / group that will be lost for eternity unless their heart is surrendered to Jesus. Finish strong & may the Lord be with you.

Jana D.
August 6, 2020

Excellent. Some of her judgments recently have indicated a softening.

    Penni Bulten
    August 7, 2020

    I’ve noticed this as well. Heavenly Father, we all know it is your kindness that lead us to repentance. We also know that Isaiah 53 is particularly applicable to Justice Ginsburg as a Jew. We ask you to continue softening her toward the truth and draw her to yourself. Give believers on the Court, in the staff and in her circle of friends the words to say, and wisdom from you.

Mae Belle Winkler
August 6, 2020

Father I lift up Ruth Ginsburg to you today. I pray the eyes of her hearts be opened to see and know Your love for her. The unsearchable riches of Your mercy and grace toward her. That she may receive faith in her heart to receive Your marvelous gift of salvation.

Don hughes
August 6, 2020

Holy God I ask that you sent someone to share the good news of Jesus Christ with Justice Ginsburg. I asked Father that Your Word be planted in her heart and the Holy Spirit of God would draw her to saving grace of Jesus. Pierce her heart O God that she would live for you and serve you the rest of the days of her life.

Marc Sisko
August 6, 2020

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you have put it in Mr. Taylor’s heart to pray for Justice Ginsburg. I wish to second Mr. Taylor’s prayers and I ask that indeed you would send a messenger to Ruth and that you would please prepare her heart to receive your truth. Please may she be saved through faith in Christ Jesus! Help her to overcome any impediments or prejudices in her own mind or from others. May she see clearly her need for forgiveness and reconciliation before Your awesome holiness, and may she see clearly Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Please give her faith and understanding, may she see the great surpassing love in Christ Jesus and may she know that there is salvation in none other! In Jesus’s Name, amen.

Kimberly Halfen Rowan
August 6, 2020

Father we declare that Justice Ginsberg will come to the knowledge and acceptance of Your Son, Jesus. We declare that there will be a true return to her Jewish faith the foundation of who she is a daughter. Lord as I have sensed that she possibly had an abortion and refused to admit to any pain to further the cause of womenā€™s rights and her career we call forth a Repentant heart for her decisions whether personally and/ or politically motivated. We thank you for Your mercy you have shown her. The fact that she is still on earth this long while battling this liver cancer is a testimony of Your mercy and patience that none should perish but have everlasting life. We also declare that as her life on earth is ebbing away that she will make a repentant declaration regarding Roe v. Wade thus weakening its power in our nation and setting many women free! In Jesus name!

    Delma Ensor
    August 7, 2020

    Powerful prayer, Kimberly! I agree with you in it!!!

August 6, 2020

I pray she will retire, take care of herself and come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.

August 6, 2020

Father, I ask that you visit Ruth Bader Ginsburg and all her colleagues in the Supreme Court. Show them their need for You, that without You all they’ve done was for nothing but to try and destroy what You have set this country to be, one nation under God. Father in Jesus name, we bind the devil’s evil works against our Supreme Court Justices and loose the captives that are held in his clutches to come to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Bless them with Your salvation. Those who refuse You, remove them from their position of honor so they can no longer miss interpret the laws of the land and replace them with men and woman of God who hear your voice and do Your will in Jesus name.

Frankie Hutchens
August 6, 2020

My prayer for Justice Ginsberg is for a softened heart in her delicate status; softened to the extent she is spiritually prepared to hear the gospel and receive Jesus as her Lord andSavior for when a believer visits and witnesses to her.

CM Brown
August 6, 2020

I pray for Ruth Ginsberg; I pray that she will be healed if its God’s will, and that she will come to know the joy of having Jesus as her Savior. I pray that she will seek God’s face in the decisions she makes.

August 6, 2020

Since the time of Ross Perot, I have been convinced that Most political figures are in constant fear for their very lives, and the lives of their familiesā€” if they go against what the elite tell them to do…The rest are evil, and naturally do what they are told for the $$$$$$$$!
Yes, Iā€™m cynical, I have lost all faith and trust in government. My hope is found only in the LORD Christ Jesus.
Father God Almighty, Bind evil to silence that means harm for this nation. Protect those in power who obey You, strengthen them and let Your silent Children Rise up for You, to bring glory to Your holy name! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

August 6, 2020

Visit Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a human or supernatural visitation so that she will know her Messiah, Yeshua. Let her see and know the One who created her and may she not leave this earth without knowing Him. Help her to know she is not betraying her Jewish heritage but rather fulfilling it in knowing her Messiah. Let her reflect back on her wonderful friendship with Justice Scalia and how he worshipped and loved Jesus. Let her tenacity to live be extended so she may have that same tenacity to love, honor and worship Yeshua. In Your mercy, keep her alive so she can make the most important decision of her life. In Jesus Precious and Holy Name. Amen

August 6, 2020

I pray for justice Ginsburg to be healed into vote according to God’s word amen

August 6, 2020

I have consistently prayed for the armor of God nearly every morning for my family, the president and family, vice president and family, congressmen, senators and supreme court justices. Often for these elected officials I focus on the belt of truth to dispel the lies, distortions and half truths of the enemy and have asked for a helmet of salvation focusing on the Word that states “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Can I pray this on behalf of the unsaved? With my breastplate of righteousness in place, purchased by the blood of Jesus, I can go before Father as Aaron did with each stone representing a tribe of Israel and represent these in the throne room of heaven pleading for the Lord’s mercy on these to come to a knowledge of Him. Oddly, I have also felt drawn to pray for the grandchildren of George Soros in this way.
The church has often focused on nominations to the bench, but how powerful would it be to see a life of a supreme court justice transformed and a public testimony of the grace of the Lord on his or her life as witnessed in salvation. Since we know the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony overcome the evil one, I ask Father that testimonies of Your goodness may be loosed in these days. I thank You for the testimony of Roger Stone and pray that his testimony will be the first fruits of a great harvest of public figures in the months ahead. We declare the goodness of God.

    August 6, 2020

    Beautiful prayer.

      August 6, 2020

      Lord, I join the prayers of these others that You would work mightily in the lives of our Supreme Court Justices. I pray Holy Spirit that you would convict them concerning truth and bring them to repentance and faith in our Savior. May they bend their knees in submission to You and Your Word. Use them mightily in our nation to return our nation to You. In Jesus Name, Amen

    August 6, 2020

    Amen & anen. Let it be so, in Jesus’s holy name!

    Elaine D
    August 6, 2020

    I’ve been praying salvation for Gov. Newsom of CA, seeing as God has a special love for CA.
    Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are wanting all men to come to you. I pray that as Sean Faucht has invited Gov. Newsom on September 6th, to pray and worship on the steps of the Capitol in Sacramento, you would nag his spirit and invade his mind in preparation of receiving Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord! That You would do a mighty wonder for CA and the country! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Elizabeth Crouse
August 6, 2020

I am praying they will judge according to Gods will not politics. The court has gone political and that is wrong.

August 6, 2020

Thank you for your encouragement. For years have had members of SCOTUS in prayer and particularly appreciate encouragement to pray both for eternal well being of each and the decisions they make in cases. May God move mightily on behalf of Justice Ginsburg now and each of the justices

Lynn Ortiz
August 6, 2020

I pray that God will make his presence known to her and show her his mercy! I pray she will have an encounter with the Savior and will live to tell about it; declare truth to others and maybe even to correct a wrong in regards to Roe v Wade.

August 6, 2020

As an ambassador of Christ, I must pray in accordance with Godā€™s heart that none will parish. Therefore, I pray that Justice Ginsburg will come to faith in Jesus Christ before she takes her last breath, and I pray she will in this life, experience the joy of salvation.

    August 7, 2020

    GOD’s heart is not only that none would perish, but for everyone to come to repentance:

    The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

    Our prayers should be for her to repent and cease from her wrongdoing:

    Ephesians 4:28, NIV: “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.”

August 6, 2020

I have prayed for the Supreme Court Justices for decades and when I pray yes I pray for salvation and that they would not only follow the Constitution but they would follow by biblical principles.
I pray for all of our political leaders to be saved when I pray for them. From my standpoint to judge righteously one needs to know the Lord. Yes there are good people that do not know the Lord. But it is better to have our leaders on the Lord’s side.
But I also pray Lord you know their heart and you know if they will never honor the Constitution and or repent of their sin. If not then remove them from their seat of power.

Mary Jo Hebble
August 6, 2020

May God open the door of her heart to understand her need of salvation. Lord send your Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Being every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.Repentance

August 6, 2020

I pray for her to know the Lord and ask for wisdom.

August 6, 2020

While I agree with many of the prayers for
GOD’s mercy written here; Roe v. Wade is upmost in my mind and these judges will one day have to answer to Almighty GOD for their rulings! Too terrible to contemplate!

    August 6, 2020

    We pray for the full forgiveness that comes when one turns to Jesus. We pray for her to come to full knowledge of the Truth that will set her free. Just like God through Christ did for me.
    Pregnancy help centers are frequently led and staffed by post abortive women. Women who previously were convinced there was no saving grace for them.
    They had their babies killed. Now theyā€™ve been forgiven and healed and help others.
    I pray for the same forgiveness and healing for Ruth.

      August 6, 2020

      To whom much is given much is expected.
      It certainly would be nothing short of a miracle if she publicly repented of her wrong decision that likely influenced so many into thinking that it was okay to have an abortion because it was “Legal”.
      GOD is just!
      May HIS will be done in Jesus Name.

August 6, 2020

Lord Jesus in the quietness of her hospital bed I ask you to reveal yourself to Ruth in way that cannot be mistaken; show her how much you love her and desire to take her home with you.

Beth Ferrell
August 6, 2020


Elizabeth Maynard
August 6, 2020

Prayers for the Supreme Justices has been on my heart for months. I’ve even placed a picture of them on my printer. I read with interest today’s article and calls for prayer for Justice Ruth Ginsburg. Yes, I agree and appreciate the perspective placed by the author. I continue to pay for Chief Justice John Roberts. I pray that his vote be directed by God. That the biblical principles would once again captivate his heart. That whatever has caused his heart to be moved would be disrupted and destroyed in the name of Jesus!!

August 6, 2020

Save her soul Jesus, as You saved a wretch like me.
Cause all her cohorts in this life to stop…to acknowledge Your supremecy, grace & mercy, such that they too repent & be saved!
Turn this troubled nation back to You Father, draw attention to her frailty of life without God.
All Praise to You for our God-fearing President who is leading through Your Wisdom & powerful presence. Please save Donald Trump & his household that All will see Your dominion & authority over men.

Susan Petree
August 6, 2020

I pray that Justice Ginsburg and ALL of the SCOTUS justices would become BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS, BAPTIZED, AND HOLY GHOST FILLED!!!!!!! Can you IMAGINE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S MORALS AFTER THAT!?!?! I also pray the same prayer for EVERYONE in the US government,in Washington DC, AND those in authority in EVERY STATE!!!! Wouldn’t THAT be POWERFUL??!! And, I pray it all in the BLESSED NAME OF JESUS!!!!!! LORD JESUS, COVER THIS NATION IN YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD!!!!!! HALLELUJAH TO THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!!!! WE PRAISE YOUR MIGHTY NAME, OH GOD!!!!!!!

    August 6, 2020

    Amen-we could see a bit of Heaven here on earth if only we would turn back to God.

      Susan Petree
      August 6, 2020


Rev. Juanita
August 6, 2020

I pray for their salvation to come to know God and make Him known, in Jesus Name, Amen. To vote and ruled according to the Word and commandments of God.šŸ™šŸ”„ā¤

Virginia ( Bitsy) Cameron
August 6, 2020

Oh Lord, as you know over the last month, I have had Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on my mind and heart and in my prayer life, praying for her repentance and salvation. Lord you know I have a heart for the Jewish people and have been praying weekly for the Supreme Court of the United States and especially Justice Ginsberg. My prayer has never been for her death. I would probably analyze, think and vote like she does were it not for Your saving grace and salvation. Heavenly Father and Sovereign Lord, open her heart toYour truths and her desperate need for repentance and salvation in her Messiah. May Yeshua/Jesus reveal Himself mightly to her through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you, Lord .

Linda Harper
August 6, 2020

I pray that Ginsburg will be saved and that she will make decisions in line with God’s Word, so that His will can be done in the U.S. I pray that she will listen to Thomas, Alito, and other christian Conservatives on the Court.

August 6, 2020

Lord God, thank you for all those who serve in government and in positions of authority. Please protect them, grant them wisdom and a love for truth. Lord, only You can change the hearts of man. I pray that each justice, congressman and cabinet leader would seek to know You. That they would hunger and thirst to understand who You are and that they would see their need for salvation through Jesus Christ. In Your Name I pray

Lewis Turner
August 6, 2020

Thank you for this exhortation. — So often our prayers reflect our reaction about decisions or political focus of an individual. I will take time and ask God for forgiveness here. It is easy to pray out of reaction–and not pray for the person’s relationship to Christ. Our first prayer should be for the person’s salvation and relationship to Jesus.

Gloria A Robles
August 6, 2020

Yes Lord,
I pray Justice Ginsburg would come to the way, the truth, and the life, that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Let her see the love of God in fellow conservatives that surround her.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Cindy Houghton
August 6, 2020

Father, tenderize her heart. Release the laborers into the harvest, thrust them out of their comfort zone. I pray that these respected and honored people of Your kingdom would find themselves in divine encounters with strategic people and that Your word will go forth with purity and love. Thank you that no person is insignificant in Your sight and that Your love pursues the least to the greatest. May she know and experience Your love for it is Your love that draws us to repentance. Thank You Lord for the harvest of many souls in places of authority.

Vina M Elias
August 6, 2020

Father God send someone to this lady to lead her to you if she doesnā€™t know you, and also touch her body all things are possible with You

Donna Liput
August 6, 2020

Iā€™ve hoped for Justice Ginsberg to be replaced with a justice who would be pro-life. But today Iā€™m also praying for salvation for her. Iā€™m praying for Roe v Wade to be overturned because it is bad law and was an ā€œincorrect decision ā€œ Nothing is impossible with God. Mathew 19:26

Marlene Van Leuvan
August 6, 2020

RGB has always been on my mind… so, I do pray that she will get a Divine visitation from
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords in her sleep that she may receive him and be saved
before the Lord brings her home. I believe she is Jewish and it would be to her benefit to receive her Yeshuaā€™s Hamashiyach before she goes home.

So, I pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to get saved not by power, not by might but by the Spirit of the Lord. That there would be a truth realization that abortion is murder. That she will change her liberal decisions and thoughts that will reverse Roe v Wade in the opinions of the Supreme Court. I pray for a spirit of conviction and repentance that she may know the truth that sets her free. That she cannot hold on to this life until a liberal president gets elected. I pray a release of the things she is holding onto in this life. Lord, if it is her time to come home, please draw her to you that she may live in eternity with You. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen

Linda Aymond
August 6, 2020

My prayer is that ms Ginsburg has a true revelation of the love and grace of God. Lord send your people to minister to her and demonstrate to her in a way she has no doubts about the Saving Power of the Lord God Almighty!!

Kathleen Burns
August 6, 2020

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ mighty Name I thank you for this dream and agree in prayer with, I believe, thousands of others who have been praying for the salvation of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for a long time. Please remove the blinders of the ‘god of this world’ from her mind and ‘give her to Jesus.’ Jesus said, “All that the Father gives to Me, will come to Me. And him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.”
Please, Lord of the harvest, send forth just the right laborer to share the Gospel with Justice Ginsburg. And open her heart as You did Lydia’s in the book of Acts.
We agree in prayer that You will give us two or more Supreme Court justices who will judge conservatively and in alignment with the Constitution of the United States of America. We ask this all, with thanksgiving, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

August 6, 2020

Lord cover our Supreme Court justices with the power of your Holy Spirit and open the eyes of their hearts to be aware of your presence and come to know your truth and love. We pray that they all begin to walk in your way of truth, justice and love. May they now see things as you do Lord. From this day forward I declare a righteous shift in the atmosphere where they deliberate and make their decisions. Lord fill their chamber with ministering angels in Jesus name Amen

Peggy Dau
August 6, 2020

I too have had the US Supreme Court heavily on my heart and in my prayers. Former Justice John Brennan wrote the majority opinion about Roe v. Wade and I used to pray that before he went into eternity he would repent and receive the forgiveness that we all need and do receive before we meet the Lord. That same type of prayer is what I pray for those Justices that have actually misused their positions to mock the Lord and His desire for mankind. The removal of His Word, the polluting of the land with innocent blood, and the defliment of the words of scripture ordaining marriage between one man and one woman. And all the ramifications that accompany those decisions. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord of creation and we all come short of our obedience to Him so those Justices who had merely human wisdom as opposed to godly wisdom can be delivered and washed clean if they desire. So we ask the Lord for mercy for them before they meet You. We are grateful for the ones who by their decisions fear You please keep them strong and pour out Your hedge of protection over them and for the others cause them to see, hear and repent. In the name of Jesus.

August 6, 2020

I pray for her salvation. Her heart, mind, will surrendered on our lord and savior. Open up her mind to understand the truth. John 3:16. Amen and amen.

Majorie Mellon
August 6, 2020

Interestingly enough I have had the same concern in my heart for Justice RBG. Iā€™ve been praying that she surrenders her life to Jesus and repent of her many decisions taken as a SCOTUS justice.
So Father God thank you for confirming this concern to me. I pray that RBG will surrender her life to Christ and will repent in the days to come. Send a trusted friend in her surrounding that would minister your love and your great ability to forgive to her. I pray that she accepts Jesus into her heart soon! In your name I pray Jesus!

Deborah Neiberger
August 6, 2020

Thank you for sharing this.

I have been praying for Ms. Ginsburg and all of the governmental officials for salvation. We were all once lost and someone prayed us into the kingdom, knowing it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance causes great joy and anticipation of what he will do next. Praying for them makes us tender toward God and them as it has brought me to repentance from attitudes that I had and I want to continue to change.

I pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you know her and all that has transpired in her life. I ask that your kindness would lead her to repentance and bring her into the joy of knowing you. Let her testify about you lifting her up out of the miry pit and setting her feet upon the Rock. Lift her up and reveal yourself to her that she would turn to you and make you her Lord.
Thank you.

Elizabeth McConn
August 6, 2020

I pray in agreement with Pastor Taylor and add 2 Timothy 2:24-26. I pray for conviction in their minds, spirits, and hearts that God is truth and He loves them and wants to set them free. He will not come against their decisions in their hearts, but He may remove them from office if they come against His purpose. Lord, give them eyes to see and hearts that will obey. Pray Daniel’s prayer of Daniel 7 back to the Lord again and watch Him fulfill His purposes. Lord, Have mercy on us. Forgive us for our gross disobedience and bring Your purpose back into life in this nation. Thank you for listening to our prayers. Hallelujah!! Amen

August 6, 2020

I do believe we need to really pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the grace to turn to Jesus, to ask Jesus into her heart. even for the grace to repent of the many decisions that she made against LIFE, in all of her history of time on the bench. a vision I was given in 2017 showed her going down a hall in a women’s prison, and I tried to speak with her, but she did not turn toward me. for this gentleman to have seen her speak with him, I believe it indicates her heart turning toward the Lord. we need to keep lifting her up that she will take the grace the Lord is giving her and ask Jesus into her heart.

Carren Robinson
August 6, 2020

My Dear and Faithful Father, I pray today for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I pray, O God, that you would send someone across her path, to witness to her the saving power through Our Lord Jesus Christ in such a way that she will listen, understand, and make Jesus the Lord and Savior of her life. I pray this in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

    August 6, 2020

    Amen. To be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, in Jesus name.

MariaTeresa Panman
August 6, 2020

My Lord and my God, through the powerful intersession of Thy beloved mother and our mother Virgin Mary i humble ask you to give to the Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg the gift of repentance, and she will be with Thee in Thy Kingdom forever and ever. Amen.


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