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Father, we pray for an unbiased legal system free of corruption. You are the God of truth, so we pray that Your truth would reign above politics and preferences in the court room.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Trump received a brutal punishment in his civil fraud case in New York. Does this punishment signify political corruption in the state?

From New York Post. Oscar Wilde wrote that “moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” Justice Arthur Engoron took that line to heart with his absurd imposition of $455 million in fines and interest against Donald Trump and his corporation.

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It succeeded wonderfully with New Yorkers, who celebrated the verdict like a popular public execution. It also worked wonderfully to make it difficult to appeal.

Much of the criticism of the decision focused on the unprecedented use of the law and the excessive size of the fine. …

Even the New York Times agreed that it could not find a single case in history where this statute was used against an individual or a company that did not commit a criminal offense, go bankrupt, or leave financial victims.

Engoron then combined that unprecedented application with an equally extraordinary penalty, which is greater than the gross national product of some countries.

He disgorged hundreds of millions in a case where not one dollar was lost by anyone. …

Under New York law, Trump cannot appeal this ruling without depositing the full amount, including interest, in a court account. Even for Trump, $455 million is hard to come by. Likewise, a bond would require a company to guarantee payment for a defendant who has been barred from doing business in New York and is facing the need to liquidate much of his portfolio. …

The combination of the draconian fine and the threshold deposit for appeal has produced a shudder throughout the New York business community. The city is already experiencing an exodus of businesses and individuals from the top tax brackets. …

Watching the celebrations probably caused many executives to check time shares in Florida. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has rushed to assure businesses that there is “nothing to worry about” after the corporate public execution of Trump and his company.

But the best that politicians like Hochul … can offer is that you have nothing to fear from confiscatory actions unless you are Trump in New York. …

The message is that you can expect blind and equal justice so long as you don’t run afoul of the Democrats in power. …

This should shock the conscience of anyone concerned about the integrity and fairness of the New York legal system. …

What do you think of Trump’s civil fraud case? Was the verdict fair? Was the punishment justified? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Linda T
March 20, 2024

Father God, I pray a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family and may you make a way where men cannot see one. May no weapon formed against him prosper. Use him to return our country to focus on you, bring him close to you and help him develop a relationship with you. You use all kinds of people, Lord, and though many see nothing but his flaws, let us remember that all of us fall short in your eyes and not be judgmental. May your will be done in all things. In Jesus name.

George Leaf
February 25, 2024

Father God, I am delighted in the ruling of this judge. For every business, every politician, every salesman, whose program, promise, and or claimed result does not appear is now guilty of fraud. Guilty of creating an expectation is now criminal liable for the failure of hoped for future value to appear. Let the law, legislature, and judges become aware of this precedent one of their own has set. Amen

February 23, 2024

Thank you Father for revealing unconscionable corruption so clearly—shouting for the housetops these dark deeds. We pray true justice for Donald Trump, that the evildoers pay for their weaponizing the legal system. We pray for your church to arise and defend the rule of law and justice in America lest we lose our liberty for future generations.

Darlene Estlow
February 22, 2024

Father, in this day where the people in power can do evil to their political enemies, I pray you would change this. I pray for this judge and the people of New York that they would get rid of hate and be touched with life by your Holy Spirit.

Angela D.
February 22, 2024

Father, I lift this unjust ruling up to You that was handed down by a corrupt justice named Engoron. Donald J. Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing. I am praying Psalm 35 over Donald J. Trump: “Plead Donald J. Trump’s cause, O Lord, with those who strive with him; Fight against those who fight against him. Take hold of shield and buckler and stand up for his help. Also, draw out the spear, And stop those who pursue him…” in the mighty name of Jesus I pray.

Amarylis Serrano (Amy)
February 21, 2024

I pray almost daily for President Trump and his family. Is unthinkable, unreal that this is happening in this country! I pray for justice! I pray for wisdom, strength and a forgiven heart as he waits on God. God is up to something! The country is in such a mess and” we the church”, need to wake up and take our stand in faith and boldness to make sure that in this country there is justice for all!!!

February 21, 2024

I thank You, Lord, that you are revealing the names of the destroyers of this nation! I ask that one by one, You continue to reveal them and shine bright light on their destructive deeds and intentions! Root out the corruption that is causing us to be a nation of weak defenseless fools. Deliver us in Jesus’ Name! AMEN

February 21, 2024

Praise You Lord for revealing to us the penalties You are going to turn back upon all who hate America and are trying to destroy our nation.
Regarding the absurd $455M “imposed” upon Trump. Isaiah 45:5 “I am Yahweh, the only God there is, and you’ll never find another. I will strengthen [Trump] for victory, even though [he] does not intimately know who I AM.”
In the name of Jesus, our Redeemer-King, decree every financial missile of this kind launched against Trump shall be turned back on his (America’s) enemies (the senders&imposers) and as a result benefit the rebuilding of our Republic. Hallelujah!

February 21, 2024

Heavenly Father, America needs You! Please provide a way where there seems to be no way for justice to prevail and righteous leaders rise up and speak up regarding the many injustices that are happening right now in our court systems. Please provide Donald Trump with justice in this case even though we can’t see how this could happen given the unfair treatment of President Trump, because of hard hearts with political motivations. Father, ultimately, may You be glorified in this situation. Father may Your kingdom come and may Your will be done on earth in America as it is in heaven!

February 21, 2024

This country needs to move away from chaos. The only way to do so is to elect a president who can move the courts toward neutral. Nikki Haley is the only one who can do this. Donald Trump wants to use the justice system to go after his enemies which means that when there is a reaction against him (assuming for a minute that he has a chance of winning), the next president will be Democratic and will either use our justice system against us or get credit of being the party to return us to normal.

    February 22, 2024

    The first error you make is saying our country needs to “move the courts toward neutral.” This statement leaves out RIGHT and WRONG, GOOD and EVIL. This is false thinking and I pray you stop promoting it. There is no neutral ruling in a justice system.
    What planet are you from? It is thinking like yours that is destroying our country.
    Maybe we should give out lollipops at each court hearing! We do not live in “La-La” land. There is right and wrong in decisions and actions. I am sorry you think courts should be neutral. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard.

February 21, 2024

Granted he did lie about his asset and probably got loans on better terms and saved money, but the amount he is to pay is inappropriate. We need a president who is not directly involved to work to remove politics being involved in the justice system. Nikki Haley has promised to do so.

    Edward Brzyski
    February 22, 2024

    Do you think Donald Trump lied about what his properties are worth? Do you think you can lie about what your house is worth and get a home equity loan or get a new loan from the bank? Banks have their appraisers and will determine what your house or property is worth and they will not loan the full value of what they determine your house is worth. Unfortunately there are many welll meaning but naïve Christian’s who do t know what they are talking about.

Allena Jordan
February 21, 2024

Pride comes before a fall. It seemed that there was a prideful look in the eyes of NY’s AG. Father, please right wrongs in this matter. Protect the innocent. Uphold our laws. Bring justice and righteousness. Amen.

    February 21, 2024

    Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud. Prov. 16:18-19

Rossanne Lopez
February 21, 2024

Jehovah Elohim, I cry out to you today for Justice for President Trump. He is trying to do good for our country. Please save him from all injustice in the courts and everything else and show the world that prayers work prayers to you our Elohim Yashua, Jesus thank you ahead of time for what your going todo


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