I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, thank You for the great resources that are given to the citizens of the U.S. by the Family Research Council in Washington DC.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In the history of bad bills, there are a lot of doozies. Just in the last handful of months, we’ve had a Democratic grab bag of everything from abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Green New Deal. But nothing — not even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) crusade against airplanes and cows — compares to the one measure that out-radicals them all: the Equality Act. And the worst mistake any of us can make is not taking the threat seriously.Maybe, like a lot of Americans, you think the Democrats’ H.R. 5 is just about sex and gender. Well, think again. This isn’t just the most extreme LGBT bill ever written. This is one-stop-shopping for the worst the far-Left agenda has to offer — including, we’ve discovered, the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded abortion this country has ever seen. That’s right. The Equality Act doesn’t just torch religious freedom and the First Amendment, it guts every pro-life protection ever passed into law.On the Hill, the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus is just one of the groups frantically trying to warn members. Now that the text of the bill has been released, staffers have had time to comb the language for landmines. And based on what our team has seen, there’s a field of them. Believe it or not, Democrats didn’t just expand the meaning of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” — they’ve also defined it to mean “pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition.” In other words, under the terms of this proposal, “pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition… shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions.”

Under this big new umbrella of “discrimination,” any American who doesn’t want to fund, offer, perform, or participate in abortion-on-demand will have no real choice. They can conform — or they can be punished. If you thought the Obamacare mandate was bad, the Equality Act will look like a Sunday picnic by comparison. Taxpayers will be openly funding the culture of death all across America. Every wall that’s been built between abortion and the government would come crashing down, including the Hyde amendment, the pro-conscience Weldon amendment, and several international barriers that keep our country from exporting abortion.

And, since the Left has made sure to strip out any religious liberty protections under the Equality Act, faith-based hospitals and medical staff could find themselves completely defenseless against a sex discrimination claim for refusing to perform or offer abortions — which liberals will argue gives “a related medical condition” to pregnancy “less favorable treatment than other physical conditions.” State laws could be just as vulnerable in court, where activist judges are all too eager to expand abortion.

Make no mistake: H.R. 5 isn’t just a threat to freedom, business, privacy, education, sports, and faith. This is a threat to innocent human life. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines on this bill, time is running out! Get off the fence and take a stand now — before it’s too late. Contact your representatives and urge them to vote NO on the Equality Act!

(By Tony Perkins, Family Research Council.)


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Martha Kephart
May 18, 2019

We cannot allow our babies and children to be murdered by abortion. We must stand firm in our love for each other and follow Jesus’s teaching. Fight for all people to live free but not go into socialism way of life. Love USA and continue to follow Constitution.

May 16, 2019

Nancy P. Is Jezabel her demons are for murder, she is possessed. Her anti christian spirit is hateful.Look at her face. She goes into a frenzy with what she wants to do.Psalm 91. God will protect us.Holy Spirit take this woman out. Render her in effective, not able to talk

margaret elinor petersen
May 15, 2019

Father, I know you are all about family,and this agenda seeks to destroy not only the family unit as you created and ordained it but tomarrow’s leader, our beloved children.I bind these attempts to pervert and abuse their young minds and i ask that you would deal with those that push this agenda that opposes your will for US.bring the fear of god to these legislators and leaders trying to groom our kids for abuse later on,and tie your people’s hands as they try to do what is right.

CM brown
May 14, 2019

Dear God,
Please forgive our land for not putting you first. There is a remnant of people left in the U.S. that still believe in your Word – that homosexuality is wrong, that marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN, that abortion is wrong, and that only You can turn this nation back around. Please, please heavenly Father, do not let the Equality Act (HR 5 bill) be approved. We beg you, please God! Have mercy on the US. We love and praise You. You are the ONE true living God!

Janet Broling
May 14, 2019

Lord Jesus, will You please give Your body, the church universal, Your mind so that we may be “wise as the serpent and harmless as a dove” and enable the defeat of this H R 5 Bill (equality act?) in its entirety. May no shred of it remain anywhere to be enacted at a later date! In Your Name and only by Your power we plead. Amen

Rolanda Shrader
May 14, 2019

Lord God open the eyes of the blind so that you will be glorified on earth as it is in heaven.

Pattie Searcy
May 14, 2019


    Rolanda Shrader
    May 14, 2019

    AMEN! We the body of Christ are in agreement your will be done Abba Father.

May 14, 2019

Lord please help! Lord you know the hearts and spirits of those who are creating these bills and the agenda of the Evil one. Forgive the sins of the church and take back the ground given to the enemy. Open the hearts, minds and eyes of Your children Lord. Bring repentance and revival to America so You can heal this land. Lord raise up prayer warriors, God fearing people to stand in the gap and seek Your justice. Lord protect our marriages, our children, our rights to worship, share the Gospel and speak truth. Open doors for Christians to hold places in government, schools, medical professions that will keep the light of Christ visible to all. May Your will, purpose and restoration be done here in America and throughout the World. In Jesus precious and Holy name. Amen

    JMT Moore
    May 14, 2019

    Amen! Amen! Open our eyes and hearts God to repentance!

May 9, 2019

Nancy Pelosi isnā€™t happy with destroying CA, she wants to destroy the entire United States of America with her debauchery! She, and many others in high places of our government have been given over to a reprobate mind, and are nothing but tools of the enemy of our soul, satan.
Heavenly Father, we join together as Your body of Christ to come against this enemy of our soul, in Jesus name! We call on You, Lord of Heavens Armies, to bring down this debased and immoral bill H.R. 5, the ā€œequality actā€! This billā€™s equality is equal only to hell and damnation… open the eyes of the citizens of this nation, founded on Your principles and laws, and expose the true author satan and the spirit of anti-Christ. Bring repentance to the remnant of Your church ABBA, and prepare our hearts to do spiritual battle and warfare against the principalities and powers of the unseen realm. For we do not wage war against human flesh and blood but these spiritual forces of pure evil~ AMEN

    margaret elinor petersen
    May 15, 2019

    amen! i have a problem contacting my reps since, they are among the worst in the nation,and are ultra liberal.they only care about illegals coming in whether or not they intend harm to this nation,not the people they are supposed to be accountable to.it would be easier to talk to the wall.Instead, i ask God to step in and prep their hearts to hear Him

May 9, 2019

We understand what LGBTQ and racial identity politics are aiming for: the destruction of religion, family, and the the constitutional traditions of individual rights, muted and diluted with laws and ordinances that cause fear, frustration, anger, division and dystopian doublethink…driven by marxist, moslem, anti-American political forces that attack fundamental American principals and serve our foreign enemies and Satan.
Heavenly Father, there has always been an ingathering of the spirit-led in America. Although we justly deserve your judgement against us, raise up your remnant, forgive us, revive us, hear our prayer and bring us home to you. In Jesus name, Amen.

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