We have a much greater death threat bearing down on America than Covid-19. History warns us that if this threat is left unchecked, it could take over our land and result in millions dead. But rather than preparing against it, many are inviting it and pushing for it. We are missing the bigger picture.
The number of infections from Covid-19 are religiously told to us via the nightly news. In grave tones, broadcasters warn of a “projected death toll.”
But why is no one talking about the historical death toll of hundreds of thousands to millions, if socialism/communism overruns America? How do I come up with these numbers? I know from studying what has taken place in the past.
Those who have lived through such government takeovers see what is coming. One grandmother warned her grandchildren here in America, “Socialism is knocking at the door. It is the threshold of communism. It’s like a storm you see coming while the sun is still out. You see the sky turning dark at a distance, at the same time you think it’s not going to come your way.”
We only need listen to a few moments of the Democrat National Convention to recognize socialism/communism isn’t just knocking. They are trying to bust America’s door down with it.
A 2019 poll revealed that seventy percent of millennials (ages 23-38) say that they are somewhat or extremely likely to vote for a socialist candidate. For those of us who know history, and the destructive truth behind its political ideology, we are perplexed. Yet consider how liberal professors and media pundits have framed it for years. Did you know the Communist Party USA website states they are, “People and planet before profits.” They make communism sound admirable–perfect for young idealists.
The problem is it is a complete lie—which history reveals. We also see historically how these ideologies have always targeted well-intentioned young people to wrap them in their web of deceit. Our young, bright Gen Z and Millennials believe they are working for equality, justice, and the environment. They don’t realize they are being used to steal our freedoms.
Communism has consistently produced dire results for the people dominated under it. Its history cannot be ignored or denied.
Consider the years of Communist leader Mao Zedong which resulted in famine, control, poverty, death, and destruction.
According to Business Insider, “The communization of China took place in the usual three stages: purge, plan, and scapegoat. First there was the purge to bring about communism. There were guerillas to kill and land to nationalize. The churches had to be destroyed. The counterrevolutionaries had to be put down.”
We already see the Left working fervently toward that end.
As they push us toward the pandemic of socialism/communism, we need to look at how many died as a result of those policies—because the issue that should concern us, as much, if not more, than Covid.
Under Mao:
Although some reports have said “hundreds of thousands” died under Mao’s communist regime, it is now estimated between 40 million to perhaps 100 million. The Great Leap Forward Famine, created by Mao’s progressive plan, was by far the largest famine in history. It was also man-made—and not because of war or disease, but by Mao’s communist government policies that were flawed. It is estimated between 1959 to 1961 alone, 20 million to 75 million Chinese died under Mao’s share and share alike policies. Another 1.5 million died as a result of his Cultural Revolution.
How does Mao’s record compare to those of Hitler or Stalin?
Under Hitler: it is estimated there were between 11 million and 12 million noncombatant deaths.
Under Stalin: History records an estimated 6 – 9 million deaths.
The numbers under Hitler and Stalin were attributed to deportation, starvation, and incarceration in concentration camps of those who disagreed with their policies.
Under Castro:
It has been estimated that under Castro’s regime the death toll resulting from his policies ran between 35,000 to 141,000. However, the Cuba Archive datebase lowers that estimate to 10,723.
Consistently we see under communist rule, citizens who die by the droves due to the flawed policies or tyrannical rule of its leaders. It is a political ideology that has consistently killed its people ruling by fear.
Socialism/communism THRIVES on fear. It is what we now see in America:
- “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
- It’s unacceptable that our students go hungry and into debt for not having lunch money. Children’s futures depend on making school meals universal,” stated Rep. Ilhan Omar even as they continue to insist schools must be shut down. Where is the logic?
- Bernie Sanders fear-bates Americans with the liberal lies stating President Trump is “leading us down the path of authoritarianism.” He and other liberals insist that the president will “prevent people from voting,” is trying to shut down the U.S. postal service to stop the election, deployed the military and federal agents against peaceful protesters (that would be the rioters who are burning buildings and attacking citizens and police officers).
- Last, they have stated that Trump has suggested he will not leave office if he loses.
None of this is based on truth or facts, but as the liberal media minions universally spread it, many consume it, resulting in anger, fear, and unrest. Just what the communism promoters planned.
Naivety says, “Socialism/Communism has never worked because they didn’t know how to do it right. But we have that figured out now…” That is a statement of the deceived. It hasn’t been figured out, because it can’t work. It is based on control and dominance by the government, which bleeds the ability to profit and advance the people. When all things are to be kept “equal” no matter how hard you work, the hard workers stop working hard, work slows or stops, and so does production and wealth needed to sustain a country.
It. Doesn’t. Work.
When everyone is rewarded with “free” college, homes, food whether you work or not, the result is why work when you can sit at home and do nothing and have the same benefits?
Socialism/Communism is a knee on the neck of hope, prosperity, and freedom. It drains people, resources, and profits into the controlling hands of its leaders, resulting in citizens reduced to equal poverty for all.
In our nation and across the world we are consumed by fear over the Covid-19 pandemic and potential death toll. But, in fact, Covid-19 isn’t our biggest problem. The true killer infecting our nation is one that history proves could kill millions and there is no vaccine for that pandemic.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.destinybuilders.world. (Photo Credit: Flickr)
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Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly ask for your forgiveness of our many sins in our nation today. We are one nation under God. You are sovereign over all. We pray for Jesus to open the eyes of the blind and to expose the darkness with the light of the Holy Spirit. We pray that during this troubling time that you would help us to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with You. Amen
As Jeremy Camp’s song title ” Give me Jesus” and the Rapture. I’m ready for the Lord to end all this evil.
Well stated with plenty of historical facts. Sobering and thought provoking.
Since we are in the midst of the 2nd Chron. 7:13 plague and haven’t resorted to 2nd Chron. 7:14 then more lives might be at risk due to famine or worse. I too believe that millions of American lives are at risk until repentance comes and if we were actually close to the end times I would be face on the floor praying for the lost but since I hear few voices saying we are close I believe political issues that align with Christian values should at this time be The focus of prayer time.
We are praying for President Trump, his family and trusted advisors. We are praying against the powers and principalities of darkness in the spiritual realm in opposition to God’s purpose for Trumps Presidency. We echo agreement with all the scripture referenced in the preceding posts and are humbled by the hearts of those posting Godly support For our President and our Country.
Jesus / Yeshua’s words:
Matthew 18: 3. And said, Verily I saw unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
We are to humble ourselves and come to him as little children. Children are innocent, trusting and dependent on parents or those in authority over them. They believe what they are taught and are obedient. When they are not we teach them and discipline them to draw them back into obedience for their benefit. Our Heavenly Father is no different with us. Those he loves he chastens for our good. He writes his word on our hearts that we would not sin against him. He loves us and leads us to spiritual maturity as we are obedient to his word.
Psalms 139: (In it’s
entirety) 13. For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. 14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. 15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
President Trump is under increasing spiritual attack in large part for his stand against abortion. The safest place a child should ever be is in it’s mother’s womb. So many are deceived into believing the lie that it is, “Our Right To Choose.” Death and Life are inevitable parts of every life. It is not ours to wield even when the life in question is in the womb. We are commanded not to kill. Every life has purpose and is precious…every life matters.
We who belong to the Father are reconciled through the blood of Jesus / Yeshua and are heirs with him. We are the branches, Jesus / Yeshua is the vine and the Father is the husbandman. We are kindom family regardless of our personal human expression of ethnicity. Our Father created us in his image. Regardless of our outward appearance we are spiritual siblings. We are to love one another enough to speak truth in love and mercy forgiving one another as we are forgiven. We are to know one another by our fruit.
Praying that the scales would fall from the eyes of those seeking abortions and those who work in the industry. Soften the hearts of those who don’t see life in the womb as a precious gift. Forgive those who have made this choice because they were deceived and now have come to understanding. Let the one without sin cast the first stone. Pray for the innocent lives of the unborn and children of all ages in the hands of those who would hurt and destroy them.
May God be merciful unto us and…
Pray for President Trump!
The above reply was written by me but was somehow posted to this section rather than the intended section of praying for our country and President Trump. My apologies.
As I was reading this message, the LORD gave me this scripture in the book of Joshua.
Joshua 10: 1-24. Verse 24 says,”When they brought these kings out to Joshua, Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said to the chiefs of the men of war who had gone with him. “Come near, put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came near and put their feet on their necks.” Family of God, it is time to put our feet on the necks of Communism, Socialism, Anti-semitisim and anything else the Holy Spirit tells us to with much prayer and fasting. We the (church) need to get out of our 4 walls and start, prayer walks, fasting, claiming our neighborhoods, cities and nation for Christ. Yes, I am aware there is a remnant already praying, I can tell by the reports I read below. I love you, family members of Christ. You are my brothers and sisters and I will stand in the gap for you always!
Fear is used to manipulate.
By any side you consider, it is used to amass troops of followers and supporters.
But the Bible tells us what not to fear and what to fear. God’s Word says we are to fear the LORD GOD and serve Him only. Whatever other “side” you take, regardless of which it is on a matter, on an issue, on a team or with a political position or party to Fear the LORD is the fear we may and should operate under. IT is the only fear that empowers wisely. Every other kind of fear as the great potential of intimidating and misdirecting us from humility, courage, peace and righteous hearts.
Reading this article on IFA I am compelled now to spend some time with Joshua 5:13 & 14 in order to redirect the fears it stirs up and in order to remember what I need to know now and in the days ahead.
Karen, this article you wrote should be sent to the major Opinion Page newspapers around the country. It is the best explanation of the plan to destroy America that I have read and it’s simple language that even children can understand. Thank you anointed woman of God!!!
Thank you for that encouragement!
There is a new book out called Socialism by William Federer. I just watched him being interviewed by Pat Robertson. He details much of what’s been happening in our country. I believe it’s worth reading. It can be ordered on American Minute.com right now.
I saw him, too! He is an amazing man, so well versed in the causes and history of socialism.
A must-buy book for all of us who need to gain a deeper understanding of the threat of socialism and to strongly oppose it.
Thank you Karen, for your time and passion in writing this article. May God Bless you and set a hedge of protection round about you and your loved ones, may He continue to give you courage and wisdom as you search for Truth to give to others like this.
Father, we have been so slothful and rebellious in our own ways, stiff necked and guilty of idol worshiping. Forgive us as your word says in Proverbs 3:11-12, even though we don’t deserve any of your mercy.
Watchmen on the walls, and intercessors we hear the trumpets and see the distant black clouds…let us run with perseverance, fully dressed in Armor of God for the battle will be swift and ugly but Victory is GODs.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!!!
I am on the verge of closing out my eight decade of living in this nation and have said to myself and others, “I find it impossible to believe that we are on the verge of loosing the freedom that millions have paid for with their lives.” It is my opinion that there are at least two issues that are within the grasp of the citizens of this nation that we must lay our hands upon now-TODAY-for this nation to continue in the future; Prayer and making sure we go to the voting booth in November by the millions. I want to say a word to Evangelical Christians that are not yet registered to vote and to another segment that are registered but do not vote-WAKE UP; if you do not you will wake up one day and you will find that your right to vote will be taken away from you; then it will be too late for you to learn the lesson that history desires to teach you!
Well said!
Not only that:
In the words of Deitrich Bonhoffer, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil!
To fail to vote is to vote.
Our Father in Heaven,
May the Fear of GOD be our portion:
I ask You, LORD, to awaken us to our GOD-given responsibilities and to pray for Your wisdom and understanding and then vote for those whom YOU have chosen to lead this country.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Much info. Are we paying attention! Have ears to hear truth. Pray as never before. If we don t learn from history it repeats it self. What will it take for God to get our attention NOW!
Father God, You are the God Almighty and you have all power to thrust the enemy out of this nation. I pray in the name of Jesus that the banner of your love, mercy, and grace would be spread over this nation and I pray that your children would rise up and bless you and praise you during this time of chaos and confusion. I pray and claim Deuteronomy 33:27
The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are His everlasting arms. He will drive out the enemy before us, saying, ‘Destroy them!’ We must have faith in God when our pathway is lonely! Thank you Lord in advance for hearing and answering the cries of your children. I pray for President Trump and Vice President Pence this morning as they begin a new day. I ask that You would strengthen them, protect them, encourage them, and grant them wisdom. Bless and protect all their families! In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
The reason why this monster is at our door is because Americans have it too easy for so long. Where were the Christians when they removed prayer from our schools? Where were decent honest people, including Christians, when the Liberals ushered in abortion? There have been many other things that have been shoved down our throats like the acceptance of homosexuality, etc. We give up our rights to maintain our “Peace & Affluence”. When we loose all our rights, this will be a sad day for America. People like Bernie Sanders and AOC are dangerous fruitcakes waiting to have their turn to call the shots. YOU BETTER WAKEUP AMERICA THE MONSTER IS AT THE GATE AND WILL SOON BE IN THE HOUSE!
TODAY I volunteer to lead a first Friday IFA Prayer focus through the end of 2020..
I did so for years when my friend Gary Bergel lead IFA
I commit to joining IFA live conference PRAYER CALLS ( please give my the schedule )
God bless you all with Safety Wellness + Health amen Jesus
2 Chronicles 7:14 … amen
Colin ( I live in CA)
Colin Campbell
[email protected]
434 466-4055 cell.text.WhatsApp
1. Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
2. At the sign of triumph
Satan’s host doth flee;
On, then, Christian soldiers,
On to victory.
Hell’s foundations quiver
At the shout of praise;
Brothers, lift your voices,
Loud your anthems raise.
3. Like a mighty army
Moves the Church of God;
Brothers, we are treading
Where the Saints have trod.
We are not divided;
All one body we:
One in hope and doctrine,
One in charity.
4. Onward, then, ye people;
Join our happy throng.
Blend with ours your voices
In the triumph song:
Glory, laud, and honor
Unto Christ, the King.
This through countless ages
Men and angels sing.
I was raised with this song. We don’t hear much any more. The all-knowing church thought it too controversial to teach children. I think it needs to be brought back for such a time as this. The fight we have is VERY REAL! Blessings of Shalom.
What a great anthem and very fitting for today. Thank you for posting.
Thank you to Loretta Paradise for reminding me of the song Onward Christian Soldiers, also a song that I raised on. I couldn’t agree with you more, we Christians must return to songs that remind and encourage us to “stand up” for Christ, the cross and Christian values and principles. Onward Christian Soldiers was written for a reason that is ever so applicable for “times such as these” when God, Christians, the Bible and the sanctity of life is under such vicious attacks from satan, his demons and the “Demon”crates. Christians and America are under the vicious demonic assault described in Ephesians 6: 12. Onward Christian Soldiers was purposely written to counter the demonic assaults America is experiencing.
My closing thought centers around another song I was raised on and it too has been shoved into a corner somewhere. It to needs to be resurrected and sung along with Onward Christian Soldiers. Here are the lyrics of this “call to action” song.
Rise up O men of God,
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and soul and mind and strength,
To serve the King of Kings,
To serve the King of Kings.
Rise up O men of God,
His Kingdom tarries long,
Bring in the day of brotherhood,
And end the night of wrong,
And end the night of wrong.
Rise up O men of God,
The Church for you doth wait.
Send forth to serve the needs of men
In Christ our strength is great,
In Christ our strength is great.
Lift high the Cross of Christ,
Tread where His feet have trod,
As brothers of the Son of Man,
Rise up O men of God,
Rise up O men of God.
Rise up O men of God,
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and soul and mind and strength,
To serve the King of Kings,
To serve the King of Kings. Amen!!
Oh Bill, thank you. As I repeated this song my arms were raised in honor and respect for our Most High God. This song raised lost hope in my soul. I used to teach on the reverential fear and love of the LORD. It’s not about us, ALL is about Him and what He wants for our lives and the life of this nation. Thank you for this song. I will print it, although I think it may be in one of the songbooks I have. Blessings of Shalom
Amen and thank you!! You know I truly believe the churches are making a terrible mistake by continuing with all these “contemporary worship” songs. Christians and churches must return to “their roots” and begin resurrecting the “battle cry” songs like the 2 we discussed. Also it would be great to hear “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” once again!! There is NO doubt in my mind that these 3 hymns and other traditional hymns were written “for times such as these”!! And they certainly have the ability and the encouragement for Christians and America to effectively battle against Ephesians 6: 12!! Amen and Amen!!
Thank you and Amen. I completely concur. And I so appreciate your saying what you have said. Maybe we started in the same church. LOL.
Never was this hymn needed in our country more than now.